
Worst medical experiences from doctors/surgeons/nurses (r/AskReddit - Reddit Scary Stories)

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Comment from : @ReddiTV

Waitthe EMT lost a hand? Literally lost his hand??
Comment from : @lindseysloan8735

1:46 I think that's illegal
Comment from : @Jonas_Albert

14:52 ayo wtf💀
Comment from : @milk-yb9sx

I thought it was a Veterans nurse I was trying to picture it but so glad when found out Veterinarian nurse
Comment from : @kathyinwonderlandla8934

Thanks for this videobrI really like the medical field,so most of my time I try to find out what medicine looks like in the past I was surprised when I found that doctors wore black clothes 🏃brIf you are interested you can check it herebr youtube/MNlYjC4hmN0
Comment from : @jumajustin5846

The way that mr Hipaa's story was told was so glorious XDD
Comment from : @dovahdog0

I was a tech on a busy, hectic, crazy, massively understaffed med surg / renal floor brThe story of them cleaning up the bari pt makes me wanna share my stories brI was there 4 years until I got laid off due to covid brbrNot many can say they have been elbow deep in a man's balls , helping my nurse do a wet to dry on a guy with Fourniers gangrene It never bothered me I love helping with wound care I've only ever dry heaved once But i won't share my account unless you wanna be seriously grossed out
Comment from : @amberfashing1136

Wow that story of the horrific monster aunt I love him and pray for him to be healed and happy I hope and pray for her to be in prison and see the light of day again
Comment from : @kathydavenport4422


Comment from : @arstotzkanplaguedoctor

Diarrhea blood fountain doctor sounds like the biggest douchebag asshole I hope I never run into him if I need a doctor
Comment from : @jmile001

I just watched this while eating rice with chicken and by the end I realized I should probably feel sick now but I don't I'm waiting now Waiting for a normal reaction but nah Nothing Great Am I just dead inside? Probably
Comment from : @wkdjenfjfjntntrneiwuxushdbb

I call BS on the exploding cadaver Corpses definitely bloat and burst, but they don't detonate It's a dead body, not a hand grenade
Comment from : @brandym1049

How biT/F(!)/i/b is it legal to slowly starve patients to death? They call it a "Forced DNR," I call it a politically correct term for murder There are bno/b adequate words to describe how appalling that is I may not know the entire Hippocratic Oath, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess torturing patients to death is somewhat frowned upon brbrWTAF ( ͡❛ ︹ ͡❛)
Comment from : @brandym1049

the scariest ones were the diarrhea ones
Comment from : @ShadowIscat

Mr Hippa is the matrix Please choose the Red/Blue pill Voice behind you Mr Anderson!
Comment from : @arkanixarcmage6225

Starving that old lady is atrocious
Comment from : @marie-annetsoukalas5199

The diarrhea blood fountain story, I laughed so hard I cried I know it was a serious situation, but how he described the scene lol reminded me of my years working at a hospital
Comment from : @mandim1772

Can we tip nurses?
Comment from : @chistinelane

Not a doctor/nurse but when I was hospitalised I spent a while on ICU (intensive care unit) because I had multiple organ failure and had strokes/seizures and during one weekend I heard the monitors frantically beeping when nine different other patients flatlined Every one of them diedbrI was high on meds and dying too and I just kept waiting to see if I would be next brThat weekend has stuck with me over the years since and I feel really bad for all the people that died, their families and friends and all the doctors/nurses that were on duty and tending to them that weekend
Comment from : @ladymay3952

Totally agree with the euthanasia one, lost count of the number of patients who've begged me to put them out of their misery
Comment from : @karenlloyd1705

A friend's nephew was having his appendix out While the family was keeping him company before surgery his brother picks up his chart to take a look Thankfully the brother found the nephews' hospital roommate's chart had been accidentally swapped His roomie was having his leg amputated
Comment from : @peachesnmulder

That woman who said "She is going to die" in front of that poor 90 year old lady who cried angered me She was the one who should have quit, not the kindhearted lady who held the hurt patient's hand
Comment from : @karyannfontaine8757

That Mr Hipaa story made me want to somehow reach through the screen and strangle every one of those dipshits who refused to listen to OP, they should have been the ones getting reprimanded, at the very least
Comment from : @undeadladybug7723

Wtf is up with this "dipping" shit How is that a go to abusive punishment Those people need it done to them😞😠
Comment from : @Froshow

Euthanasia seems like it should be standard, we wouldn't let animals suffer like that why do we as a society, allow our fellow humans suffer so deeply And I hope it wouldn't be wrong
Comment from : @lizboubard9781

So a human that lived a long life who possibly was a productive member a society , gets rewarded by being starved to death with forced DNR in a mental hospital, absolutely ridiculous
Comment from : @TruthRealm

What is the outro music?
Comment from : @delightk

and people wonder why we drink!!!!
Comment from : @michaelshelley1289

Decomposing body is the worst smell It has something that differentiates it from other smells
Comment from : @the7thwreck

I now have the image of a man in a suit and tie, ballet skipping gracefully through the air, while a poor nurse takes a blast of shit to the face on front of him
Comment from : @WebHead18

As a 40 year practicing RN, the most morally depressing situation is watching someone slowly rot and die It just seems so cruel and mean
Comment from : @deeprollingriver5820

Forced DNR? wtfffff
Comment from : @msmelaninaire8542

I'm calling bullshit on the new EMT losing a hand in a dead body gas explosion, no way I'm telling you! there wasn't even a spark involved I know explosions and there's just no way man This is Katie's DAD by the way
Comment from : @katiestevens1397

OMG the 90 year old How inhumane
Comment from : @krystalchavez7334

Honestly I think assisted death/euthanasia should be legal If someone is so severely ill that they are constantly suffering with no hope for recovery, the kindest thing to do would be to give them an easy death Obviously it's something that should have many MANY precautions in place to try and ensure it won't be abused, but it should definitely be a legal option available to those with terminal illnesses
Comment from : @laffyraffy407

Lord Have Mercy
Comment from : @ceewood3358

Smacked you in the head 😂brWhat a bitch
Comment from : @TheOldBlackShuckyDog

RN here, the grossed thing I've seen is a lovely lady vomiting brown liquid stool One of the few times I almost threw up myself She was saying how awful it tasted, I don't think she realized exactly what she was throwing up I didn't tell because I didnt want to make her panic Vomit and stool each smell bad enough individually but the combination of vomiting stool is another story! Btw she had a small bowel obstruction so everything above the blockage, including some liquid stool, was coming back up I felt so bad for her!
Comment from : @ngo7156

Ah what I've got to look forward to as a vet nurse
Comment from : @doylethechocolatelab

These aren’t scary, just gross
Comment from : @susansusan6612

By 13:35 my laughter was uncontrollable
Comment from : @kimjong-un1900

I work as a vet tech and we should be allowed to humanly euthanized humans when it becomes tooo painful to live or you are dying anyway It’s way too hard to watch a loved one die painfully
Comment from : @meecheefromhell9527

Some of these people should stop being doctors and instead become authors The Blood Diarrhea Fountain Man for example
Comment from : @eviehowlett2535

That poor woman with cancer! My wife has cancer and we regularly give thanks because we live in the UK and have the national health service We know we're lucky We went to the Caribbean nearly a year ago and we were in the sea and got chatting to an American lady, her and her friends had befriended a woman living on one of the islands nearby (I forget which one) she had a brain tumour and they paid her medical Bill's which were very expensive My wife would be dead had it not been for the NHS
Comment from : @jetodessa5484

A story from my mentor (nurse) A student nurse was taking a 500 pound patient to the toliet and the patient collapsed on top of the student and ended up killing the student xx
Comment from : @helenlawley7886

why am i watching this while eating
Comment from : @Sabrinaaa36

The Fred Astaire of poop dodging almost killed me I just about choked to death on my coffee That was glorious story telling 😪😂😳
Comment from : @momentalmori7005

Rancid swamp lol
Comment from : @mrPauljacob

This is the biggest crock of shit Dead bodies do not explode hard enough to injure someone
Comment from : @appallokelley3207

I agree with that statement!br" sometimes were powerless and death is the best option!brI've seen some people suffer for no reason Now I know they say that it's not supposed to be your choice but what if you're not a religious person and that doesn't matter to you You just want to end your suffering!
Comment from : @gingerspain423

The way that doctor described mr Hippa's diarrhea fountain is hilarious
Comment from : @trekadouble757

The aunt would’ve caught ALL these hands 😡
Comment from : @TriniLush7

We're allowed to euthanize sick animals Sick ppl should get the same consideration imo
Comment from : @yourmom69179

And this is why I'm not in the medical field Also, I hate ppl
Comment from : @yourmom69179

I’m never becoming a doctor
Comment from : @Blackmagix411

The Mr Hipaa Doctor had me cracking up 😂 I’ve been in similar situations and he’d be fun to work with Sometimes you have to laugh or you’ll cry lol
Comment from : @christinawhitehead4034

"I danced, I juked, I spun like no one had spun before" brI know that was a seriously story as well as the rest of them but I couldn't help but laugh at that part
Comment from : @cmj1814

I now completely understand why Nurses are some of the meanest, unhappy people I've come in contact with brTotally Justified
Comment from : @adilouie

Oh fing st I think I should not study medicine
Comment from : @JoniWalker42

How can a body hold enough pressure to explode with enough force to take off a persons hand, wouldn’t flesh rip open before it could hold that many PSI
Comment from : @mongojoe21

So you remember that episode if family guy when peter, brian, stewie, and chris were puking in the living room? That was that pup story
Comment from : @Saiyagirl980

The bloody crap story was the best story telling I’ve ever heard
Comment from : @lizzburgess9694

Comment from : @artsandlaughs5368

Okay, the 5-600 pound one, I don't care enough to go back and check the number on that one Someone wasn't doing their rounds That nastiness is on the CNAs I've been doing this a long damn time, and never had a butt-splosion that got over and into everything, not even with a resident who'd lost most of her intestinal tract and ate like she was starving That much ONLY accumulates if they're not being taken care of on rounds, and in no uncertain terms should there ever be enough to get to the other side of wound packing The staff responsible for caring and tending to her should have all been fired
Comment from : @CuriousBlackKitten

Unfortunately I used to get bodily fluids all over and in my mouthI’ve swished alcohol gel several times 🤢
Comment from : @asiadread4902

Comment from : @whatsanenigma

My mum used to play darts with a state champion She had to be put in a dementor ward and when anyone opened the door she would lob three turds shed saved and rolled into balls Every new staff member was sent into Brideys room to check up on her and would exit with three turds on them True story 🇦🇺😂👍
Comment from : @johnsweeney6072

Ay TEXAS wya! Whataburger ref! Love that!
Comment from : @TheWitchHazel2001

I haven't even done anything remotely disgusting today and this still make me want to wash my hands repeatedly
Comment from : @willphully

Oh god I am NEVER becoming a doctor NEVER
Comment from : @Blackmagix411

Yum,yum Pudding! 😄 ( these are so horrible!)
Comment from : @lukebaer6258

Gotta say and always have nurses/CNA's/doctors have one of the shittiest most proud careers and one of the toughest both physically and emotionally I honeslty dont know how you all do it Its insanity and alot of the time you do not ger paid enough Yes people i know they make a lot of money but you start dealing with cranky people 12 hours a day constantly on your feet except the few moments of peace you might be able to get if your lucky All this while dealing with poo, puss, blood, smells and just everything horrible Seriously hats off to you guys
Comment from : @michelleparker270

wait they just killed that old lady? what? and no one felt any remorse?
Comment from : @mary6704

I call bullshit on the lost hand
Comment from : @andreag3532

Why are nurses so short?
Comment from : @lisaj9799

I swear these things used to gross me out but now like they just make me wanna go to med school even more
Comment from : @Triggered876

The lady with the poop is probably the same one the other guy had to see to that had a pus filled sac a mile up her ass😂😂
Comment from : @nicolebraun542

They they starved a woman? But but why??? I’m sure she would’ve been fine!! I wouldn’t have been able too I would’ve fed her, something I wouldn’t be able to watch that I couldn’t She’s a person She’s a fucking PERSON I can’t
Comment from : @NitrogenStars

I'm glad I wasn't eating while listening to some of these
Comment from : @wildshadowstar

I knew about the body gasses building up, but I had no idea that it could burst with enough force to blow off a hand!
Comment from : @decker8202

Lol, Mr Hipaa
Comment from : @Polarisld33

I had to spend a lot of time in the ICU for a family thing that happened Family is okay now, but man I saw a lot spending every day in the ICU for a couple of months Someone in a bed next to my family's was being taken off life support, they couldn't get her to come out of her coma, it had been months of trying to bring her out of it When they turned everything off the lady had streams of tears go down her face as she passed on She knew, even in her unrelenting coma It hurt me so much
Comment from : @Shandab3ar

Mama dog throws up on newborn pups, vet throws up on Mama dog yikes
Comment from : @orcaskies1365

Oh goodness So messed up events Yet I can still eat my lunch Turkey home made pie😓
Comment from : @AllenTax

The kid with rheumatic heart failure could have definitely been put on ECMO/Cardiopulmonary Bypass machine for a while until a new heart could be found Rheumatic diseases are already treated with immune suppressants, so it would be fine
Comment from : @totallynotdelinquent5933

Ouch on that last one My family is fairly homeopathic and would rather not go to a doctor if not serious, but that does not apply to the situation that kid was in Awful
Comment from : @byff6209

Weird story from the vet nurse, a noob for sure I've seen much worse on an ordinary Tuesday
Comment from : @marianaamoedo5942

That 90 year old one made me tear up 😢
Comment from : @abbyrose1293

Oh Great vet and vet tech Let mom eat dead decomposing babies You both make me sick Glad you'all dont take care of my dogs Ignorant and uneducated
Comment from : @coonhoundqueen9216

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