
Pain Management in Distance Running | Sage Running Mental and Physical Training

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Название :  Pain Management in Distance Running | Sage Running Mental and Physical Training
Продолжительность :   16.56
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Просмотров :   125 rb

Кадры Pain Management in Distance Running | Sage Running Mental and Physical Training

Описание Pain Management in Distance Running | Sage Running Mental and Physical Training

Коментарии Pain Management in Distance Running | Sage Running Mental and Physical Training

I’m running cross country right now and all I know is that pain makes character, it’s because of the pain you get stronger mentally and physically If you stop during a race it takes more energy and pain to start up again if you just keep it moving
Comment from : MythicalDoughnut

Ryan Johnston
Is it healthy to keep running while the body wants you to stop?
Comment from : Ryan Johnston

Scott Williams
Wow, I’m really glad I came across this video! I’ve started a 5k program and wondered about slowing down during the intervals, wondering if I should try mentally pushing them even when I’m out of breath or my HR is going crazy Thank you for sharing!
Comment from : Scott Williams

Wayne Farrell Voiceovers
Learning that it was always going to hurt and that I would just be able to do it for longer was the light-bulb moment for me The day when running became a bit more mental than physical allowed me to see (and feel!) it all in a different way
Comment from : Wayne Farrell Voiceovers

King Ades
11:08 Helped to hear
Comment from : King Ades

Taylor Layton
1:40 "suffering in agony for hours on end" lol not sure i should watch this the week running up to my first 100k, but what the hell
Comment from : Taylor Layton

What's the name of the workout song
Comment from : RANDOM GUY

khushboo Rani
I am runnersomeday i have option of crawl rather than walk after training
Comment from : khushboo Rani

Ben Noke
Thanks a lot Sage That's really helpful and inspiring
Comment from : Ben Noke

Hasif Hilmi
Back when I was suicidal and had depression i used to run myself to pain, felt so good, felt so much pleasure afterwards
Comment from : Hasif Hilmi

Yeah Getting stronger doesn't mean less pain, only that you run faster while experiencing the same thingbrbrAnd very much agree that shorter distances aren't easier or harder than longer Just different After years of running half marathons/marathons/ultras types of distances, and never really doing much intensity in training, I went back to the track to do some 800m Hadn't done that in like 10 years I knew it would be hard - but somehow, part of me was like "yeah but it's going to be like 150 seconds or something at least it won't be a 24 hours slug"brbrThat felt HARD I swear time dilated during to 2 minutes and a bit
Comment from : logicOnAbstractions

Nate Bogdansky
Awesome video
Comment from : Nate Bogdansky

Your legs can cope with the pain Your lungs won't burst either It's all about playing games with your mind
Comment from : rafaelSM

Whats the song in the beginning?
Comment from : rjac001

should i be feeling some kind of pain during an easy run
Comment from : vnj

Best running tips channel I can find on Youtube
Comment from : FLyOp

patrick cook
How to run through a side stitch? I have been suffering with those I feel comfortable with my pace, i'm breathing, my Heart rate is fairly low and BOOOM it hits and ruins my run I can run through leg cramps and fatigue but side stitch no
Comment from : patrick cook

Daniel Cortes
What song is used for the intro?
Comment from : Daniel Cortes

Rick Martin
10:07 best advice for the common runner non-elite Run for the challenge and against yourself - don't worry what other people are doing Pat yourself on the back for the training and your accomplishment whatever your pace, distance, etc
Comment from : Rick Martin

Rick Martin
Runners need to know their limitations and when to stop pushing it Especially runners over 35 yrs of age…
Comment from : Rick Martin

Jose Tabora
Well said, our pain is a choice, and a privilege We should be grateful!
Comment from : Jose Tabora

your a gun sage always watching and taking valuable advice from your videos keep up you good work
Comment from : Blockchainmetrix

Great video Thank you Sage :)
Comment from : Aslan

So much of pain management can be mentality, one part is saying keep going but on the other side your head is asking you to stop You focus on the side that’s telling you to go Keep saying to your self “I can make it, I can do this, Pain is temporary” also think about the finish, go into deep thought The more you go off focus from the pain the faster the race will go by
Comment from : Nightbot

Barely passed chem eng @ Cornell?? Lol
Comment from : IJoAnZI

Steven Lafler
Great piece & rundown on managing pain during workouts & races Instead of disassociating from the pain, I invite the pain in and feel it, get to know it well Most of the time it works well, especially if I can work with a negative split race or hard run
Comment from : Steven Lafler

Adventures Midwest
That was a great opening man!!!!
Comment from : Adventures Midwest

Thomas Elder
It's actually glory that is forever Pride dies with you Glory lives on :P
Comment from : Thomas Elder

I love how Sage is such a weirdo Keep running w!eird
Comment from : Jak3

Victoria Films
can you just learn to get to the point/?
Comment from : Victoria Films

к ι ѕ є υтαк
How to get faster pace?brMy current pace: 7:00 - 7:03 per pile
Comment from : к ι ѕ є υтαк

Nathan Kimbro
Good topic Personally I find myself praying like crazy that I can just hold on to the pace and not stop and walk
Comment from : Nathan Kimbro

carlos diaz
The pain doesn’t change what does is how you handle the pain
Comment from : carlos diaz

Good training talk, I haven't heard this topic before Thanks
Comment from : ScubaSon

Sonicz Forever
I get the pain afterwards Up to 22k aiming for 30
Comment from : Sonicz Forever

K Sathish
Sage, Please coach us on as how you are training for Marathon day For example, While training for 50k training, How much do you run last 30 days ? I understand we increase slowly towards to 50k Will you hit 50k before one week before Marathon day and take rest couple of days off
Comment from : K Sathish

Elliot rodgers
Comment from : Mrs_Kyoote

Alex Sala
Thanks! This helped a bunch
Comment from : Alex Sala

i mean the top ten seconds i cringed twice (the sip) (the quote)
Comment from : RBDmichaelZ

Pill Box
Running really hurts everything
Comment from : Pill Box

Nathan Barnard
What a great advert for distance and middle distance running (great video)
Comment from : Nathan Barnard

just an excellent video
Comment from : janus

Frannie Murillo
good advice sir!
Comment from : Frannie Murillo

shivam shukla
Comment from : shivam shukla

Jennifer Withrow
I like the perspective it is a choice as part of celebrating the human physical spirit Nice video
Comment from : Jennifer Withrow

Raz Cohen
Minute 2:34 as Greg Lemond said about cycling "It never gets easier you only get faster"
Comment from : Raz Cohen

If you really want to do well, a great runner doesn't care, we'd rather go to the hospital, than be embarrassed by 'giving up', that's just goes with territory, so when racing or training, you're just so pumped up, that you're focused on the task at hand, not some little bit of searing painthat's what we live for, easy
Comment from : onefoot7

Tyson H
trying to prepare myself mentally by watching a bunch of youtube videosthanks this one was helpfull
Comment from : Tyson H

James Wireman
I like to tell myself that when it hurts alot it's because I have more energy and the pain is just the energy getting burned
Comment from : James Wireman

James Wireman
nice intro
Comment from : James Wireman

Josh Weinrobe
Great video, great message Sage I could not agree more with you about the importance of learning to manage varying degrees of pain, differentiating between fatigue versus injury related pain and embracing discomfort as a fundamental aspect of improving performance and achieving goals If you're not suffering at some point during quality sessions, you're not pushing hard enough! I also like what you say about self-induced training/racing pain (voluntary) versus much worse real-life pain and suffering (involuntary) Great job!
Comment from : Josh Weinrobe

Chris Langley
Sage, I am trying to destroy a PR in a fall marathon If my weekly base mileage prior to the "official" 16 week training period should be pretty high for me(70ish) Assuming that I hit that goal how do I approach weekly mileage at the start of the training period? I purchased your Boston Qualifying plan and the weekly mileage would drop for me if I follow it to a tee
Comment from : Chris Langley

Amazing topic Subscribed I personally improved my PBs after listening to the audiobook "The willpower instinct" by Kelly McGonigal After that book I am able to accept way more pain and for longer periods in races than ever before
Comment from : carlotapuig

Tim Bedford
Timmy Bedford here with another training talkHey You should do a training talk about how to balance being fit for high vert trail races (speedgoat, the rut, etc) AND for road races (10k, half marathons, etc) Like you had to do training for the OTQ while competing in ultras
Comment from : Tim Bedford

Craig M
Is beer the secret to good running? 😉😆
Comment from : Craig M

Jake and Hunter
Video on best ways to get over injuries but stay in shape would be awesome
Comment from : Jake and Hunter

Very good theme, thank you
Comment from : rdMillan

Pablo Castanon
Good advice Sage!thanks for the vids, I apply your concepts to cycling!
Comment from : Pablo Castanon

Mark C
Hey there great vid as always, I'm 40 this year I used to love running and I really want to get back into it, my diet is plant based, what advice can you give me on for example how often to train? Any tips would be great
Comment from : Mark C

John Lauer
Thanks Sage! Always great to hear the inspiration Keep em coming
Comment from : John Lauer

Sage Can-A-Day
Comment from : SmokeFreeSte

Dave Sabol
Brilliant Sage It's about balance, and you can't be racing everyday Thanks for sharing your thoughts
Comment from : Dave Sabol

Jack Spencer
Sage - do you listen to music while training? What about during races?
Comment from : Jack Spencer

MRN Bricks
During my ultras or even a marathon, a lot of my pain is in the groin area Those muscles seem to cramp up first Do you think this is a form issue? Or what would cause that to start hurting before my quads and calves?
Comment from : MRN Bricks

racing never gets any easier no truer words have been spoken
Comment from : Josh

Alexis Martone
This video is perfect timing for me I have a half next Saturday with the goal of a sub 1:35 (I don't think 1:30 is in the cards just yet) Accepting and embracing pain has been crucial in my training But I still need to learn how to hold back, I've had a handful of injuries the past few months due to my eagerness
Comment from : Alexis Martone

Todd Johnson
It never gets easy
Comment from : Todd Johnson

Todd Johnson
I run hard every day cos Im addicted to the pain
Comment from : Todd Johnson

Todd Johnson
Pain management sip (beer)
Comment from : Todd Johnson

Lion McLionhead
You should make a video of your running form at full speed, like mine
Comment from : Lion McLionhead

Emre Demir
What a great guy! Thank you Sage! Big fan 😊
Comment from : Emre Demir

No pain no gain
Comment from : Rick

That starting line! 👌
Comment from : sunnybification

Best intro ever, hahaha !
Comment from : k2raf

Another great vid, Sage! Could you discuss strength training/core work and how it compliments running?
Comment from : manofsteg

Tom D
I'm working on my pace-tience Great video I love the feeling of running fast and breathing hard, but my joints aren't ready to keep up with me yet in a high-mileage way - especially on the hilly terrain I usually like to run on Currently working on developing slower gears and taking days on flat routes It can be kind of boring honestly, but I know it's going to allow me to push even longer and harder and faster in the mountains Your videos have helped me a lot to develop in recent months Thanks for the help
Comment from : Tom D

Another Athlete
Great video SAGE!!
Comment from : Another Athlete

Plant Based Gru
Another great training talk Thanks Sage :)
Comment from : Plant Based Gru

Great video as always It would be cool, if you could do a talk on how to get climbing legs for uphill races/skyrunning type of events Any specific workouts? Or just more climibing, even on easy days? :)
Comment from : Bergschaf

Payton Pearson
9:52 - :-)
Comment from : Payton Pearson

Payton Pearson
5:35 - Would you lend some of your insight to the assertion that it is tougher to run in the evening due to higher levels of exhaustion from the day as well as lower testosterone levels due to circadian rhythms?
Comment from : Payton Pearson

Marten De Dycker
How bad do you want it? from Matt Fitzgerald is an interesting read knowing about the mental side and the perceived effort
Comment from : Marten De Dycker

mart mans
With my last half marathon i got so into the zone that i almost did not suffer but i was gasping for air the last 4k, it took a good 2 weeks to recover from that tho Thanks for the video (:
Comment from : mart mans

Jon Suts
Great video sage
Comment from : Jon Suts

So what about pain killers in running? Help or cheat?
Comment from : grindpalm

Sweet Natural Living
What's the best technical book on running and sport physiology you could recommend?
Comment from : Sweet Natural Living

Daniel Fogg
Good talk, Sage Managing that pain is one of the things I struggle the most with come race day When I want to put my best out there but my brain says "Stop STOP!"
Comment from : Daniel Fogg

jiggy meister
Your opening quote is written permanently on my home gym's whiteboard
Comment from : jiggy meister

Awesome Sage I'm glad you went over some things twice, it can take a while to soak in brI learned a lot with that one
Comment from : TheMoonSeesMe

JusT EnigmA
Hi, what's with all the drinks in the start of almost all your videos 😂
Comment from : JusT EnigmA

George Orozco
Sage, keep up the good work on the videos! Just a quick comment on incorporating work into your training As a father of 3 kids and working a full time job I needed to find ways to fit in my long runs into my busy schedule Doing my long training runs after a 10 hour work schedule allowed me to run on some tire feet and help simulate running on tired legs and body Thanks again for the vids!
Comment from : George Orozco

Henry Cortes
Great video! (-:
Comment from : Henry Cortes

arturo barrera
Comment from : arturo barrera

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