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LOW POLY or NOT - is it OK to detail with geometry? Bonus: Unity vs. Unreal Engine performance


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Информация о LOW POLY or NOT - is it OK to detail with geometry? Bonus: Unity vs. Unreal Engine performance

Название :  LOW POLY or NOT - is it OK to detail with geometry? Bonus: Unity vs. Unreal Engine performance
Продолжительность :   9.20
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Просмотров :   57 rb

Кадры LOW POLY or NOT - is it OK to detail with geometry? Bonus: Unity vs. Unreal Engine performance

Описание LOW POLY or NOT - is it OK to detail with geometry? Bonus: Unity vs. Unreal Engine performance

Коментарии LOW POLY or NOT - is it OK to detail with geometry? Bonus: Unity vs. Unreal Engine performance

You should turn on instanced geometry in Unity as you're using the same material (note in the stats windows is says 30,,000 batches, which could be one!) I presume Unreal has this on by default This will be more apparant with random characters which all use the same material vs unique textured characters (people will combine multiple characters on a single texture sheet to avoid draw calls even I presume this is automated these days though)
Comment from : Octamed

Heavy Gaming
Flawed test
Comment from : Heavy Gaming

super bad video
Comment from : Otherwise

John Hunter
Why don't you use vertex colours?
Comment from : John Hunter

Low poly characters dont have to distort in order to be animated
Comment from : 劉智漢

Artisan Mage
I agree that the palette technique is more efficient, but even in your unconfident painting, I think hand painted textures look much better
Comment from : Artisan Mage

Could you get the benefits of both if you wrote a shader that calculates the normal of a flat triangle and use that with the lower poly count?
Comment from : Legohexman

It's not the polys but how you use them
Comment from : Kraftik

#0:32 -- the different low poly version looks waay better than the middle and later used one
Comment from : GUN2kify

Гоша Ватюнга
The amount of polygons on static meshes barely matters nowadays, not even on phones Materials and instancing is what important
Comment from : Гоша Ватюнга

Coming from a VR chat based background I find this laughable People in the community try to argue that 70,000 polygons isn't enough (They are wrong, but that's not the point)
Comment from : AngriestSCV

bro was not cooking with these models 😭😭😭
Comment from : Milky

Chicken Chaser
not watching the video just responding to the title the answer is yes
Comment from : Chicken Chaser

project from vew is better for low poly uv
Comment from : laok

Vertex colors! Use vertex colors!!!!
Comment from : blueasis

Alejandro Martinez
Hola Estoy trabajando en el desarrollo de un videojuego de estilo RPG en Unity y he enfrentado un desafío relacionado con la representación de pisos superiores e inferiores Después de explorar diversas opciones como efectos de desvanecimiento y transparencia, no he logrado encontrar la solución que necesito ¿Hay alguien disponible para brindarme asistencia en la resolución de este problema?
Comment from : Alejandro Martinez

The fact you're using weighted skinned meshes also excludes everything from being a "proper" retro game model (Edit: Which is fine! You're going for an aesthetic, and it's a great aesthetic)
Comment from : fluffy

I know I'll be identified as a frustrated troll but You are really not good enough at 3D modeling to make videos about it I am choosing to be an asshole, because an oversaturation of "content creators" becomes a problem these days Not only You don't make low-poly characters very effectively, but also choose shading that makes them present poorly
Comment from : szynkers

Andy G
Unity was dead before they announced the $020 charge
Comment from : Andy G

Jeshire Kiten Katt
i'm just popping in here to thank you profusely to introducing me to pallet textures This just exists? are you kidding me? this is amazing
Comment from : Jeshire Kiten Katt

Super Vocetubeia 64
I don't like the look of modern unterxtured low-poly games I love low poly with low resolution textures
Comment from : Super Vocetubeia 64

tl;dr for people who dont wanna watch:brbad modeller copes that he cant texture and instead chooses to use a soulless "art style" (being lazy and refusing to put in more effort or improve)
Comment from : contro

his characters resemble adventure smurffcat
Comment from : INeedMyBrain

You need to update this with the fact that Unity is now charging 2 cents per poly
Comment from : Arvetis

Ivan Nedelchev
What about unity with dots vs unreal nanite
Comment from : Ivan Nedelchev

This video is very well made and i enjoyed it a lot, but i have 1 major suggestion for future videos:brPlease try to present information more objectively objective in the future, as i feel this would make your content more enjoyable to watch overall Several times in this video it feels like you are trying to push an agenda or defend yourself by listing unnecessary information that is clearly intended to sway the viewers opinion on the subject The most apparent example of this is during the 'conclusion' segment of the video starting at 7:50 This segment could be easily shortened to "The topic of this video was to find out if it is ok to use extra vertices to get sharper details in your models, or if there would be a noticeable performance boost to reduce the vertex count and paint textures instead" which would present the conclusion of the video in an objective light I don't mean to overly criticize the video, it was very informative and i enjoyed it quite a bit, im just expressing my concerns as best i can
Comment from : Pope_

The real big thing is just that modern GPUs aren't really bound by triangle counts anymore, but rather shader complexity, post processing effects, and draw calls A few extra triangles or vertices won't make a huge difference in performance, but having a lot of unique meshes and textures will, especially if you're using highly complex shaders
Comment from : Toni

Duc-Tri VU
Interesting benchmark Thanks
Comment from : Duc-Tri VU

alyas Victorio
(6:39 to 7:15) 6:55 YEAH! Nanite is so sick I really need UE52 for all of these advantages for my 3D projects (and Godot for open-source to my 2D projects)
Comment from : alyas Victorio

General A
About what I expected It's only reading the texture map once so it wouldn't really slow it down much I would like to see this done with multiple characters but I totally understand that would be a bit of a pain to do Unless you just made some really basic UV maps and threw on a random texture for each one That would decrease the performance gain over a large enough crowd
Comment from : General A

At this poly count it really doesn't matter which you use Even your "high poly" version I would still personally class as low poly Like even the worst case here is you could "only" fit 10k characters on screen in Unity Does your game really need to render 10k characters at once? Probably not Most games don't even need 100 characters on screen at a time (some strategy and mmo games can hit thousands, but outside of those I struggle to think of legitimate needs for such volume of characters)
Comment from : Iammoney_45

No-Life Noah
I wonder how much more performant the high poly one would be if you used vertex colors and no texture
Comment from : No-Life Noah

I prefer the low poly look with higher polygon counts I don't really like the pixelations and gradients with the hand painted textures I like how Sifu mimics that style while looking high quality
Comment from : KXVXII9X

Butt Socks
cant you do flat shading in the material?
Comment from : Butt Socks

arda Paramtapa
Low poly is a other art brow, i like low poly
Comment from : arda Paramtapa

You should also build your games/tests to executable, as performance in editor may vary a lot
Comment from : Ekler

julianto triwijaya
I find this annoying because both of them have the same name, both called low poly, so when I try to google ps1 or ps 2 style low poly model all google gave me were a high poly model with a low poly style, the new one should really use a different name from classic low poly because for the life of me I am having hellish trouble trying to find ps1 or ps2 style low poly model/true low poly I like the painted pixelated texture look as the modern one is just so blank/one colored, it has no painted detail and shading, no matter how you pit it, it will not mimic the look of ps1, you can't nake retro style game with these
Comment from : julianto triwijaya

tbh i like the textuer model one better
Comment from : Btomaek

The DysfunctionalCabinet
nanite is so awesome
Comment from : The DysfunctionalCabinet

Could use vertex colors instead of a texture if your are adamant in using geometry
Comment from : SageX85

one thing to consider, is if you had 1000 different characters in the "Low Poly" style vs 1000 in actual low poly with painting, which one would be better, as on shares the texture so is only loaded once, the other will need to load, store and render different textures
Comment from : SniperSpy10

I imagine the difference in performance will show up in animation, not as static objects Although in your case, the difference in poly count between the two isn't really high enough to make that much of a difference
Comment from : DarkThorn94

Baú Maker
Very interesting test! It's nice to see the difference in numbers for each method
Comment from : Baú Maker

theyre still low poly
Comment from : voicehead

B Haletsky
Great and important video, thanks! However, the thing you’ve missed is that you had to test it on a lower-end PC as well Powerful machines truly might not care for vertex count on this level, but if you test it, let’s say on the integrated graphic chip, you would notice that the difference between those two examples might be significant and worth implementing it
Comment from : B Haletsky

Pizza lover123
Extra vertexes methot is fine, even gives satisfying results I must say Howewr in my experience I faced one huge issue with animating When it comes down to weight painting and animation these modeled details are hard to weight paint properly and they tend to be distiorted when charater moves, causing shading issues And the more details, the harder it becomes to properly rig
Comment from : Pizza lover123

But it's useless to compare nowadays when the models are less than 1000 triangles anyway When warcraft 3 came out hero models were about 600-800 triangles, normal units had even less triangles That was 20 years ago
Comment from : Something-Something

WorldLove Gaming
This is very interesting! Thanks for making this video!
Comment from : WorldLove Gaming

PaulBunyanGoneWild 🎃
well i know that in unity urp with the shader graph you can make a shader that flattens out smooth geometry, and that might be worth considering your gonna be sweating over polygon counts
Comment from : PaulBunyanGoneWild 🎃

Also, I'm not sure but I think Unreal automates LODs on import Unity does not :/
Comment from : Moby

would you be able to recommend me a video or channel that would teach me low poly blender things? i know nothing about blender though
Comment from : shinra

I would just use smooth shading if I were you
Comment from : DeevDaRabbit

Andrew Sneacker
You should have animated them in the test
Comment from : Andrew Sneacker

I would love to see this performance compared against having different materials for each colored area of the clothing
Comment from : Ecksters

Low poly or not the art style is horrid
Comment from : TheBigQQ

GigaByte Gallery
Just imagine if everyone was KungFuFightTing!!
Comment from : GigaByte Gallery

You should also test it in godot, and in the textured characters, try to simulate different characters, loading different textures
Comment from : Lucas

Dev Dunk
If you can get away with no or lower res textures with higher poly counts, that can be a big win
Comment from : Dev Dunk

Aurren TV
If you are someone that hates UV mapping and texturing but also doesn't want that simple vertex mapped stuff, look into realtime triplanar mapping We indies abuse the hell out of it because it can be super powerfulbrRisk of Rain 2 abuses this like crazy You'll find next to none of the objects in that are textured aside maybe the characters It's all triplanar projected textures using stuff like normals and noise to blend different triplanar samplers
Comment from : Aurren TV

Vlatko Vukovic
its not about using or not using instancing, this is just one valid perspective ant its ok im really wondering what about animated skeletal mesh, not static mesh, assuming impact of more vertices in such case!
Comment from : Vlatko Vukovic

The Epipan
Hello!brSomething that Blender has that is very nice is the possibility to smooth the model so that it appears to have more polygons and to be more curved I think it's subdivision surface, right? My question is: why does that MetaHuman model ( 05:28 ), especially the curve of his head, have so straight lines? Isn't there in UE or Unity that artificially smoothing a model so that something with few polygons looks curved? Is that just a Blender thing only?
Comment from : The Epipan

Dude, your workflow and final assets are very, very efficient 400 verts is absolutely nothing to even mobile GPUs, nothing to worry about
Comment from : shadowflar3

People worry about their models being 500 polygons instead of 400, but you open their blueprints and they put everything in 'event tick'
Comment from : tartalja

Interesting approach! Very practical and minimalistic!
Comment from : Filyus

Diligence Humility
I suspected it would have a much larger performance boost to cut down triangles and use textures for details but no more than 5-10?
Comment from : Diligence Humility

Olvin Dragon
Unfortunately, poitless research unless you try to animate all of these characters I believe they could be animated and mesh will strech so render/optimization technics is different to static objects
Comment from : Olvin Dragon

Nice video! Explanation of real vertex count is really good, I'm sure very few people know about itbrI don't think you should even think about changes in your art style, since it's your choice, and in case of 400 vs 200 verts cmon :D this is nothing even for old low-end mobilesbrBut I have some remarks on your tests:brbr1 if you talk about characters, it's strange to compare static meshes polycount difference on skinned geometry should be more measurablebrbr2 instances of same characters isn't ideal test, since real game scenario with different characters will have different results You can use duplicates of meshes and textures to measure it, but hard edge version can use same texture, because as you said - texture atlas is shaded across all characters and it will have less memory impact Also in some cases vertex colored meshes will be cheaper and will give you an option to create gradients with same infinity resolution, or if you going extreme memory saving (idk why), store just an index of color for each vertexbrbr3 if you really want to have armies of animated meshes, you can look towards texture-baked animations This potentially can be better on edgy one, but hard to tell for surebrbr3 in Unity vs UE tests Unity's performance can be improved by enabling Static Batching or GPU instancing for identical meshes And probably lots of other small details, that I can't tell from a video (diffs in post-processing, resolution, shaders, etc also better to test builds, not editors)
Comment from : Xabblll

This comparison lacks one crucial part - texture/material count You here only compared one character instance on either side multiplied by some amountbrIf all of your geometry-detailed different characters share same palette texture, they all should have same material and be rendered in one draw call On the other hand, if different lower polycount characters have different detail textures, they have different materials and such it takes several draw calls to draw all charactersbrSo with geometry-based details amount of different characters sharing same material makes no impact on performance, while having different characters with different materials takes up more memory to store all textures, and draws slower for each different material present
Comment from : Am3r

bone circuit
good one mate
Comment from : bone circuit

The amount of color on the colorpallet you us is the problem when you split your models into packs you have a multiple shaders that loads all of that pallet as much as the shaders there are thats the problem And no it is not the same as arc system they use at most 6 colors for each char and that doesn't effect it as much as 512 color pallet just be cause of the amount of color info on the textures And the shitty performans of the new guilty gear is that they are using at leas 2 full alpha transparent texture sheet on top of the model Ps you cant tell if it is using transparent or not like logos and seams so it couldve been done with one non transparent
Comment from : Mert

what if you bake the texture of the higher poly mode to the lower poly one with about the same geometry?
Comment from : gabrielesilinic

Wouldn't the 178 verts version need a few more vertices/faces to get smoother folding on elbows and knees? Still, nice comparison!
Comment from : playmedusa

Unity Sucks, wait when all gamedev job come to Unreal
Comment from : Faimen

Andrei Belov
1:30 could you share the texture on the left?
Comment from : Andrei Belov

Raptor Swire
I am VERY happy with this test result! :D
Comment from : Raptor Swire

gilles boisson
Naughty Dog used the same technic back in the PS1 era in the 3 first crash bandicoot for the same color edge reason, they used vertex color, no texture sampling, it was really fast
Comment from : gilles boisson

Regis Lima
have you tried blockbench? the coloring direct in pixel art is awesome
Comment from : Regis Lima

Victor Estivador
I love doing this flat or gradient colors texturings And there is some considerations in this technique, you can bake this flat colors to the vertex color of the model and don't use textures, maybe its aggressively optimize hahaha other thing is LoD doing versions with less details for distant viewing and its possible to do a mix of trimsheets with that techique, for example, if you have a lamberjack shirt character, model all that details in the shirt will be boring to model and weight paint, so a trim pattern just of this elements can be a better approach brbrBut what more annoying me is that blender stats don't show 'the true polycount' , it will be great to have this informations easily without the need to export and check in a game engine
Comment from : Victor Estivador

I have the impression that there is no real batching being done in unity? Also pitty you didn't try the URP and only went for the HDRP URL would suit this style of characters a lot better
Comment from : Electrotuts

Aryan Divyanshu
exactly the thing I was looking for
Comment from : Aryan Divyanshu

Ben Pielstick
You might become memory bound at some point hand painting textures depending on how many unique assets you have and your texture resolution
Comment from : Ben Pielstick

Christian Ivaha
Very good tutorial! I've always wanted to see and understand these performance differences based on what is being fed to the system Very good and very interesting performance summary!
Comment from : Christian Ivaha

Daniel Mejia
I think a more fair comparison is to use multiple characters so that you load multiple textures
Comment from : Daniel Mejia

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