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Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline - SonarQube, Docker, Github Webhooks on AWS | Resume Project | English


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Информация о Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline - SonarQube, Docker, Github Webhooks on AWS | Resume Project | English

Название :  Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline - SonarQube, Docker, Github Webhooks on AWS | Resume Project | English
Продолжительность :   52.48
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   138 rb

Кадры Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline - SonarQube, Docker, Github Webhooks on AWS | Resume Project | English

Описание Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline - SonarQube, Docker, Github Webhooks on AWS | Resume Project | English

Коментарии Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline - SonarQube, Docker, Github Webhooks on AWS | Resume Project | English

krishna ch
Great job 👍👍👍👍
Comment from : krishna ch

great one sir
Comment from : MrLight

Suresh Patti
@aareezasif What is the recording software you used to do this ??
Comment from : Suresh Patti

yusuf saliu
when using window conmand promt the command change
Comment from : yusuf saliu

Excellent video Thank you very much sir!!
Comment from : Av

in the recent jenkins Version i cant see ServerGroups center and server list can anyone help me out @39:52
Comment from : JACK deSPARROW

Soumitra Bose
A great video, learned a lot I am an experienced application developer Just started with DevOps Can you please tell why we need to add the Dockerfile in the Working Dir? and in Realtime how we deal with the GitHub actions for docker workflow Does it mean, for the full automated pipeline flow, the DevOps engineer need to place the Dockerfile with the source code? And in Realtime is it possible to have all the port config and installation steps in the docker file itself? rather specifying a remote shell command ?brbrThanks in advance, and please see if you can share a video that will guide the more of Dockerfile and Playbook in Realtime usage(how its get used in industry)
Comment from : Soumitra Bose

vishal sharma
Hello Sir, changes showing on jenkins portal but it's not direct pulling on EC2 instance, is it possible to direct pull if any changes occurred
Comment from : vishal sharma

đụ móabr this is awesome bro
Comment from : golangthang

Gampa Sivakumar
Sir im getting Remote shell marked build as failure
Comment from : Gampa Sivakumar

Punith C S
Thanks a lot for this video really helped out understand the concept of the CI/CD pipeline It's one of the simple video which i have seen till now
Comment from : Punith C S

Himanshu Sharma
I am getting this error anybody please give me solutionbrbr Error: LinkageError occurred while loading main class orgsonarsourcescannercliMain br javalangUnsupportedClassVersionError: org/sonarsource/scanner/cli/Main has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 610), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 550 brWARN: Unable to locate 'report-tasktxt' in the workspace Did the SonarScanner succeed? brERROR: SonarQube scanner exited with non-zero code: 1 brFinished: FAILURE
Comment from : Himanshu Sharma

Opening your services to the Internet is very dangerous You should at the very least restrict access to the public IP addresses from your own IP block to prevent brute force attacks
Comment from : Grover

vishal sharma
Great brother 👏
Comment from : vishal sharma

Bijender Nagar
youtube scrolling show your video its awesome you are best tutor pls make video about kubernetes love from india subscribed you sir
Comment from : Bijender Nagar

Appreciate your efforts and shows your knowledge

Amruta Wagh
i m not able to push the image on docker why not run my container why? please help as i folow end to end
Comment from : Amruta Wagh

Sai Suresh
Excellent teaching sir awesome clearly understoodbrbrNow i am thinking devops is very easy thank you 👍
Comment from : Sai Suresh

Error: LinkageError occurred while loading main class orgsonarsourcescannercliMain br javalangUnsupportedClassVersionError: org/sonarsource/scanner/cli/Main has been compiled by a more recent versionbrbri got this error while running build, how to solve this
Comment from : Kowshik

Ayxan Qadirov
This is a great job to understand whole process in limited time Thanks ))
Comment from : Ayxan Qadirov

this is gem, now adding kubernetes to it would be awesome ;)
Comment from : Lerndemy

Bhavin Savaliya
One of the best video ever for Beginners-Industry Project, Keep Doing🖥
Comment from : Bhavin Savaliya

Sahana J
Thank you for this project! I have an issue in downloading the binaries of sonarqube when I right click to copy the link it just copies the "indexhtml" link Anyonehow can I resolve this issue?
Comment from : Sahana J

gurram karimunisa
Sir I am getting this while running the job what to do everything done as you saidbrbrERROR: LinkageError occurred while loading main class orgsonarsourcescannercliMain br javalangUnsupportedClassVersionError: org/sonarsource/scanner/cli/Main has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 610), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 550 brWARN: Unable to locate 'report-tasktxt' in the workspace Did the SonarScanner succeed?brbrERROR: SonarQube scanner exited with non-zero code: 1
Comment from : gurram karimunisa

Useful video Is it possible to deploy this kind of project within an on-premise environment?
Comment from : R L

Ravi Sahu
one of the best devops video which anyone can follow and work on CI/CD thankyou!
Comment from : Ravi Sahu

Abass-Giwa Mukhtar
This is a very fantastic piece I made sure to jot down the steps in my simple terms so I can go forth to do the hands on I hope to write a robust documentation on this project and give you a shout out Will share with you on LinkedIn so you could go through itbrThanks for this Really helpedbrI'm hoping to see how we'll integrate terraform and Ansible into this project in a progressive manner ❤❤❤❤
Comment from : Abass-Giwa Mukhtar

Abass-Giwa Mukhtar
This is a very fantastic piece I made sure to jot down the steps in my simple terms so I can go forth to do the hands on I hope to write a robust documentation on this project and give you a shout out Will share with you on LinkedIn so you could go through itbrThanks for this Really helpedbrI'm hoping to see how we'll integrate terraform and Ansible into this project in a progressive manner ❤❤❤❤
Comment from : Abass-Giwa Mukhtar

chinmaye sai
Sir im getting this error at Build now for sonar qube code analysis hence unable to involve docker part brbrError: LinkageError occurred while loading main class orgsonarsourcescannercliMain javalangUnsupportedClassVersionError: org/sonarsource/scanner/cli/Main has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 610), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 550brWARN: Unable to locate 'report-tasktxt' in the workspace Did the SonarScanner succeed?brERROR: SonarQube scanner exited with non-zero code: 1brFinished: FAILUREbrbrbrBut I followed the same java versions for my Jenkins and sonar qube servers as show in the video 11 and 17 versionsbrbrPlease help:)
Comment from : chinmaye sai

Mirza Baig🇺🇸
Wow! this has been an amazing experience I got stuck only at one point when SonarQube scanner was failing due to JDK11 version in Jenkins, after Installed jdk17 on Jenkins, all was good
Comment from : Mirza Baig🇺🇸

Priyam Saha
Thanks for the project Aareez Much appreciated! Great help! :)
Comment from : Priyam Saha

Bro thank you so much, by far the best explanation
Comment from : sanj231

Eugene Play
Thanks for a very good demo of these technologies Good job
Comment from : Eugene Play

Muhammad Hamza Asif
I could not find the server group center option on my Jenkins manage configurations page?
Comment from : Muhammad Hamza Asif

chinmaye sai
Excellent explanation sir, May I know why for some EC2 we need to give chmod 400 to keypair and not for some EC2?
Comment from : chinmaye sai

Mars Chakra
it's bad for online tutorial video if too many ads, almost get one ad per 5mins, this is not good
Comment from : Mars Chakra

casmaster officials
thank you for doing this video
Comment from : casmaster officials

Samarth Rawat
Thanks a lot This is the most comprehensive DevOps project video out there on Youtube brAlso you struck the perfect balance between simplicity and technicality Please make more such project videos
Comment from : Samarth Rawat

Ghanshyam Rathod
Is there any way I can achieve similar without AWS instance, but want to test locally with VirtualBox?? if yes HOW?
Comment from : Ghanshyam Rathod

Abdessamad Chokri
many thanks, amazing tuto, keep the good work!
Comment from : Abdessamad Chokri

anand godavarthi
This was a awesome video Keep it up expecting more content like this, Thanks
Comment from : anand godavarthi

David Yong
Do we need to add private key to github to access the docker server? it's giving me error for public key denied permission
Comment from : David Yong

Chandra Shekhar
simply awsmekp it up
Comment from : Chandra Shekhar

Mahesh Narayan Tripathi
Hi can we use here simple ec2 instance not docker
Comment from : Mahesh Narayan Tripathi

Tech with coding
Hats off bro 💯💯🙌🙌brbrseedhi baat no bakwas
Comment from : Tech with coding

Great video Thank you
Comment from : Kaizen

Vicky Kamble
You could have leveraged the EC2 user data script to automate the software installation and updates as well
Comment from : Vicky Kamble

bannu parepalli
Nice sir❤
Comment from : bannu parepalli

Dheeraj Ghorpade
Can we install jenkin sonar and docker on same VM
Comment from : Dheeraj Ghorpade

Dheeraj Ghorpade
Very good explanation
Comment from : Dheeraj Ghorpade

Chao Yu
@14:13 webhook for jenkins auto trigger buildbr@20:17 install sonarQubebr@24:28 Configure SonarQubebr@27:20 Configure Jenkins for SonarQube
Comment from : Chao Yu

Hieu Pham V [2] VNDanang
why you don't install docker into Ec2 instance, after installing jenkins and sonarqube images ? I think my way is more easier and reduce memory
Comment from : Hieu Pham V [2] VNDanang

singh nishant manoj
Please check the nginx conf file and try to include the mime type so that it will load CSS
Comment from : singh nishant manoj

What we need to do if public ip changes when we stop and start container how to make it dynamic
Comment from : mourya

Sofonias Mengistu
The adds are too much but the coontent of the video is awesome
Comment from : Sofonias Mengistu

Srikanth yadav
Outstanding Clean and clear
Comment from : Srikanth yadav

Arthur MaxTeenax
Thanks for the video 😀 for future videos, kindly add timestamps for each step
Comment from : Arthur MaxTeenax

Shad Hashmi
Which OS u are using bro
Comment from : Shad Hashmi

Gokul chandere
thank you !!! Very helpful for the beginner
Comment from : Gokul chandere

Salam brother !!! Thank you so much for this video I really like the way you explain devops concepts How can I contact you privately? Please let me know Thank you
Comment from : Mohamed13

VV Kumar
Greatly appreciate @AareezAsif, very well explained Kudos
Comment from : VV Kumar

حلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات IT solutions
Thank you so much
Comment from : حلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات IT solutions

Sylvestre Amoussou
Thank you Aareez for this helpful content I’ve walked through your steps and now my project stuck on the remote shell execution The failure message is: “host key verification failed Build step Execute shell marked build as failure” brCan you help me out fixing this? 🙏🏾
Comment from : Sylvestre Amoussou

Mack Solanki
Neat and clean explanation Please create more complex CI CD project video which is used in day to day production environment in companies
Comment from : Mack Solanki

Abhishek Tiwari
I want to applaud your ability to strike the perfect balance between simplicity and technicality You managed to explain intricate concepts without overwhelming the audience, ensuring that even viewers with varying levels of knowledge could follow along It's a testament to your exceptional communication skills and the thoughtfulness you put into tailoring your content to the point to your audience's needs
Comment from : Abhishek Tiwari

saikrishna macharla
Sir I got the Host Key Failure Error,Any One Help Me
Comment from : saikrishna macharla

Jericho Liao
Thanks a lot
Comment from : Jericho Liao

Nik Maverik
i can't see the server groups center in my jenkins application,any idea how can i get it?
Comment from : Nik Maverik

Neat and Clean automation steps for beginners Thanks folk

Yash Raj Gupta
22:27 While running /sonarqube console command I am getting Java runtime exception error I have jdk17 installed already but still getting this error Pls suggest!
Comment from : Yash Raj Gupta

Rilwanou Garba
Thanks a lot guy May God reward you
Comment from : Rilwanou Garba

Itna simple kaise explain kar lete ho bro Good going, I wish you 50k subscribers in coming months God bless you
Comment from : Golgappa

Revanasiddeshwara V
Complete informative Kindly upload informative videos that help learners to get explicit knowledge in practicals 😊👍👍
Comment from : Revanasiddeshwara V

After two failed attempts finally I executed this project 😊 felt so happy Thank you for this wonderful session I got the basic understanding of how different tools integrate in Devops Please keep up your work 🙏
Comment from : MSR

how much is the cost for running the ec2 instances?
Comment from : papercut

Sreenivasula reddy Yallappagari
your explanation was very cool and simple
Comment from : Sreenivasula reddy Yallappagari

O4supplies Sales
successful completed the project and running perfect I want to see another project using kubernetes
Comment from : O4supplies Sales

Hello Asif, brbrMy Jenkins server is disconnecting once ssh to docker server from Jenkins, and when I tried to connect Jenkins back I am unable to connect and its says pem invalid format, can you please help me to resolve this issue

Praveen V Mugandamath
Hi Asif, brbrI have few doubts so can we connect ?
Comment from : Praveen V Mugandamath

Pushpak Jadhav
You have implemented all the concepts in a very simple way, thats why its easy to understand and for hands on I have completed this project as it is, we expect more project videos like this
Comment from : Pushpak Jadhav

Nicely explained and good project for beginners, thank you Please do more videos like this and thank you again 🙏

good work
Comment from : TechTalks

Balachandar Jayaraman
nice bro
Comment from : Balachandar Jayaraman

Sushant Vikas
Thank you for the detailed video I am able to launch the website by following your steps After this i just modify something on my code and pipeline is giving failure brerror message - Build step 'Remote Shell' marked build as failurebrplease help on this
Comment from : Sushant Vikas

Thank you for the tutorial! I have a question though if I want to creat a Pipeline with a Jenkinfile with the different stages and steps, how can I do it? How can the ssh commands be included in the Jenkinfile?
Comment from : Tomas

can't we use both jenkins and sonarqube in same ec2 ?
Comment from : S J

rohit gujja
Hi Asif Thanks for sharing knowledge i have followed the steps but Jenkins is not installed getting "unit jenkinsservice could not be found" while checking jenkins instal command systemctl status jenkins
Comment from : rohit gujja

Anand Sai
I followed the same steps after adding scp command it got failing multiple times why?
Comment from : Anand Sai

Anand Sai
i have followed the same steps
Comment from : Anand Sai

mohammedgouse shaik
Assalamwalikum bhai, well explained , its crystal clear i expect this kind of videos on Azure Devops too
Comment from : mohammedgouse shaik

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