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How to Rehab Plants after Shipping!


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Название :  How to Rehab Plants after Shipping!
Продолжительность :   23.40
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Просмотров :   250 rb

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Tank you! Helpful information ❤
Comment from : @igorshchuka994

I need help! I got a red anderson in sphagnum moss last week and it was shipped beautifully but started developing a light brown spot on one leaf and a big black water looking spot on another They both keep getting bigger and I'm not sure what to do now Yesterday the moss still was too wet so i took it out and put the plant in water only but the spot keeps growing Do i leave it in water for a week and see? Any help would be appreciated
Comment from : @Jennifer2Gamboa

Thank you for all the good advices
Comment from : @Sabrina-hf3ws

Fantastic video! So helpful! Just what I needed to know New sub from Australia 🇦🇺 Thanks Kaylee😀
Comment from : @PureAussiegirl

Fantastic video! So helpful! Just what I needed to know New sub from Australia 🇦🇺 Thanks Kaylee😀
Comment from : @PureAussiegirl

Hey there! New to your channel and love it! Thank you so much for this video!brI have a Queen Anthurium plantlet on its way and I’m preparing for the worst…br1) do I need to worry about air circulation while the plant is in its little bag/bubble?br2) would you recommend adding any growth stimulants to the water while the plant rehydrates? (Someone recommended SuperThrive…)
Comment from : @YehitsRoger

Hi! What if when it arrives your plant is completely dry, like it looks like it’s been sitting in the Arizona sun in the middle of the day every day for a year? Lol
Comment from : @corihayunga8553

Once stabilized, do you think starter plants need fertilizer?
Comment from : @briluxedeluxeplants

Vous avez tellement raison ! Vos conseils devraient être diffusés, répètés à tout amateur de plante, même à ceux se pensant "éclairés" Merci !
Comment from : @isabellemaurice5815

Do you ever add any superthrive or hydrogen peroxide? Getting some imports from Ecuador and nervous! Thank you for the great video, by the way
Comment from : @22Nimily

Best Plant guide video out there Thanks for giving every scenario there is
Comment from : @MagPie0423

Such a great video with tons of advice The inside secrets!😎
Comment from : @kaferrat

What abt a natural pesticide spray down b4 introducing it into our homes? I always spray mine w/ a neem & peppermint castille mix before bringing it inside, is this recommended?
Comment from : @Alliwrites

What if the plant arrive a bit droopy but the soil had moisture ( it’s in a plastic pot)
Comment from : @07302011

This was very useful Thank you!
Comment from : @junepark1003

What if they arrive in moss but still have potting mix on the roots? Still put on water?
Comment from : @angemarie2201

hi Kaylee, can we apply this process to hoya plants? also thanks for your videos, always informative and very helpful xx thank you xx
Comment from : @temojo7279

Hi everyone, I need some advice please i got jose bueno todaybr Looks stunning But it arrived by mail with a lot of uninvited guests Spidermites Sender had sprayed it with azamax just before shipping And soil is pretty wet Chunky, but wet
Comment from : @rocksparag1

Comment from : @sherylsivertsen-kuhn1255

Is it only me who reads "how to kebab"? Thank you for te video! Very helpful!
Comment from : @mortalland

Alot of the time (at least in my country) the substrate the plants come in is not good at all ( for example only peat moss) but the plant looks fine, when and if should i repot and change the soil? After a week? Cause i also dont want to not to remove the substrate from the roots cause they lack airflow anyways
Comment from : @MilyTopal

Thank you Kaylee! This video came in right on time for me I just received my first online plant purchase and I am super happy with the plants I bought They came in looking great I just put them all on one corner of my room with a humidifier running next to it
Comment from : @FearLess_SunKissedCaramel

18:49 Too late! I wish I saw this four days ago! Got a epipremnum pinnatum albo in the mail, in soil, and I wanted to check the roots Roots were perfect No leave damage or yellowing I ended up repotting it in a new airy mix 🤦🏾‍♀️ She's a little droopy now, but I guess time will tell
Comment from : @shanelpaige2152

I have just one comment about this ---bri recently bought a verrucosum from a nursery - it was not in the greatest shape but overall seemed healthybrthe (peat-based) soil was relatively moist (as it often is when buying from the nursery)brbrbri took it home exactly with the intention of NOT repotting it for a few days at least -- to let it "acclimate" to my home -brbut sure enough, within a SINGLE DAY - 3-4 leaves started to curl up and dry and crisp - progressively deteriorating the entire plantbrit's what i would expect if the plant HAD NOT been watered for 2 or 3 weeksbrbut again, the soil was moistbrbrso i IMMEDIATELY cut the 3-4 drying leaves, and repotted into an aroid mix - and voila - the drying process stopped (there was one leaf that was mid-way into crisping and halted) -brand there are 3 healthy leaves remaining - and NOW it's starting to put out new leavesbrbrso, I'm not sure how it sits with the recommendation to NOT repot? I'm pretty sure had i not repotted it - it would have died completely
Comment from : @Klayhamn

Wow, not only did you answer all the questions I had, you provided additional information that I didn't even know I needed Thank you
Comment from : @TJ-et8sw

I’m so glad I saw this video THREE DAYS after getting 6 new plants in the mail and potting 3 of them in aroid mix 😅 🤞🏾 brThankfully, my plants were in the mail for 2 days (locally mailed) and my albo, standleyana and Peru are safe from my enthusiasm
Comment from : @IdrisFashan

I received a snake plant in the mail how do I care for it?
Comment from : @FloJoBum

What would you do if the root rot was directly on the base of the plant at the base of the root? And I bought a tie with two nodes and it came with one And when I said something about it he said the last snow looked like it had a little bit of root rot so I cut it I thought I told you He didn’t He said he would give me a refund which I said I wanted but he insisted that I keep the plant for a couple days and I have a 30 day guarantee refund if it dies He also is sending me a node (because he cut it without telling me ) but it was a blurry picture and the root in the blurry picture looked a little brown
Comment from : @kristinchambers5182

Great guide, thank you
Comment from : @kerrie2k

This video gives me all the useful informations I wish I had seen this video many months ago Almost all the plants that I bought online died
Comment from : @IamRirisMaza

this is really useful i am glad i could make it
Comment from : @balazs9245

The flowchart was actually very useful lol even after watching the video Lots of info to take in and the flowchart breaks it down easy
Comment from : @Zelda00Gamer

Everything I questioned, needed, including, "if you've got a monstera, don't worry" it will recover First thing I did was put my 8 plants in water, from moss shipping They are in a tent to help humidity My Serpens looked fabulous, but I put it in water too I'm so grateful for the knowledge you put forth here thank you !
Comment from : @SuperDrefuss

I’d love to here your tips and tricks on rooting fresh expensive/rare plant cuttings I have an Albo Adansonii cutting that I’ve been rooting in water for a month and a half now, but the nodes just haven’t changed much at all, and the leaf has started to yellow, I switch out the water very frequently, and I use a water soluble rooting hormone, but nothing has changed
Comment from : @brandonmorgan8478

I just started ordering plants online Who would have thought My question is, what is the length of transit time you’re referencing for these tips? I’ve bought plants within the US so far and they arrive within 5 days or less Do plants experience a lot of shock from just those few days?
Comment from : @TangoHotelIndia

Oh my gosh it's so me I repot a lottt and I always wonder why my plants aren't thriving I'm so ignorant about this Thank you for emphasizing that plants can be distressed just by repotting it I buy plants online almost every week now and they always arrive without a pot and the media sometimes would only be some rice hauls or clay-type soil Alright so next time I'd transfer the plant into a pot but I'd not water it until it dries up Thank you so much!
Comment from : @beccandriani

This video saved me today! You are the best ❤️
Comment from : @denisedeforge3134

Should the substrate come off before putting in water?
Comment from : @daniellaalscher827

Is it applicable for calatheas?
Comment from : @espiepipay7126

Can you bag the monsteras?
Comment from : @lavvy2585

Did she said DO NOT REPOT YOUR PLANT?br😅😅
Comment from : @justmeoz845

As a beginner, all of this was incredibly helpful; you are a intuitive teacher I will refer to this again and again cuz the only way to get any variety is through shipping
Comment from : @mamatogirls

Comment from : @mamatogirls

That's “great” news! 👍🏾|😵
Comment from : @philliptaylor3231

Comment from : @sterlgirlceline

great video
Comment from : @pepe12655

Hi I was gifted a croton plant and it had worm to the point The whole branchjust flew off so I repot andgave it and pot with fresh soiland now it's just dropping leaves please help
Comment from : @denisewoody308

Its so weird to me that moist soil Will rot your plant, but full on water is great 🤡🤡
Comment from : @HiPistoltoejHi

Oof, bought a tiny little White Wizard baby, he came smashed to bits Box was ruined, all larger leaves were snapped, new leaf was bent backwards on itself - seller swiftly refunded me which was brilliant of them But I did re-pot him Popped him straight into spagnum and into a humid prop box - not sure if that was the right thing to do now!
Comment from : @BlackBackLioness

The fact that you made a printable flowchart is amazing 😂👍🏼
Comment from : @aspeng621

So I got gifted a PPP last week and I am a little panicked because a couple of rules I broke ughhhh But ya know what, what’s done is done It’s not dead I won’t trip out yet Butttttt the urge to backtrack is real However I will leave it I will leave it It came in sphagnum I did not repot lol I nestled it into the chunky soil I put it in a good spot I wish I would have done the 24 hour water I wish that 4 days later I didn’t cut off the lower leaf because it was a little wobbly and needed to be deeper But honestly, I did pretty good Thanks for listening lollll
Comment from : @botanicassie

I wish I would have seen this video before I repotted my new dying Syngonium! LOLI literally felt the need to REPOT, the struggle is real! I printed the pdf and will now be going off the chart before touching the plant Thank you Kaylee
Comment from : @judy3639

What about cacti
Comment from : @hardshengpizi

That flowpaper with guidelines is a life saver even if after many imports you think you got it all covered and you know how to act upon any situation!! Thank you Kaylee 💓
Comment from : @victoriagrapsidou3474

thanks for this video, i recently bought online a eucalyptus which was about 3 days in transit and when it came in it looked great but it was inside a bag with the soil soaking wet and without holes in the bag for oxygen or the water to evaporate, the roots were rotting already and even though i immediately repot it but it didn't make it, after a week the plant started decaying so i ordered two more and it was the same story plants came in overwatered and the roots are starting to rot
Comment from : @MrDavidDeFreitas

Thanks so much! Very informative I printed out the flow chart too I just ordered my first import order of 5 Philodendron gloriosum, wish me luck!
Comment from : @jessicafugate8882

Do you recommend Vitamin B added to water help promote root growth I imported some philodendron Florida and the seller recommend I soak in that chemical Thanks in advance, great video!
Comment from : @mikeleonard4244

What can I do if I received my macrorrhiza with droopy leaves They look totally dehydrated and the edges collapsed Do I check the roots and bag it up? Or let it rest for a week first? Does humidifier help?
Comment from : @keithchua5840

just what I need! just got my first anthurium in the mail today! thank you!
Comment from : @deviouscola

This was Golden!! I was sooo stressed on how to handle a shipping disaster Now I feel confident I can give it my best shot Excellent video! What a Godsend!
Comment from : @starglitter1966

I watch your channel and just ordered my first international mail order of plants This video was so very helpful to me in knowing what to do for the newly arrived plant and gives me confidence to know what best to do Thanks for providing this advice
Comment from : @bookwoman5592

Does water temperature for the acclimation matter how low can you go
Comment from : @danman4300

Can some one tell me why I can just put the moss wrap in a pot and water it? Why is it that I should remove the moss and just put it in water Arent they just drinking anyways? Why does it matter if it has moss or not?brbrPlease and thank you for the help!
Comment from : @natalieko816

question guys! i received a philodendron splendid without any roots, the node looks very green there are no signs of rot can i just water propagate the plant?
Comment from : @panacheclub810

Soooo I just got a regale and a warequeanum at a pop up and I might have taken them from moss and put them immediately into pots with moss and bark 😬 I didn’t realize They were like that for a day just out in my space, I’ve since moved them to a low light corner with my humidifier with a trash bag making them a makeshift greenhouse with humidity up near 80 It’s been 4 days and they seem good so far - they weren’t normal shipped imports that took forever, a guy flew up from Ecuador with them so they were in transit for only 15 hours 🤞 so hopefully that means they weren’t too shocked
Comment from : @kt_schwab

i just bought a monstera thai cons and delivered it in less 24 hrs can i repot it or put it in a water and leave for 24hrs? reason i have to take it off in the original pot is i saw some root rot and took it off
Comment from : @caviteno5406

Is this advice true for Hoyas as well?
Comment from : @amydd100

Hello I had to ship my money tree plant because I was moving It arrived after 6 days through winter weather The leaves are all green, however the stems and leaves seemed to have drooped It could have been because I rolled brown paper around it The leaves also seem less opaque and more transparent, and a much darker green than they were The soil is wet and I'm certain I don't need to water it Could you please suggest what I could do about this?
Comment from : @prettyliars136

Great video!!!!
Comment from : @melissacolon1302

Great video thank so much! Do you have a video on feeding plants? I've looked briefly at this but I'm not really sure how it works and it's all so confusing!
Comment from : @Alyssofhearts13

Thanks so much for wonderful tips brI have a question,… most of the overseas sellers send plants in moss brThese are mature plants with established root systembrDo you recommend keeping them in water for a couple of days first before planting?
Comment from : @chistahart5900

Excellent advice Great channel, your very good at sharing relevant plant health
Comment from : @aquaman461

SO excited, to have hands on this flow chart!brYou are my FAVORITE Youtuber, Kaylee Ellen ❤
Comment from : @amygallagher3780

omg i love the flow chart and this vid Just ordered a syngonium albo - will be using the chart when they arrive!
Comment from : @DiscountJaba

All I can say is BRAVO! I love this video, shared it with a bunch of plant loving friends Some of it is obvious, some of it needs to be explained, (which you did) some of it is new to so many Again, Bravo Kaylee Ellen Thank you for this video
Comment from : @vickiandKi

Wow!!!😳😳😳 Thank you!!!! What amazing information!!! And so delightfully delivered
Comment from : @jenniferparkinson9411

love the flow chart, def gonna refer to this made so many of these mistakes
Comment from : @muntedmonkeyz

Great advice! Thank you!
Comment from : @onecenteredlife

Wow!!!! I cannot thank you enough Living in PA, I’ve had my share of receiving sad plantsbrIn the winter (and summer) We don’t have many sellers in PA so I have to go across country often I absolutely LOVE the chart-I want to literally cover my walls with it! All the research I’ve done and NO-ONE covers post-shipment plant care! Thank you for that gift It’s a testament to your character, your a lovely person
Comment from : @micscary2445

I had to repot my new plants :( I lifted one out of its cover pot and saw tiny, unidentified bugs crawling around in the moist soil underneath I repotted them both, and removed all soil So far, they're alive after two weeks We'll see
Comment from : @caitolent

Would just like to express my gratitude for the flowchart Your tips really helped me reinforce what I do and added your acclimation techniques Thanks Kaylee! Subscribed :)
Comment from : @sourceofdota3730

What do I do if my plant arrived in its original pot with soil and there is yellowing leaves
Comment from : @Joshk921

Love your sense of humor and wordplay!
Comment from : @DeRien8

How do I rehab a sansevieria after 3 weeks shipping please? I live in the UK and the plant (Sansevieria Green Mermaid) came to me from the USA There was no heat pack in it, no soil It looks OK Just a bit dry Should I leave it alone for a couple of days or should I give it some soil? I'm keeping it in a low light area at the moment and the roots are still wrapped in the foil I received it in I know you said to not repot, but there is no soil at all Please, advise I have contacted my seller as well Thank you!
Comment from : @monikabarcikowska6793

That flow chart was super helpful to sum up all the info you covered in this video! Thanks a lot :)
Comment from : @bethsplants8110

Thank you so much for teaching us about this! And thank you also for the flowchart! 💗🙏🏽
Comment from : @sunriseeyes0

Thanks for the info!! I received Melanochysum that was shipped in a pot with sphagnum moss The moss was moist so I let it be Should I take the plant out and put it in water or water the moss when it starts to dry a little? I plan on repotting it in about a week I just wanted it to acclimate to its environment first Please help!?
Comment from : @thaifontanez7942

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