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Call of Duty Modern Warfare Multiplayer: PS4/Pro/Xbox One/X/PC - Which Has the Competitive Edge?


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Название :  Call of Duty Modern Warfare Multiplayer: PS4/Pro/Xbox One/X/PC - Which Has the Competitive Edge?
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Кадры Call of Duty Modern Warfare Multiplayer: PS4/Pro/Xbox One/X/PC - Which Has the Competitive Edge?

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Коментарии Call of Duty Modern Warfare Multiplayer: PS4/Pro/Xbox One/X/PC - Which Has the Competitive Edge?

It no longer works properly on any old gen
Comment from : Gamer0007

this engine is so underated one of the best motion blur and AA implementation ive ever seen still to this day
Comment from : JimJamSam

IW apparently also matches you up only to players who have 120hz FPS mode activated on PS5 & XBOXSX as well as PC thus the fewer lobbies to connect to But when you use 60HZ you get more match ups Cold war doesn’t do this FYI
Comment from : campos3452

Mike G
I’d love to see this video amended with the 3 new systems thrown in! Awesome video though
Comment from : Mike G

Wish consoles had an fov slider at least
Comment from : Crytpic0III

Pc wins
Comment from : Shinichi

You have to remember though, the One X is at native 4K, while the ps4 pro is at 1800p and the PC is at 1080p or 1440p
Comment from : Filip

Vince Bliddack203
No excuse for one x to do anything worst that pro unless it's bias which I wouldn't doubt all the console exclusivity ont crap they do
Comment from : Vince Bliddack203

Nedas Paul
Kind of depressing knowing that the superior hardware console was purpously less optimized than the other one for exclusivity reasons
Comment from : Nedas Paul

I have ps4 pro and xb1x and for the most part I don't see much difference Atm I really only play on xbox due to having a scuf prestige for xbox and not having an elite controller for my ps4 But when I do get my new scuf impact I'm going to play more often on ps4 to really try it out on warzone
Comment from : Pr0digyZRX

Beni x Maru
Are you playing with motion blur on? 🤢
Comment from : Beni x Maru

I have been playing this game in team death match on the PS4 Pro and Xbox One S, on my Sony 55” 4K Master Series OLED, and I MUCH prefer the Xbox and Xbox Live and get better results in games on it, PSN is laggy and the game feels slower in the PS4 Pro even if it is smoother, sorry but after a few patches this conclusion is wrong, the PS4 Pro is not the best platform to use Also the Xbox controller is much better too
Comment from : marksapollo

Fort Worth Raised
Ugh I’m watching this video again 8 months later, the Piccadilly praise was making me nauseous 😂
Comment from : Fort Worth Raised

PC doesn’t even let you play splitscreen
Comment from : KAZOO POWER

don don
So fast ihave 2 say of all the versions iown on pc qc &; pro I've played the pro version online the most & wrote what a smooth bombastic lil festit is Runs like a dream 4 me with no lag it's absolutely fantastic in both tdm & the impressive large scale warzonecis an absolute joy 2 play so no complaints there Only thing that i found annoying is the campers but that's cod 4 you I just end up destroying those fools! All in all this Is my fav void both online & off in the best story campaign 2 date Kudos 2 the devs X
Comment from : don don

Tim Richardson
Comment from : Tim Richardson

i would actually like to input i only get put into KBM lobbies on ps4 if i have cross play enabled if its disabled i normally only play against controllers
Comment from : Xyras_

Ordered an one X today because I couldn’t fuckin kill the campers on my mid range gaming laptop Fuck y’all camper I’m coming with my keyboard and mouse in 4k now
Comment from : Cryotek

Night Troll
On Xbox s this cod runs at less than 30 fps during gun fights in ground war, it never hits 60 fps That's why I hate all your xbox reviews because its lies and it's unplayable in console warzone
Comment from : Night Troll

It's sad a built in cheat for console players Just pathetic and the crying excuse that PC is so much better as if that justifies a cheat pfft
Comment from : pendragonshall

Scotch Whisky
The reason I'm quitting pc is because the players are too sweaty even after 5 years of playing they're still too fast
Comment from : Scotch Whisky

Sooooo he's just going to gloss over the fact that you can play at 1440p 120hz on oneX🤦🏾‍♂️ this is why I hate these comparisons 60hz maxed res for a console comparison PC "look at my 120Fps!"
Comment from : JHR

So Xbox One from 2013 that you can get for 200$ runs better than GTX 1050 ti that troubles to get 60 fps on low to medium settings Consoles are far better for your budget IMO
Comment from : NBA6Fan

Matthew Cruz
Comment from : Matthew Cruz

let me guess before watching: pc
Comment from : Bankrovers

Lyle 84
Is it possible to change FOV on the consoles?
Comment from : Lyle 84

Laz01 Gr
Im a PC gamer since moh warfighter when I ran it with windows 8 Since upgrading my hardware and software to windows 10 i cant play more than a day because of strange issuer related to windows Im sadly switching to the new consoles next year after playing this game on ps4 without a single problem
Comment from : Laz01 Gr

Remy Kuper
Way better optimalisation on ps4
Comment from : Remy Kuper

The Dark Ruler
I play on base ps4 and my brother in law, who I play with plays on the original original xbox one haha Ground war is damn near unplayable because it often is still loading the environment and I get killed Regular multiplayer and 2v2 works just fine though and I've had plenty of wins vs pc players and plenty of losses to them When I beat pc players, I usually chalk it up to their inexperience with cod I firmly believe that the tactical button layout for the stock ps4 controller is best when it comes to movement on controller
Comment from : The Dark Ruler

Kerzy Holmz
Does the Xbox one X perform better in the trouble areas if played on 1080p or is it the same as 4k?
Comment from : Kerzy Holmz

Major Balls
It would be interesting to see what the results would have been if they tested ps4pro and xb1x at 2560x1440
Comment from : Major Balls

I love playing this game on my PC but it's absolutely embarrassing how my $700 dollar graphics card (2080 super) drops so many frames and stutters when running on Ultra settings with RTX on causing my FPS to run from 130 fps to 45-30 or even lower on certain situations 😂
Comment from : Cygnus

Naruto Uzumaki
Xbox one X has the competitivei edge
Comment from : Naruto Uzumaki

Naruto Uzumaki
Xbox one X has the competitive edge
Comment from : Naruto Uzumaki

C4L Lucky
I play on Xbox One X and the screen tearing is terrible
Comment from : C4L Lucky

Activision fkd over Xbox One X because of Sony players who have the most powerful home console with abundant screen tearing because they basically ported the Xbox One versioninstead of having made a stand alone X version (Pc is a platform not a console) thats disgraceful on Actvisions part
Comment from : neosrt10

I still find it weird that this game is a nvidia title when all the consoles are AMD powered and cod had been a amd game up till now
Comment from : Perry2186

Been playing this whole time on Xbox one x thinking It was the best console version There’s such a bigger player base on PlayStation and since I like to disable cross play playing on my ps4pro might be the better way
Comment from : eja35oz

Can someone please send this to Dealer and ColtEastwood ? lol I'm not for either next gen console but they truly think they can predict ANY performance of games when by their same type of theory (especially Dealer) "he wishes he could play God of war on the Xbone X" first off not enough information is out, secondly optimization goes a longgggg way I want both consoles to hold nothing back as its the first chance publishers have had the chance to not be trailing PC spec by 2-4 years I truly hope sony drops a bomb with a higher than hinted version of their Ps5 to match the amazing sounding Series X They're throwing around numbers like 30- 40 more power in the series x and thats just too much to ignore for someone who wants to stick to a console option 1st and see top notch performance
Comment from : OPgam3r

Austin E
Wait, what about 1440p 120hz mode on Xbox one x compared to ps4 pro?
Comment from : Austin E

Thank you somuch for this needed review I trully enjoyed it Thank you
Comment from : 紫AfroMozes紫

Nic B
It's pretty simple, whatever platform I'm on I'm gonna lose anyway in an FPS 😂
Comment from : Nic B

dudder86 dudder
My pc run about the same between 120 to 135
Comment from : dudder86 dudder

dudder86 dudder
Its pc I've been in so many lobby's with pc aimbots I have xbox 1 x i turned off crossplay and took 10 min to get a match its stupid and i have a 70 inch 8k Samsung pc needs to go
Comment from : dudder86 dudder

Counter Shader
Pc players r trash on cod I sit on pc kids people need to realize that console players can be just as skilled as PC players I have personally seen more skilled controller players than any PC player
Comment from : Counter Shader

Eric Smith
For the xbox one x and ps4 pro are you running in 4k or 1080p?
Comment from : Eric Smith

Ifan Stoddart
Personally I think the original Nintendo ds has the competitive edge brbrbrbrbrbrI'm funny plz laugh
Comment from : Ifan Stoddart

how come when i’m playing controller ps4 i get matched against pc players with a mouse?
Comment from : Heze

Jack Burton
There really is no excuse for 1X poorer performance in this game Lower the max resolution if needed and optimize it better
Comment from : Jack Burton

Natsuki Rei
when it comes to xbox , the xbox one X more than has the hardware and IO to run the game just fine without any screen tearing, it comes down to the dev team , they got lazy and did not optimize the game properly, they should release a patch to fix the IO stutter and issuesbrbraka, its not the xbox at fault of the issues, its not optimized properly by the dev team
Comment from : Natsuki Rei

Magnus Inventum
A RTX2080TI looks and plays better than PS4 Pro? For the price of the Nvidia card alone, you can purchase a PS4 Pro, Xbox One X and a 4K TV, so it better be better CrossPlay is cool though Also, the fact that the base Xbox One can even run this game is amazingit was not impressive hardware in 2013 and here we are almost 2020
Comment from : Magnus Inventum

Lobastik LoLkovich
Can you tell: optimization of this game has changed for December 2019? Or is it the same? (Xbox One X)
Comment from : Lobastik LoLkovich

Console players have an advantage with the auto aim
Comment from : durkadur27

poop head
Can you play splitscreen multiplayer online on PC? I saw you made a comparison for xbox and playstation, but not for PC
Comment from : poop head

Sampa Relli
Can you disable motion blur on consoles ? This seems a decent cod since bo2 so I might pick it up during Christmas But I can't stand motion blur It gives me a headache everytime
Comment from : Sampa Relli

Jeremy Leech
The biggest upgrade I ever made, was switching from a living room tv (65 inch) to a 24 inch gaming monitor Way better
Comment from : Jeremy Leech

My base xbox one drops as low as br20FPS on certain parts of the map lol
Comment from : IShadeZzl

Tyler McGrath
All i know is, im a god on PC Its way too easy to play any kind of shooter on PC Even in R6 Seige, i couldnt believe how much easier and better i was on PC So i never understood when people come in and say "lol console noobs" Competitive to me is using the more difficult controls, equipment, etc I have all 3 systems and i just never understood the whole PC this and that for games Graphics aint everything and its really not even enough for me to be a dedicated PC player But in sum, Pc is too easy to me
Comment from : Tyler McGrath

mathew raftery
Why does it feel like my frames drop on all modes on my ps4 pro ground war feels so sluggish and regular multiplayer feels like it drops frames my system is well ventilated
Comment from : mathew raftery

Matches up with the same ??? Ive been in rounds with console users on KBM and others on Controller while Im on PC
Comment from : HIXTAR359

in 7:35 is that the base xbox one or the one s
Comment from : Kaiden

I uploaded a video fully testing the aim assist it’s disgustingly strong it’s joke
Comment from : SuperTopCat

Aim assist is to op
Comment from : SuperTopCat

My question do i need ps4 PRO?
Comment from : Freedeoxide

Taylors Every Day Life
For cross play it doesn’t matter the game will put you against keyboard and mouse with PS4 controllers Activision went back on their word about only matching people with the same input method
Comment from : Taylors Every Day Life

I'm surprised that the x got beat out by the pro
Comment from : Cantcatchzoom

Xbox one is left kicking and screaming in the corner
Comment from : Mj

Heath Crane
So how does the Xbox one X perform on 120 mode at 1080p
Comment from : Heath Crane

Almost like the devs have hamstrung the One X intentionally to be lower performance than the Pro by only having dynamic resolution on one axis, forcing it to push higher pixels but lose fps
Comment from : TheDjOfChoice

Steve K
Absolutely baffled as to how the xbox one x doesn’t run it best as the gpu is 50 more powerful than the ps4 probrBad optimisation by infinity ward
Comment from : Steve K

andrew moore
Pro performs better than X? Huh? What?
Comment from : andrew moore

Joseph_goat 67
Xbox one FPS is shit
Comment from : Joseph_goat 67

Faisal Munayam
The weaker console runs better Activision are on crack $$$
Comment from : Faisal Munayam

David Bracher
So I'm on PC keyboard and mouse and hate controllers but want to play against friends on console, who all have controllers So I guess we can't play together Is this right?
Comment from : David Bracher

on ps4 all of us on controller we see mouse and keyboard in lobby off and on Also the option is greyed out for us all Sbmm matches me high skill bet why kbm in my lobbies sometimes
Comment from : FNL 4EVA

PC has ton of cheaters, so it's more advantage
Comment from : Adam

『 Pᴀɴᴢᴇʀ Dʀᴀɢᴏᴏɴ Wᴏʀʟᴅ』「パンツァードラグーンワールド」
The reason why I never understood the appetite for cross play It’s ok for a casual game like fortnite but competitive gaming ? No way The day they do this on Overwatch, I quit
Comment from : 『 Pᴀɴᴢᴇʀ Dʀᴀɢᴏᴏɴ Wᴏʀʟᴅ』「パンツァードラグーンワールド」

Does the Xbox One X perform a solid 60fps if you limit the resolution to 1080p?
Comment from : ThunderTable

Why doesn't the PC version support split screen wtf
Comment from : Sadnehs

Am i missing something The x has higher resolution with hardly any frame drops Dont get me wrong there's some and the occasional tearing brWith the higher settings, is that not worth mentioning To why there is those issues One x Did he address that or did i miss it
Comment from : Joel

Kaiz Amari
pretty sure base xbone and ps4 need to turn off crossplay as to avoid getting rekt by Pro and X user
Comment from : Kaiz Amari

kyochi_ gb
having a higher FPS doesnt mean anything when the server tick rate is 60 or below pls stop spreading false info It literally just looks better at higher fps but it gains u nothing in terms of gameplay advantage
Comment from : kyochi_ gb

Sony has (once again) gained exclusivity to a cod title That's the only reason they tailored it to run flawlessly on the PS4 vs the Xbox One X The xbox one x has higher specs, better gpu, better cpu, 12GB DDR5 ram and 6TFLOPs of gpu power and somehow the PS4 pro runs better? I don't buy it and no one should be as naive to think the devs didn't created the game around PS4 pros specs This has to stop
Comment from : Cody

Food for thought for all the console users br Really , what is the problem with going against pc players just try it You will be surprised at the resultbr Here is the kickerbrIf you lose it's to be expected right, but if you win, you beat a PCMR with a console and they have to live with it
Comment from : NobodyImportant

Valley of the Sun Gaming
Ridiculously in depth look into this title Well played
Comment from : Valley of the Sun Gaming

Scott K Pinellas Pool Pro’s
I will NEVER notice the difference between the Pros and Xbox One X frames Ill take the dynamic 4k X version all day I actually have every platform including PC I love how much u are incredibly pushing how the Pro is the best 99 of the time the X is the best console version but you NEVER make this big a deal about it This is a developer issue NOT hardware Before this gen NO ONE on console gave a shit about all this performance shit unless u were on pc I like u guys but your console tech reviewing is pointless Console gamers never cared
Comment from : Scott K Pinellas Pool Pro’s

Richy Carrillo
Reloading with 79 bullets left Now that's a disadvantage
Comment from : Richy Carrillo

Digital Foundy: “Which Has the Competitive Edge?”brbrPC:
Comment from : Light

Jonathan Delgado
So did they fix the blurriness on base Xbox one or was that the final product in the beta
Comment from : Jonathan Delgado

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