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Elon Musk Remembers the Moment the Tesla Cybertruck Window Broke Onstage


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Название :  Elon Musk Remembers the Moment the Tesla Cybertruck Window Broke Onstage
Продолжительность :   2.31
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Просмотров :   5,7 jt

Кадры Elon Musk Remembers the Moment the Tesla Cybertruck Window Broke Onstage

Описание Elon Musk Remembers the Moment the Tesla Cybertruck Window Broke Onstage

Коментарии Elon Musk Remembers the Moment the Tesla Cybertruck Window Broke Onstage

Robin Daniel
Elon Musk is the most south african thing I ever saw
Comment from : Robin Daniel

Scott Goddard
But he didn't hit the rear door with a sledge hammer so the rear glass didn't have any possible impact damage from a sledgehammer so the glass shouldn't of had any fractures in it allowing the steel ball to break the window I do t I'm just speculating However still cool though
Comment from : Scott Goddard

Rodolfo Solano
Stutttttttttttterrrrrrsss 4 days
Comment from : Rodolfo Solano

Here's the truth Elon is a fu**king idiot
Comment from : OvercookedOctopusFeet

Ines Elm
Comment from : Ines Elm

Lamont Cranston
When the steel ball broke the window we all sighed and smiled because EVERBODY HATES ELON MUSK
Comment from : Lamont Cranston

Kevin McAssaler
Bs excuse The crack didn't propagate from the corner It formed and spread directly from the impact pointm
Comment from : Kevin McAssaler

Tesla has to re-enforce its truck/car windows because the next person that decides to wreck them is going to use a sledge hammer on the doors and on the windows second They also need a solution for an emergency escape from inside the truck/car
Comment from : miux5

Brysen Williamson
if you watch back in the unveiling the cybertruck event when it broke the glass, you can see elons mouth mutter "Holy Shit" in it lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : Brysen Williamson

All of these comments deep throating Elon for his big brain have aged like a fine wine 😂😂😂
Comment from : DMartin

Light Theory LLC
It's a disorder in men called AcaciabrbrIt can be treated w/ Speak Therapist brbrGoogle it
Comment from : Light Theory LLC

Every single thing this man says is a lie
Comment from : BillNepill

hippo potamus
"We think it cracked the corner?" So you didnt go and fukn look afterwards to KNOW if that actually was the case???? FAKE
Comment from : hippo potamus

So will a self driving car choose to hit a granny, kid, or puppy? br brSelf driving car: DRIFTS
Comment from : AZRIEL AZRIEL

But he broke 2 windows The on in the front and back with the same ballbrbrSo how does this explanation hold up?brbrAlso The glass never broke from the corner, both windows had the shape of the ball imprinted on the glass like a meteor hitting earthbrThis explanation is bogus Musk
Comment from : randomshittutorials

That's for the front window, now for the back window ?
Comment from : AmR

Jeremy Fritz
Proof that Mushmouth comes in all colors What an absolute goon
Comment from : Jeremy Fritz

Timothy Heikoop
Good marketing Everyone knew it broke
Comment from : Timothy Heikoop

Marcos B Gonzalez
That actually happens to me When I want to say a lot so the ideas dont go lmao 😂😂😂
Comment from : Marcos B Gonzalez

Good advice ladies “Balls first, sledgehammer second”
Comment from : Budlife

Dr Darkroom
Joe already asked him about this before Brain cell down Brain cell down!
Comment from : Dr Darkroom

Git Gen
Why are they building this again? Solutionism at its best, pure nonsense
Comment from : Git Gen

Mayushii Mikotoba
The meat riding in the comments is out of control bro
Comment from : Mayushii Mikotoba

Correo General
FOCK NO!!!👎 brTHATS NOT WHAT HAPPENED!br1st🥇 World Class Grand Master for the Armoring Industrybr I’M D ARMOR MASTER br🇺🇸🇨🇦🇦🇪🇲🇽🇧🇷🇻🇪🇦🇷
Comment from : Correo General

Dumb stuttering jokes in the comments Cringe
Comment from : Der DEUTSCHE

Tsigunsini Overhill
How do explain both windows breaking if the hammer broke the one corner of the one window 🤦‍♀️ small man sounds dumb cuz he to proud to admit the product wasn't ready Product quality should be tested an excess of times or your false advertising something that hasn't been thoroughly tested advertising it completely sad smh
Comment from : Tsigunsini Overhill

Avik Roy Choudhury
More test was needed
Comment from : Avik Roy Choudhury

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you The only being in all of recorded time and history to ever lose $200,000,000,000 Ha
Comment from : B

Why does he always talk like he's lagging
Comment from : Kassandra

Two of the dumbest men alive
Comment from : rjbonacolta

Forgive Elon He never saw that episode of The Simpson…
Comment from : Ckom

the hammer excuse is so dumb
Comment from : fredcastor1

He's not stuttering He's distracted by all the people sucking him off in comment sections
Comment from : Patron

Tries to say the sledgehammer broke the bottom of the glass lol this bloke
Comment from : Pedro

Musk sells his testarone and idiots buy it cause they gotta follow the alfa male, who has the strongest musky smell, People are starting to see he is a narcisist fraud,,,
Comment from : Shekhinah

Why do people keep hyping up some rich boy who inherited emeralds and likes nerdy shit like he actually knows the science behind these enterprises? When did inheritors of wealth become people we celebrate?
Comment from : BlackFlagsNRoses

johnnie jackson
Why do people think he's so smart
Comment from : johnnie jackson

Comment from : JOHN MENTACIDE

Moz Weiner
What happens when the criminals get one of these?
Comment from : Moz Weiner

For the cost of one window And Zero advertising the ENTIRE world learnt about the cyber truck The most pre-ordered pickup truck in history Guerrilla Marketing people They can and will deliver on their original promise Meanwhile almost no one I know has a clue about the rivian even tho it’s a cool truck (I’m not in USA)…
Comment from : Jack

Shadow Tiger
Joe is really into the whole electric car stuff I would never admire any human ever no matter how successful they are
Comment from : Shadow Tiger

Elon is such a liarbrBut, that's all he knows how to do
Comment from : DumbledoreMcCracken

Or Elon is the perfect scam artist #teslaOVERRATED
Comment from : PLT1400

Jeremy Jarvis
Should have made the truck out of hemp it would really be indestructible
Comment from : Jeremy Jarvis

Cro Punisher
So irritating
Comment from : Cro Punisher

Shouldn't be the hit on the car body because the guy hit only one door twice but both windows broke so can't be that
Comment from : J G

Okbut what about the other glassfirst one the hammer broke corner glassbut the second one?
Comment from : GENIS REINA

Comment from : rokrjohnson

Smoll Kitteh
"hE's NoT sTuTtErInG, hIs MiNd WoRkS fAsTeR" I mean really stfu that doesn't cover up his cybertruck show failure He really did fail and his stutters made it even worse
Comment from : Smoll Kitteh

elon we love youu it's okay you got this
Comment from : Ariah

Puma Fist
Elon is a liar fraud
Comment from : Puma Fist

It happens 🤷‍♂️ trial & error 😅 room 4 improvement 🤓
Comment from : EmanuelG

I feel like he tried to name his son like Adam or something and he just stuttered so much it changed to the robo shit that it is now
Comment from : Coozi

Scott Nunnemaker
So what he’s saying is they just build stuff, they don’t spend a whole lot of time making sure they do what they are designed to do
Comment from : Scott Nunnemaker

Alma Guapa - Sailboat live aboard epiphany
EM reaction is sign he's way out better manager than previous generations like aggressive, nevrotic Steve Job,
Comment from : Alma Guapa - Sailboat live aboard epiphany

Chuck DaVinci
Elon Musk is a scam artist and makes his money defrauding the government 250,000 preorders two years ago for a "truck" he still doesn't have a single working example of, pretty slick If SpaceX and Starlink weren't so successful I'd be outraged
Comment from : Chuck DaVinci

caroline byrne
Comment from : caroline byrne

benny doyle
“We don’t have time for that?” Dafuq
Comment from : benny doyle

Mc Carthy
All this simping for Elon is a bit sickening He's a smart and intelligent guy sure but he's not the perfect genius people think Just look at all the ideas he has that fail And a ton of his stuff is essentially vapourware The Tesla is a great car yeah but he didn't engineer every single bit of thatall this 'Elon is stuttering because his brain is faster than his mouth' is ridiculous Let him get more home runs than strikes and well see how much of a messiah he is
Comment from : Mc Carthy

Rohan Kurian
#elon_musk doesnt stutterhe IS #Enema 😂😂😂
Comment from : Rohan Kurian

Oli Wakulla
I don't think that was the case I highly doubt his explanation
Comment from : Oli Wakulla

Wow, 4 top comments are exact same Not alot of independent thinkers tuning into JRE
Comment from : DFOURTY 9

Max Vax
The only Reason this Scammer ever appeared, was to give our Real Genius Nikola Tesla a Bad Name
Comment from : Max Vax

Altaf Mubarak
I dont agree to that explanation of breaking the glass thoughif he is talking about tempered glass it doesnt work that way
Comment from : Altaf Mubarak

navneeta kumar
Every particle of elon musk radiates warmth and love
Comment from : navneeta kumar

मौनी बाबा सन्यासी
That's why hundreds of safety tests conducted by vehicle producing companies are valuable Ie BS & ES 🗡️
Comment from : मौनी बाबा सन्यासी

Here's whybr youtube/PnPcMAwcJJ0
Comment from : V3n0M_TUBE

southern merican
I like elon, but damn hes hard to listen to His brain is going 200mph and mouth can only handle 50mph
Comment from : southern merican

that snake oil splattering on that window perfectly encapsulates musk
Comment from : Vlaxie

The Egg was before the Chicken
Comment from : ΩMrLeeΩ

Suraj tonde
Yi long musk
Comment from : Suraj tonde

Música y Más
Wait a minute, they don't have the time to make sure their supposedly "bulletproof" window works? Wow what an idiot
Comment from : Música y Más

JG Scipio H
Elon stuttering because he's already thinking bunch of ideas for every thing he's going to say
Comment from : JG Scipio H

but he also threw the ball on the back window are they connected or some shit because franz did not sledge hammer the back door
Comment from : Karambit

Aden Lind
Ridiculous, it would of done the same thing to the front of the glass, I've tried to smash the front of a normal car and it also is anti shatterproof and does the exact same thing, it's really hard to penetrate, I've taken guns to them, this guys such a bullshit artist
Comment from : Aden Lind

King David
Ok so if it was the Sledge hammer, Why did the Back window break as well? Did he hammer the back door too??
Comment from : King David

So that's how we can break the glass of a cybertruck and steal the cookies bois!brA soft hit with the sledgehammer first and steel balls later! 🤔
Comment from : Ruboboste

Brandon Felts
Nope didnt mutter said loudly oh my fucking God dont worry your mic picked it up lol
Comment from : Brandon Felts

Matt Chase
I think the issue here wasn't the sledgehammer If he threw that ball over and over repeatedly at that same glass, the glass probably weakened the more they threw the ball, causing the glass to break when they did the unveiling
Comment from : Matt Chase

elon "we don't have time to test if our products actually function" musk
Comment from : ThrowDownthenHoeDown

He didn’t mutter under his breath “holy shit” he said “Oh my fucking god” loud and clear lol
Comment from : xBMPR

Elliot Bridge
"I think I muttered" nope you said it pretty loud Elon
Comment from : Elliot Bridge

Phu Vet
I saw it live, was hoping for "Let's try the other side"
Comment from : Phu Vet

Igor ZA
please improve that car we need such a cars in South Africa to survive 😂
Comment from : Igor ZA

Yasser Alshahrani
This guy is just bubble
Comment from : Yasser Alshahrani

aman sahota
People only see a glance at someone’s wealth but no one ever sees the years of hard work it took someone to get there
Comment from : aman sahota

Madara Mighty
Elon is kinda stupid
Comment from : Madara Mighty

storm rider
They didn't sledgehammer the second door and that window broke
Comment from : storm rider

Egils Vejkrigers
Why did Joe ask the same question in 2 separate podcasts? 🤔
Comment from : Egils Vejkrigers

weird outro song lol
Comment from : Z

So, you will need a 2 man operation to penetrate this vehicle
Comment from : phqutub

I didnt think it failed, i mean, the rock did not make it through the window, so thats a win
Comment from : KiLLJOY

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