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Chinese Scientists Are Leaving USA for China (You Won’t Believe Why)


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Название :  Chinese Scientists Are Leaving USA for China (You Won’t Believe Why)
Продолжительность :   9.49
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   224 rb

Кадры Chinese Scientists Are Leaving USA for China (You Won’t Believe Why)

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Коментарии Chinese Scientists Are Leaving USA for China (You Won’t Believe Why)

Cyrus Janssen
Go to thldco/zbiotics_cyrus_1122 and get 15 off your first order of ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol Probiotic by using my code CYRUS at checkout Thanks to ZBiotics for sponsoring today’s video!
Comment from : Cyrus Janssen

Stephen De Long
The reason these scientists are leaving is because they thought that America would be an innovator,instead we are a nation of stagnation
Comment from : Stephen De Long

At this point i think most asians shud seek opportunities in asia The west will be increasingly hostile and worse culture
Comment from : gregfulton

Antonio Brown
Ohso you're blaming Trumpgot it
Comment from : Antonio Brown

America has been slandering China over and over Look what CNN, New York Times and others say about that country, all are lies So, who can stand it? Besides, China is a better country than America to live now
Comment from : blinoldluv

Chinese are loyel towards their nationa brNASA RUN BY 40 INDIANbrAND CEO OF AMERICAN COMPANY WHO?brWELL DONE 👍
Comment from : DIPAK SARKAR

rex cal
it may be good good news for china and it may be bad news for the world A super rich china can also be a super bully as it is doing in the West Philippine Sea,
Comment from : rex cal

Most of Chinese american scientists are spy ------bbc cnn cbc skynews ! That's why
Comment from : Yuj

My father is a scientist, but he is near retirement age right now I don't think he wants to find a new job, let alone back in China He just wants to retire and enjoy life brbrAlso, a whole country that depends on immigrant workforce is of great concern because it implies the native-born workforce sucks What happens to the next generation? Will the American-born descendants have to compete with even fresher arrivals?
Comment from : kiwifruitkl

roger mccollough
lol but we still have bill gates
Comment from : roger mccollough

Cindy Calkins
America has been the strongest country on the globe since it has established itself because of our ability to overcome our enemies Communism is an antiquated government that clearly failed and took the ground water with it They can't bomb our land they need it because they're going to meet us to ship them food
Comment from : Cindy Calkins

Yeah, maybe that’s still a good thing they are leaving! The Chinese are definitely known for their thievery of intellectual property Why would science be any different? As far as I can tell anything that takes any technical skill to build for the military they’ve stole from the US and other countries Thank you Donald Trump!
Comment from : VR4nic

Comment from : RAY YOUNG

Comment from : RAY YOUNG

Darin Johnson
Greedy American corporations have sold out to China They don't need to be here anymore to smuggle secrets or tech out of the country to copy
Comment from : Darin Johnson

Matt Christensen
Because they are Chinese spies it is actually that simple
Comment from : Matt Christensen

if US pushes a war with China you can forget about Chinese international students going to the US
Comment from : Daniel

Thomas Spol
I just want to point out Chinese professors in the US are not leaving the US to move to a country which boasts of having the most sophisticated and extensive surveillance of its population in the world because they fear it here is incorrect, that’s like saying these professors are jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire Work on your propaganda
Comment from : Thomas Spol

Rakesh Bhadreshwara
Why American most company’s have factory in China,China have legal contract with USA Company with physical not with mind property????, with physical work thay (Company) have guide how it’s work and they learn afterwards you know “Trapped”
Comment from : Rakesh Bhadreshwara

Clover Techdev
I love Trump's policies, but me and many of my Chinese Americans stopped voting for Trump due to his arrogant discriminated remarks that cause the rise of attacks on the Chinese Americans
Comment from : Clover Techdev

lin hai
America was founded on racism, built on racism, controlled by racism, and will decline because of racism
Comment from : lin hai

B Wo
Will your paycheck come from ccp or pla
Comment from : B Wo

Thanks for voting Joe and this party, we lives in more peaceful (?),democratic(?) worldHope the politician stop using the major media as their political platform😢
Comment from : San

Berta Nelson
As a British colony, U$A has a foundation of racism Look how Brits treated Chinese when they occupied China during the "century of humiliation" Fear of "the yellow peril" has obsessed European people for centuries Even all those ethnic & racially non-European people became infected with this racism once they became "Americans" Now that U$A & Europe are failing, the populace is becoming even more xenophobic
Comment from : Berta Nelson

Chess Tunes
I'm going to do more research into settlements against investigations for falsely accusing Asian Americans for spying Been a victim US kinda shooting their own talent in the knee😅 Hopefully new leader won't be a complete imbecile
Comment from : Chess Tunes

Maggie D
I wonder if China will attract and welcome non-Chinese US students
Comment from : Maggie D

Peter Lynch
This is to be expected when you are treated as spies out to steal technologies and ill treated, while your home country welcome you home with red carpet and open arms
Comment from : Peter Lynch

Michael Neuroth
While I have never cared for Trump's character going back many years I feel he was more accurate in proclaiming China as our largest threat He chose China over Russia I feel that is fairly obvious The problem is, our politicians sold our capacity for innovation, creativity and manufacturing decades ago You cannot beat the Chinese when it comes to long term planning I see that clearly now Biden went total corruption with the Chinese which compromises America's power Meeting in the middle is the solution
Comment from : Michael Neuroth

After Wen Ho Lee's wrongful prosecution, enough Asian scientists should have come to their senses and leave the states I guess it's better late than sorry
Comment from : kittydukakis

Chin Cheong
What is US's loss will b China's gain Tks to TrumpbrUsed to b brain drain for China but with China currently building the new smart city of Xiongan to b fully operational very soon , it will in some big way n measure turn the brain drain into brain gain in this forthcoming 4th Industrial RevolutionbrQuality of Life n Std of Living is therefore very significant n relevant for the world's best talent to make the best informed choice for their living environment n ambience with regards to themselves as well as their family
Comment from : Chin Cheong

Brad Golding
Some Chinese scientists left because of US surveillance??? And here's me thinking that China was Big Brother! brAs for reversing the trend of scientists going back to China and fewer Chinese students going to the US, not until the US stops its belligerent foreign policy and appalling police practices at home I am a Vietnam vet and visited the US in 1977 and 1980, travelling 15,000 miles on Amtrak, and had a ball I wouldn't go back today, I'd rather go to China
Comment from : Brad Golding

Castelo de Ossos
Have no sympathy for the American desire to ascribe motives to the Chinese any worse than America's own desires, but to call the persecution of Chinese academics in the USA as 'racist' is simply idiotic Even watching only this video, one may understand it has nothing to do with race
Comment from : Castelo de Ossos

Askya Lumumba
America is decaying at a lightning speed, all because of ignorance and racism
Comment from : Askya Lumumba

Ai Yang
Trust me every Chinese student knows what happen to Tsien Hsue-Shen History is repeating itself in the US
Comment from : Ai Yang

Trump has voiced it out but the USA has the racism inbread in the Elite… the whole country has a sentiment against China aka communism
Comment from : ME

Viva China
Comment from : pham

YapKF Michael
The way US treat the Chinese as spies, communist and bias treatment is forcing more Chinese to come back home to their motherland The never ending Biden administration plan to subdue China as a world super power is back firing and at the losing end is US
Comment from : YapKF Michael

Charles Simbolon
But in the last 20 years ,most of the nobel laureate and fields medal came from United States, there are more than 100 people who were awarded nobel prize from United States
Comment from : Charles Simbolon

Marcus Castellani
There's also the CCP spying on international students So Chinese students have others informing on them America should just subsidize the education of intelligent students that are American instead of outsourcing
Comment from : Marcus Castellani

Without question America will not be able to reverse the trend,most of the World knows America is not a good faith actor and is in fact a destructive selfish force,with nothing to offer the World community except as a villian for the World leaders,who value peace over conflict, to come together to oppose
Comment from : Righteous628

Truth above ALL
Remember- we also deported the Turkish immigrant studying at CalTech in 2018 - he is the only person w the tech to have made us the global leaders in 5G & he wanted to remain in America 🇺🇸 brbrDue to our racist immigration policies China was able to roll out the literal red carpet welcome & they r now the worlds leaders in 5G w over 2M to America’s roughly 200K brbr5G is needed for EVERYTHING in the 21st century & we handed this to China due to our inability to work together in any meaningful way to reform our Reagan era immigration policy that has become the fav weapon of the GOP who has turned hating migrants into blood sport
Comment from : Truth above ALL

Johnnie Walker
Google the story of person who created China's missile program Something never change
Comment from : Johnnie Walker

the future will revolve around asia believe it or not just wait and see
Comment from : warrior

Walter Rumohr
They are living back for nobody trust them anymore here in the US
Comment from : Walter Rumohr

D Kenneth
Bye Felicia
Comment from : D Kenneth

Conversation Club
They got all the information they needed, they no longer need the west
Comment from : Conversation Club

It's not clear to me who has contributed more to Chinese tech - Xi Jinping or Donald TrumpbrXi's done a pretty good job with MIC2025 but Trump is making it a close contest
Comment from : jayceh

Eric Awful
This is pro CCP trite!
Comment from : Eric Awful

Andre Thorpe
I have spent about 23 years of my professional life in the IT industry, saw the attitudes to both Chinese & Indian technology professionals, saw the change in social acceptance of these people that lived in North America with all the negative racial bias they faced as they were eventually acknowledged within North American society I understand why they choose to return to their country of birth Many in the US & Canada still cling to cultural attitudes of the 1950's Our region has matured but many of the older generations still have not evolved with modern times
Comment from : Andre Thorpe

A recent survey in US, 87 Democrats value college education vs 37 Republicans value in education
Comment from : CommonSenseMatter

Franklin Henson
US Colleges are woke full of bad professors teaching junk As far as tech is concerned, look at Harvard keeping out Asians But get real, the Chinese government has other intentions But I know that many Chinese want to stay and that's a shame The quality of life in USA has gone way down Look at San Francisco Come on I would rather live in China than SF, Oakland , Chicago, or NYC China has order and we do not
Comment from : Franklin Henson

The Chinese have earned their success Repeat - earned their success For so many years exploited by the British Empire and its Financial overlords (think City-of-London)
Comment from : B

Michele Leimbacher
The Woke agenda in the universities in North America probably has something to do with it too
Comment from : Michele Leimbacher

Yat Choy Chu
Thank you Cyrus Janssen for Highlighting the Issue
Comment from : Yat Choy Chu

André Gonçalves
A country that does not value its scientists is doomed to decay
Comment from : André Gonçalves

Simbwa david jograss
It is now very clear that there are many forms of democracies with success touches American democracy is challenged now by the Chinese type of democracy Other forms can therefore be devised Question remains what is best democracy for quick development with human rights touches with no discrimination or racist hegemony?brIt is now for global neither America nor China , hence stop Ukraine conflict and earthly we overcome aliens already here on our planet
Comment from : Simbwa david jograss

Simbwa david jograss
Every minute new scientists come on board the science scene Artificial intelligence is now the norm Aliens already here on our planet! Scientists are going to stear the safety of our planet and advance this earthly population to safer other galaxies and earths Discrimination and racism are the main obstacles If Chinese, American and other young scientists work together success is for all of us President Trump is partly to blame
Comment from : Simbwa david jograss

Simbwa david jograss
US has to take strategic move to keep excellent scientists as was earlier in decades
Comment from : Simbwa david jograss

Brian Bozo
So Americas solution is to attract Chinese talent rather than work to develop american citizens abilities and education and the US allowed so many Chinese students was driven by the universities desire to profit ie, greed
Comment from : Brian Bozo

United States should give more migrants opportunity to come into it
Comment from : TV DE REALITY

China propaganda channel
Comment from : VDMOOLN

The United States got played againbrbrChina and India thanks you for training their current and future workforce
Comment from : GoldenAgeGamer

We keep scientists come to Us They learn many thing for independent rather than for against the independent That why they in the countries Open businesses do this do that When China better they can go home not now
Comment from : NHAN HA

You sound so political Trump and presidents in your contents not nice but your informed Don’t like it
Comment from : WINDOW SHOP

It appears Trump started it, but you understated Biden’s great contribution to make it really fly This is a joint venture that cannot be successful without both parties working together to make it happen It’s not simple as one is bad guy, so the other is good guy
Comment from : 吴容大

Do Americans like making money by working on Finance, Investments, Sales, Marketing, Insurance…fields more than engineering?
Comment from : MIT AI

Pastry Shack
It's because people were always led to believe that America is better than other countries But, when they realize how great their country is they become conscious of what their country has to offer I am sure if a Chinese and an American were to go head to head on an exam, the Chinese would win easily
Comment from : Pastry Shack

Victory Srinivas
Very interesting
Comment from : Victory Srinivas

Harris Ng
HOW THE ISLAND OF TAIWAN CAN LIFT UP THE SPIRIT OF THE GREAT MAINLAND CHINAbr Many talented ChinesebrIn the US are returning home to the motherland brMany Taiwanese are all , also invited to come home The unification of brTaiwan and China is a brGlorious step forward in the creation of the new world order in China br Harris Ng YM 👻🌷🌿🌲🙏🌱🇨🇳👪✨🌏🐰🐇brYEAR OF THE RABBIT
Comment from : Harris Ng

Michelle A
USA are losing many of them But many illegal immigrants are walking into USA Which one should we protect
Comment from : Michelle A

Jirong Hu
America universities are busy wokeing
Comment from : Jirong Hu

Obuebhor Ehimen
Nigeria can be of help to replace the Chinese
Comment from : Obuebhor Ehimen

Henry S
This is a jokebrThe corruption and rip off at every level of academia Can not be believed by the Americans It is well known that school principals take a cut in the school lunches brSelling school uniforms made from used hotel sheets Hahabr
Comment from : Henry S

Timothy Makufa
This is why Babylon ( USA)the great will fall# Racism
Comment from : Timothy Makufa

Sandra Jones
Thank you Cyrus for your perspective and willingness to share with all! Much gratitude for your platform!
Comment from : Sandra Jones

Gerardo Oviedo
Yo pensé que Amlo iba a apoyar a todos los científicos e Ingeniería mexicana, y todas las Universidades públicas y privadas, pero solo apoya a sus amigos y familia y su tren y aeropuerto
Comment from : Gerardo Oviedo

Gerardo Oviedo
Las decisiones políticas afectan las buenas relaciones de los países y bien por los científicos Chinos y ojalá haya paz en en mundo
Comment from : Gerardo Oviedo

Infinitely infinite
War is coming
Comment from : Infinitely infinite

Rob Merrill
Stole our jobs now technologythey just want to control everyone
Comment from : Rob Merrill

Thank you Cyrus for this video - amazing story telling but I disagree with your views Firstly, university rankings are mostly to do with money and useless stats (I should know as I used to be an academic), Some top universities have refused to be included in these rankings Second, Yan Ning's return to China is most likely due to her own personal circumstances, and nothing to do with Trump!
Comment from : 记录时代DocumentingTimes

Tony Chong
So much being said about tik tok nice or sour, it all depends who owns the site
Comment from : Tony Chong

The Thach
why didn't he mention china spy and stealing us technology
Comment from : The Thach

United States politician are so short-sighted creating all these crisis for themselves They also have a habit of not learning from past experiences Too arrogant? or they all have amnesia?
Comment from : fkat28

You must be being paid by the Chinese
Comment from : jabax999

David Canatella
Washington intends to destroy China and has for at least 40 years So, I wouldn’t trust them to wash my car
Comment from : David Canatella

Garnett Forgiven
This guy a ChinaPhile or what?
Comment from : Garnett Forgiven

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