Название | : | I Asked a 30 year China Expert If We Can Trust China...His Answer Was Incredible |
Продолжительность | : | 26.16 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 139 rb |
What a bunch of BS Comment from : @user-nl9js9lo4g |
Really glad China improves these years I know someone who built a factory in China like 20 yrs ago, the Chinese govt basically dispatch police to the building site to collect money for nothing every week It was very corrupted 😢😢😢 Comment from : @kristineximeno6739 |
What the US needs to do is to grow up and behave like an adult China is not going to put a
brpacifier in your mouth to mollify you Comment from : @stevewang2 |
I heard China has policy to do business with the people or manufacture Chinese owners has liable for deliveries their products in a good manner If Chinese’s fault their hood or take the foreign currency Their laws are very stricted Because bad business affect the trust of Chinese people and Chinese government Comment from : @KC-pm2mf |
Glad to hear from Pascal to address this issues Being Chinese living in China It is very difficult to express exactly what they want and they may said something not exactly mean in English as well as in Chinese Comment from : @KC-pm2mf |
I agreed Chinese basically quiet, and deep thinking people Chinese need to speak for themselves Comment from : @KC-pm2mf |
No no no Comment from : @coytimotoworks2440 |
The biggest challenge China faced is the biased Western media negative propaganda on China This is further worsened by majority of their population, especially the Americans who are easily manipulated by false rhethorics and propaganda Frankly, many Americans have pathetically no knowledge of China and Chinese Yet they believed wholesale all the news and rhethoric from their politicians Westerners who had not travelled outside their country will easily believed falsehoods and tends to think that they are the superior race Comment from : @jimmyng2763 |
No,no,no, we can not trust China It is not about the ordinary people, but about the people, who are in power right now!! Comment from : @tmeijer8677 |
If love are ❤❤established and trust will come and there will no war and there will no threat Comment from : @kathtongchau5488 |
Because of centuries of propaganda Hoaxes, smearing, lying, colonialist, imperialism, world hegemonies, self righteous attitudes the world must NEVER Trust the Western media Only they can do whatever they please for their greed with wars , coup d’etats, fabrications of facts at their pleasure and all over the world creating chaos and dissentions Divide and conquer!!! Comment from : @mariakoo3980 |
Trust and honesty are important for understanding Unfortunately, Biden, Clinton, Trump, Obama, Bush, and Victoria Nuland are untrustworthy and their state department are untrustworthy, They lie and cause unnecessary wars and don’t consider diplomacy and negotiation, only war and regime change to control other countries Until the US government comes to their senses and become civilized human beings who respect others we might have a chance to live in peace Comment from : @louis430 |
Good after noon it s posible to invite some US politician Comment from : @jazielsophietan8018 |
No !! Thieves are always Liars 💯 Comment from : @johnbaber9660 |
Those of us who have studied the 22 years of SCO history know very well that Xi has the path to world peace in his hands The United States is the only agency of bullying, harassment, regime-change wars, and related insane chaos The world has combined to reduce the United States, which was their only choice Comment from : @larrysherk |
It's the Regime, the Chinese Government we don't trust Many Chinese people think in a very positive polite and cooperative way Comment from : @mvaug69 |
WellbrThe US has been untrustworthy pretty much throughout its existence! Comment from : @Ziggyziggy1 |
If someone was alive for 5000 years, the person would facepalm 🤦♂️ here we go again China has to deal with bunch of kids again Comment from : @TelpPov |
Multi-parties' system with three powers are needed In public traffic we must have official driving license to drive the car Comment from : @pheuypeterphrakaysone9926 |
🐰🙏 President Xi is the great Comment from : @harrisng3041 |
President Xi Jinping is the most stable , wise Comment from : @harrisng3041 |
🙏👍 P Comment from : @harrisng3041 |
🙏👍 President Xi is th Comment from : @harrisng3041 |
🇨🇳🇨🇦TRUSTWORTHINESSbrOf the Three Presidentsbrin the three great nations,brRussia , China and USA ,brPresident Xi is th Comment from : @harrisng3041 |
TRUSTWORTHIN Comment from : @harrisng3041 |
TR Comment from : @harrisng3041 |
No country acting like this in regards to COVID can be trusted end of story Comment from : @abstragento0087 |
So I suppose all that has been happening in Hong Kong since it is no longer under British rule is in the worlds imagination Chinese apologists Comment from : @carlgonzalez5789 |
Please listen to Jaq James she has work in China army, and the lies the west say about China Comment from : @jimrule8652 |
All very well and good It's not the Chinese people we need to worry about It's the CCP Comment from : @tomdunnnz460 |
Both Cyrus and Pascal are seasoned China watchers having been and lived in China and experienced the Chinese and their country China They, like countless other expats who have had that China experience find it hard to believe that our leaders in the US so misunderstand China and characterize China as a bad actor, when in fact, the US is the bad actor on the world stage The US government still lives in a colonial and white supremacist mindset Our government seems to create narratives out of thin air and amplifies them with its own stream of propaganda to make China look evil and warlikebrbrToo bad that these experienced broadcasters reach but a limited audience but there is enough of a following to place their views in high esteem I find both gentlemen knowledgeable and realistic about China, its strength and weaknessesbrbrOne comment on Pascal's comment of 'trust' The misunderstanding of 'guanxi' is heard from time to time and if Americans look at what they do, would find that even Americans practice guanxi It goes beyond networking, it is the essence of trust It is not a mystery or hard to fathum but comes from years of trust working with others that guanxi becomes a strong factor in China's business acumen Americans actually do the same Pascal's circle of trust has a strong significance in China, especially regarding the family and extension to the village China has a low crime rate because of that trust and the US suffers from that lack of trust that is the reason for its high crime rate The family 'face' is the most important element in the creation of good citizens and trust in the community It is a shame that trust is so weak at the international level Comment from : @MASMIWA |
Yes we can absolutely not trust communist china Comment from : @almus6748 |
Thank you Cyrus Janssen & Pascal Coppens for this important chapter in raising the collective awareness of the Successful Efficient Meritocratic System of Governance 👍👍 Comment from : @zendrjennchongcreator1618 |
Westerners tend to put a distance between Family, Community & Society, an alienating concept Comment from : @1bhaihay |
us is illuminati Comment from : @enriquebalasi6183 |
Nooit ,dat, van klein land/vlaanderen als België, heer Coppens heeft een breeddenken beeld van een chinees Gefeliciteerd ,touchè Comment from : @hammylauw9574 |
It's interesting to note that your observations about how Chinese people communicate and their concept of trust doesn't just exist in china but also passed down the generations amongst Chinese immigrants outside of China I can identify with these behavior despite the fact that I have never been to China, but just being an ethnic Chinese born of Chinese grandparents living in (and being educated) in the west Comment from : @standoctor |
I am very skeptical about all this, sounds like shilling Comment from : @RogerValor |
From Los Angeles CaliforniabrCyrus finally my mother asked me about China She said that the Spanish mainstream media is painting China as a enemy of the USA and my sister is trying to install fear from Wright wing evangelical Christian media platform We voted today Comment from : @covid19deltaextrarewardspr88 |
Can you trust ChinabrbrWhy not ask this question on another country that is slowly sliding towards Christofascist corpo-state?brbrCan you trust United Christofascist corpo-state of America? Comment from : @gelinrefira |
Whites are Gods?? LOL Comment from : @jenghaohuanglin7441 |
Can we trust the United States??????? That's my question too Comment from : @jenghaohuanglin7441 |
Chinese has the courage to love, outrage and uphold justice Of course, individuals are different and some are selfish and greedy like any other culture By and large, there are enough Chinese that you can trust will give us a better tomorrow Comment from : @fairviewgrass4806 |
YERLERİN VE GÖKLERİN VE HERŞEYİN SAHİBİ YÜCE ALLAH CCbrçin hükümeti doğu Türkistan kardeş lerimizi yaptığın soykırım bedelini dünyada ve ahirette ağır ödeyecek sin çin yok olmaya mahkumdur ALLAHIN İZNİYLE çin zalimdir zalimler için yaşasın cehennembrçin hükümeti bir terör ve işgalci terör örgütü çin yok olmaya mahkumdur ALLAHIN İZNİYLE çin zalimdir zalimler için yaşasın cehennem Comment from : @husamjerpolat7465 |
As usual, a well-needed and informative video From an ex-expat, good job Cyrus! Comment from : @what_1917 |
I would rather the title say , can anyone trust AmericaNO IS THE ANSWER Comment from : @jamiegilbert1098 |
I'm sorry to say that but if you see the history with a neutral eye you ll find that the country that cannot be trusted is the US Most countries on Earth are very faithful to their alliances mainly because they see them as counterparts not temporary tools The pragmatism of the US added to the entitlement and believe in American exceptionalism made it a totally non reliable partner or Ally America look at any partnership in the light of necessity and since it's the dominant power they always tend to dictate to their allies and always tend to put their interests before their partners That's why we witnessed lot's of allied countries to the US treated as a disposable commodity That's why most nations on earth don't trust the US even if they are forced to forge some sort of partnership with them or like Henry Kissinger said : It's dangerous to be America's Enemy but to be it's friend is fatal Comment from : @82boulou |
One out of ten chinese people I have said ni hao in the street (south-sudamérica) gives me back the salute, she was a joyfull young woman and maybe was a bit drunk, the rest only looked scared because my poor chinese accent Comment from : @mauribonada2425 |
I trust no government Comment from : @Jonwick6713 |
Can we trust CCP and Can we trust China are two completely different question Comment from : @hohohimoto172 |
Yes we can trust China 100 Percent Comment from : @hujimmy2500 |
China is a great nation Comment from : @infinite6128 |
China is great……the number one best of economic growth country in the world now brThis is the truth! Doesn’t matter US feels good/bad,accept or not,logical people follow the fact and do positive thingsbrAnd All world want to work with China instead keep WAR stay poorbrUS is falling not great nation anymore now…Twisted by very low level dark petty party state 😰 jealousyfear based mindset,always the drug/drug/drama aggressiveTry to Pin down anyone better than thembrThis kind of narrow mindset is hard to work with China leadership/experts on the same page 📄 brHow to trust US without getting back stabbed in the same time? Comment from : @snowwhite-jt9cj |
The whole world has been exposed to non stop anti-China propoganda by the west and its main stream media that black has become white and white is now black Problem is that China does not know how to fight back using soft power and speaking in a western way Comment from : @iamnotfooled |
Why not? Who put sunction on you and take your dollars reserved??? He he he! Comment from : @peterlim3189 |
Two of my favourite YouTubers in one video ! That's great! A big THANK YOU to both of you! Keep on the good work Greetings from Germany, Anna Comment from : @moanar5433 |
You are the best Comment from : @hxzz3656 |
The media in the UK is China hating and they the population has a negative view on the Chinese people Getting better but has dipped since the China bashing from America Comment from : @Worldwithoutboarders |
Divisional headline Only governments are other governments enemies! No foreign nations, continents or governments are my enemy! It will be 1 against 5 if they come after the fire Comment from : @Z64Myname |
What a stupid question! It is unquestionab no one could trust any Western country! Comment from : @dianali6444 |
Very good to introduce the book of the trust culture between China and the West, a good book of Can we trust ?China Comment from : @jameswan7510 |
what a load of crap Comment from : @lc5176 |
中国共产党对中国人民撒谎、欺骗已经100多年了,中国共产党说的每一句话除了标点符号是真的,其余任何一个字的意思都是假的。 Comment from : @xiongjiechen8495 |
你跟他講道理, 他跟你耍流氓, 你跟他耍流氓, 他跟你講法律, 你跟他講法律, 他跟你講政治, 你跟他講政治, 他跟你講國情, 你跟他講國情, 他跟你講接軌, 你跟他講接軌, 他跟你講文化, 你跟他講文化, 他跟你講孔子, 你跟他講孔子, 他跟你講老子, 你跟他講老子, 他跟你裝孫子, 你跟他裝孫子, 他跟你講道理 Comment from : @xiongjiechen8495 |
NO! Comment from : @parttimetourist |
You are absolutely right my friend In 40 years, China did not fire a single shot, or invade other countries Check it out, how many countries US try to invade This time, they even come to Chinese doorstep to creat war Now US will want to sell arms to Taiwan Like they sell to Saudi Arabia Now, MBS of Saudi Arabia thump his nose to US Why? Comment from : @victorteo4783 |
Democracy is failing and Socialism is winning this is why the US feels threatened Comment from : @badimpulses17 |
Of course and Sure trust China Comment from : @winnietse8236 |
Since I live in the US all my life, I only hear things about China from the West and the mainstream media in the US Thanks for explaining more in depth and details of the Chinese Government in China Cyrus, we need more people like you to promote world peace rather than war Comment from : @Frank_Techguy |
They will have the earn the US trust Comment from : @kevinhead1768 |
NO!!! Never trust communism They are evil!!! Comment from : @freedomfighter2842 |
I think we all know who blocked the trust — American politicians Comment from : @jameslu2052 |
I see the biggest problem of understanding China is the snobbish attitude of the west especially the US Comment from : @Dhsu4321 |
Why you forget history? How many people died when Mao Zedong in power? How about invasion China to Vietnam? How about persecution and genocide of Uighurs?brbrYou cannot judge the government with the culture of the people! That is not connect Comment from : @nelayanpejuang4194 |
Yes, why not? Comment from : @rojano4458 |
I was expecting this interview to be about trust between governments in the internatonal arena (and peoples around the world trusting China), but I haven't seen much that counters the narrative of "don't trust China, they're coming after us" The existence of internal trust in a society doesn't say much about international politics or even commerce, they're very different settingsbrbrI expect the debate about trust to revolve around the factual record of the regimes we trust and don't trust and comparisons between them to show biases Not to discuss the factual instances of maintaning or losing trust makes the whole discussion to be generic, abstract and prone to be captured by already existing inclinations of the participants Comment from : @igor-yp1xv |
You're NUTS Comment from : @spookerr |
What is the explanation for under reporting of covid cases in China ? For example, a gigantic city like Beijing has 3K sh cases since covid began ! China has reported 900K cases till date, a number that's a fraction as compared to many other countries And if these numbers are true, why was the wisdom not shared with the world ?brbrDisclaimer - I have many friends from China and each and every one of them is wonderful People vs administration are two different things It is true across every country in the world Comment from : @kunaljoshi3266 |
I’m going to laugh when China controls everything and you all fell for it Europe basically did the same thing Comment from : @CanadianAnglicanLgbtq |
I like an update after Nancy Pelosi's visit Comment from : @binglim1 |
We can Trust CHINA 🇨🇳 CHINA said they would shoot down NANCIES plane ✈ They HAvent YET shows MAbie we can Trust CHINA 🇨🇳 we can Trust CHINA 🇨🇳 America 🇺🇸 is my country I do TRUST XI of CHINA 🇨🇳 Comment from : @garygagnon4577 |
First of all USA should start treating people with respect and dignity US government is the most arrogant and American people are being just brainwashed Comment from : @USAF2010786 |
Yes we can totally trust a country that is offend by a yellow bear Comment from : @eliegazaille1602 |
Question iscan we trust usa???? The answer is obviousa big fat no Comment from : @frry6700 |
Not sure if this is correct I heard China going to open borders in November 2022? Comment from : @chillian1985 |
Cyrus should do a China topic with Gordon chang That'd be epic Comment from : @rividizd |
To me this is not a matter of trust, both China and US are simply power hungry Comment from : @MrKenQuek |
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