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Xbox FPS Boost Analysis: 60FPS/120FPS Back Compat on Xbox Series X|S Tested!


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Название :  Xbox FPS Boost Analysis: 60FPS/120FPS Back Compat on Xbox Series X|S Tested!
Продолжительность :   23.20
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Просмотров :   401 rb

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Коментарии Xbox FPS Boost Analysis: 60FPS/120FPS Back Compat on Xbox Series X|S Tested!

JustPhill Gaming
So something similar to Nvidia’s Fram Generation DLSS 3 but for Xbox ok
Comment from : JustPhill Gaming

The FPS Boost feature is very useful and has been a breath of new life for some games Great video by Rich and Linneman again
Comment from : Boss

Ryan 9000
I got an Xbox series X for Christmas with three months of game pass ultimate I love the console but I couldn’t tell you what games are next gen and made for the series X elusively Every game I find is a last generation port from the Xbox One with “enhancements” Kind of a shame to buy a next gen console and have no next gen games But as I said I still love the console
Comment from : Ryan 9000

so if the game is still technically running at 30 doesn't that mean it's not actually any more responsive?
Comment from : marcie

Far Cry 4 is still awesome!
Comment from : weltvonoben

9 june 2022 - thought about it last few minutes and reversed my plans Will buy sooner than later to replace X1Xtomorrow joins PS5
Comment from : TheKeithvidz

I'll take 60fps over 4k all day
Comment from : Sdubya1

Lewis the choosen one

Comment from : Lewis the choosen one

Skeptical Fan
Gears 4 has it too
Comment from : Skeptical Fan

Eric M Kelly
Games that aren't fast paced / 1st person shooters I find to be acceptable at 60FPS and would actually debate rather or not 120FPS makes sense in these cases (maybe, maybe not depends on the game) However, I've yet to find a game for which I have actually perferred the "higher quality" 30FPS mode over the 60FPS no matter how much lower the "static image quality" The "in motion" image quality is so much more important than how the images look while not in motion as you are "in motion" the vast majority of time you are playing the game I don't care if it's "4K" because if the game can only run the game at 30fps that "4K" image is going to look like poop even compared to 1080p running at 60FPS 30FPS makes me feel like I'm botterline sick, honestly brbrThe game would have to be a VERY slow game indeed to justify a 30fps "quality mode" There's typically nothing "quality" about a BLURRED "in motion" / 30FPS image The new consoles should have games running at 60FPS BARE MINUMUM and STOP fooling around with this 30FPS garbage, its just taking time / resources away from fine tuning things that are MUCH more important Okay so the power isn't there for 4K? Fine, shoot for a really good 1440p/1080p@60FPS and the game will look, feel and play SO MUCH better than some 30FPS BS that they shouldn't even bother with 4K only looks better than 1440p/ 1080p if the game is running at the same frame rate, overwise the lower resolution game running at twice the frame rate will look better, feel and play better It honestly blows my mind that any reviewers find this "debatable" Sometimes I listen and wonder if it's me that's going crazy but I don't think so
Comment from : Eric M Kelly

Good news everyone - Farcry 5 on xsx now supports fps boost & its the definitive version to play- silky smooth 60fps & beautifully detailed crisp visuals Well done Microsoft, fps boosted games are all impressive & l look forward 2 a similar fps upgrade (hopefully) on my PS5 as well You listening ubisoft there's no reason why PS5 couldn't handle the same silky smooth gameplay like XSX, given how powerful its is brGreat video guys - Viva La FPS boost! 😁🙏👊👍

Comment from : Blingchachink

GTA 4 runs amazing
Comment from : DeeRuss

I have a question: kets say I got a disc of dishonored 1 for xbox one and put it into the Series X instead of the one will I still get the fps boost?
Comment from : ferro

David W
i used to by a sony guy but ive switched to the xbox i gotta say it xbox won this gen its got the whole winner combo
Comment from : David W

Bajan la calidad grafica para aumentar los Fps que chiste tiene esto si los juegos se ven mas feos? They lower the graphic quality to increase the Fps What a joke this is if the games look uglier
Comment from : SELLA

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