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? What NIKOLA TESLA tried to tell us but they covered it up. (part 1)


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Название :  ? What NIKOLA TESLA tried to tell us but they covered it up. (part 1)
Продолжительность :   7.22
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Просмотров :   1,7 jt

Кадры ? What NIKOLA TESLA tried to tell us but they covered it up. (part 1)

Описание ? What NIKOLA TESLA tried to tell us but they covered it up. (part 1)

Коментарии ? What NIKOLA TESLA tried to tell us but they covered it up. (part 1)

The speaker is Michael Tellinger Check out his work, you'll be amazed 👉 wwwyoutubecom/channel/UCLF2DONV6JCJUs6eK6POaxg or here 👉 michaeltellingercom/brEnjoy!
Comment from : @VideoAdvice

sound is a byproductbrbrnot a cause
Comment from : @SaintFluffySnow

the UNIVERSE is ELECTRIC!brbrLookup:brbrPLASMA Electric Universe (EU) CosmologybrbrThunderbolts Project
Comment from : @SaintFluffySnow

Everything is a lie? That is a lie
Comment from : @tatie7604

Let’s just skip right over the patent that “uses sound to create hurricanes… and the weather”
Comment from : @jyoung3083

the dangers of youtube, sound creates magnetic fieldsbrsound is just air molecules vibrating, no sound in space yet there are magnetic fields brlogic and thought process of numerology is just as good as flat earthers theory,brno evidence whatsoever, only the sacred geometry of god almighty
Comment from : @user-lm4wj6gu6r

Walter Russel not Tesla
Comment from : @waterca178

Why we have tides…salt water in ocean
Comment from : @hdcvo2570

Tesla is the real Einstein
Comment from : @hdcvo2570

Royal Raymond Rife invented the machine to cure all diseases with frequency
Comment from : @richardlesser1199

"we know that god said let there be light" well this is the way to discredit yourself talk about fantasy sky wizzard :/ shame
Comment from : @piotrklejment5867

N Tesla was truly before his time
Comment from : @rbaisey8628

Genius Nikola Tesla is really missing in our History and school level science book😞 | His inventions and poetry
Comment from : @ShubhXplains

Genius Nikola Tesla is really missing in our History and school level science book😞 | His inventions and poetry
Comment from : @ShubhXplains

🔥🔥🔥🔥 that's how i came across flat earth
Comment from : @flatearth7814

Patent or not OAT MEAL will stop any hurricane just sprinkle out of a plain in frount of the hurricane I think that information was in that same Patent Think about all the lives and property that could have been saved just last year SMFH
Comment from : @D-train953

Maxwell chikumbutso on tesla work
Comment from : @quantumsuper-

They had to lie and say the ancients did not use this technology to build and lift pyramids🤣🤣
Comment from : @chiraqfinley8165

It's not just "sound" it's the thing using which sound works or travels And no it's not air It akasha , an element in Hinduism
Comment from : @deepanshumolasi7151

Have you ever looked into the earth being flat? Check out this quote from Nicola Tesla "Earth is a realm, it is not a planet It is not an object, therefore, it has no edge Earth would be more easily defined as a system environment Earth is also a machine, it is a Tesla coil The sun and moon are powered wirelessly with the electromagnetic field (the Aether) This field also suspends the celestial spheres with electro-magnetic levitation Electromagnetic levitation disproves gravity because the only force you need to counter it is the electromagnetic force, not gravity"
Comment from : @wesleylenssen4072

Vibrate your mind To the vibration of Nature, while meditating We are part of nature ,Be a Part of It ,Be a Nature, than you can feel the vibration of Nature, you can Feel yourself And the universe
Comment from : @2005jungsuman

Kudos on putting this information together but if concentrate on this to much and realize that this is just another single tooled prosess of I method of manipulation and creation it will send you down a rabbit whole that will lock your brain right into the last reset and or get you killed just like Tesla
Comment from : @disabledokiedad

Tesla was the best mind that ever walked the face of the earth Shame that because he was not one of the "Elites" he got screwed over and over again This is the problem with the world, and always has been I've experienced the same thing 3 times in my life and know!
Comment from : @philstevens9914

He perhaps was wise enough to know that it’s not about wealth of material but wealth of thoughts
Comment from : @wellticklemytummy

We began in northern Mesopotamia
Comment from : @abracadabra3018

Tesla was an angel If you understand your spiritual connection with this plane, youd know
Comment from : @chieftain023

The voice of God, and the constant singing of angels makes a frequency, that frequency makes scared geometry And that geometry is in EVERYTHING, Like molecular structure of matter Its absolutely amazing!
Comment from : @jennamassey7766

I keep trying to tell people gravity is bullshit and we aren't apes on a spinning ball People think I'm crazy
Comment from : @jennamassey7766

My balls resonate at such a a high frequency they're blue
Comment from : @secretsauce333

South African narrater
Comment from : @marcof8715

May be he did not die, maybe he found out much more and kept it secret, maybe he is behind Q, Trump, , Musk , etc he said it "the futire is mine" and i believe he said so literally
Comment from : @juancampo9332

Everything we are told about Tesla IS LIES He DID NOT invent AC power
Comment from : @bigmack2141

woo woo
Comment from : @rubeno1195

what do you mean "they covered it up"? this is common knowledge
Comment from : @user-hm3ni1wd3f

No matter what you can't prove any technique from Chritianity but just words You need Hinduism to prove lol If you remove Hinduism, Egyptians, etc Christianity will fall as per your chart
Comment from : @ryanterry996

sound vibration stuff dont work in the vacum of space so you cant connect that to it
Comment from : @stevenchiverton48

HARPP is what they use to create weather
Comment from : @gracebyfire2021

I've been taking photographs of wifi shaped cloud formations since 2018 Hagerstown md there's military bases secretly hidden all in the mountains Large field with gigantic satellite dishes by the hundreds
Comment from : @madwellmusic8995

All true!
Comment from : @markdavenport17

The entire universe is vibration, every spectrum of light, every sound, heat and that thing ur mom uses🤣
Comment from : @NocturnalRS

Dr Royal Raymond Rife rife microscope
Comment from : @howiefeltersnatch6578

What frequency was that he was playing on the rice????
Comment from : @internetisalie5696

God spoke everything in to existence
Comment from : @kylearmstrong1188

Huu about 4mins in
Comment from : @grahamdevanny6722

Hey my name is Eric Clausen
Comment from : @ericclausen6772

So your saying we are being lied to and yet these concepts have been know for thousands of years Nothing in this video is new information
Comment from : @middleway5271

Read islam please!
Comment from : @agbudrani4632

What if this is also a lieto keep us from awakening on our own
Comment from : @richmondraider716

My microwave told me to watch this
Comment from : @leathleyg5995

😟😭So sad that a genius like Tesla died a poor manand yet his technological discoveries still inspire and amaze people to this day😯😲truly an untapped wealth of knowledge, passed over, ridiculed and shunned by his 'peers', but thankfully being 'rediscovered' and recognized for his 'outside the box' thinkingthis was INCREDIBLE to see and witness, thank you for this, 🙏🙏🙏be blessed 🙏🙏🙏
Comment from : @jabbawakka7286

Tesla named 3 of 7brLOC
Comment from : @shannah222

The cabal running your country and running your life has got to go
Comment from : @TheBmco99

deaf people rn
Comment from : @deucy6991

This Nikola Tesla BS is like the 100 mpg carburetor suppressed by Detroit Urban legend One step up from the legendary girl impaled on the gearshift knob I know A friend of a friend told me
Comment from : @Skatakephalos7434

Can we now have a video on how this energy is captured and used please and hey presto you will have solved the worlds energy crisis!!! All a tad theoretical
Comment from : @micman1000

they need to use a similar device on door with the serpents on it B in the temple in India to activate the door B
Comment from : @jimhusselman4012

When they say even thought can make a frequency makes me think they have made something to read minds who knows they probably already made one
Comment from : @donkunkilluminati2412

Hitler is your GOD, Joe "blow" Rogan, and the very reason you believe your reason is superior to mine
Comment from : @markjaycox8811

The USN created a powerful 2cm wave frequency weapon which was based on a Tesla design this drives sea creatures hundreds of miles away In the event of war a country could lose all food supply
Comment from : @chadrushing4685

Have those sound experiments been attempted in zero g?
Comment from : @aenima1

🙏 thank you sir nice video 🙂
Comment from : @shankarpatel532

Couldn't agree more, fake reality we live, toxic sease pool governed by filth
Comment from : @holmofrur

You can kill cancers or diseases with frequency but again big pharma will never never allow a multi multi billion dollar industry to be disrupted under any circumstance hell or high water anyone ever really listen to that hell or high water so burn for all eternity or high water great flood so we will be whipped out before they allow any changes in the (establishment) 👹👽🤮
Comment from : @juancarrero6652

🔥🌊🐬💦br💧 FIRE 🔥🐬 WATER
Comment from : @donhollywoodmack9189

I'm not sure if there was enough content for this to qualify as dumb
Comment from : @knyghtryder3599

HAHA what nonsensical conjecture
Comment from : @andrelangston619

The goverment is the real enemy of the people
Comment from : @edward9161

The reason why so many of the creation myths are so similar is because they are taken from each other Even the Hebrew God came from an earlier religion The one God idea apart from a god for every event was a natural progression As for everything being half lies is harsh Just because a person has a different view and learned experiences does not mean they are lying The lies start when questions are asked and the answer is not accepted Science corrects itself brI love the supernatural spirits created everything brTelsa was a brilliant scientist but I want to ask the age old questionsbrWhy did they cover it up? Who is they? What did they cover up?brIf you can not answer these question first, you should not be trying to push a conspiracy theory brThe problem with sound and vibrations is it is restrictive Without anything to vibrate it can not occur Space is the largest part of the universe and it is a void brNo sound at all that a human can ever detect with our earsbrNASA has recorded magnetic and electric field waves associated with space events and translated this data into the human audible range br brThere are countless questions about the cosmos that have been haunting scientists for centuries To answer some of them, we have sent orbiters, spacecraft and sometimes even humans to collect samples and make observations, but how do you study something that you can’t see? br brHumans are naturally able to hear and see only in certain specific frequencies and wavelengths However, space has a multitude of waves that are beyond our narrow perceptions, so how do we study them? br brWe translate, remodel and adapt them according to our needs so that we can observe and analyze them There is simply no stopping science!
Comment from : @stephengarner8628

The universal sound Omm has frequency that makes you realise of the source/ the creatorbrThousands of years of knowledge in Vedas says that everything is sound and vibrations
Comment from : @999titu

Pseudo bullshit, I wouldn't even call it pseudo-scientific
Comment from : @meltdown6165

Comment from : @user-np4zc4cm1b

A Rife machine was being used to obliterate cancer cells 50 or so years ago Supposedly it was 100 effective The government shut him down…
Comment from : @badkarma6181

What a load of dog shit
Comment from : @sp4msolo724

nothing to see in this video but basic science and misleading information On to part 2 someone save me
Comment from : @hgshaffer

God gave horns to some angels and morning stars
Comment from : @davidbishop9255

The 6 days of creation is more closely associated with Judaism, not Christianity; the latter came along thousands of years later
Comment from : @augustojoseramonpinochetug5235

Thus is stupid
Comment from : @johnjoemaughan3654

I knew that the bloke narrating this wasn’t all that bright when he spoke about the aboriginal people as “not the ab” Does he not know the Latin origin of the English word which means of or from (ab) the original
Comment from : @christopherdunn8343

How in the world do you manage to conflate Tesla being ahead of his time with our entire reality being contaminated by lies and poisoned with half truths by some unnamed conspiracy that you provide no names or evidence for? This sort of Youtube video is misinformation that subtly seeks to undermine people's faith in everything including reality itself Once you get people into that frame of mind they are easier to manipulate than the stupidest most gullible MAGA twats alive
Comment from : @markwalker3499

Who are these "They" people ?
Comment from : @sourcetext

I believe the Egyptians used sound to levitate the blocks used to build the pyramids
Comment from : @ajmpatriot4899

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