Название | : | Vice Replies to Trumps’ Young Black Conservatives Documentary |
Продолжительность | : | 7.40 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 168 rb |
Many black people are conservative morally but vote Democratic I'm trying to figure out how many of these people are voting for the Republican party and are supporting Donald Trump I have an idea but it's still mind boggling considering that most of their ideology and philosophy is anti black Ignorance beyond belief Comment from : LEGACY by Redding |
This mans ideology depends entirely on who he's trying to tro- I mean report on Comment from : Soffren |
LMAO, Vice is truly another CNN or CNBC and Lee Adams is a wanna be Don Lemon, so yes, your a racist and a sellout Lee, but too dishonest to admit it, Lee had bad parents, poor thing 😉 Comment from : drijam |
This guy wants race to be an issue He is part of the problem Comment from : Jam Widdle |
3:00 sir when liberal black man refer to black conservatives as house n- should that rise to the same level of outrage as someone calling you living in democratic plantation, but that comment doesn’t rise any outrage from you at all Very interesting to pick and choose when to be outraged Comment from : A Wingedbull |
Well done Comment from : BearlyMHere |
It’s mind boggling that people think certain races can’t be racist Comment from : Lindsey Knight |
Black supremacist degenerate Comment from : Mr Wheatley |
I love the way he says his history the stuff he went through he was never a slave he didn’t live under Jim Crow his generation has it better than most people on earth Comment from : Russell Beaty |
Sorry buddy anyone can be racist Comment from : Russell Beaty |
You are a pos Look at the history of the democrats and rethink your opinion Comment from : Ryan King |
This guy is delusional and is extremely racist How is he able to be on here? Comment from : Fiona Waymire |
All I hear from him is more excuses and old tired arguments 😴 Comment from : Hurricane T |
You talking about plantation but you let and talk to black people talk about it all the time on the left biggest biggest hypocrite Comment from : domino DM |
I like this Comment from : YouTube Surf |
SMHwhat exactly has he gone through in America regarding race? It's hilarious that these people act like they lived through Jim Crow or something Victimhood at it's finestand when i say "these people" I mean entitled young black people that never sniffed a hint of racism And yes, I am blackso I can say that 😆 Comment from : Leroy Jetson |
You the man Comment from : Peggy Thibodeaux |
🤢🤢🤢 this man praised Steve king?!?! Comment from : Lunar Nature |
Wish you would have actually addressed what the person was saying about the democratic plantation rather than just focusing on that one word I think Candace Owens may have coined that phrase As a life long democrat, I’m probably going to vote republican in the future because of all the insane identity politics and blatant racism (by its original definition) or prejudice if you prefer, that has been promoted by the left towards white people, especially straight white males We will never fix discrimination and racism by just doing it back to the other It will be an endless cycle that rips this country apart Identity politics have already started ripping this country apart I don’t think the democrats care about black people anymore I think they genuinely think that they’re entitled to the black vote so now they’re ignoring the struggles of black Americans and moving on to Hispanic migrants, especially those who have entered the country illegally They’re essentially importing votes and even saying that illegals should be allowed to vote Democrats prey on the struggles of minorities and convince them that they NEED the government Republicans empower the individual I never thought I’d have more in common with the right than the left but currently I feel like I’m politically homeless Comment from : Thunder Up |
This dude: "I'm not racist, I'm black if you couldn't tell"brbrAlso this dude: Generalizes pheasant hunting as a "rich, white man's sport"brbrThis dude: "We don't tell anyone what to think We try to get others' opinions so our viewers can draw conclusions for themselves" brbrAlso this dude: Made dirty looks, rolled his eyes and shook his head everytime Trump said something he didn't like Also, passive-aggressively asked a black conservative woman on how she could possibly stomach the views of the Republican Party Comment from : Frosty Fire |
He found a way to cry about a guy saying he looks for good and bad, not white and black That should tell you all you need to know about this trash media company and their activists in a journalist costume Comment from : Isaiah Johnston |
The fact that he thinks having to show an ID to vote is some sort of racist voter suppression cracks me up EVERYONE has to show ID Not just minorities EVERYONE The fact that Liberals think black people don't have or can't get an ID is just crazy You have to show ID to buy alcohol, tobacco, cars, rent an apartment, get on an airplane, etc Are all of those things racist?? Lol Comment from : tracy rogers |
this d bag fits perfectly at Vice Comment from : Traveler 59 |
I am a conservative Republican… I admire and praise people of color… Mainly because of the struggles that they had to go through in the past… Which means that Black people today was never enslaved or went through the extreme racism that their ancestors went through … The issues that Black people are going through today is the same issues that all races go through so it is a joke that they portray that they are going through extremes… The black conservatives are an exception, they are still having to deal with racism and retaliation but not from white people, it is from their own race! Racism is alive and well today! Comment from : t tpolk |
I really (really!) enjoyed this, and you did an amazing job!brI’d appreciate some clarification, though; at 7:14 on the counter, are you suggesting that black people cannot be racist? This isn’t the first time i’ve heard this “talking point” (for lack of better verbiage at this late hour) In recent months I’ve heard this point made more & more in the ongoing dialog - brI firmly believe, however, that *anyone*, including ppl in the black community, are guilty of racism Suggesting otherwise, seems silly, AND intellectually dishonest brbrI’m heartened by you, and your incredible project You’ve profiled/did a deep dive on young black conservatives, and gave them your platform to share btheir/b ideas, & thebrvalues bthey/b subscribe tobrYou were curious…brnot “judge-y”, or condemning Consider for a moment, what so many of them, by merely being black, and conservative, have to face at their own family dinner table, on the regular Imagine: your community/family turning on you, because you have different ideas And the vile labels that are put upon them It’s disgustingbrbrWe need more of this, brnot less! Comment from : TwistedTiara |
Glad you were there 👍🏾👍🏾 Comment from : jee cee |
vicehire me I can do a much better job Comment from : Chris Bell |
I think he did good I will say my only complaint is that it's ignorant to think that only certain groups of people can be racist I have met white people who hate black people I have also met Asians who hate blacks and I have met more than enough black people who hate whites Blacks don't get to exempt themselves, they are capable of hate just as whites are Human beings of any shade are capable of horrible things Comment from : Jennifer Willis |
He may jump back and forth but he really isn't trying to convince anyone to choose a side, I've seen him disagree with Trump alot but also call Joe Biden a reformed segregationist, which Biden definitely was in the 70s- 80s Comment from : Oscar Merlin |
Uses skin color to justify he isnt racistbrUhhh not sure you understand what that word means there B Comment from : SilentNdoodly |
Both Republicans and Democrats need to go Comment from : Omni Entertainment |
So black people can't be racist? Thats such crazy nonsenseracism is racism Comment from : green$ |
Can you explain what you have gone through as a black man in America specifically? Comment from : Free Indeed |
Young un Comment from : Truth Groove /DCMaratas |
I hate the idea I’mbrBlack I’m not in a position to be racistbrANYONE CAN BE RACIST… and yes dude you sound pretty racist Comment from : Derek Juarez |
Vicesupports socialist democratic antifa blm party Comment from : James Madison |
What white liberals actually think of black voters ⤵️br youtube/DCytgANu010 Comment from : Caddy James |
Anyone can be racist, how can he say he’s not in a position to be racist, and assuming only certain people can be racist?! That IS racist thinking Comment from : PIF |
As a conservative you asked very good thought provoking questions, debating is not attacking Comment from : Chris Cangelosi |
I love your series Minority report especially the black cowboy was so cool Comment from : Chris Cangelosi |
Disney so classy They hire zoomers and millennials as journalists who can't even express a thought without interjecting "like" "you know' or "f" brI Feel like I'm watching the film Idiocracy This is unbelievable 🤣😂 Comment from : dystopian21 |
I downvoted that video Comment from : A prolonged no she screamed |
What did the haircut had to do with we are all different Comment from : Fabri Monsalve |
youtube/HNnLPYVp50E Comment from : ENGPRO |
I get genuinely concerned when people of colour say things like this guy, “how can I be racist” Yeah sure , go change the textbook definition of racism and keep convincing yourself that only white people are racist Comment from : dlubes101 |
Oh my bad, I thought this was someone being fair about politics among poc Comment from : Smoked Out |
Vice is part of the democrat plantation Comment from : Shaolin Slumz |
Are liberal blacks the new racists ? Comment from : Shaolin Slumz |
Man I love black conversatives they are some of my favorite people at to a beliefs standpoint and they know that they will be judged probably there family and friends They are not simpleminded and they are independent I cant stand Black liberals tho They are not a slave but a slave at heart Comment from : Miguel Redfoot |
This guy looks like he's neither democratic or republican, which sounds like a person thats a rational smart, logical person to me Cuz the left and right in america is soo crazy far apart Cuz anyone who's either a democrat or republican is a nut job, I think Comment from : DarthVader |
5:38 Finally a news organization in America gets it News is not supposed to be partisan It's supposed to be neutral Comment from : IcyTv |
7:07 ''At the core of the definition, you're misunderstanding the concept of racism, or who can be even racist''brbrLet me guess, black people cant be racist because ''power structures'' BSbrFACEPALM Comment from : ZADA OFFICIAL |
those comments probably white Comment from : V1 |
Vice flat out sucks brThats a fact Comment from : Shane Clark |
I love your answers and documentaries They seem very unbiased Comment from : Pink Mist |
“Being color blind discounts everything I’ve gone through in America?” Shut up guy, your a producer This great country provided the opportunity for you to become one Comment from : Brett Mandli |
"The internet thinks I'm racist, I'm black if you couldn't tell"brbr You can still be racist mate! Comment from : legendgamer219 |
I made it 4 minutes You're obnoxious Comment from : Michigan Sunde |
Yeah the plantation comment was racist af Comment from : James |
And a scumbag! oh and am black by the way Comment from : dras onyen |
Your a disgrace Comment from : dras onyen |
I think I’ve found something the left and right can unite behindthis guys a giant tool Comment from : Erik Casella |
Why is vice obsessed with black conservatives??? Comment from : Lunar Nature |
👍🇺🇸🗽 Comment from : RAY RAY |
Wait so u can’t be a racist Bc your black??? Comment from : Thomas Prezioso |
"Whites don't have different hair textures" Um what? So there's no difference between curly, wavy & straight hair? Comment from : Vincent Grebe |
Racismbrbr1br: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular racebrbralso : behavior or attitudes that reflect and foster this belief : racial discrimination or prejudicebrbr2brabr: the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of anotherbrbr wwwmerriam-webstercom/dictionary/racism Comment from : demejiuk |
Nope I’m triggered Comment from : CB 3D |
I thought this dude was unbiased, but he clearly doesn’t think black people can be racist Such a backwards view, idk if I can trust his work as much anymore Hopefully he can put that view aside for videos, cause I don’t wanna see it Comment from : Belle M |
This whole I'm black so I cant be racist is bsits a shame this guy is allowing himself to be manipulated so easy He reminds me of don lemon Another beta male who clearly is confused about alot of things Comment from : major johnson |
Vice is TRASH! Comment from : Victor Guzman |
Does being black disqualify someone from being a racist? jesus christ, and also the democrats were the party of slavery, of segregation, anti- civil rights for black americans Comment from : Exodus |
If you ask a white supremacist if he or she is racist, they’ll say no as well so what is he actually saying Comment from : 1stwonder |
I fucking love this dude!!!!!!!!!! brKeep reporting!!! These are the grounds in which we can run!!! Comment from : Kietraille Sutton |
plantation Comment from : THekahugo 1127 |
Black people are racist also Comment from : La Familia Guerrero |
that pretty much journalism reporting the facts and the event its not the job or the jornalist to feel or have any emotional oppinion on the matter its there job to cover and report the event and let the people make there own mind Comment from : Patthon Sirilim |
“Or who could be even a racist “ anyone can be a racist I don’t care what anyone says if you are a race you have the potential to be racist Since there aren’t humans that are void of a race/ethnicity than its impossible Black Americans can be racist I don’t know if this is what he was implying but I hope it wasn’t If you dislike another race for any reason that ties into the narrative “X people are x,y,z” than you are racist Of course this applies to any other ethnicities but I don’t see other races claiming it’s impossible for their race to be racist I’m white female which means I’m around a lot of white people when they are not in public and their guard is down and I have never came across a true racist person Yes, they exist but they’re not as common as liberals want you to believe One thing I am big on which is off topic but I believe we need justice reform and higher standards for police officers Being in a position of power is intoxicating so we need stricter punishments on police officers that betray that trust Comment from : VaBeach Beech |
Somebody needs to learn the definition of racism Comment from : Sam Dorken |
I made it to four minutes and 30 seconds of this video and I refuse to watch anymore I will never click on another YouTube suggested video ever again if this is the crap that they want me to watch what a f---ing loser Comment from : Sevag Boyajian |
This Lee Adams guy is a very interesting guy!!! Love his videos!!! Comment from : Ena Rodriguez |
Racism has nothing to do with a position of power Never has never will Comment from : Go Ahead, Make My Day |
and we reply to Vice’s reply It’s not good Comment from : davidpar2 |
Stop seeing only green, forget the hair and cover things that matters Not just yourself trying to get into a 'high society' you're not even really wanted Do some real journalism or just move to wall street I give you a scoop here, that also gives you a chance to show some integrity and loyalty But I doubt you'll do it Prove me wrong Comment from : Happy Fox |
One of the most important overseen thing happening in us 'politics' youtube/ZKJJZdc17gY Comment from : Happy Fox |
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