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Xbox Controllers Vs. PlayStation Controllers-Which Are Better?


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Название :  Xbox Controllers Vs. PlayStation Controllers-Which Are Better?
Продолжительность :   37.14
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Коментарии Xbox Controllers Vs. PlayStation Controllers-Which Are Better?

Can anyone suggest what controller to buy for laptop? Im planning to buy for my steam games
Comment from : jms

Owais Kazi
Dual sense💯
Comment from : Owais Kazi

Apex pro keyboard only
pc ofc
Comment from : Apex pro keyboard only

Aruncătorul De Întrebări
playstation, it has a more iconic design and it has a slick haptic, d-pad is more silent xbox on the other side has the battery option, but look kind of obese :) i have both i use the ps controller way more
Comment from : Aruncătorul De Întrebări

Watch your fucking language
Comment from : DaMu

Ui & changing the controller is just nitpicking
Comment from : MasterChipsCE

Luis Bustamante
I'm thinking about switching from a Dualsense to an Xbox controller for gaming on my PC, I'm kinda tired of the constant charging of the Dualsense, but the ergonomics is a real thing for me I feel like the Dualsense is soooo comfortable but I have no idea how the Xbox controller feels
Comment from : Luis Bustamante

South SideThe Realest
Daul sense feels better but that battery life is terrible its shouldnt be called wireless its semi wirelsss to be truthful
Comment from : South SideThe Realest

N64 Slayer
I see xbox one controllers going for $40 and series for $50 if u don't like micro usb but if you use a battery pack or batteries it doesn't matter anyway
Comment from : N64 Slayer

I don't have a favorite but the X box controller has easily replaceable batteries therefore contribute less to ewaste, but only by a little
Comment from : Playingwith3D

if xbox had side by side thumbsticks id be happy besides the xbox ui the controllers is a huge decision factor to me
Comment from : ENRGx

Dual sense features are great but, it has the worst ergonomics of any controller ever It's literally known to cause carpel tunnel at rates we've never seen before from any other controller It's a damn shame too because PS5 is by far the superior console in pretty much everything from exclusives, to design, features, mobile app, PSVR2, and so-on but, none of that matters when it literally causes pain and numbness in your hands Xbox series x controller is damn near perfect though from the ergonomics to battery life
Comment from : Brandon

anybody know what this game is? 3:01 I love how the gun mechanics look, I wanna try it so bad
Comment from : AR39

I have no idea how I got hooked to watching your reviews I decided to get an 8bitdo for Steamdeck but now I am just binging on reviews of controllers of all kinds I guess I really like your style And the editing! Sick stuff
Comment from : DrZw0

Well I don't like staggerd sticks so pretty easy choice
Comment from : IVAN GREY

Declan Mahon
Is there a DSX for PC tutorial as mentioned @ 1:54 ?
Comment from : Declan Mahon

Dude can i buy a used controller off u?
Comment from : imCracked

I find Dualsense controllers to be extremely spongy and laggy, definitely notice that deadzone
Comment from : Whatever&Stuff

What you are use to
Comment from : Nerd_Life

Hasan Adeel
Im ur 11th like
Comment from : Hasan Adeel

0:17 0:17 0:17 0:17 0:17 0:18
Comment from : Liamplays

Z sf 0:12
Comment from : Liamplays

Comment from : Liamplays

Rx see 6 xtujbcf😊
Comment from : Liamplays

So i have fairly large hands and even longer fingers playstation controllers has always been a little to small for my hands so i always drifted towards xbox however the ps5 controllers are alot better than their predecessors still prefer xbox controllers though i would really like to combine them and be able to use them on both consoles
Comment from : SSBYoder

In general the xbox is slightly more comfy Though in terms of stock play the playstation default allows for insane claw mechanics in any game
Comment from : høstillic

Honestly, what might be more interesting is a video on bwhy/b some people prefer one joystick layout over the other, maybe what it says about playstyle, etc
Comment from : ******

I noticed you didn't mention it, probably because the market share is even smaller than mac, but I can confirm dualsense works just fine in linux as well, lolbrbrXbox I have no idea about
Comment from : ******

ultimately, I think it comes down to one factor, which is honestly completely silly, but which is of vital importance to me: which one works better when playing a Katamari Damacy game, and if you've ever played "beautiful katamari" on xb360, you can pretty much guess which controller wins that fight hands downbrbrI don't have a good explanation for this, it's just one of those games that I'll go back to constantly, because it's so damn much fun, even if it's a little bit silly
Comment from : ******

I wonder if the input lag difference has something to do with the protocol used My understanding is that microsoft created a new protocol when they made the 360, called xinput to replace the venerable direct input, which was still used by the ps3 (thus why you could use pretty much any usb joystick on ps3)brbrIt may be that, because direct input is older, it's more robust and more finely polished, though I'm only speculating, so take what I say with a grain of salt, lol
Comment from : ******

I miss the OG Xbox and Dreamcast controllers Wish they were made with todays bells and whistles I just liked the larger size Now I'm using a PS controller because it feels better in the hands Wish the sticks were offset :(
Comment from : Tomorrow

cj astro
my ps5 controller broe a year after my xbox last decade
Comment from : cj astro

Gold Piece
Nah PS controller is better, more versatile PS controller is comfortable playing FPS, fighting games and platforming Xbox slightly comfortable when playing FPS than PS but not comfortable when playing fighting games and platforming Plus you use the claw technique on PS controllerbrbrI have both controller Because of buttons layout I have more miss dpad presses on Xbox than the PS when playing Street FightersbrbrIf you're playing only FPS go for Xbox but if you play FPS and other game genres go for PS
Comment from : Gold Piece

33:37 dang it I wish I knew that before I got a aim ps5 controller bc I like the Xbox controllers way better and wanted the elite series 2 really bad but since I got a ps5 for Christmas I couldn’t get that😔
Comment from : Platinum

Xbox bumpers are unreachable because controller is very thick Are the new PS5 bumpers also hard to reach?
Comment from : Cilpotājs

Geghart Gharehbikou
Homie talking with his spit
Comment from : Geghart Gharehbikou

Fanboys are boring, but your video was very entertaining And that's worth a goddam like
Comment from : LYKSTE

I will take regular triggers and no haptic feedback over 4 hour battery life any day of the week Comfort is slightly on xbox but both are good in that regard but I CAN NOT stand adaptive triggers and I turn them off the first option I get, but the battery life on the PS5 controller, somewhat due to all the new rumbles, is atrocious
Comment from : GleasonRyan

Playstation all the way Not only it's comfy, the analogs are next to each other too Unlike Xbox who put one all the way up
Comment from : mira

C c
I don’t even know why the Xbox still exists, it breaks all the Time, the controller try’s to copy the PlayStation controller but had to offset the joysticks because of copyright so they had to make a crappy controller but tell people they made it that way on purpose, I would never buy an Xbox, I wouldn’t play the Xbox if they gave it to me Ever since Xbox came out it’s been messing up the gaming industry because instead of making games for 2 consoles it’s now 3 consoles trying to take a few gaming companies, get rid of Xbox so games will flourish again
Comment from : C c

My aim in shooter games is worse on the xbox controller for some reason so I switched to dualsense
Comment from : Ofejiro

Ivan T Vidic
I have a series s and ima Xbox gamer I was a ps gamer till I couldn’t get a ps5 but wanted a next Gen an got a series s and I use a ps5 controller with my xbox honestly there better feel better way better quality build and having a internal battery plays a major role tbh and quality build are the main two thing it feels more expensive and looks more expensive like he said you can find new out of box Xbox controllers for 50$ you are no way no how getting a new out of box ps5 controller for less than 65 no way lol and the Xbox controller is so clicks like so much noise lol why so loud lol the dpad is so damn loud lol I couldn’t do it so I started using a nova pink ps5 controller
Comment from : Ivan T Vidic

Lmao love the sword and sandals crys at 1:12
Comment from : Asmir

As someone who played both controllers im not biased ps controller better for stealth games like last of us but faster paced multiplayer games thst needs speedier button pressing xbox controller alot more easier and faster for binge gaming And ps main games tend to be designed to be more forgiving with stealthy ambushing on last of us If ps symettrical joysticks would be so much more superior they wouldnt keept old joystick position they had from gamecube Just do t drop youre controller on floor and it wont break after a few months
Comment from : alexx098

I never liked the clicky cheap sounding buttons for the Xbox so that's why I even use a DualSense for my Series S
Comment from : EmptyHand49

i like the ps5 controller but to me series controllers are superior and has no problems unlike the ps5 last gen with the drift problem and it continues with this gen dont get me started with the battery life which only last 4-6ish hours maybe less which is a ficking joke my series controller with a retail rechargeable battery last me days lol
Comment from : AnimUwU-tv

Gino G
Hi there brother Can you also use the Xbox wireless controller to play Android & emulator games?
Comment from : Gino G

The Xbox controller ergonomics is genius and for me it is 100 times more comfortable to hold than the PS controller Unfortunately, in this gaming gen, all the Xbox controllers suffer from a terrible face buttons responsiveness which forcing you to click hard and exactly in the middle or otherwise it won't work from time to time
Comment from : COD47

Out of everything i liek about Sony playstation (accept the not comfy one) they make epic VR headset and that's all that matter for me to play VR game now on instead of getting good PC gaming bahahahahaahahabrAnd ofcourse still can't forgot the first time holding an Xbox controller back 20**
Comment from : Ender_Budoks

Barni Granero
I have always found the Playstation controllers to be so small that they are unusable
Comment from : Barni Granero

PS controllers are known for their superior accuracy, much better analog deadzones and better thumbsticks positioning With smaller size since PS2vsOGXbox, better batteries, haptic, triggers and gyro technologies, Xbox controllers basically can't even compare to thembrEven those expensive pro and third-party controllers are far from decent compared to a 50 bucks dualsense
Comment from : Jose

My opinion owning both:brXbox controllers feels great with the weight and surface grippy feeling Good battery/pack life toobrI personally hate the click feedback from the dpad and buttons, i know it’s mechanical but its so noisy and “cold” it feels out of placebrbrPs5 controllers are nice with the slight shape adjustment The buttons and dpad feel traditionally goodbrBattery life sucks, even with all haptics turned off I also don’t really care much for the haptics - its a great feature in its own right, but it doesn’t do much for me ( earlier vibration was also a switch-off for me Highly personal, i am aware)brbrOverall i lean towards the ps5 for the button feel, but xbox for the robustness
Comment from : MysticWoolie

Chris English
My only real gripe with Xbox controllers is they feel kind of cheap and have very loud inputs
Comment from : Chris English

Did he just show a Xbox ONE controller on Amazon instead of a series x one?
Comment from : MadMox

Shi-Woon Yi
I hope valve releases a new controllerbrIt will probably be my go-to controller (as long as they add 4 Back buttons, must have feature for me)
Comment from : Shi-Woon Yi

In Europe retailers are obligated to give you at least 2 years warranty on all electronics It's weird that you get only 3 months for xbox controllers
Comment from : Stef

Aviation is Best
in my opinion I rather Xbox controller the new version for Series X works great for PC gaming on windows simple to connect it too brin my opinion the Dualshock 4 Latest controllers are all made of cheap quality parts and many problems to it specially the triggers but never tried Dualshock 5 so no idea if it works great
Comment from : Aviation is Best

Alex Axel
Which controller is your favorite out of all that you own?
Comment from : Alex Axel

None They will all eventually develop stick drift
Comment from : Kris_Topher

I use both, so comfort isn't a sticking point for me really I prefer a Sony layout and I also prefer their dpads Cross dpads but with each button separated on the shell brbrThe main thing for me is Sony controllers pretty much feel 1:1, like, no input delay or sluggishness The haptics are also massive for the PS5 controller Touchpad is still a useless gimmick that I wish they had droppedbrbrGreat video as always mate, plenty of laughs in this one too 🤣
Comment from : David

Would like for you to do a video about the historical PS vs historical Xbox controllers I say Microsoft wins until about the PS4 era
Comment from : Solidus

Mike M (TrippyTerpenesTTV)
watching this with broken controllers 😂😂😂
Comment from : Mike M (TrippyTerpenesTTV)

still waiting on the aim with trigger stop controller video
Comment from : dAI2x

i was wondering if u could review the extremerate 4 paddles
Comment from : Chickeneasia

Guybrush Threepwood
"edge" haha Haha
Comment from : Guybrush Threepwood

Terrell S
Gamer heaven ? For you out of the elite series 2 and the hex gaming ultra x controller which is a better controller in your opinion? I have the elite 2 which I like and I have the scuf ultimate which I don’t like all that much is the hex ultra better?
Comment from : Terrell S

Andre Neely
I’ve been in the game since the mid 80s… the modern day Xbox controller is the best of all time…no troll
Comment from : Andre Neely

You make me crack up 🤣 hilarious
Comment from : FIREB4II

Im just a simple guy I am not pro or shit but my heart is on the Xbox controller it is simply because of specific 1 game NBA 2K Paradise Heaven Change my mind
Comment from : Gaheto

bbc jnr
I always hated ps controllers since ps2but theres something is different abt the ps5 controller it doesn't feel cheap the features make it truly a next gen controller that no other controller can compete with features wiseand to top it off it looks like a dude wearing a tank topthat alone should pursue anyone to buy it lmfao
Comment from : bbc jnr

Have strange feeling while using Xbox controller that thumsticks are more loose than Dualsense ones, hate this feeling Maybe it's because of absence of anti friction rings, weird
Comment from : RoughDIamond

Comment from : Leeboy

Dmitriy Chaikovskiy
Daaaaaaa Comrade!!! Good review yes !!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment from : Dmitriy Chaikovskiy

Felix Jr
Dualsense sticks feels better while aiming in fps
Comment from : Felix Jr

Eddie Smith
Comment from : Eddie Smith

i like both personally, i'm getting more familiar with my xbox elite 2 controller as well But this was a really good and interesting video keep it up
Comment from : MilesFarris

Erik Alvarez
I've been on Xbox since the original and the One controller onwards have been my favorite They fixed the ALMOST perfect 360s mush d-pad But I'm ready to see Microsoft innovate it to the next level
Comment from : Erik Alvarez

Notlin Oliveira
Hell no, there's no way the edge is better than the elite brJust the fact that the elite can compete with the edge is a huge win brLet's not forget that elite came out November 4, 2019, and the edge came out January 26, 2023brI think the real debate is between the new elite 3 vs the edge, that of course is IF we ever get 1
Comment from : Notlin Oliveira

King Hart
I like the fact the Xbox controller hasn't changed too much and all the gimmicks on the PlayStation sense as they're just that gimmicks that MOST games ignore
Comment from : King Hart

SoySauce HairDye
The elite series 2 controller is the best controller to me in comfort and having 4 back buttons is game changing I will always prefer the offset sticks of xbox controllers over DS controller even if I have been more of a sony fanboy since the ps1 days
Comment from : SoySauce HairDye

I hate seeing advertisements on the Xbox home screen I turn my Xbox on and the ads load before the game icons
Comment from : ShWade

I watch these videos not to learn about the controllers but laugh my ass off You crack me up every time
Comment from : Eye_Complain

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