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Trump DOJ Charges: ‘Smoking gun’ evidence came from Trump himself, reports Ari Melber


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Название :  Trump DOJ Charges: ‘Smoking gun’ evidence came from Trump himself, reports Ari Melber
Продолжительность :   6.38
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Кадры Trump DOJ Charges: ‘Smoking gun’ evidence came from Trump himself, reports Ari Melber

Описание Trump DOJ Charges: ‘Smoking gun’ evidence came from Trump himself, reports Ari Melber

Коментарии Trump DOJ Charges: ‘Smoking gun’ evidence came from Trump himself, reports Ari Melber

Dean Joseph
lol, reminds me of the Russia hoax all over again Trump must be over the target😂😂
Comment from : Dean Joseph

ash sherman
What happened to all tbe election evidence? Why did his lawyers REFUSE to enter his very own thoughts and reasons he got cheated out of his votes?brbrHe should've known it was a no go when not a single lawyer but maybe Sydney Oowell, willing to make a xase based on zero evidencebrhugo Chavez, lol lol lol, what do way have here, "A BETTER CALL SAUL EPISODE?"
Comment from : ash sherman

Judged Mental
Imagine the court getting info from your lawyer
Comment from : Judged Mental

Alanna Michelle paulino
Corte 50 estado américa pie demonte congreso falso
Comment from : Alanna Michelle paulino

Comment from : Jett

I have respect for the DOJ but can't believe they are going after Trump when Biden's and Hunter legal issues are not even mentioned Why did Hunter get a billion dollars from China? Is that the reason China was allowed to fly 2 spy balloons over our count including military installations twice Twice Come on now You can't make this stuff up Twice I guess that was allowed because of the billion dollars Hunter Biden got from China You can't bite the hand that feeds you!
Comment from : Iecora

Ken Sweetser
OBAMA AND Biden involved in Hillary plan to frame Trump according to the Durham report The dems are trying to frame Trump again
Comment from : Ken Sweetser

Shari Basse
According to trump it's a witch hunt 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The witch has been found and hopefully is prosecuted like anyone of us small people would be doing what he's done to America
Comment from : Shari Basse

The FL indictment presents Trump’s behavior patterns that prove his intent: blame the lawyers, make his betrayal of truth appear as loyalty to you, ask for money to support his ongoing reign of insanity
Comment from : kRis

Joseph Young
Comment from : Joseph Young

Ant Man’s Mom
I've never seen a glitch in an MSNBC video before Editing needs to go back to school 😂
Comment from : Ant Man’s Mom

Barbara Hering
No one hears me when I say he is a narcissist , they never take blame for anything , if people would study what narcissists are they would get why he does what he does
Comment from : Barbara Hering

Ari needs to retire next, his reputation is trash, and he sold out to left media corruption
Comment from : ironprice

LindaSharon Ford
Lawyers have no right giving out any information about their client! brIt's lawyer and client confidential act!
Comment from : LindaSharon Ford

LindaSharon Ford
Comment from : LindaSharon Ford

Jose Morales
Criminal lawyer that was so funny !!! That was awesome !!!!
Comment from : Jose Morales

glenda Neacsu
Trumps Lawyers need to get paid up front, or they won't get paid
Comment from : glenda Neacsu

Prince Arthur
STOP Your Fake Communist BS May God bless and protect our Excellent Commander in Chief, President Donald J Trump! MAGA 2024 at full speed!
Comment from : Prince Arthur

Pasta Maker Cordy
Trump is terrified he will go to prison
Comment from : Pasta Maker Cordy

owen armstrong
MAGAMake Attorneys Get Attorneys
Comment from : owen armstrong

Trump himself is his worst enemy
Comment from : Earth67Mars48

ronnie robinson
Comment from : ronnie robinson

Classified Dementia Taliban Inflation
Democrats are so stupid that they are fighting for fascism while claiming to be against fascism!!!!
Comment from : Classified Dementia Taliban Inflation

danny pol
It’s very clear, Trump said he’s the justice and the retribution So, what for he would need a lawyer to dictate him what he needs to do This is a different client who only believes in himself Maybe Trump doesn’t know the rule of law in the US and doesn’t believe in the US justice Hoping that his appointed judge would not drag this case for more delay tactics
Comment from : danny pol

Goran Andrijasevic
Con man Trump says he that in those boxes he had his "shirts and shoes" i, LOL, hhahahahahahahahahahahha
Comment from : Goran Andrijasevic

Conrad Dwight
The bogus case is DOA! It will be dismissed! And meanwhile the exodus has begun from the criminal democrat party and the can’t afford to lose anymore ! We used to have almost 80 democrats majority in our city but in last year and a half that’s now at 37 millions half left the dem party and now millions more will be leaving!
Comment from : Conrad Dwight

Shama Hussain
Arie Stir pls tell mes😊
Comment from : Shama Hussain

Sharon Hatfield
I love Ari Melbourne He always has the facts June 13 2023 7:23
Comment from : Sharon Hatfield

Vance Copeland
Imagine being payed to lie to America , well done MSNBC
Comment from : Vance Copeland

Judge orders Trump to have no contact with witnesses, that means Nada But now says they can have contact but cannot discuss the case Does anyone believe they won't discuss the case?
Comment from : blueberry

Don Wick
"GOP Lawmaker Introduces Articles Of Impeachment For President Biden And VP Harris" The battle begin!😅😅😅
Comment from : Don Wick

She cray cray
Comment from : airmix08

Jason Solinsky
I think it is a mistake to believe that Republicans are going to remain steadfastly behind Trump Yes, this is definitely the initial reaction, but the vast majority of that reaction is coming from former Trump voters who believe that these are political chargesbrbrUltimately, we have clear evidence that Trump deliberately took documents containing national security secrets, left them lying around the house, refused to return them to the government of the United States, and conspired to lie about it to the government of the United States Very few Republicans actually think this is OKbrbrYes, some elected officials are defending Trump's behavior, but these people ultimately reflect back the views of their base And their base will have to deal with two things:brbr1 Clear evidence that this is not a conspiracy, and Donald Trump actively and deliberately mishandled documents, refused to return them and lied about itbrbr2 Because of point #1, Trump will be unable to win any two-way Presidential election, even against a ridiculously weak Biden Because there are too many Republican and Independent voters who will never cast a vote for a person who behaves the way Trump has However much some Republicans are wedded to Trump, few if them are willing to deliberately lose an election over it brbrIn nine months, a majority of Republican primary voters will no longer want Trump to be the nominee
Comment from : Jason Solinsky

Donnie: me can do crimes?brLawyer: um wellbrDonnie: me do crimes now
Comment from : J D

Green Ghost
I like how we are becoming more like Russia under Joe Biden We now try to put political rivals in prison, and even sue the news if it talks about anything out of the "state narrative" This is gross
Comment from : Green Ghost

Chris Yacoback
Here's a thought Make Accountability Great Again the truth is sometimes painful and sometimes painful but the truth is vital to democracy Make Accountability Great Again
Comment from : Chris Yacoback

Not only does he need a lawyer who is a CRIMINAL but a federal judge as well!!!!💯💯💯💯
Comment from : VeeBee

Aisha Simone💜
Gotta love Ari! brYou CAN ask your lawyer: "Can I do crime?" 😆 delx/del
Comment from : Aisha Simone💜

Jose Fernandez
MADA(MAKE AMERICA DESTROY AGAIN) and sold to RUSSIA,CHINA,NORTH KOREA And IRAN by the ORANGE MONSTER 👹 that’s why he wants all that documents
Comment from : Jose Fernandez

Ron Wuerch
President Trumps poll numbers just skyrocketed again😃😃😃😃😃😃😃
Comment from : Ron Wuerch

Regardless of what his fake christian base believes, the fact is your messiah is a criminal and will face justice You've hidden your heads in the sand for too long nowyour God must've lied to you when you thought tRump was the chosen one Repent while you can😅😢
Comment from : kp1960

Jen N
Biden, Pence, Obama, Clinton… everyone had classified documents at home after being in office The President has the power to declassify what he wants to declassify This is all an attempt to keep Trump out of office, because they know Trump will get back in America is HURTING, after living through the last two years under a President who doesn’t have the mental capacity to lead (so who is actually leading right now, and calling all the shots???) and suffering financially as a result, America’s prosperity under Trump is actually looking really good right now! This new witch-hunting is an all time low, and has led me to believe - Trump was actually right Enough is enough, this whole trial is a kangaroo court and is proving to the American people just how corrupt our government and media is!! Keep it up, you are only waking more of us up!!
Comment from : Jen N

Zell Hudson
Comment from : Zell Hudson

greg monks
The WHO warned the world years ago (this is a matter of public record) that the average IQ has been dropping 7 points every ten years since the 1970's The average is 100 You do the math In a few decades the average person will be too stupid to hold a driver's licence As the population grows, the number of stupid people increases Stupid people gravitate to things like religion- hence the increase in religious idiots Stupid people are unable to grasp the basics, such as Logic, how the law works, the complexities of the human condition, which results in a rise in intolerance, Hate, bigotry The experts haven't the first clue how to turn this phenomenon around, so things are only going to get progressively worse A perfect storm is coming, when fossil fuels will run out, modern agriculture will cease to be, as it's entirely dependent on the fossil fuel industry, planes, trains, trucks, buses, cars, will cease to run, technology will be hamstrung because the industries that supply things like rare-earth elements for making computer chips likewise depend entirely on the fossil fuel industry Trump and people like him are a symptom of underlying problems that are eating away at Western Civilisation This is only the beginning
Comment from : greg monks

Charles L Jones
Isn't it amazing all of the people who tries to defend trump when he incriminates himself every time he opens his mouth
Comment from : Charles L Jones

There is smoking gun evidence on the crooked Bidens too, won't be long now the tables will turn on the democraps😂😂😂
Comment from : Proudredneck

Larry Snyder
Tell me Mr/Mrs Lawyer, can I drive a tank home after I'm President? How about weapons and as much ammunition as I want from a US Armory? I was Commander In Chief of the whole United States Military Can't I help myself to a fighter jet? I was President of the United States, they belong to me Can't I take as much as I want? brPutting our country and our allies in danger so I can make a buck? Pshaw brWhy should I care about that? I have been and always will be a GRIFTER What do you expect?
Comment from : Larry Snyder

These things in US are kinda fun to watch The system works Imperfectly, but does Really not ideally as we would like it to, but it churns ahead Meanwhile in Poland and Hungary, it's not fun to watch, because the system was broken by those in power So I'm watching US, enjoying the fun and hoping the system will persevere eventually
Comment from : infirmux

joyce mechaber
Please explain why our country would allow any convict the ability to run for President and if they win, they can run the Office from jail????brWhat am I missing here? Also, if Trump is convicted, why can't he go to jail?
Comment from : joyce mechaber

Andador Cona
Sir, youareasuper gago in reporting not reportable
Comment from : Andador Cona

Andador Cona
Comment from : Andador Cona

Roger Kleemann
From a distant shore brThe "X Factor " here is the client a psychiatrically deranged fascist Trump
Comment from : Roger Kleemann

One of his wrinkled 100 year old supporter was asked what about Trump saying in his own voice he had classified docs ,she said his voice was copied by Bidens people???! I seriously doubt she knew what planet she was on
Comment from : S D

Betsy Heimbuch
I would never represent Trump in any litigation You can't put anyone on the stand that you know is going to lie And Trump lies The day he goes to jail I will be thrilled
Comment from : Betsy Heimbuch

Ron Wuerch
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣No smoking gun hereWhen are you people going to realize you have LOST🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : Ron Wuerch

Susie Baka
All I wanna do is ride around shinin while I can afffford it! 😎😎
Comment from : Susie Baka

auyong ah meng
Trying to get a criminal lawyer so can shove under the bus while escaping consequences Now, getting a criminal Judge to do the same
Comment from : auyong ah meng

Bee Philos
Evan Corcoran's body language is clearly indicating that he is complicit in the crime Just a matter of time when Joe Taco"bell"pina"colada" and Jeffrey Epstein are going under the bus
Comment from : Bee Philos

Irene Rios
Go after Hilary Clinton Biden n Hunter Biden they r really corrupt Mr Trump was a great president and did have the best economic under his presidential term - Biden has destroyed American life the worst economic under his president term this is a reality
Comment from : Irene Rios

Dav Mac
If the Don goes in jail for mishandling paperwork, every single American citizen should be already in jail by now including the big guy and the children not even born yet
Comment from : Dav Mac

Greg Orchard
The "stable genius" strikes againand again and again!!
Comment from : Greg Orchard

Lord Byron
Off with his head !
Comment from : Lord Byron

Trump's general defence about most things is that he has no idea how anything works 😂
Comment from : minitanksandchairs

Dror Ben Ami
"A lawyer who is a criminal"
Comment from : Dror Ben Ami

cindy clarke
Trump lawyers need lawyers plus lose their law licence, trump can't keep his mouth shut,guess more of his supporters want a vacation so going to jail for a man is their best option
Comment from : cindy clarke

A ream of paper is 500 sheets
Comment from : canyonroots

El Ingles
Even if Joe Biden is caught killing somebody with a weapon, nothing is going to happen Now is the time for the Republican party to start a plan to remove them all from the WH The world at large knows the English cartel in Washington is behind all this !!! We are dealing with criminals NOT politicians Their companies, Banks, and their media must be given to the American people They doing the same thing in Britain This is a greedy globalist cult that will stop at nothing, only complete removal from American politics will stop them !!!
Comment from : El Ingles

Dik Bakker
A future TV scene we’d love to see: trump, already in jail, being arraigned in court for the next crime he committed, in handcuffs and an orange jump suit and a very pale face
Comment from : Dik Bakker

Jim Timber
ah well ! see ya wouldn't want to be ya it was nice not knowing you trump
Comment from : Jim Timber

Barbara Heed
I must ask this is it true that Trump will never go to a jail because he is given fbi protection for life just like all ex presidents brSo due to that they say he can not be jailed The protection he has will not and can not protect him in lock up
Comment from : Barbara Heed

Gail Davies
Trump will change lawyers at the last minute causing delays Any 'new' attorney will have to catch up on the evidence and that takes weeks/months Trump will play the system and probably still escape punishment
Comment from : Gail Davies

Victoria Everett
What a coincidence for the smoking gun evidence of the Biden bribery One audio recording for Trump and 17 alledged audio recordings for Biden You really reap what you sow and looks like even more
Comment from : Victoria Everett

Jerome Crockett
trump the only president that was fighting for our country the rest of the president sold us out with our technology to china theres evidence of treason from bidens and everything but mofo rather focus on stopping trump from slowing down the new world order
Comment from : Jerome Crockett

Thats a great light fixture 😂
Comment from : Darren

Generally Respectful Freestyle
king push! eughkkkkk"
Comment from : Generally Respectful Freestyle

David Raper
To the Prosecution he is the proverbial gift that keeps on giving If Trump is in a hole, he dug it himself and he keeps digging it deeperbrAs for his lawyers, it's not as if they didn't know what he's like
Comment from : David Raper

Reality Check
Lawyer-client privilege isn't breached, unless the situation results in the crime fraud exception
Comment from : Reality Check

how do I subscribe JUST to Ari Melber videos, find a way 🙏its consistently the best big network news show on tv/youtube
Comment from : TJ

Hope Green
BREAKING NEWS EX President trump is called for arraignment, to testify against himself, PLEADS Innocent!!! PROSECUTOR PLAYS YEARS OF EVIDENCE, ALL OBTAINED?? FROM EX PRESIDENT TRUMP wow talk about confuscious he say x
Comment from : Hope Green

fu jacky
I love President Trump President Trump is the best
Comment from : fu jacky

I'm hoping and expecting that Mr Smith has reserve witnesses to back up the consogliere, offering him as the most credible/with the most to lose
Comment from : Kate

Its bad when your lawyer needs a lawyer
Comment from : RRJR1017

Happy Bergner
Yikes, dump is such a criminal
Comment from : Happy Bergner

donny and the ex Navy valet were stealing the docs ALL of 2020
Comment from : EarlClue

donny and few others were stealing the docs ALL of 2020, all involved knew the docs were worthbillions, ALSO there are multiple traitors within the chain of custody of those kind of classified docs, they were stolen, and copiedthis kinds of docs were all over US gov, WHO was retrieving and coughing up the docs???
Comment from : EarlClue

Is this out of sync?
Comment from : C L-M

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