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Warren Buffett: "A Storm is Brewing" in the Real Estate Market


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Название :  Warren Buffett: "A Storm is Brewing" in the Real Estate Market
Продолжительность :   14.06
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   1,5 jt

Кадры Warren Buffett: "A Storm is Brewing" in the Real Estate Market

Описание Warren Buffett: "A Storm is Brewing" in the Real Estate Market

Коментарии Warren Buffett: "A Storm is Brewing" in the Real Estate Market

Vic Nemo
Mr Buffett looks I'll He better worry about death Old as dirt spend them billions idiot Noone takes anything with them It's the same way of the filthy Rich
Comment from : Vic Nemo

Vic Nemo
Who cares let it crash There's no cure for humanity anyway
Comment from : Vic Nemo

Hopefully gold crashes so we can back up the truck
Comment from : ApplezToOranges

James Lee
In your little example what is the mill rate property tax heating and cooling cost plus insurance On a million dollar home you might pay the $2,660 a month plus another $2500 for tax, insurance, heating and cooling
Comment from : James Lee

Mike Merrill
this video didnt explain what the title said n was wayy longer than it needed to be
Comment from : Mike Merrill

Michael Simmons
Starting to really dislike these auto-generated, faceless videos Too bad, this could have maybe been a good video
Comment from : Michael Simmons

​​@iwant2chgmyworldi863 A tiny home? You were giving right into their plans Destroying our standard of living Who the fu--ck wants to live in a shed with their 3 kids and dogs? That's your solution, continue to lower our standards of living until we have nothing? That's what they want you dummy! Here's the solution: We all come together in the millions and take our country back from these dictators They are supposed to be working for us, not destroying our lives and dictating our every little move The day we all band together and ha-n-g every single one of them for committing treason, is the day we'll take our country back!!!
Comment from : 49ers

JH Texas
Up until 25 yrs ago, I was contributing 30 of my paychecks to my 401k Whenever I received a raise, I upped my percentage to my retirement, instead of absorbing the increased income into my budget With the new 2020 administration and increased interest rates, I've already decreased my 401k contribution to the bare minimum and still maintained the company match percentage When I attempted to make a hardship withdrawal to pay down debt in an effort to stay afloat, I was told I couldn't touch any of my own money in that effort I would gladly pay the 10 penalty in an effort to stay current on all my bills so my kids can continue to pursue their college educations Why the f**k does the government care if I have access to my own money in times of need unless they simply want to make sure the amount they would have to pay in social security is decreased due to my retirement savings It's a double-edged sword: fall back on payments and ruin my credit, just to access my own money It's an easy decision when you're a US representative making $174,000 annually and receiving god knows how much under the table IT IS MY MONEY AND I NEED IT NOW!!!!!
Comment from : JH Texas

Nonya Biznes
I'm almost positive that Buffet and many like him will capitalize on this crash, as they always do! You know all the rich bastards are just licking there chops now! The rich get richer and the poor get poorer!
Comment from : Nonya Biznes

Free Satellite
The pigs are talking 🐷🐷 American Capitalism is theft by pigs like Buffet
Comment from : Free Satellite

Warren Buffett is a part of the illuminati
Comment from : J C

Charlie's gonna be 100 yrs/old in January and looks as strong as a horse Respect
Comment from : W-Address

"people won't make it" no, but I'm pretty sure Warren and his mates will be just fine
Comment from : Buggerlugz

So 14 trillion worth of physical stuff is going to be owned by the private banks That is not eating the loss the banks just got 14 trillion worth office buildings, homes, farms and all sorts of other stuff That doesn't sound very democratic to me if anything that sounds like abuse of power to me
Comment from : Souchira

"The buildings don't go away but the owners do" I state that any person that has access to physical wealth above a certain threshold needs to be elected brbrOr better yet let's take the human ego out of these "representative" positions You should represent yourself and if your reading this on the Internet you know I'm right Government and policy is a software issue We need a better app for this
Comment from : Souchira

Jennifer Baldy
I see now why my rent doubled It's not supply and demand as they try and lead you to believe! They have zero money in the property and suddenly aren't profitable!
Comment from : Jennifer Baldy

Apis Masters
This Old-man Buffet, He and Friends are totally Responsible for US Economy downfall! 😢Greeeeeed!😢
Comment from : Apis Masters

Apis Masters
Storm Is Coming!😮 Consequences is You! This Old-man, Bill Gates, and Gyorgy Swartz, "alias" George Soros, Killary & Bill Clinton, Obama's, Bushes, Biden, Oprah, CCP, World Bank are Fully Responsible for Americans's Economy!😢 PurPosely, are bringing Ilegal Aliens to Crushed the US economy! One World Order! UN responsible too! No More Of Our Hard Working Taxpaying American Money for Ukraine!👎 Peace! ✌❤
Comment from : Apis Masters

Donald Johnson
Miss Trump yet?
Comment from : Donald Johnson

Pascal Bachmann
Warren Buffett is one of the most successful investors of all time, and he has a proven track record of identifying and profiting from market trends So when he says that a storm is brewing in the real estate market, it's worth paying attention It's important to be cautious about the real estate market right now However, if you're doing your homework and making informed decisions, there's no reason why you can't still make a profit
Comment from : Pascal Bachmann

Hey! Warren how are you Listen would you be interested in buying a little piece of land It is called Kanada , very badly managed by a bunch of clowns as they do not really take care of it throwing money around, investing in bottomless holes and causes , let us discuss on the $$ over tea or cofeee sometimes
Comment from : Cazador60140

Do Woo
Wasn’t this interview with Warren Buffet from 2008 ?
Comment from : Do Woo

Gene Novak
This type of foreclosure just happened right here in Massachusetts this past year!
Comment from : Gene Novak

Fun With Reefing
Skyrocket skyrocket skyrocket skyrocket
Comment from : Fun With Reefing

JerSeattle 07
Private companies competing with homebuyers is criminal
Comment from : JerSeattle 07

Why are ppl so obsessed with stressing over owning things, life is short, in a thousand years it wont be yours anyway
Comment from : James

Warren GFY keep drinking your Coca-Cola Too much sugar in the brain
Comment from : P

Billy Jack
Buckle Up
Comment from : Billy Jack

Kitty Gianelli
The world if crumbling because the left is destroying it Stop the left wing politicians from keeping power
Comment from : Kitty Gianelli

Strategic Warlord
Boohoo, commercial property owners are gonna make less money 😂
Comment from : Strategic Warlord

what an obnoxious narration, speak normally
Comment from : Siddharth

Vsx 1
Just need to change the terms on the loan so the buyer is on the hook just like home owners
Comment from : Vsx 1

Gavin Lew
The solution is really quite simple, offices are simply going to be retro-fitted to become residential apartments to offset waning demand in office rents
Comment from : Gavin Lew

Martin English
In 2008, when the real estate market and banks crashed, it was mid to small contractors like me that took a disproportionate hit along with contractor supply companies I could no longer pick up building materials and pay the bill at the end of the week or month And in my case, being an electrical and HVAC contractor, I had to pay in advance to order material 1 to 2 weeks in advance to get it so that was cash up front for material I would not get on hand for 1 to 23 weeks and for most the only option was expensive credit as small to mid-sized contractors just do not have that kind of capital on hand and the customer does not either Contractors go under, and contractor prices go up and work just does not get done, and as a result, the unemployment on the bottom base level of construction labor and even the mid and higher paying kraft level construction labor goes up drastically Plumbers, Electricians, and HVAC techs go unemployed They make up the upper middle class and are now unemployed It was the wealthy that capitalized on it and we at the bottom were left to die It will be the same now
Comment from : Martin English

Roland Anderson
Digital Dollar to the rescue!
Comment from : Roland Anderson

Laurence Vasquez
10:20 Is that Donald Trump? Ha, ha, ha I couldn’t resist
Comment from : Laurence Vasquez

🚬 Can't wait WFH lookin' more economically/environmentally necessary ev'ry day
Comment from : jaeggr

Mark DeGregg
Thank you, I will join as soon as I exit some other less informative channels
Comment from : Mark DeGregg

Man, Buffet is so incredibly annoying to listen to Guy sounds like a bumbling idiot Just get to the point Furthermore, what bis/b your point?
Comment from : CTD

There is no loss for the banks!! They got the interest payments, they jacked up the interests rates and got more money, the “owner” never had any equity!! So the bank still owns 100 of the building!!!
Comment from : m8trxd

Tmoe Bootyclap
I’ll be ready to pick something up !
Comment from : Tmoe Bootyclap

Damn that's some plastic surgery
Comment from : upcloseimage

Gary David H
They are talking about COMMERCIAL real estate, not overall residential housing
Comment from : Gary David H

James M
Let's see How about we destroy retail businesses by (1) burning them down in BLM riots, (2) shutting them down in Covid lockdowns, and (3) bleeding them by making shoplifting legal I wonder how that will affect the commercial real estate market
Comment from : James M

If that were the case all banks would stop loans no one believes any kind of crash is coming If there is close to being one there will be a war to get the economy going

Ash Kenazi
Not again ha ha ba hilariously funny
Comment from : Ash Kenazi

Buffet is Right!!!!brTrump is WRONG!!!!
Comment from : Ric

By 2025 some of you old boys will not be giving out any advice
Comment from : tp

N Tilev
I hope him, gates and their cronies don't make it till the end of this year!
Comment from : N Tilev

Tim Bacchus
We love that peanut brittle
Comment from : Tim Bacchus

Steve S
Pain caused by the legislators and borne by the working people
Comment from : Steve S

Fantastic breakdown!!brIMO, CRE is going to get a huge bailout
Comment from : P V

1 apple 1$, no wonder collapse is coming
Comment from : slowmo

Read more books, make less videos
Comment from : B M

Joe Gorfinkle
It would be great if you named the primary lender of the Starwood property in Atlanta that defaulted
Comment from : Joe Gorfinkle

Craig B
Ya keep listing to the old fool that shoved Coke down our throatsbrFIAT is a ponzi scheme The Federal Reserve is a private company devaluing our currency by printing it to infinity with nothing backing it
Comment from : Craig B

Looks like the Muppets on the balcony Real estate purchases are going to make many kids broke and renting Renting - try find a place with the Buzzard owners ratcheting up without penalty
Comment from : Randomthoughts

Derek Mann
The middle class always takes on the PAIN!!!! Oops forgot the middle class is almost gone thanks to the two dirt bag governments in power now in canada and the usa!
Comment from : Derek Mann

Cold Blooded Punk
I agree
Comment from : Cold Blooded Punk

Andrew R
I remember the collapse of the commercial real estate market in Boston in the mid-1980's My employer at the time, The Bank of New England had tons of that paper on their books They eventually went out of business FWIW, The BNE was one of the largest banks in New England at the time
Comment from : Andrew R

Jeromy Stewart
Imagine making the American people buy worthless securities in 2008 in order to bail out banks that would just turn around and do it again Are you idiots and politics greedy or stupid? BAILOUTS DON'T WORK They incentivize corruption, greed and bad practices every time, all the time Perhaps if our politicians had any accountability whatsoever we wouldn't be in this position
Comment from : Jeromy Stewart

The is the same for UK Home Mortgages 2-5 year fixed rate with £1,000 mortgage fee Ludicrous
Comment from : 03samjon1

Buffett is just another one of the "family" who orchestrated this giant mess Take what he says with a huge dose of "He's being paid to say what he says" when you listen to his message
Comment from : Afterburner

Bruce Latronica
It's probably a scare tactic! I don't trust he news/ media Just ignore this shit and Carry on like you never saw this !! Work hard 💪 and pay your bills !! That's all over and out!!
Comment from : Bruce Latronica

Randys Crafts
Huh I was hoping the wealthy would take a massive hit like the situation they put the working class in The system isn't fair at all 🖕
Comment from : Randys Crafts

Virginia Perez
This is very informative information I shared with my 20 year old son To me it reminds me of the Hunger Games Devastating
Comment from : Virginia Perez

In Denver the industrial space rental market is outranges its more than tripled in the last decade I closed my fab shop because it was more profitable to do small projects out of my garage
Comment from : rock2rock06

My house is paid offbrYou get what you vote forLOL!
Comment from : Niltomega

Ross Small
​thank u english pezi
Comment from : Ross Small

Old man decides world is over because things will be better for him if it is They've decided there's going to be a recession and they're doing everything they can to make sure it happens brAlso buying real estate shouldn't be "profitable" unless you're using it There are a ton of Zombie companies because of low interest rates
Comment from : XDevantX

Richard L
You think America's real estate bubble is bad? You should see Canada's bubble, it's insane It could collapse the economy it's so out of control
Comment from : Richard L

Living room
The guy to the right is an animatronic robot
Comment from : Living room

Johnny Douchbag
Been hearing this for over a decadebrstill waiting
Comment from : Johnny Douchbag

Vivienne Rose
Warren Buffet is planning on this, home prices will crash and he will be there to buy them up this is how goofs like him get rich keep voting Democrat!
Comment from : Vivienne Rose

jainam patel hmt
Comment from : jainam patel hmt

When the smoke clears, rezone the empty buildings to residential ones Boom Problem solved
Comment from : buttsnacks

donna wanna
When I bought my home I paid 135 interest, I doubled up and got it paid for early, now Americans can't even afford even the low mortgage interest
Comment from : donna wanna

Yikees! We're already seeing a sobering fact that many regional and private banks are allowing commercial account holders to have much, much more liquidity than covered by FDIC, so when the regional banks fail the reserves test those under insured account holders make a run on the bank eb mass and the FDIC must act to wind the banks down brIn 2023 there's been 4 spectacular bank failures so far with Silicon Valley Bank exposing really bad decision makingbrThe Fed's 55 Bank Rate is causing Treasuries' yields to plummet which is triggering banks that are holding an unbalanced portfolio top-heavy in US treasury debt instruments Add the coming commecial real estate problem discussed here will definitely cause accelerated runs even by domestic non-investor households
Comment from : Dustup224

Patrick Cardon
Sounds a lot like big companies do not have the same constraints and responsibilities as a normal person does, they get away with murder without any problems
Comment from : Patrick Cardon

Sun Gazr
I believe the same thing happened to a building in San Francisco, nobody felt safe to physically go to work so they moved to in home working So the bank took back the building
Comment from : Sun Gazr

David Richards
The US and the American people are collectively bankrupt beyond all hope, owing more than the rest of the world combined, even as the US economy is weak and in stagflation and already passed over by Asia US is destined for the biggest economic collapse and fall in living standards in human history
Comment from : David Richards

Dead Cat
In the SPRING of '07 ,,half the homes in my area were in foreclosure brbrWhy do we rewrite history and say '08??
Comment from : Dead Cat

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