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How To Care and Propagate Syngoniums | Arrowhead Plant Care Tips 2021


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Коментарии How To Care and Propagate Syngoniums | Arrowhead Plant Care Tips 2021

Do you enjoy these how to care and propagate videos? If you do, give this video a thumbs up and share with a friend Also comment and let me know which plant we should do next 🪴
Comment from : @CrazyPlantGuy

I’ve always had the typical syngoniums that come in gift baskets…had no idea there were so many other beautiful ones! Just got “Pink Perfection” and “Red Arrow” Thinking about putting at least one of them on a moss pole I’ve noticed they look best after a summer outside, so putting them under grow lights when I bring them in
Comment from : @geslinam9703

Hey crazy plant guy Thanks for this video I just got a couple of those type of plants and I've never taken care of any before so you showed me a lot Yours are beautiful absolutely beautiful! And the leaves are so shiny I would love to know how you get them shiny Plant on crazy plant guy! See you later
Comment from : @jodismith5095

How to care syngoniums?
Comment from : @jamesmcinnis208

If I have my plant in water what kind of fertilizer do I get😊😊
Comment from : @luckycarebear9406

Thanks for sharing that information
Comment from : @annalawton8163

I was given a 4" Pink Splash 2 years ago and I have struggled with it It literally is barely alive now watered once a week, it is now outside on a covered porch, it does not get direct sun I live in the US zone 7b I believe it's in a chunky soil
Comment from : @sarahcaldwell3576

Are red spot tricolor and pink splash same?
Comment from : @shresthakumar1368

I just got a piece from my aunt's plant It has a roots and I potted it as soon as I could It's drooping now Will It perk up after a few days? Love your videos and all your plants😊
Comment from : @shaz6894

I would love a video on the different types of support for syngoniums
Comment from : @sharonelliott1075

My pink syngonium is in my master bath and loves it
Comment from : @abidomashfishing1048

I have a pink splash and I only youse filtered water on mine she tends to b on the fragile side in my opinion but mine has very long and healthy roots
Comment from : @witchofthewoods722

I am so glad i decided to look this up and find your videobrI bought a tiny baby Syngonium Pink Splash, just one leaf buddy i bought it from told me super swampy wet moss as substrate and i was wondering why it wasnt growing great cause its an aroid and the seller wants your plant to die so you can get anotherbrbrIm always very confused when people say "plants arent actively growing in the winter" every single one of my plants is actively growing and were in winter my house doesnt have seasons like outside does, so its always growing season, my plants grow year roundbrbrWouldnt aroids need an aroid substrate?
Comment from : @AliceWanders

Hey dude, shout out to the sick beard!
Comment from : @NedTheDread

What a wonderful, detailed video -- thank you!!! As a beginner, I got a lot out of your explanations I was gifted an Arrowhead plant and its leaves are turning yellow and falling like crazy You gave me all the answers: small root system in a big pot leading to overwatering and root rot - argh! I am repotting and propagating it today to try to save my beautiful Pink splash Fingers crossed!
Comment from : @fernandaqcampbell8447

I am so confused my Syngonium Should be doing great but the ends of the leaves are brown and crispy
Comment from : @sandiesorchids9387

Love your videos and info! I'm on Michigan so relate to alot of light and other issues as you do in Canada I have a big pot of (I believe) Emerald green syngonium and have had more yellowing lately even for the colder months I was letting it completely dry out and now that I watched this video, I'm pretty sure that's why the sudden onset of more dying leaves I was wondering though, I completely drench the soil when I do water it but my albo and oink splash are in smaller pots so I do water them more often and they have had amazing new growth, especially for this time of year Should I prune down my large pot? It has some vines the are getting really raggy looking and I also believe the soil is getting quite hydrophobic What do you suggest to make it thrive and be full again?
Comment from : @deanawright7689

Me who grows my syngonium in water:
Comment from : @mcgaggie1442

This has all the best advice all in one video 🙌
Comment from : @ArtistryByN8UR

I just bought one about a month ago I went to water it and realized this huge bushy plant was hanging on by three roots I just cut up the plant and trying to propagate it now, which is how I stumbled across this video
Comment from : @wesleywright6458

Excellent video can they live in a Sandy based soil with cactus
Comment from : @teresalowe2237

My syngoniums are spider mite magnetssigh
Comment from : @shanelpaige2152

Ususally letting the cutting calouse over is for cactus and succulent plants of plants that hold water in thier stems and leaves
Comment from : @cindybellwood110

Excellent advice
Comment from : @longbui5430

Thanks Just the instruction I needed
Comment from : @amysuewest3826

I put mine directly infront of my north facing window but i move it to outside but still in the shade and facing south Since i put it in the same pot as my Pink Princess and it needs more sunlight as the leave are losing its pink Is this okay or should i remove my syngonium out to another pot?
Comment from : @malenlay8482

My arrowheads are very curved at the root making it hard to get nice upright plants I have some in water and my goal is to plant several new ones together to try growing a nice full plant The "mother" plant is my first arrowhead and it has grown a lot since I bought her 3 years ago, but it's tall and not full Any tips for getting a big full plant?
Comment from : @mstlyn52

I just got my first plants that are not succulents but I got a neon sygonium
Comment from : @KaraKavanagh

Wow dude I have this plant green an white growing wild in my backyard gonna uproot a few an pot them an put a pole to run on
Comment from : @devbachu7072

I got 3 of the regular syngoniums light green They're very easy to care for They like very bright light Now I need help They are grown so much so tall and start falling l using sticks to tie them together But still I got problems to keep it up I been thinking about repot them in water what everyone idea what I should do? They're very full and healthy just too brushies
Comment from : @angeliquedevosd416

I have one in the bathroom I have only one window that gives off enough light She’s doing well
Comment from : @sandyheredia3027

Hi thereso appreciate your videoyou covered so much and so clearly Thank you!brI just aquired an Aurealeaves were burnt and I knew it would be a bit of a rehab plant I unpotted it right away to check on the roots which were mostly dead and curled up and black Cleaned it up but a but of the good roots has root rot I really want to save this plant any tips thank you
Comment from : @danvarghese1744

This was a great video I just subscribed Looking forward to more of your content 😊
Comment from : @amysuewest3826

Great information! Thanks Crazy Plant Guy
Comment from : @rainpurple9673

Thanks! I just got my first syngoniums and listening to you gave me confidence in growing it healthy Looking forward to have more syngoniums through propagation :D
Comment from : @emineosolwithcherrygalang2978

How cool would it look to plant all four of those varieties in one big pot with one big moss pole in the middle and have them all grow up and intertwine
Comment from : @stephenshanebeaty

Thank you for this informative video I have a rose syngonium which I allowed to vine and have used a tomato stack so they can climb It is beautiful and a conversation piece However not sure how to repotunwrap the vines or leave the stake in
Comment from : @malonesinclaire9201

Thank you for helping me in this video, I have a question Will Syngoniums grow back after I cut it between the node?
Comment from : @qualitycontent597

Wowwwww I ❤syngoniums the syngoniums Albo it's beautiful 😍 congrats 👏 💖 👍👍👍💚💚💚
Comment from : @ariisbella2004

Such a fantastic, in-depth, and analytical video that covered so many aspects and a vast spectrum of questions, especially in comparison to many of the videos out there I adore syngoniums and had been looking for a quality video like this so thanks so much for your educational, practical, and easy to understand approach!
Comment from : @dear_totheheart

TY for posting, I was so confused as I see videos that state to keep these moist and many that state to let it dry - so I will use your advice and let it dry going forward as some were not doing so good and I think it was due to too much water I have purchased so many as they have so many varieties and beautiful
Comment from : @martierickson7937

Regarding the end all spray…trying to figure out if you use 50 or 15 ml in a litre of water? Thanks so much for the video so helpful 😊
Comment from : @Gehbar

Such an informative video!
Comment from : @theletterziscool

i recently spent $80 on a gorgeous pink splash syngonium and all of it's leaves are turning yellow! i needed this video in my life so bad, i'm so happy to find it!
Comment from : @approachableplantsbyjessie495

Best video!
Comment from : @bellablossoms3907

Love all your videos Do you fertilize them? If so what kind of fertilizer do you use? Thanks!
Comment from : @orangetree2502

I’ve found it doesn’t matter what you do if a plant begins to revert Working in the horticulture industry, I constantly hear people advocating for less light as well as more light to avoid losing the variegation brI also remember my trainer mentioning some aroids are known to variegate if they’re moved around a lot, but in some instances certain families of plants will variegate staying in the same position…brToo confusing for me, so I just contend it’s all in mother nature’s hands ;)
Comment from : @mitzycasanova9041

Found an unlabeled, clearance plant about a year ago Found that it was a butterfly It been repotted twice and is now staked!❤👍🏾❤
Comment from : @ltgemini1599

I only have a few types of Syngonium, but I love them so much! I have two very large, white butterflies, one small llano carti road, a confetti and a few of the allusions and a strawberry and cream ☺️ I’ve got more that I need to find as well
Comment from : @jessicatefft3404

We need a pregnant plant emoji 😂😂
Comment from : @maandpa

Good day to you New subscriber here from California Just want to ask if it’s ok to use orchid mix in the syngonium?
Comment from : @ednadelagarza1166

I love plants and have many But I'm 100 confused when it comes to caring for my syngonium A few of the leaves always get spots on them I'm not sure if mine likes to be a little more dry or wet Whichever I do, it gets spots 🤯🤯🤯
Comment from : @lesliewheeler7071

Thank you Christian 😊😃😘 this video is very informative, detailed and comprehensive, you discussed everything I need to know about syngoniums 😊your follower from the Philippines Btw, my pink syngonium was attacked by a caterpillar 😡 ( or higad, a Filipino word) all of the leaves are gone 😩 it's rainy season here Do you think🤔 leaves will grow back? Will there be new leaves? I hope so 🤞
Comment from : @mariateresacevangelista743

Awesome video as usualjust wondering on how to chop and prop these beauties🪴❤🤗🌿
Comment from : @catherinesaulnier5448

Why doesn’t my plant have nodes? Can I still prop?
Comment from : @boothang4252

Olá boa noite adoro ver seus vídeos,,, adoro plantas as plantas são uma terapia,, mas deveria ter legenda em português 🙏🙏
Comment from : @ginapereira1115

Hello crazy plant guy PJ cimorelli here I can't seem to locate that type leaf her in Pennsylvania, would u consider selling me a leaf with a node?brTy for reading my text
Comment from : @pjcim1960

Tah dah !!!
Comment from : @floroma2820

I need the pink!!!!
Comment from : @michellec4994

These singoniums are the best, easiest plants to growPERIOD
Comment from : @michellec4994

💚love your videos Just missing the Sansevieria in your intro a bit🌿
Comment from : @Houseplantpixie

I have recently discovered that I have one of these 😄 I think it is called Synogium Pixie It took me a while to find this out as when I bought it a year ago there was no clue given what plant it could be It is funny when you talk about letting them dry out becausehold onto your plants I have been keeping it in water since, as it was sold in water I assume it is a bit like peace lily, can be in soil or water Do you know anything about this?
Comment from : @hxjdjdn6236

Beautiful plant love itdone ☘️New friend heregodbless
Comment from : @emzsantillan1207

Hello, when I started collecting plants, your videos in Youtube I always watch to get an inspiration As of today, I have collected maybe 100 plus houseplants which I really treasure I will be migrating to Canada from PH within this year, I am thinking of bringing cuttings out of my favorite plants, any idea how I can export plants as checkin baggage? I am sure I need to declare them and attach a phytosanitary inspection certificate, apart from that I don't know what documentations or permits I need to secure Many thanks in advance if you have ideas, happy planting kabayan
Comment from : @gerryassistants3201

I have two plain green syngoniums and I love them, but especially one of them has been losing leaves almost daily 😭 they probably need to be repotted again tho, so that might be the reason why they aren't completely happy I can't find a pest and I have been watering them well enough
Comment from : @rawktheworldz

LORD! It’s the fault of all the Plant 🌱 You Tuber’s that I have watched their video’s for how much 💰 that I have spent the last two weeks on 🪴 plants, but it has brought me peace and puts a smile on my face when I come home from a stressful day, brI have learned soo much from your channel Thank You 🙏 😊
Comment from : @skyangelthefan

hi, i grow mine in water for years been following your vlogs!!!
Comment from : @evamariedolino1733

Didn’t use to like syngoniums but now they are one of my favourites as so many different types Just recently got my wish list erythrophyllum red syngonium - it is beautiful - very dark green with deep red undersides 😍💞
Comment from : @sallyedmondson9275

Comment from : @JulieAnnGrasso

I got a cutting of a syngonium years back when I wasn't even interested in plants I didn't stake it up and it just trails down beautifully I've propagated a few times and have a few vines now It looks like a gorgeous mess of butterflies I still want to fill the pot more, I can't wait to see it full in a few years 😁brbrI should mention I nearly killed it last year after too much love during lockdown 😅 and that brought me to your channel and essentially turned me into a plant addict Went from 15 to 180s plants in a year It's had a huge impact on my mental health, keeps me going every day! I'm so thankful for your videos 🤗
Comment from : @vanessap4810

Love syngoniums you've shown, I have all of them One thing I noticed is the reversion of Mojito It is happening to mine as well, to Three Kings too I know it's a kinda on off thing, but how to prevent it?
Comment from : @ephraimbrener9143

Thank you very much for this highly informative video I’ve had a lot of difficulty with my Syngoniums for some reason but I don’t give up Now I’ve learned more and I’m sure I’ll be more successful👍🏾
Comment from : @abigailkwashi8807

I was excited to hear of your soil mix Thats the mixture I have been using Plants which had trouble before in regular soil, are now THRIVING!
Comment from : @noconawolf

Thank you! I couldn't get watering right because I kept hearing these plants needed to dry out completely before watering My leaves kept getting dry and crispy I appreciate all your knowledge!
Comment from : @flipfloppintexasgirl

Can you do a video about PPP and white princess philodendron?
Comment from : @Micaelatovo

Ecxellent, i enjoy watching your video i love syngoniums
Comment from : @froilablancas9336

Very informative :) thank you I have 5 in my collection 😊
Comment from : @lourdesjesi

when are you gonna make a tagalog Video for your filipino fans 😃😃😃
Comment from : @iansky014

I don't even have this plant but I'm watching
Comment from : @ddggttyy

i love syngonium💖👍🤗
Comment from : @jennynavigar4481

Do you have an updated video on your favourite plants stores in Toronto?
Comment from : @nuri3397

Beard game 🔥🔥
Comment from : @ThePlantNerdSD

Very interesting! Would love a singonium one day Propagating my pothos has been so fun
Comment from : @caleighng8813

Yeah these are always fun You make plant care look so easy, and fun! Maybe a calathea or peperomia propagation video?
Comment from : @marsf4883

I like those syngoniums but I can't find them here in Calgary
Comment from : @miriamolino1511

Comment from : @ChadBaganSongbad

Excellent presentation Learned alot!!
Comment from : @mountainshamanscloudorchid354

I love my arrowhead plant 😩 I had no faith in keeping it alive when I first bought it But here I am a year later and it’s still thriving Makes me so happy The other day I seen the pink ones at Home Depot I should go back and get one Thanks for the video!!
Comment from : @jadedkoi4196

I absolutely love my albo, she grows so well but my all time favorite might be my three kings syngonium 😍 so unique The next one on my list is the macrophyllum
Comment from : @CowboyLikeMegan

Excellent teaching video for all houseplant enthusiasts! I enjoy all your videos especially the plant care ones 👌🌿🥰💚
Comment from : @peggymalabuyoc9150

Hi Christain, I really love Syngoniums, and to prove it I will say I have 12 different varieties, I got a start of the Syngonium Albo variegata, one of my wish list plants from one of the gals I follow on Instagram, I was super grateful she shared some plant cuttings with me, and they all are doing just great, three are propagating in water, the Syngonium was till today when I saw her roots were huge and she was ready to be potted up, so she joined my other Syngoniums, I love a variegated plant, the Mohito is on my wish list, and have been searching for it, hopefully I will find it soon Thanks again Christian, I hope you had a great 4th and I will see you in your next video, sending love and hugs, bye for now
Comment from : @hollyhasegawa6095

I love this plant and it is so easy to care for I have about 14 varieties but everytime I see them in a big box store I buy another one even though I already have it
Comment from : @daniellea4873

I really appreciate your videos I love how you explain your oopsie moments in plant journey Lesson learned wait til roots start showing
Comment from : @ashleya6997

Question: how do you know when the plant is 85-90 dry? Do u use a moisture meter?brLove your vids, I have the also and love it Just put it outside here in NYC, it’s so hot here now Watering is now confusing to me
Comment from : @maribellaluvsnyc7238

Question: how do you know when the plant is 85-90 dry? Do u use a moisture meter?brLove your vids, I have the also and love it Just put it outside here in NYC, it’s so hot here now Watering is now confusing to me
Comment from : @maribellaluvsnyc7238

More on calathea please!
Comment from : @lisabromeliads8150

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