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How To Fertilize Houseplants Grown Semi Hydroponically. Why Plants Grow Slowly In Semi Hydro?!


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Название :  How To Fertilize Houseplants Grown Semi Hydroponically. Why Plants Grow Slowly In Semi Hydro?!
Продолжительность :   20.46
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Кадры How To Fertilize Houseplants Grown Semi Hydroponically. Why Plants Grow Slowly In Semi Hydro?!

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Коментарии How To Fertilize Houseplants Grown Semi Hydroponically. Why Plants Grow Slowly In Semi Hydro?!

Wander Otter
For now I just use 1 fertiliser thats also for soil You just dillute it even more Never did a PH test, etcetera
Comment from : Wander Otter

brandy grandon
gallon jug
Comment from : brandy grandon

Can we use lemon juice or vinegar to lower the ph?
Comment from : thenoodlestwo

Amy Clare
What is the plant 20seconds in been trying to identify here for almost a year bought as a tiny dying baby at big box store and she grew into same as yours she has air roots and pretty much grows above the soil what is she
Comment from : Amy Clare

Taf7y Landy
We want the nerdy science stuff 🙈 The geek is asking
Comment from : Taf7y Landy

Sandies Orchids +
90 of my plants are in a soil mix or my orchids are in a bark or coconut husk blend My plant watering container is 909218 Liters or 909218ml
Comment from : Sandies Orchids +

Ashley please make us a semi hydro workbook like your other booklets! I have your indoor and outdoor booklets and love them!
Comment from : ChaoticLizord

Kyle Burns
After searching so much to why my plants were so stunted yours was the first to actually help me understand, and I shall definitely be binge watching your videos Your energy is amazing and can’t to learn more 💞
Comment from : Kyle Burns

More Leca videos! What do we need to get started? What are you using and recommend for people who cant use fish poo water??? Share your secrets!@!
Comment from : Annie

Sterl Girl
I am a new houseplant enthusiast and I am nervous about fertilizing and damaging my plants After I repot a plant with Miracle Grow soil that states it already contains plant “food,” for 30 days up to 6 months, when should I begin fertilizing? I deeply appreciate you and your wonderful channel! It has helped me tremendously; thank you 💛
Comment from : Sterl Girl

emmanuel martinez
Does the ph indicator work if the nutrient solution gives the water a slight color?
Comment from : emmanuel martinez

Hey Ashley, If I use tap water for my nutrient solution, would it be okay to treat the tap with aquarium water dechlorinator first?(like Seachem Prime)
Comment from : ginonymous

Mark Kindell
Your just asking for a lot of proplems growing plants in water like that , needs to have oxygen pumped in it ,all right if thay are not sitting in it to long I suppose, allso could you talk about plant foods and the recommendations on amounts, especially hydroponic shop , its crazy the amount of ppm or ec thay are telling people
Comment from : Mark Kindell

Téa C
Helpful tip: dump the water from the pot completely every few weeks The nitrate solution will drift upwards in pH as the plant uptakes Some formulas will have some ammoniacal nitrogen and buffers to balance it, but keep a weary eye on it Test pH for nerd points, but the its still good practice to dump to avoid imbalances
Comment from : Téa C

Wendy Rutan
Love the science! Keep it going, please Learned so much from you
Comment from : Wendy Rutan

Acutely Alex
I haven't started my channel yet, but everything I've read about youtube is you gotta find your niche You've definitely found yours - and you should lean into it! Not only do you have all of us nerdy people out here but sometimes if someone has a specific question about a thing they might find your video on itbrbrIn my local facebook group, I definitely refer to your videos when someone is spreading info that isn't entirely accurate, at least according to what I've learned from you (especially re: algae being good and not needing to get rid of it except for aesthetic purposes) brbrQuestion: I already have the same ph testing solution you use in this video, but my favourite local plant shop only has the ph testing kit for soil Was just curious if that's the same thing and if you can use that kit for water as well as soil The brand is Luster Leaf rapitest soil ph soil tester Follow up: I assume it's not that important to test soil for indoor houseplants because I never see anyone talk about it The soils I use are promix (cactus or regular potting) and add amendments to it, or I also buy aroid mixes one without soil and one with 20 soil from someone in my local plant group brbrthank you for your videos, keep up the great work!
Comment from : Acutely Alex

Iman Nosseir
Love the nerdy content ❤
Comment from : Iman Nosseir

rafal z
Hi:) you didn’t rinsed your syringe after using pH down , that is why you had bright sample after …Greetings:)
Comment from : rafal z

Jackie Daniels
Why is it so enthralling to watch you test water?!
Comment from : Jackie Daniels

Alejandra Rodriguez
Hi Ashley! I wanted to know your opinion on watering lechuza pon or diy pon like you would water regular soil and not using a reservoir? brI’ve seen in fb groups a los of people use a reservoir, some don’t, some use a reservoir with a wicking cord an others just use pon like leca In my opinion leca and pon are wonderful it has eradicated at 100 my fungus gnat problem but for anthuriums for example that are more sensitive I can’t figure out if I should us a reservoir or not Thanks!
Comment from : Alejandra Rodriguez

Is peat moss considered a soil-less medium? Could I use the technique used in this video as if plant was in perlite?
Comment from : dymondwillow2

Carissa Christy
I am very bad at chemicals I killed my cannabis with “bloom” last year apparently got too enthusiastic about fertilizing…
Comment from : Carissa Christy

Carissa Christy
You’re my plant science queen 🌱 🧪 🧬
Comment from : Carissa Christy

Pauline Dulnuan
Just wanted to double check: so before fertilizing/watering my plants should I be testing the ph of each plant's "old" water prior to fertilizing/watering
Comment from : Pauline Dulnuan

Eka Marie
Okayyy sooo totally off topic but can I save a plant that I accidentally frozen?? Soo I bought a syngonium frost and I got distracted and forgot it in the car and it’s was froze solid and now that it’s thawed out it’s all brown Is there any way I could save it? The stem towards the bottom maybe by okay but the leaves are all dead 😫😫😫😭
Comment from : Eka Marie

Roxanne Leigh
The reason why I love the nerdy science of semi hydro is because it cuts through the crap and removes all the guesswork Science and facts don’t have any ulterior motives No massive subscriber count, no affiliate links, no bias My plants are happy and thriving It helps me to easily identify problems when they rarely happen The only thing I’m unsure of is organic vs inorganic fertilizer I stick with inorganic so I don’t have to maintain bacteria colonies
Comment from : Roxanne Leigh

Ronny Johnson
Well dang! I’ve been testing my pH before adding fertilizer, I wonder if my pH was going too low now!
Comment from : Ronny Johnson

Francis Meowgannou
It looks like you are mixing potions lol
Comment from : Francis Meowgannou

Rebecca Sabourin
This reminds me of fish keeping
Comment from : Rebecca Sabourin

Charles Deuter
Great video! I have tons of Hoya in Semi-hydro and I think this kind of content is really interesting Currently playing around with the MSU 'k-lite' orchid fertilizer as I've heard it's closer to what epiphytes would get in their natural habitat!
Comment from : Charles Deuter

Benny Baer
:) thank you for this video And so much yes to nerding out here :D I subscribed to your channel because it helps me understand and apply concepts rather than following instructions and not knowing what I am actually doing So, thank you for all the additional detail Loving it
Comment from : Benny Baer

Darcy Potter Potter
im colour blind so ph pen is my method
Comment from : Darcy Potter Potter

Renato Santana
Great video! I have heard that seaweed extract is also good in semi hydro because its bio available and has a lot of nutrients I use it with my homemade lechuza pon without any reservoir I use 2 ml for each little of water I would like to know your opinion about it
Comment from : Renato Santana

Mouna G
Very interesting video I use general hydroponic and I am to lazy to calculate anything I dont test ph and dont test how much fertilizer I put in the water So far I'be been lucky, lol
Comment from : Mouna G

Kendra Voracek
Comment from : Kendra Voracek

You're awesome Ashley! Perfect vid!
Comment from : Wildepix

Rebecca Henderson
My water containers are all 1 Liter Thanks
Comment from : Rebecca Henderson

So happy you're realizing that! You're videos are fantastic, been learning so much, and have also referred to you on many a occasion
Comment from : Kuppelhagen

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