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4 True Scary Walking Home Alone Stories


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Коментарии 4 True Scary Walking Home Alone Stories

The last story pissed me off
Comment from : mslibrarenea89

suman ghosh
1:29 - stories start
Comment from : suman ghosh

I wonder if the guy talking about the Hempstead ritual abuse (Alissa and Gabriel) is still alive
Comment from : S

I'm a blackout drunk It's why I had to quit
Comment from : beepboopbeep

Wow William Brannon
Comment from : grace

I’m sure that the kids that got abused by their dad and school also got abused by the system The judge was all in there too
Comment from : lu_ma

Flummoxed Fossil
SRA is real Good luck finding help dealing with it though
Comment from : Flummoxed Fossil

blasian luvs chocolate
An alcoholic is the worst addict in my personal opinion
Comment from : blasian luvs chocolate

Max Sportsman
STOP SLANDERING THE FATHER!!!!! The story about the satanic ritual abuse is totally false! The mother (Ella Drapper) & her new boyfriend (Abraham Christie) tortured her two kids into coming up with a lie about their biological father being in a satanic cult in order to gain custody of her kids The kids would eventually confess that everything they told the investigator was a lie and that their mother made them come up with the horrendous allegations People, please do some proper research before making a wild claim That being said, I do believe satanic ritual abuse does exist but, NOT BY THE FATHER OF THE TWO KIDS! Stop slandering an innocent law bidding British father!
Comment from : Max Sportsman

jenny taylor
Oh my God, I am familiar with the Hampstead case, nicknamed the Hampsted Hoax, presumably after the kids' retractions It's a case that's been documented very well here on Utube by English journos and whistleblowers Some of the access and custody court rulings were jaw-dropping SRA is most certainly real, and what that guy stumbled on was a human sacrifice, probably ending with the loss of the lives of the baby and teenager (mother?)
Comment from : jenny taylor

The story of Boris was so crazy I had to listen to it again
Comment from : POSITIVE CHIC

sam 999
Walking home alone stories More like religious and cult stories
Comment from : sam 999

Randy Lancaster
My favorite is when the guy who submitted story thought that the cult camp was of far right nature
Comment from : Randy Lancaster

Some of these stories I just think, "Dude Call the freaking police"
Comment from : TungstenWhizard

Jozi Horror
I used to HATE walking home alone from work, especially in the dark I didn't realize when we first moved to our area that the convenience store near our old house is really sketchy and all sorts of people harrassed me/followed me I was so grateful to have a car when I got one!
Comment from : Jozi Horror

"It was only a 2 hour walk" 😵😲brGirll whatti know this was in 96 but damnnnnnn😬😲
Comment from : 94kieshababy

There are more than one story about cults meeting in various forests not too far from London Can't remember the one I've heard before, but it was south of the capital
Comment from : wsa18

I call bullshit on the satanic ritual story We already went through Satanic Panic
Comment from : aymlis

Kampfgruppe Peiper
This was one of your best uploads ever
Comment from : Kampfgruppe Peiper

Rish Panjeet
Pinochet sucked, but was 1000x better than any stupid Commie
Comment from : Rish Panjeet

Shuhel Hussain
Those British words and idioms are overly put on Too much
Comment from : Shuhel Hussain

I black out and don’t remember anything when I drink a lot lol I’m 23 and when I was 15-19 use to drink a lot
Comment from : Lilxfreshh

𝔇𝔦𝔳𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔉𝔦𝔯𝔢
Political extrimism, bias, cults, corrupt justice, etc These are all incredibly fascinating, especially the case of Boris Weisfeller Holocaust in Chile
Comment from : 𝔇𝔦𝔳𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔉𝔦𝔯𝔢

𝔇𝔦𝔳𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔉𝔦𝔯𝔢
The Hampstead case Diabolical
Comment from : 𝔇𝔦𝔳𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔉𝔦𝔯𝔢

The far-right Pinochet Colonia story is awesome this is the best story I’ve heard
Comment from : Se7enEi8htNin9

Jennifer W
Why would anyone ignore that horrifying story of a baby screaming and crying?? Terrible
Comment from : Jennifer W

Marlyana Villanueva
Honestly the last story is boring I feel like I'm in history class 🙄
Comment from : Marlyana Villanueva

oh nononononooooo about the chile story I fucking live in the city this crazy person started their cult! oh no I have ro move
Comment from : shapeless

roger daily
2nd story is bollocks
Comment from : roger daily

Along the lines of the abused kids' story, read up on Ray Frank Gricar He was a lawyer investigating the Penn State Scandal Supposedly, he was on the verge of exposing a lot of high profile ppl for abusing students He just disappeared and his laptop with all of the incriminating evidence was wiped and was never heard from again
Comment from : dwayneWayne

Vashti S
God only knows what they did to that poor baby before they took it's life Makes me so angry 😡
Comment from : Vashti S

Land Shark
As a Brithow in the HELL did I work out that the first story took place in the UK without (if they did mention it, I must've missed it as I'm working) even realising it, until they mentioned Tesco Express?! Do we ALL sound like that?brbrEDIT: can I also add regarding story 2Chingford IS in London It's in the London Borough of Waltham Forest Dude didn't know what he was talking about LMAO
Comment from : Land Shark

Peter Kropotkin
Workers of the world unite
Comment from : Peter Kropotkin

springfield pervert
8:17 "that ended in visiting an local off-license" can someone pls explain what that means?
Comment from : springfield pervert

One of the butchers I used to work with shared a lot of horror stories from his old job at a Canadian grocery store chain One of the stories he told me was a guy used to follow his female co-workers home Before they could fire him, he ended up quitting It is very unsettling to have someone follow you home, even if it's a weird guy with poor social skills that you work with I'm sure the police talked to him and warned him
Comment from : NYNJrailfan

Jessica Stuart
The person who wrote the story about being drunk and stumbling onto a cult needs to read Joan Coleman’s rains list
Comment from : Jessica Stuart

Typical German Oktoberfest Nope It's not It's just in Bavaria and that is not Germany 🙄
Comment from : Alyathaean

who the heck is disliking this :D only thumbs up should be here
Comment from : AlphaTUTTER

Cynthia Gibson
Dude The network is world wide It will never be taken down
Comment from : Cynthia Gibson

Albert Gongora
I'm just going to say this I'm not surprised about that whole entire story to do with the cult situation with that woman and her two kids coming out because it's not out of the realm of possibility for law enforcement they wanted to go away because they don't care about it and it shows that sometimes law enforcement is not there for us or to the report of it and there's people that they know that are apart of it that they're trying to protect as well and I mean not in the good way so it's kind of sad that this is the very reason that journalists and so many people talking about stuff like this or even the idea of powerful deadly cults is a very rare thing that's barely talked about in general and that's the scary part because it shows that people are willing to listen to some bullshit from a random stranger as long as it complies with the logic of something they always wanted to hear all their life and they're willing to stay and multiple ways that this person is right and anybody that tries to get rid of them is wrong I think that's the thing that is so frightening about humans buses people every take the time to know how to really get into the minds of others and manipulate them even if we're not even trying they clearly shows how easy it is to really corefirst people into the right way if that's your intention is to do that type of harm to others in any way possible
Comment from : Albert Gongora

Am I super late to the memo in thinking this is the same narrator/channel owner as Urmaker?? Such a relaxed voice! Perfect for stories
Comment from : BluePhoenix

John Billings
His pre-Letterman years
Comment from : John Billings

Shells Kitchen
The children from the 2nd story are shown years later thru a google awards video on YouTube and you can see they have grown but also have a docile sad look to them They live with their father and I believe they changed their names and moved to US There’s a huge rabbit hole you can dive into it’s called the Hempstead children or something like that The interview is truly heartbreaking, hearing a child being abused the way they were So sad because it’s still happening to this day
Comment from : Shells Kitchen

The cult in the forest story reminded me a lot to another let's not meet tale from around 2016 and I believe roughly the same area
Comment from : ladydartz

Lol the cult one is SO made up
Comment from : Promthanius

I get actual blackout drunk When I realized it was happening it actually became excruciatingly scary Waking up the next day knowing absolutely nothing that you did for the last several hours before you went to bed is horrifying
Comment from : Promthanius

Toxic Zombie Wolf
Why would they send kids back too the abusive school thats so fucking sad
Comment from : Toxic Zombie Wolf

Brian Douglas Ahern
I have been stuck in bed battling COVID-19 for the last dozen days I listen to your show on m y pc, so I have not heard you in quite a while Today is the first time I've been well enough to sit in my office chair and click on your show After the last couple weeks, your voice sounds like a choir of angels
Comment from : Brian Douglas Ahern

Comment from : Frosty

Akame Kills
Story 2 is the biggest nonsense I've ever heard I really think, that Ella Draper, the mother of the alleged victims Gabriel and Alisa, send that story to Let's Read to corroborate her fictional story, although a judge proved it to be completely false She and her boyfriend are the ones who abused Gabriel and Alisa and made the lifes of many innocent people a living hell I don't think one should give such people a platform to spread their twisted beliefsbrI don't say, that it's impossible that satanic cults do exist, but in this case it's proven to be a lie
Comment from : Akame Kills

Golden Eagle
That was very interesting and intriguing I’m gonna check more of your content out Thanks man!
Comment from : Golden Eagle

Claire Slater
After listening to the catalogue of horror from Chile all I can think to say is why
Comment from : Claire Slater

Danny Famous
listening right now while speed walking 😩
Comment from : Danny Famous

n/a n/a
Why tf are children sent back to their tormentors??? Makes me sick These ppl should be put down
Comment from : n/a n/a

Killy 91
Police in UK have covered up a lot of paedophilia because a lot of high up scumbags were involved
Comment from : Killy 91

Table Scissors
By the way: bcommunist "reprogramming" horror stories would be a good topic for true horror stories!/b
Comment from : Table Scissors

Winter solstice is actually christmasbrPagan and wiccan IS NOT!!! Satanic!!!brIs a lie spread by "god fairing sheep folk" to control people with fear and make people become religiousbrI'm so sick of people saying paganism and Wiccan are evil when they anrt
Comment from : Alexandralite

Mina Harker
Comment from : Mina Harker

Owl TheReader
Hellyour voice
Comment from : Owl TheReader

Boris's story is terrifying and needs to be told but backpacking through Chile and getting murdered by a Nazi running a secret cult is not really a "walking home alone" story It's kind of weird that you grouped it together with "a guy yelled at me for looking at his house"
Comment from : EE EE

Maybe David Letterman should've vetted Paul Shaffer a little more before letting him lead his band
Comment from : EE EE

Ste Banshee
Love this as I’m from epping forest area !! Defo wouldn’t ever walk it alone tho 😬
Comment from : Ste Banshee

Myishen Haines
I find it bizarre how people who kill and hurt children can be called satanists, when satan never did anything remotely like that in the Bible But people who believe in saving lives worship God, but god is the one who literally kills babies He even forced an abortion He murders all children of all ages, and in horrific ways Babies torn from the mothers body Drowning children Having kids killed by a bear brbrJust odd how the roles are switched Gods the evil one in the story
Comment from : Myishen Haines

Zara Vacher
I enjoyed hearing the one about the cult, they say fred west was in same sort of thing and because he was too chatty in prison was taken out before exposing more murders and pedophile rings
Comment from : Zara Vacher

Some chilling stories I had not heard of the death camp run in South America by the former Nazi Officer I knew of course that many Nazi's fled to there following their defeat, but not exactly what they got up to
Comment from : smackedinthejaw

They looked into the cult story think and found out it was false
Comment from : Joe

Chile mentioned! Buena ctm jajaja
Comment from : Radnacs

That long-ass Boris story doesn't even fit the theme Technically he was walking home I guess but the title and thumbnail imply a certain scenario not at all like what happened with Boris
Comment from : zmbdog

The cops know what's going on but they get away with it bc alot of ppl in power are in that too
Comment from : SIMPLE TAROT

I believe the 2nd story of the baby And the hooded ppl A friend of mine went hiking in Manhattan mountains and he told me he saw ppl in white hoods doing rituals And saw fire
Comment from : SIMPLE TAROT

You should do gameplays in the background of some stories
Comment from : Katya

That second story If there is any truth to it, it deserves more than being in a story compilation for people looking for spooky tales, it needs an expose with special attention drawn to it, all the best to the OP It fits the bill of a scary walking home story, but it just goes beyond a creeper following someone home and a happy ending of the victim surviving to tell the tale brbrI've just been listening to these so much and keep running into horrific abuse stories that I'm burnt out on them This isn't meant as a critique on the video, it does deliver on what the title says, and at least people can hear the story, but I'm also so tired of being helpless to do anything for the victims with these stories that I don't even know are true or not And if it's all just fiction, which I wish it was, it's also still frustrating because it just adds to the uncertainty of weather to take something seriously and care
Comment from : ZephyrinSkies

Well waddayaknow Walking home alone and listening to this does make things more interesting
Comment from : Alex

Mr ballin is very good too
Comment from : bainesmo

This guy is an amazing storyteller he's my favorite
Comment from : bainesmo

Marissa Maté
Guy from the second story should walk home more often if he's actually getting lost that easily I got drugged at a bar once and Still found my way home haha Ps watch your drinks everyone Don't let your friends watch them for you They don't 😬
Comment from : Marissa Maté

Brady Engstrand
This is urmaker right ?
Comment from : Brady Engstrand

Jay Gin
7:40 just girls ? Damn
Comment from : Jay Gin

Swear again and I’ll consider ur youtube channel as BORIN’ ONE, MR LET’S READ!!!
Comment from : LavishxxYamaP

Real Tech
I don't think the US would have cared because it was them who helped Pinochet come to power knowing what a terrible person he was
Comment from : Real Tech

The person talking about the kids who have suffered RSA needs to look up alllllll those who have already tried to bring this to light Start with Issac Kappy and go from there ALL "committed suicide"brBut that's just a conspiracy theory, right? 🙄
Comment from : DPi

The scariest part about this video is someone looking forward to eating baked beans on toast
Comment from : JB0331

number 2 is no doubt a satanic ritual ive been around the chingford area, and ive heard those eerie chants before
Comment from : Mars

Amanda Lynn
Listened while I was sick in hospital with Covid Really appreciated this channel even more when I was there during the whole week
Comment from : Amanda Lynn

Wendy P
What does the Chilean story have to do with walking home alone? You should stick to stories relevant to the title
Comment from : Wendy P

The amount of research you do is amazing
Comment from : Sybilisation2010

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