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Far Cry Primal and Far Cry 4 map comparison - how similar are they?


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Название :  Far Cry Primal and Far Cry 4 map comparison - how similar are they?
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Кадры Far Cry Primal and Far Cry 4 map comparison - how similar are they?

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Коментарии Far Cry Primal and Far Cry 4 map comparison - how similar are they?

Rapora 9
"So, we all knew that Far Cry Primal was basically just a reskin of Far Cry 4 with some extra animal bits thrown in for good measure"brbrWhat an idiotic take for supposed gaming journalists to make
Comment from : Rapora 9

Carter Colson
it might look similar in the map but it feels really dofferent playing the game it would be really hard to notice the similarites unless you have like a few hundred hours in both games or you just have an iq of 150
Comment from : Carter Colson

huhI never cared, never noticed pretty smart what they did, other devs should do it too if it cuts down on development time and doesn't look like a 100 copy
Comment from : Brokemono

They changed the edges of the map and said it was in a different place but it's the same map
Comment from : Moxzot

Lol the map is the same map as the valley of the yetis 10000 years later so yes it actually is set in the same map
Comment from : HowToMakeBabyRed

Would have been cool to go to the village location in farcry 4 and find a wenja bracelet
Comment from : DjC1iff19

Why people cry so much about using the same ground geometry from far cry 4, is stills feels like a totally different game, probably no one ever would ever could notice this just by playing it(except for opening the map) And majora's mask also reused a lot of ocarina of time and there no one is complaining
Comment from : dirk

God of War
Comment from : God of War

Kevin Sierra
They used the same snake for 3 games that I'm aware of I'm bet theirs more
Comment from : Kevin Sierra

i think the far cry 4 and far cry primal are in the same universe
Comment from : BIG SMOKE

Kyrat is in Nepal far cry primal is in central Europe
Comment from : Ghost(UAC)

MemeFunny haha
ubisoft wanted to get FC primal out so they copied FC 4 map which is cool
Comment from : MemeFunny haha

vinod mane
far cry primal is a bigger map
Comment from : vinod mane

niko gaming
Far cry 4 is far cry primal
Comment from : niko gaming

Arxis 3
From a development point of view if they just said it was the same place everyone would have been like "sweet!" Even the mountain issue is easy so solve, fault line pinching along a massive tectonic plate edge and some big earthquakes (which btw is exactly how the Himalayas came to be) and BOOM! New mountains And as you said heavy erosion explains the deeper valleys and bigger rivers So between, tectonic pinching, earthquakes, and erosion over 12,000 years the big and small shifts across the map now make perfect sense brbrSo my only issue now is simple, ignore whoever said it was in Europe and say that its the same place and we're good
Comment from : Arxis 3

Marios Daskalakis
Literally no one on Earth would notice it so irrelevant Btw, people don't care about the map layout, they care about the gameplay and the story Far Cry Primal is my favourite game of all time far better than the other Far Cry games The simplicity, the incredible setting, the taming aspect, the story with 2 actual endgame bossfights (not like 3, 4, 5 that ended with a cutscene which contained a choice, actual bossfights like good old single player games), the crafting, the weapons, the whole theme of the menus, the language used For all those reasons, it's one of the best games out there You complain about the same map layout while no one's talking about Fifa, CoD, Halo, Destiny, Dota and LoL etc
Comment from : Marios Daskalakis

panda danda
0:17 but mammoths is elephants with hair ??????
Comment from : panda danda

Shaart Vader
Thanks for ruining the mystery…
Comment from : Shaart Vader

Epic Gamer
saying far cry primal is a reskin of far cry 4 is just plain stupid The overhead map is the same, and the rivers are the same, and thats it in fact, walk along the river in both games and you probably wouldnt even be able to tell they were the same when it comes to the finer details its been at least 17,000 years, nothing is going to look this same but you would rather have the same game with a different map that took an extra 7 months to come out?
Comment from : Epic Gamer

Fabian Garibay
Far Cry Primal is something of an spinoff for the series—a stopgap release meant to fill the hole between Far Cry 4 and Far Cry 5 So it’s no surprise to see it recycling things from its predecesso
Comment from : Fabian Garibay

far cry primal is history of far cry 4
Comment from : Roahkin

2:48 that is the eversest actually
Comment from : yiftach

2016: oh no how could they sell game reskins, what a scam!br2019: wow New Dawn looks great, I'm gonna pre-order!
Comment from : alan

Thomas Mason
As a game developer myself I find this disgusting, and I'm not talking about Ubisoft, I'm talking about Eurogamer, and almost everyone in the comments as well, games like this take years to make, it's not just something you can do in an afternoon or over the weekend, YEARS, like actual YEARS brThey probably began working on this shortly after they started on FC4 so they probably had a rough layout of the map already and simply used that for the basisbrGive Ubisoft a break guys, everyone's jumping on the bandwagon saying this is lazy or evil, but you know what it actually is, efficiency, if you think you can do something better, go ahead, but everyone always thinks it's easy until they do it themselves
Comment from : Thomas Mason

Pros Cons
I’m still going to believe in my head that it’s the same 😂😂
Comment from : Pros Cons

Sam Melia
I played 4 and primal back to back and never noticed that anything was reused! Primal is one of my favourite Far Cry games anyway, whether the devs cut corners or not
Comment from : Sam Melia

Played both 4 and primal and I honestly didnt even realise they were any different, great use of dev resources if you ask me
Comment from : kamakazi008

one is in europa one is in asia, KURAT!
Comment from : Svency

Murtaza Rizvi
TBH, its like comparing star wars with star trek, both are set in space and planets but have different elements 4 and primal have different time and weapons and engaging elements
Comment from : Murtaza Rizvi

Plague Doctor
My map is all fog
Comment from : Plague Doctor

Far cry primal is the same map because it took place in the same area way before far cry 4 Nah, i'm jk They didn't feel like making a new map and just reskinned the old map
Comment from : TeamWake-N-Bake

Dexter Nexus
Far cry 6 will use the remake map from Assassins Creed 2, the weapons from Far cry 5, RB6S and Ghost Reacon and the story will be including every character from Far cry 3,4,6 as well as all operators from RB6S and the main character from Watch Dogs (1)brbrName: brbrF amousbrA ndbrG lorious brG amebrO nlinebrT itel brbrThis title is more innovative than far cry primal!
Comment from : Dexter Nexus

Carmella Radigan
I don’t care if it’s fun I’ll play
Comment from : Carmella Radigan

Justin M
Ubisoft is a green conpanybrbrThey recycle everything
Comment from : Justin M

Its not like you pay attention to that, you focus on the game and its objectives
Comment from : Platinumbones

Master Of Recipe
The map may look the same but the landscape at human level looks completely different People were only hating on it purely because of Ubisoft's lack of effort and not so much the quality of the actual content Primal was a great game with unique gameplay, meaningful crafting system and amazing graphics I think it is far better in gameplay than Far Cry 3 and 4 only lacking in a compelling story
Comment from : Master Of Recipe

Had the game been like 999€ it could have been justified But it still even to this day, cost 4999€ jesus h christ
Comment from : RMJ1984

Ryan Kight
Why do so many people care i have both games and i honestly think there both good People forget that there both games look different, and everyone who hates Ubisoft for this well guess what primal is still a cool game and i think Ubisoft did good on it
Comment from : Ryan Kight

gary maxwell
Doesn't take a genius to work out that primal is FC4 from the stoneage time period, it was probably meant to be like that, hence the similar maps
Comment from : gary maxwell

Cian Caffrey
1:50 far cry 4 was set in 00 BCE?
Comment from : Cian Caffrey

I played FC4 and now I play primal I am saying to you that I knew this before and till now I didnt notice single one familiar place When I compare some micro aspects from the maps, primal map is much more detailed I think, there is more ridges, rocks and other stuff which make map more interesting And what is the most important for me, its more beautiful Its still not rook islands, but I hated kyrat form FC4 when I played it
Comment from : ohinek

I belive oros was supposed to be in europe kyrat is in asia
Comment from : Haj

The Main Man
Since Farcry 2, all Farcry games are about the same: unlock every post/tower/shrine you see, to unlock more map area, to unlock more post/tower/shrine In the process unlock/buy the same weapons in every game Collect the same plants/pelts/meat to make the same items, whit the same purpose, drive the same vehicles, fight against the same enemies (whit differents uniforms), and so on The only good Farcry game was the first one and maybe the second
Comment from : The Main Man

Who cares? Primal is so much better than Far Cry 4 anyway, FC4 sucked
Comment from : James

I don't give a fuck I love farcry and I love primal
Comment from : Robloxguyis12

Kesley Dias Ramos
But is not corret this place is europa in long time ago this games is the seme place
Comment from : Kesley Dias Ramos

Jutsu Official
farcry primal is like a farcry 4 dlc jjust like farcry 3 blood dragon
Comment from : Jutsu Official

- Lampfun -
Aww I thought it was set in the same place because of the blue tripe in primal and the demons in fc4
Comment from : - Lampfun -

Spoon Bruh
cough cough Cost cuts Cough cough
Comment from : Spoon Bruh

You know what's funny about this? I heard of far cry primal and I thought "Didn't far cry 4 just come out? How can they release two games so quick? This is probably just a re-skin with one new thing" brThis is exactly what i thought when I saw the far cry primal video on vanoss' channel
Comment from : Simon

Nick Houghton
Ubisoft just ruined the only series they could actually make well
Comment from : Nick Houghton

OMG ,Cry me A River !brthey copy someParts of the Map what a scandal ,u Guys really funny
Comment from : AMIGABLUEBIRD

thats a hint to the connection of the characters, thegametheorists made a theory about tihs
Comment from : HelloLurkers

why call it a shame to reuse assets? Since there are no buildings, the vegetation is different and some of the topology has changed, what is the problem?
Comment from : mjs28s

Why be upset, yeah they reskinned the map because it was a smart business decision just in case the game didn't sell The game looks and feels completely different Reskin all you want to If you can give me a different experience every time I could fucking care less Nice work Ubisoft
Comment from : Ovahkill

Italian Rager
and you wonder why i call them ubishit
Comment from : Italian Rager

That one kid
They say* kyratebr
Comment from : That one kid

That one kid
But later in the campaign they day kyrate, and in far cry 4 the setting in kyrate Wtfbrbr
Comment from : That one kid

Gaming With Balance
Why are people finding this surprising? Ubisoft followed Activision's copy/paste formula with their Assassin's Creed games "Oh look, this franchise of games makes more money! I think that it'd be a great idea if we pumped out a new game every year for the fans, market them like crazy, and charge them $60 for it!" Meanwhile IPs like Rayman, Splintercell, Crash, and Spyro are taking a shit in the vault Ubi has locked them in
Comment from : Gaming With Balance

Primal is actually a pretty bad game and the fact it doesn't have its own map adds to this badness
Comment from : Devonian

D Moore
does this really matter tho? the worlds look crazy different no way in hell you'll notice lol so why do we care? sounds like the company was just smart and found a short cut as long as I don't see it and it isn't repeated in even more FarCry games I don't see why this should bother anyone lol it was a very fun game :)
Comment from : D Moore

Erin Manning
They may have reused assets, but that doesn't mean this game doesn't feel entirely new or hold itself up on its own merits I was bored with Far Cry 4 (dunno why honestly) but I'm having a lot of fun with PrimalbrbrI don't really see the issue Nobody noticed until someone made these meticulous comparisons
Comment from : Erin Manning

Wow to think I was gonna buy this game this'll be a pass
Comment from : 160sharp

So they cut costs to help produce a game that is bgasp/b UNIQUE They knew an ice-age game wouldn't sell as much, but they made one anyway for people like myself that love those kind of environments I think Farcry Primal is a fantastic game and have had a blast playing it! Well done Ubisoft! :)
Comment from : MooseMan

Victor Hugo
I still play Farcry 4 sometimes, haunting animals is fun The Shangri-La missions were just like Primal, no weapons, so no need for Primal! LOL The Yeti expansion was cool too, I play that sometimes just to kill Yetis
Comment from : Victor Hugo

I guess farcry primal is farcry4 in the ice age
Comment from : Tyler

Rοβοτ Ꮹⴎⴁ
they are liars but we're also impatient, buy a year or a few years is also a while ubisoft is just throwing something out there so they can get more money for newer games such as an actual "farcry5" they'll have something good next they didn't even add map editor, its because they are trying to make that better as well and yes it does make sence but they could do away with the lying, they're just loosing customers
Comment from : Rοβοτ Ꮹⴎⴁ

Erik Estrada
ubisoft is known for re skinning and using same models lazy fucksthe division has many cloned buildings inside
Comment from : Erik Estrada

Ubisoft are just shocking
Comment from : johgus96

pink panda
Copy Paste but it's still a great game Both of them
Comment from : pink panda

This makes total sence, why are y'all butthurt? Why should they make a whole new map when the game is meant to be 12016 years old? They save time and money to reuse the same map so they could focus more on the game mechanics
Comment from : AlphaGamerz

ِ ِ
I think its reskinned of far cry 4
Comment from : ِ ِ

Catalin Lita
I played all Far cry games so farI payed everytime the money amd ejoied itBut not nowFor the first time, I don't feel like buying the "new" Far cryThis is stupid Ubi
Comment from : Catalin Lita

Luella Arceno
And no map editor
Comment from : Luella Arceno

Kaden Wood
simple primal is perpously the same it's just thousands of years in the past
Comment from : Kaden Wood

I honestly don't care, I still enjoy the game It's beautiful to look at and fun to play and really that's all that matters
Comment from : Sek

jat xe mo
Ubi the Ugly
Comment from : jat xe mo

Joseph Parkin
Good job calling Ubisoft out on their bullshit, creating bland pointless open world timesinks and expecting 60$ for each one NO THANKS!!!
Comment from : Joseph Parkin

why you haf to be mad?
Comment from : ChinChillin

Aaron Haas
You guys should all learn some geography lmao :D i Love Primal nontheless
Comment from : Aaron Haas

Matt Ball
if you didnt analyze the world maps side by side and just ran around each world, you would never know it was the same at all, so who gives a shit? its a good game, better than 4 maybe not 3 though
Comment from : Matt Ball

I'm gonna go explore primal in far cry 4
Comment from : EragonDrake

that jump at the end was awesome!
Comment from : EvilNecroid

alexander maier
haha, they are so cheap ass shitty it's hilarious
Comment from : alexander maier

Clement Trunzler
Both maps similars interesting
Comment from : Clement Trunzler

Purple Alpha
who cares? its still an amazing game
Comment from : Purple Alpha

Oh and gamepressure didnt discovered this IT was first discovered by polish dudes NO HATE but still
Comment from : Dof

Victor Monteiro
mas FARCRY PRIMAL sem passa a muito tempo e se passar no mesmo lugar
Comment from : Victor Monteiro

Holy shit that camera looks awful!
Comment from : MrShawno1231

Flint County to Markarth
Jesus Christ I knew Ubisoft liked to rush games, but this is beyond what I had expected Glad I held off a purchase now, as there's no point exploring a new map if it's fundamentally the exact same layout as the previous one
Comment from : Flint County to Markarth

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