Название | : | Tips Sehat di Usia 93 Tahun Ala Mahathir Mohammad |
Продолжительность | : | 0.36 |
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Просмотров | : | 8,7 rb |
Usianya lebih tua dari Elizabeth II dan masih hidup Comment from : Fariz Akbar |
Hebat pola hidup beliau ,ga keliatan 90an jg perawakannya Comment from : Regent Rei |
Contoh lah spt Mahathirusia 93 thn msh segartidak loyo Comment from : Lisa Andayani |
Pneumonia is contagious when the causative pathogens (usually bacteria or viruses) are expelled by an infected person by coughing out infected droplets These expelled droplets contain the bacteria or virus that causes the pneumonia Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Once a person who has pneumonia starts on antibiotics, he or she only remains contagious for the next 24 to 48 hours This can be longer for certain types of organisms, including those that cause the disease tuberculosis In that case, someone can remain contagious for up to two weeks after starting on antibiotics Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Pneumonia is a lung infection that can range from mild to so severe that you have to go to the hospital You can get pneumonia in one or both lungs You can also have it and not know it Doctors call this walking pneumonia Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Possible complications of pneumonia may include:
brBacteremia and septic shock Bacteremia is a serious complication in which bacteria from the initial site of infection spread into the blood
brLung abscesses
brPleural effusions, empyema, and pleurisy
brRenal failure
brRespiratory failure Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Chest x-ray: An x-ray exam will allow your doctor to see your lungs, heart and blood vessels to help determine if you have pneumonia A CT scan can also show complications of pneumonia, abscesses or pleural effusions and enlarged lymph nodes Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Pneumonia has four stages, namely consolidation, red hepatization, grey hepatization and resolution
brConsolidation Occurs in the first 24 hours Cellular exudates containing neutrophils, lymphocytes and fibrin replaces the alveolar air
brRed Hepatization Occurs in the 2-3 days after consolidation Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
A pneumonia cough is generally a productive cough, often with yellow or green mucus The breathing sounds are also different from asthma – Instead of wheezing, a doctor will hear rales and rhonchi with their stethoscope Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
tested for pneumoniabrAdvertisement
brBlood tests Blood tests are used to confirm an infection and to try to identify the type of organism causing the infection
brChest X-ray This helps your doctor diagnose pneumonia and determine the extent and location of the infection
brPulse oximetry
brSputum test Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Coughing that produces pus Dr Budev urges any person experiencing chest pain or breathing complications to immediately see a doctor Pneumonia-like symptoms in very young children or in adults older than 65 are a particular cause for concern Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Doctors may miss some cases of pneumonia if they rely solely on their patient's medical history and symptoms without the help of x-rays, according to a new study from Europe People with pneumonia may have a cough, fever, nausea, vomiting, chills or chest pain Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
A number of non-infectious conditions, including neoplastic lesions, pulmonary oedema, pulmonary embolism, drug-induced pneumonitis, diffuse alveolar haemorrhage syndromes, cryptogenic organising pneumonia and acute eosinophilic pneumonia, may present in a similar way and mimic CAP Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Serious medical conditions sometimes mistaken for pneumonia include: Acute respiratory distress / failure Bronchitis Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
BACKGROUND: Equilibration of hemoglobin concentration after transfusion has been estimated to take about 24 hours, but some studies have shown that earlier measurements reflect steady-state values in persons who have not bled recently Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Some doctors believe that hospital patients who fall below 10 g/dL should get a blood transfusion But recent research found that: Many patients with levels between 7 and 10 g/dL may not need a blood transfusion One unit of blood is usually as good as two, and it may even be safer Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Overuse of blood transfusions increases infection risk Summary: The fewer the red blood cell transfusions, the less likely patients were to develop infections like pneumonia, a new study has illustrated These included serious infections such as pneumonia, bloodstream infections and wound infections Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Symptoms common to many types of anemia include the following:
brEasy fatigue and loss of energy
brUnusually rapid heart beat, particularly with exercise
brShortness of breath and headache, particularly with exercise
brDifficulty concentrating
brPale skin
brLeg cramps
brInsomnia Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
BACKGROUND: Patients with chronic severe anaemia often retain salt and water Fluid retention in these patients is not caused by heart failure and the exact mechanisms remain unclear Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Iron-deficiency anemia may cause you to look pale and feel tired, or you may not have any symptoms at first But if your anemia goes untreated, it can cause serious complications LVH is serious, and can require hospitalization and sometimes cause death Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
New guidelines on red blood cell blood transfusion recommend a restrictive threshold in which transfusion is not indicated until the hemoglobin level is 7-8 g/dL for most patients, finding that it is safe in most clinical settings Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Individuals with a Hb level of 20 g/dL or less had on median 10 (interquartile range, 05-15) day from their lowest Hb to death while individuals with their lowest Hb ranging between 41 and 50 g/dL had on median 11 (interquartile range, 1-23) days from their lowest Hb to death Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Mycoplasma pneumonia (MP) is a contagious respiratory infection that spreads easily through contact with respiratory fluids A dry cough is the most common sign of infection Untreated or severe cases can affect the brain, heart, peripheral nervous system, skin, and kidneys and cause hemolytic anemia Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
The cancers most closely associated with anemia are: Cancers that involve the bone marrow Blood cancers like leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma interfere with or destroy the marrow's ability to make healthy blood cells Other cancers that spread to the bone marrow can also cause anemia Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Ways you can get pneumonia include: Bacteria and viruses living in your nose, sinuses, or mouth may spread to your lungs You may breathe some of these germs directly into your lungs You breathe in (inhale) food, liquids, vomit, or fluids from the mouth into your lungs (aspiration pneumonia) Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
In most cases, infections are contagious for a few days before symptoms appear and for a few days after The exact length of time a person is contagious depends on the type of microorganism causing the infection Some forms of pneumonia, such as pneumonia caused by mycoplasma, remain contagious for several weeks Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
This can cause your pneumonia to come back If your case of pneumonia is severe, you may need to be hospitalized If you are experiencing shortness of breath, you may be given oxygen to help your breathing You might also receive antibiotics intravenously (through an IV) Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
People with mild or moderate iron-deficiency anemia may not have any signs or symptoms More severe iron-deficiency anemia may cause fatigue or tiredness, shortness of breath, or chest pain Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Pneumonia is a lung infection caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi Some of these germs do spread from person to person, so you may be contagious if you have certain types of pneumonia Fungal pneumonia passes from the environment to a person, but it's not contagious from person to person Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Drugs Used to Treat Pneumonia
brDrug name Rx / OTC Rating
brlevofloxacin Rx 55
brGeneric name: levofloxacin systemic Brand name: Levaquin Drug class: quinolones For consumers: dosage, interactions, For professionals: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information
brclarithromycin Rx 73 Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
While fever is a common symptom of pneumonia, it's possible to have pneumonia without a fever This can occur in specific groups, such as young children, older adults, and people with a weakened immune system It's important that pneumonia is treated promptly to prevent complications Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
A chest x ray is the best test for diagnosing pneumonia However, this test won't tell your doctor what kind of germ is causing the pneumonia Blood tests such as a complete blood count (CBC) to see if your immune system is actively fighting an infection Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Pneumonia is Commonly Misdiagnosed
brPneumonia is the second most misdiagnosed condition leading to readmission after a previous hospitalization, second only to congestive heart failure Blood tests and sputum cultures can be helpful to make the diagnosis of pneumonia Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Patients hospitalized with pneumonia may require packed red blood cell (RBC) transfusion during their hospital stay Patient survival may be associated with the transfusion trigger These patients may need a higher hemoglobin (Hb) trigger than that suggested by the AABB guidelines (7 g/dL) Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Anemia is classified as mild, moderate, or severe based on the concentrations of hemoglobin in the blood For all of the tested groups, moderate anemia corresponds to a level of 70-99 g/dl, while severe anemia corresponds to a level less than 70 g/dl Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
If it gets more severe and causes symptoms, your low hemoglobin count may indicate you have anemia A low hemoglobin count is generally defined as less than 135 grams of hemoglobin per deciliter (135 grams per liter) of blood for men and less than 12 grams per deciliter (120 grams per liter) for women Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Pneumonia has four stages, namely consolidation, red hepatization, grey hepatization and resolution
brConsolidation Occurs in the first 24 hours Cellular exudates containing neutrophils, lymphocytes and fibrin replaces the alveolar air
brRed Hepatization Occurs in the 2-3 days after consolidation Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Lower respiratory infections are among the leading causes of death worldwide, with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) being one of the most frequent causes of hospitalization Raz et al found that anemia with a Hb <8 g/dL was associated with an increased 1-year mortality in patients hospitalized with pneumonia Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
In conclusion, this case demonstrates that severe hemolytic anemia caused by M pneumoniae is not always associated with severe pulmonary involvement Even in the absence of marked clinical evidence of pneumonia, M pneumoniae may be the cause of severe anemia Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Some astronomers say the Thirty Meter Telescope, which was originally estimated to cost $14 billion, will now take some $2 billion to complete Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Wilson Observatory near Pasadena, Calif, to discover galaxies beyond our own Hubble, the observatory, is the first major optical telescope to be placed in space, the ultimate mountaintop Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
visual light transmission
brVLT stands for visual light transmission - the percentage reflects the amount of light that shows through the lens The higher the VLT percentage, the lighter the lens tint will be (for example, a 11 VLT will be darker than a 14 VLT) Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
China spent $180 million to create the telescope, which officials have repeatedly said will make the country the global leader in radio astronomy Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Most Powerful Telescopes Today
brOrganization: Caltech and the University of California
brLocation: Mauna Kea, Hawaii
brClaim to Fame: On the isolated big island of Hawaii sit Keck's twin telescopes, each 10 meters (about 33 ft) in diameter Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
An extremely large telescope (ELT) is an astronomical observatory featuring an optical telescope with an aperture for its primary mirror from 20 metres up to 100 metres across, when discussing reflecting telescopes of optical wavelengths including ultraviolet (UV), visible, and near infrared wavelengths Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
The Biggest Telescopes
brThe Gran Telescopio Canarias The Gran Telescopio Canarias is by far the largest telescope on earth and measures 34 feet (or 409 inches) across!
brKeck 1 and Keck 2
brSouth African Large Telescope (SALT )
brLarge Binocular Telescope (LBT)
brTelescopes In Chile Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
VLT options vary widely Ski goggles will typically come in ranges like 9 to 13 percent, 15 to 19 percent, or 50 to 60 percent They can go all the way up to a 90 to 95 percent range Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Cerro Paranal
brVery Large Telescope (VLT), observatory located on the mountain Cerro Paranal (2,635 metres [8,645 feet]) in Chile and consisting of four telescopes with mirrors 82 metres (27 feet) in diameter and four others with mirrors 18 metres (59 feet) in diameter Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
optical telescope
brThe Very Large Telescope (VLT) is located at the Paranal Observatory in Chile's Atacama desert, and is the world's most advanced optical telescope It comprises four 82 metre reflecting telescopes and three auxiliary 1 metre telescopes that can move about Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Ground-based observatories, located on the surface of Earth, are used to make observations in the radio and visible light portions of the electromagnetic spectrum Most optical telescopes are housed within a dome or similar structure, to protect the delicate instruments from the elements Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
The principal role of the main VLT telescopes is to operate as four independent telescopes The interferometry (combining light from multiple telescopes) is used about 20 percent of the time for very high-resolution on bright objects, for example, on Betelgeuse Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
The Very Large Telescope array (VLT) is the flagship facility for European ground-based astronomy at the beginning of the third Millennium It is the world's most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 82m diameter and four movable 18m diameter Auxiliary Telescopes Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
In some cases, a bone marrow or stem cell transplant is an option Multiple myeloma isn't considered “curable,” but symptoms wax and wane There can be a long period of dormancy that could last several years However, this cancer usually recurs Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Bone marrow failure occurs when the bone marrow – the soft, spongy center of the bones – fails to produce enough healthy blood cells to keep up with the body's needs The most common cause of acquired bone marrow failure in children and adults is acquired aplastic anemia Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Without bone marrow, our bodies could not produce the white cells we need to fight infection, the red blood cells we need to carry oxygen, and the platelets we need to stop bleeding In some cases, the best treatment is a transplant of bone marrow donated by another person Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Non-dairy products high in calcium include:
brCalcium-enriched fruit juice
brRoasted almonds
brDried peas and beans (cooked thoroughly)*
brTofu (calcium enriched, cooked thoroughly)
brGreens (kale,collard, mustard, turnip*)
brCanned salmon with soft bones
brBok Choy
brCalcium fortified cereal Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Although generally the ingested bones are digested or uneventfully pass through the gastrointestinal tract within 1 wk, complications such as impaction, perforation or obstruction may rarely occur[7,10-13] Ingested sharp bones, fish and chicken bones can lead to intestinal perforation and peritonitis Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Bone hemostasis is the process of controlling the bleeding from bone Bone is a living vascular organ containing channels for blood and bone marrow When a bone is cut during surgery bleeding can be a difficult problem to control, especially in the highly vascular bones of the spine and sternum Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Made mostly of collagen, bone is living, growing tissue Collagen is a protein that provides a soft framework, and calcium phosphate is a mineral that adds strength and hardens the framework This combination of collagen and calcium makes bone strong and flexible enough to withstand stress Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Running along the centre of long bones, such as your femur (thigh bone), is a cavity filled with bone marrow Red bone marrow is a soft tissue that produces blood cells and yellow bone marrow is a store for fat Bone can either be spongy or compact Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Bones are the main storage site of calcium in the body Your body cannot make calcium The body only gets the calcium it needs through the food you eat, or from supplements Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Bone marrow is a spongy substance found in the center of the bones It manufactures bone marrow stem cells and other substances, which in turn produce blood cells Each type of blood cell made by the bone marrow has an important job Red blood cells carry oxygen to tissues in the body Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Bone: The bone itself yields minerals like calcium and phosphorus Sodium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur and silicon are also present Marrow: Bone marrow gives you vitamin A, vitamin K2, omega-3s, omega-6s and minerals like iron, zinc, selenium, boron and manganese Marrow from beef and lamb also contains CLA Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
natural ways to build healthy bones
brEat Lots of Vegetables
brPerform Strength Training and Weight-Bearing Exercises
brConsume Enough Protein
brEat High-Calcium Foods Throughout the Day
brGet Plenty of Vitamin D and Vitamin K
brAvoid Very Low-Calorie Diets
brConsider Taking a Collagen Supplement Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Symptoms of bone marrow cancer
brweakness and fatigue due to shortage of red blood cells (anemia)
brbleeding and bruising due to low blood platelets (thrombocytopenia)
brinfections due to shortage of normal white blood cells (leukopenia)
brextreme thirst
brfrequent urination
brabdominal pain
brloss of appetite Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Summary Bone marrow is high in calories and fat It also contains protein, vitamin B12, riboflavin, collagen, and conjugated linoleic acid Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Yellow bone marrow is involved in the storage of fats The fats in yellow bone marrow are stored in cells called adipocytes This fat can be used as an energy source as needed Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Bone marrow not just boasts of a heavenly taste but also offers various health benefits It contains a substantial amount of good fats and energy It is also a good source of proteins with 100 gm of bone marrow providing 67 gm of proteins All in all, bone marrow is a nutrient-rich food and can rev up any meal Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
It has been known for its flavorful addition to soups and as a delicacy for dogs but bone marrow fat may also have untapped health benefits, new research finds Researchers find that with calorie restriction, a less-studied fat tissue releases adiponectin, which is linked to reduced risk of diseases like diabetes Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Marrow—the tissue inside bones—is full of various kinds of cells And marrow is also full of fat The amounts of these cells and fats can decrease or increase over time “Bone marrow is a source of blood, immune cells, and malignancies” Yet, because bone fat is encased in bone, it's not easy to study Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
Bone marrow fat (BMF) is located in the bone marrow cavity and accounts for 70 of adult bone marrow volume It also accounts for approximately 10 of total fat in healthy adults above the age of 25 years (1, 2) Comment from : Hastin Nuraini |
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