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3 Christian YouTube Channels You Need to Unsubscribe From...NOW!


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Кадры 3 Christian YouTube Channels You Need to Unsubscribe From...NOW!

Описание 3 Christian YouTube Channels You Need to Unsubscribe From...NOW!

Коментарии 3 Christian YouTube Channels You Need to Unsubscribe From...NOW!

cruz cortes
Thank goodness I never followed your channel cause by your own words I had to unsuscribe from it First and last video I ever watch Thank you
Comment from : cruz cortes

Funny,the Christian YouTube channel to unsubscribe to be frank your should be the first What you preach is way off from what the Word of God say
Comment from : By_The_Word

hypocriets you to punk selling t shirts in crist name market place huu
Comment from : HARDSTONE EDITS

Ginny Nash
There's one that says you shouldn't be followed lol!
Comment from : Ginny Nash

Allan that is so rich coming from you about avoiding certain UbtubersbrTell me Allan do you belive women can minster over a man? I have witnessed you affirming one woman on your channel and encouraging others to subcribe to her channel brWhy would you encourage other believers to subcribe to a woman's ministry when you should know God did not give women the right to preachbrI know your type you like to go along to get along because it makes you more popular You and Mike Winger are cut from the same cloffbrSorry my friend but you are in serious error and you need to repent
Comment from : AOTC

I'm a Christian youtuber!❤ may God Bless you!❤✝️❤
Comment from : Daskymonster

Question: Hitman, aka Jesus, taught in Matthew 6:14-15 we must forgive others or we aren't forgiven Why do his teachings come with a threat That's called intimidation, which is a form of abuse
Comment from : GODS MISTAKE

Well, I'm trying to stay away from yotube to soend more time with God!
Comment from : GodisKING

Dude just described how ALL man-made religions are created Well that backfired! 😝
Comment from : Mark

People should unsubscribe from ALL religious channels, as ALL of them are “foolish”, as you say When one person is delusional, it’s called insanity When many people are delusional, they call it religion!
Comment from : Mark

Faith & Fire
Thank you Brother Allen! I always, enjoy your message and the fact that you press into others to stay focused on Christ and bringing others to Him Thank you
Comment from : Faith & Fire

Point #2 and #3 were terrible Inspiring Philosophy is my favorite channel and imo the best Christian channel In his shorts, he debunks a lot of false teaching about the Bible and in turn has converted many people to Christianity And #3 doesn’t need clarification, bro is just plain hating at this point 💀
Comment from : Kami

Gregory Swain
You are very easy to like; however you are mistaken on a few things
Comment from : Gregory Swain

Sabrina Dawn
Sorry, but as Christians we are called to expose what is false PERIOD!!!br2 Tim 3:16br"All Scripture is inspired by God and beneficial for teaching, for rebuke, for correction, for training in righteousness;" brbrJohn 7:24br"Stop judging by outward appearances, and start judging justly”brbr1 Timothy 4:1-2br"Now the Spirit explicitly says that in the later times some will desert the faith and occupy themselves with deceiving spirits and demonic teachings, influenced by the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared" brbr2 Peter 2:3br"In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction will not be delayed" brbr2 Timothy 4:3br"For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires,"
Comment from : Sabrina Dawn

Reverend Darren McClelland
It is in our prayer closet—this sacred place—that we can either control the proceedings and tell God what we want, or we can bow in deep humility and brokenness (Psalm 51:17) and surrender to what God says we need And we have to know that whatever we bring of ourselves to our Heavenly Father in the place of power will be reflected outwardly to the people and world around us brbr@reverenddarrenmcclelland
Comment from : Reverend Darren McClelland

Hey Allen, brbrCouple of things: brbr1) you advise against watching channels that pro ide "extra Biblical" revelation,  which is fine, i totalky agree brbrBut you put out a video in which you fawned all over Priscilla Shirer, whose entire "teaching" is about how to get "fresh revelation" from God "with your name on it" Priscilla is a false teacher who actually refers to the Word of God as "hand me down"  or "second hand' revelation brbrIf you lack the discernment to see that, perhaps YOU should be unsubscribed to brbr2) You condemn anyone whose "entire ministry" is devoted to exposing false teachers  brbrIf you don't mind my asking, just who are YOU to be telling others what THEIR ministry should be, and what percentage of THEIR time should be spent exposing false teachers?  Does not the Bible warn us about all of the false teachers that will emerge in the end times? Does the Bible warn us against spending more than "X" percent of our time exposing false teachers? Chapter and verse please! brbrAnd how do you know that their entire ministry consists of what they post on YouTube ?  And so what if it is? brbrBetter to listen to those who call out false teachers that listen to someone like yourself who promotes people like Priscilla Shirer, whose teaching is all about finding new revelation with your name on it brbrbtw, Priscilla's father is a clown who peddles the false prosperity gospel, so associating with her is associating with him
Comment from : bd001217

Debra lol
Thank you pastor parr this is definitely something to think about 🙏
Comment from : Debra lol

Noah Hollis
I agree the extra biblical teaching has led me astray and made me feel as though god would never accept me its pushed me to despair Please pray for me god bless yall!
Comment from : Noah Hollis

Android Boy
Ban YouTube Channels of the Iglesia Ni Cristo They are cult from the Philippines
Comment from : Android Boy

Troy Nixon
What are their names
Comment from : Troy Nixon

TiffanyDashell M
So you'd rather the false teachings ring through the channels??? 😐 Most of these "call outs" are supported and shown, by them, from Scripture No matter if the title has shock value It also has biblical valuebrbrThis what you're doing, needs to stop, sir
Comment from : TiffanyDashell M

Solid Truth Ministries
Thank you Allen I stand with you 100 I just watched a guy tell people what channels to not watch and you were in there, along with others that are solid I commented that you are solid Like you, I am committed to teaching truth and building up, rather than always tearing down Thank you for your ministry
Comment from : Solid Truth Ministries

Bridgette Thomas
I believe it is ok for a Christian to show their everyday life Their is room in our lives for leisure Everything does not have to be super serious and preachy just because we are Saved So i disagree with the one about Christian YouTubers that show their everyday lives I think in the body we have become too nit picky and religiously extreme at times I agree with the other ones on the prophetic and only exposing false teachers ones though
Comment from : Bridgette Thomas

The True Gospel Of Christ
Ppl also need to stop following you
Comment from : The True Gospel Of Christ

Anthony Khiliq Jones Jr
Did you know the letter j was invented in year 1524 and the letter y 1st century?? Did you know that the Bible’s today wouldn’t have existed before 1524? Did you know the Bible says God stays the same Malachi 3:6 and Hebrews 13:8 did you know before they changed the name to Jesus it was YHWH?? brbrSo is it the same? Is it the word of God? Antichrist book??brbrIeue was original
Comment from : Anthony Khiliq Jones Jr

Canvil snaitang
Same this channel to😅 unsubscribe
Comment from : Canvil snaitang

Jason Cot
Dude, the prophetic is 100 Biblical There's the Logos word & the Rema word brGod still talks with the Body & gives words of knowledge and prophecy To tell people to completely block prophecy from their life is Not BiblicalbrSMHbrPeople like Shawn Bolz are the real deal His ministry helps people follow Jesus How could you not feel more drawn to the Lord after watching Bolz ministry?brPaul encourages everyone to pray for the spirit of profecy because it edifies the body
Comment from : Jason Cot

I wonder about God says11:11
Comment from : lifebloodofNisa84

krum will
But ur telling us not to watch and listen to certain channels there is someone who tells u about false teachers and he does no what he’s talking about as he reads from the bible
Comment from : krum will

Chris Norton
This channel is now very suspect because of this video
Comment from : Chris Norton

John Doe
Why do many christians sound like in the closet men? They have no masculine traits Jesus never said you had to be a weak man to be a Christian You have to be strong speak up take a beating or two Getting of tired of men like this representing followers of Christ Jesus sent his disciples out with a robe no shoes no food Do you think they were some weak men that sounded like in the closet babies No, man up and woman up people things are going to get hard
Comment from : John Doe

Dear Brother Parr, I watch Fight For The Truth Media with Colin Miller I do not see that he teaches on false teachings exclusively However, even if he did, I honestly don't see that as a problem, if he feels led by the Lord to do so I enjoy watching this young man's biblical tenacity Christians must learn (even new Christians) to discern what is true and godly and listen to the Holy Spirit's convictions! That said, I will continue to follow both you and Colin Keeping you both in prayer!
Comment from : DJ-1999

Ezekiel Ryan
You forget to include urself 😂😂
Comment from : Ezekiel Ryan

Its like the pot calling the kettle black
Comment from : goldieslacks

poodle lady lady
I have a question Are you against someone getting a word and praying for a healing or something like that? I have witnessed this in church a few times
Comment from : poodle lady lady

Abby Jones
I will be once I start posting some of the music that God gives me
Comment from : Abby Jones

Kyle A-M Rose
With all do respect Allen this doesn't make sense What do you even mean by "shock value"? It's either what the person is saying is false or its not As long as you have discernment and are biblically sound, you can tell when someone is speaking the truth or not according to scripture But there's absolutely nothing wrong with calling out false teachers It's what we are instructed to do in scripture
Comment from : Kyle A-M Rose

Javier Reyes
I agree with number 2 number 3 in the optionality I agree with as well I sort of agree with the first one there are people who minister with the prophetic quote-unquote that communicate spiritual illusion more than they do however there is an absolutist position that's being against what is theme to be prophetic that throws the baby out with the bathwater
Comment from : Javier Reyes

Llamas & Budgets
Are you sure that you’re not talking about the channels filming the clouds saying that’s an angel in the first group of channels? 😂 No I know what you mean
Comment from : Llamas & Budgets

Ryan Shuell
Nice one Keep up the great work!
Comment from : Ryan Shuell

Robbie G
Ahh how you gonna throw a picture of my man’s John piper in there
Comment from : Robbie G

To be honest, I feel strongly that this message falls victim to its own message And for that main reason, as a Christian, I cannot endorse any such message What underpins my response is the absence of scripture to back what he is saying Anything "extra-biblical" needs to be examined in the light of the Bible All of what Allen Parr is providing here is extra-biblical Think of it this way, he is in a sense using that market niche of 'new teaching' and providing his own 'new' thing, which neither directly references the relevant scriptures nor explains his basis This message is essentially a hypocritical message and everyone who listens to it should avoid spreading it and go back to the scriptures The scriptures are very clear on the who/what you should avoid Most Christians agree the Bible is the sole rule for sound doctrine and teaching Let no one deceive you, my bretheren! In the last days, there will be false teachers And you must place into check every single one! Go back to the purity of the blessed and unadulterated Word of God!
Comment from : ThorzBlog

Waldos Trains
Am a Christian and a YouTuber but most of my videos are about trains and railroad stuff but do upload videos from my church from time to time and want to talk about the Lord more on my chanel but have to watch what I say when I do
Comment from : Waldos Trains

Erwin Mager
#1 would be You
Comment from : Erwin Mager

Wisewoman Raphaele
WOW - Your video intent is sooooooooo WRONG and BASED on COOMPLETELY FALSE PREMISES!!! You John MacArthurian are SOOO Unbiblical- And one day I will prove it to you GUYS!!!!- Don't have time NOW!!!- How many Channels are you Behind- Man! delYou're doing the EXACT SAME THING!!!! you are literally GOING AFTER other Christians' ability to make a LIVING because they don't agree with you; while none of these people whom you stated to be "false teachers" have neither DENIED CHRIST, neither His HOLY SPIRIT and neither God the Father/del You ARE SOOO CONTROLLING and PRIDEFUL!!!!- SATAN has taken hold of your heart !!!- I just unsubscribed from YOUR CHANNEL-
Comment from : Wisewoman Raphaele

Wisewoman Raphaele
WOW - Your video intent is sooooooooo WRONG and BASED on COOMPLETELY FALSE PREMISES!!! You John MacArthurian are SOOO Unbiblical- And one day I will prove it to you GUYS!!!!- Don't have time NOW!!!- How many Channels are you Behind- Man! delYou're doing the EXACT SAME THING!!!! you are literally GOING AFTER other Christians' ability to make a LIVING because they don't agree with you; while none of these people whom you stated to be "false teachers" have neither DENIED CHRIST, neither His HOLY SPIRIT and neither God the Father/del You ARE SOOO CONTROLLING and PRIDEFUL!!!!- SATAN has taken hold of your heart !!!
Comment from : Wisewoman Raphaele

Really enjoyed this video Glad to see you doing more stuff with Frank Turek too btw You guys are a very very elite team 2 of my favourite teachers out there
Comment from : Dr CT PhD

hmmm i dont know who you mean
Comment from : GUNRIR

the name
How do we know your channel is the one we shouldn't subscribe to?
Comment from : the name

Why is this video still up? I hope you apologized to all the people you just slandered and used their video thumbnails to discredit them Your excuse that it was your editors fault won't suffice You need to issue an apology and do your research before posting irresponsible content like this Many of those channels your showed are good legit sites Shame on you for doing exactly what your criticizing in your video Shame
Comment from : I R

Elizabeth Mayo
I love Allen Parr and his videos This one I am confused about I am wondering if Allen was referring to Justin Peters He has called out people who are not preaching biblical truth and used videos of them doing so I am glad he has Paul called out false teachers in the Bible I do know some people dislike his strange fire talks I look for biblical texts to support what anyone says
Comment from : Elizabeth Mayo

Jada Pinkett
Avoid all of them Religion is brain rot Atheism isn't far behind, though
Comment from : Jada Pinkett

Kiki the pupper
I have really weird feeling towards prophesy youtube channels Its just so weird They seem no different those tarot card reader weirdos from tiktok
Comment from : Kiki the pupper

There are so many And so many churches you should quit going to Actually, it’s time for the true church to go back to meeting in each others homes American Christianity worships politics and money now Christian people need to save Christianity from its own leaders
Comment from : DeathValleyPaintBallWarrior

debbie balnaves
I watch Christian youtubers who's focus is Bible study using the Bible and reference books when neededbrThe 3 youtubers I like teach the following br5 w's and how methodbrOrbrChapter studies brParagraph studies brVerses studies brWord studies brCharacter studies brBackground book studies
Comment from : debbie balnaves

Brandon Rios
I heavily disagree with your 2nd point of those who call out false teachers Romans 16:17 is evidence to the contrary When we see false teachers we are called to mark and avoid them We should be warning the body of Christ regarding false teachers
Comment from : Brandon Rios

It’s not a bad thing to test every spirit by the word
Comment from : Letlove021

Aaronmichael C
This whole videos is hypocrisy at its best Seems as if he wants everyone to believe his teaching over the others, meanwhile in this video, he’s doing exactly what he’s criticizing them for WITHOUT ANY SCRIPTURE!
Comment from : Aaronmichael C

I won't unfollow the ones exposing false teachers I love them They're DEFINITELY needed in these last days There are so many false teachers that need to be exposed It's very strange that you're telling people to unfollow them That makes me wanna unfollow you, tbh
Comment from : PaulaT

Vic Paredes
You also need to unsubscribe to this channel
Comment from : Vic Paredes

Luis Davila For Winter Haven City Commissioner
He’s probably talking about David E Taylor Just saying
Comment from : Luis Davila For Winter Haven City Commissioner

Howard Hughes
Unsubscribe from them all Including this one
Comment from : Howard Hughes

Raine Brock
I've slowed down on TikTok, it's almost all Christian or believer based, but I feel the conviction to slow down, cause I'll spend hours on it, and even make videos But I use to fully take in what they say, but now I'm praying to God that if anything they say is true, to reveal it to me by scripture or a sign
Comment from : Raine Brock

Joe Hernandez
Also those channels that have nothing but videos having titles or thumbnails like “Watch this video through if you love God” or “If you ignore, the i___/i wins” that show up video after video
Comment from : Joe Hernandez

Shredding 51
How do we feel about the show "The Chosen"? I know there is a lot of people saying it's made by Mormons I'm curious what others think
Comment from : Shredding 51

John David
Exposing False Prosperity Preachers is Godly & Scriptural cos they are the Enemies of the Messiah
Comment from : John David

selwyn clist
There are enough scriptual evidence to condend for the faith, i see no harm in site that warn people So i cant aggree with the 2nd choice because the word clealry backs it up with many warning about false teachers
Comment from : selwyn clist

John Holmes  Inches Ahead
It would seem that this Channel conforms to all three categories as explained by the presenter! I am Unsubscribing - thanks for the 👍!
Comment from : John Holmes Inches Ahead

unsubscribe from Allen's channel
Comment from : JesusisLord320

Grayson Herbert
Your second point is not only wrong, but your primary arguments are sinful Most of your points are asserting the motives of people whose hearts you do not know This is very dangerous territory As believers we cannot claim to know peoples hearts as God does This is especially the case for broad blanket statements that you provided no proof for A blanket accusation of all discernment channels as charlatans who are just trying to make money off of fear and shock value is honestly disgusting I pray you repent of this sinful judgement of professing believers that you have slandered without evidence
Comment from : Grayson Herbert

Dorothy Ticala Diaz
Good content Allen even the Church that I'm with now the teaching is if you are not giving tithe every month or pledger they will not use you in the service Is these biblical?
Comment from : Dorothy Ticala Diaz

living water ministries
Every single denomination is false to some capacity the church started in the home and on the streets and it's going back to that way very soon
Comment from : living water ministries

living water ministries
One of the very best YouTube channel is Julie green every thing she says happens so she is definitely a true prophet Paul Robin is a good one to and troy black is really good to how ever stay away from the following seventh day Adventist Bible flock box and stay away from stuff like catholism jw churches that are to quiet and be very careful of Baptist they got some of the most false teaching there is out there pentacostal or caresmatic is real good as long as they are in order
Comment from : living water ministries

Manuel Gomez
Thats crazy I see a lot of Christian channels i don't agree with, I don't put my trust in man , thats y ideas the Bible who was wrote by man who walked with God, God talk to Moses and the prophets , Jesus walked the earth with his disciples
Comment from : Manuel Gomez

꧁0ዥㄨችዕንㄨ꧂ or roTapolus
Im not a christian💀
Comment from : ꧁0ዥㄨችዕንㄨ꧂ or roTapolus

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