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Guided Meditation - Meet Your Spirit Guide By Unlocking Your Third Eye!


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Dmt blast off What a great experience full of love and healing
Comment from : @gaberiel555

I’m here in January’23 and this is my third time doing this hypnosis It works great every time! Joe you do phenomenal work
Comment from : @FootballDaddy78

I can't see clearly stunami so power tornado thunder call god people earthquake return back god his people they need rest I declare your name god bless you more I saee you
Comment from : @melaniefontanilla9113

11:55 am, trying this for the first time 🍉
Comment from : @lxurenwitch2713

I did this meditation for the first time when I was 16 Opened my third eye and seriously changed my life forever I’m 22 now and I still come back to this when I need it Thank you so much Joe, you have no idea how this impacted me!
Comment from : @keekseatsasmr425

Could you give meaning behind not feeling comfortable with the first spirit guide I’m truly interested
Comment from : @Optimus_prim3

When I listened to this meditation, a black shadow with wings named astaroth appeared But he is a powerful demon and I felt safe 🥲
Comment from : @blackjack5872

I have tried other videos to meet my spirit guides and none of them worked I hope this one helps🤞
Comment from : @namnam_23

Woot!? Is it normal to see yourself? 🤔
Comment from : @SyriaMaiden

Why do I see nothing but darkness just as if I'm normally closing my eyes every time I meditate 🥺
Comment from : @brittanyruyl7845

Can’t lie I smoked a little bit of weed I don’t know about you guys but it makes picturing this so much easier
Comment from : @DamianTheLightskin

This was very helpful 👍🏻 I got some answers from my spiritual guide, good answers with little effort from my side
Comment from : @FOFOsporteg

I'm glad for everyone who had such great experiences For me there was just too much talking I liked the music and the intention, but whenever I tried to follow the instructions and go deeper into the tasks and questions, I was interrupted with the next explanation and the next step, so that I felt frustrated It apparently went too fast for me
Comment from : @melanieweber1437

if anyone sees this i need some help i was doing the meditation totally in a trance and i saw this woman she had medium length curly hair and a strong motherly presence and also had small body features and a kind face does anyone have any clue what goddess this was i didnt get a name and i really want to know but this is all i can remember about her
Comment from : @ayriannamc

Comment from : @joycehartman9908

I start to get really itchy when it comes time to meet the guides this is the second time it happened I’m going to take it as a hint lol♥️
Comment from : @Aniexo_

Comment from : @brabara214

Joe I've been trying for years Almost feel like giving up on finding my guides
Comment from : @graumannashley5620

That was so beautiful, thank you🙂
Comment from : @kirawarriorprincess480

Can someone help me I saw nothing at all? I felt relaxed and felt tingles on my body but I saw nothing
Comment from : @ashlynferguson8460

"Here's Tom with the Weather " 🧘‍♀️🤗❤
Comment from : @clyde_kit

I think I already met my spirit guide in a different meditation video, but I thought about opening my third eye before To be honest, I found out that it can also make you encounter dangerous creatures Could you advise me on that? I am still a teenager, and I want to be fully ready for whatever comes
Comment from : @viktoriadandelion

I met a woman and the name azeldalite kept on popping it or asildalite, and they said the signs they have been giving me was them and that for the new changes coming I jus have to be patient and that’s her advice for me! I felt a warm sensation all down my back during this ❤️
Comment from : @liagarcia3443

😭 I mean I apparently have multiple spirit guides but one was my cat that I lost quite a few years ago and she's now going to stay with me constantly as my heart chakra continues to open and heal Thank you so much for this, I needed it so much 😭🙏🏻💛
Comment from : @leahrice6441

I can't find my spirt again 😭 no answers nothing 😭😭😭 I felt light only light but no answers 😭😭
Comment from : @vironikagurgotra5186

Am I the only one who saw a deity (I think I saw Aphrodite) and freaked out?? How is that even possible?!?
Comment from : @stefaniafilip4246

My eyes like opened by themselves what?
Comment from : @lejames9283

I saw a shiny green butterfly It didn't talk but, somehow,I knew it's name : Saliz It was just a presence full of happiness, joy and calm There was no worries around it It landed on my head and I was flood with calm At the end I had to go, but we will see each other again
Comment from : @laurencepaille5753

I’m scared I got half way thought this and I started seeing faces one of a little girl and one of a man
Comment from : @bloodyhell7813

I saw a bald eagle 🤔
Comment from : @crzellmer

I like the concept of this hypnosis/meditation and I like the relaxation technique at the beginning This session includes a lot of guidance/instruction without a lot of pauses to focus on carrying them out I prefer some of the others that have longer gaps between instructions Love the music and, of course, Joe's voice!
Comment from : @jennyh3795

I would like to know if I can talk to you on one You are one of the best guided meditation in my opinion Thank you Blessed be!
Comment from : @marymclaughlin3269

This video is my all time favourite guided mediation, amazing work! I would be infinitely grateful if you could provide the backing track without the commentary! I’d even pay for it! Please respond !
Comment from : @pistachio5186

During the meditation I felt very relaxed and i can tell what was going on around me sometimes even if my eyes were closed what does that mean?
Comment from : @mira7148

i wish this meditation also worked for me like it did for other people but i just couldnt get through all of it without getting up and opening my eyes, for some reason when they were doing the part of relaxing yer body my shoulders started to stiffin and make it unbearable to sit still and when it came to the face my whole face and head was in pain especially my jaw not something i want to experience while meditating :'')
Comment from : @jackiesenpaio_o7058

What an experience I had these amazing visuals of this loving comforting green mass that just floated around me wow Thank you! 🙏🏻💛
Comment from : @jessloiterton

I was in bed laying on my back and covered my whole body and close my eyes so I couldn’t see anythingThere was a light so bright All i started saying was I am protected 10 minutes listening to this I was in a forest walking and i kind of almost fall it felt so real my body reacts it was like I just jumped My leg and arm moved on his own my body was tingling like good feelingI could feel someone presence standing by my bed my eyes was close and I can tell he was wearing a white shirt and I was looking at him with my eyes closeI was crying while looking to his eyes like overwhelming Like I know him we didn’t say anything just looking through each other eyes and I can feel him and understand him I met a couple older woman started dancing with them my phone vibrated and I felt like I jumped back in my body and I was up I could feel some sensations like a thread that that go in one spot in my brain while listening to this
Comment from : @shayla3458

I was so deep in meditation when all of a sudden an ad came on and scared me so much I jumpedgood way to have me not come back to this meditation Which is unfortunate
Comment from : @jenniferjamieson6467

Well oof no one is here
Comment from : @someone8240

I had a wonderful, enlightening experience and ill be back to use this video again But i felt tingles all over my body and extreme pressure on the center of my face Also my face was making odd expressions i couldnt control Like my top teeth dug into my lower lip in a weird way and my right hand turned in kind of weird when i asked to make physical contact She let me, we held and squeezed hands Also at one point i cried Is all this normal?
Comment from : @Relax-bn7st

When i need to ask questions, do I need to say it out loud or just think it?
Comment from : @nyqui1910

Thank you 😊❤️🙏🏻❤️
Comment from : @heidijbee4868

It was so weird Around 16 minutes into the video my eyes started to act really weirdly They were closed but kept moving very fast I don't know how to explain it and i tried to calm down but they were moving faster and faster so I felt scared and i had to open them I felt very tired after that Do you think I was about to meet my spirit guide but I got too afraid ?
Comment from : @Employeeofthemonth2001

Ugh, stuff like this never works for me I can’t feel anything, I can’t see anything, and nothing happens No matter how hard I try Maybe my spirit guide doesn’t like me Whatever, I give up
Comment from : @Chocoglycemia

Ugh my brother kept interrupting me shouting “you alright!” I got cut off :(
Comment from : @morgana262

Went into meditation feeling both afraid and nervous As I began to concentrate on my breathing my body began to relax but my eyelids were moving rapidly I felt something getting close and just as I was ready to try and embrace the speaker mentioned if it doesn’t feel safe ask it to leave so I did and it obliged Next I asked for my true spirit guide to come thru Briefly saw the face of a gorgeous female I spoke with an energy that made me feel calm and therefore safe He assigned me a task Also made a revelation to me that I will await to unfold tomorrow Overall I would say that the feelings this evening were of anxiety, fear, nervousness Will make another attempt soon Thank you!
Comment from : @kingfetti998

It was the sun Im lucky because he told me he is always available if i want it, don t need specific appointments or what Is just there Hug me with his warm arms and reliefed all the pain from the past telling me to trust the process, that if i keep the clouds away i will be always enlighted
Comment from : @tommasodilena4971

My spirit guides Name is Micah but he’s not ready to show himself to me :) thank you so much
Comment from : @sofia11704

Didn't see anything, nothing happened I wasn't scared or nothing, maybe Raul is just shy
Comment from : @kam9466

Ive done many spirit guide meditations but I never seem to meet one person Whoever I meet they always change I always struggle to see what they look like This one meditation I did, I saw a whole crowd of people waiting to meet me Is it possible I'm meeting all of them at different times? Anyone have any suggestions or know what's going on?
Comment from : @alaynamiller2389

All-white-dressed girl named Shivana, all-black-suit man named Malik, a big albino tiger named Cyra, and a giant blue dragon-snake named Ryu
Comment from : @LnC24

I just had deep talk with my old pet rabbit that died a few years ago
Comment from : @hjalmaropotato5012

An reallly old small woman came to me her name is makila, i really don't know if i just made that up yes or no
Comment from : @DailyTubesFU

either i’m really stoned or my third eye is opening
Comment from : @luna-nj1xw

I ran through this meditation twice only to see a dark hooded figure that sent waves of chills through my body It scared me I asked it to leave so I could speak to my true guide but felt no presence after that
Comment from : @ponderosabones7803

Before I did this meditation I performed a Chakra healing and a vision of my Third Eye Chakra literally becoming an eye I have been instructed to take better care of my physical health My guide revealed itself as a symbiotic creature living in my Third Eye Chakra
Comment from : @LoganSewell83

Because of my past life experiences I find myself never truly relaxed when I’m closing my eyes and trying to keep a form of conciseness and when I am I’m not enjoying it fully Anyway right as the struggle was beginning one of my two cats decided to sit in my lap and curl up on my clasped hands And I began to tear up a bit out of pure joy and happiness as I began to relax deeply More than I have in a while I did not see any spirit guide but I entered a deep meditation and thoroughly enjoyed it I don’t know if my cat has a connection with me or not I’ve always been drawn to her but I’ve never felt she truly wasn’t more than a cat I feel that she knew I was struggling and getting frustrated and decided to take a nap in my lap to help calm me (she’s purring) <3
Comment from : @eleanordisney1906

This would have been great if I was given time to talk to my guide!
Comment from : @teacherbonnie5235

That is so lovely, thank you 💙
Comment from : @LisaBeachyGuidedMeditations

First time trying this one, it didn´t revelaed it self to me, but i saw a white light, very cool and overwhelming
Comment from : @antoniocenteno1483

Love u joeand your nice voice😙❤👌
Comment from : @zara1867

I need help this is my 4th time i feel great and relaxed but my spirit guide doesnt want to come through
Comment from : @AfterOurs999

Da fucks with all the ads?!
Comment from : @exercise456

Was getting into till the first ad
Comment from : @whatsu57

Sir, You are absolutely incredible!
Comment from : @cosmiccat727

1:58 AntVenom?
Comment from : @rhylpancakesph

I did not find presence of the guide positive Instead I got chills What do I do
Comment from : @saiarjunwadkar6380

This work of ur willing to feel and let go just trust his voice thanks a lot u really help me a lot in life
Comment from : @jimjock07

Hey Joe My favourite mediation video on YouTube! I was wondering if you have the background ambient sounds that could be uploaded separately without your voice? The guided mediation is excellent but I listen to this recording so much the same voice is getting slightly repetitive for me! Let me know, thanks !
Comment from : @pistachio5186

I think I saw myself with white dress and long hair and she has unicorn horse and let me to pet him
Comment from : @joody1981

Um so Archangel Peter was with me am I the next angel?
Comment from : @emorsomethinglikethat208

My spirit guide is a huge gray and white wolf, and I had a feeling it was female nd she wanted to bite my head off yet she didn't hurt me and would be friendly again XD i like her
Comment from : @sinredsnuggs5565

This was so amazing I saw her and Beauty More I can say, ' outsandly beautiful"! Appear with a 3rd eye on her Does it mean mines has open?
Comment from : @krk_changes9203

My spirit guide's name is Wyonna I hear clicks of whispers at times, and if I'm relaxed and quiet enough, I can hear gentle female whispers, sometimes even male Archangel Michael possibly I can't understand the words because they're fast, but I get visions and feelings in my heart, strong energies around me It's always comforting to know my guides and the universe are with me
Comment from : @Tid3Danc3r

I dreamt brbrI was looking over the Altantic ocean getting taken to this placebrbrI zoomed In and looked deep into the ocean of a Greek temple I don’t know who’s temple it was reminded me of Zeus or hades or posideon but as I got there I was kinda giant cause I couldn’t hardly fit into the rooms and I had to do this kinda puzzles with my hands to open it up as I succeeded with the puzzle, the passages opened and I went right and I tried to squeeze my body through sliding myself to find it was getting to tight and slid myself back out I wanted to explore more why did I stop 😞brbrPlus when I was taken to the temple I was excited I was like OMG! It’s it’s and I can’t remember the name I said but defo a Greek temple undersea and the sea was clear blue brbrBut I was like giant size of 18ft like a adult squeezing through a tiny hole that’s made for children that’s how it felt that’s why I felt I had to withdraw :(
Comment from : @MJgroove90

Now I have a huge headache… It’s either that or my crown chakra is opening up I definitely felt a strong energy that was not my own 70 I think maybe it was my higher self that I connected with 🙏 Every time I’m in a meditative state I always see swirls behind my closed eyes… Mostly white and purple ? My stomach was hurting a little bit and now I feel sick to my stomachoozy I did ask to have any dark entities detach from my body I felt my heart feel lighter during the meditation And after maybe something in my solar plexus was trying to detach Ive always known something was thereugh 🙏🙏
Comment from : @annee5582

You talked to much during this one 🙁
Comment from : @chantelylace

i saw nothing but the normal darkness when i have my eyes closed Tho i did get very hot and my chest felt heavy
Comment from : @lankylad2968

Is my spirit guide a separate entity or my higher self? I always thought it was different spirit but the way you presented the meditation, seems like my over soul I have received inspirations in the past but wasn’t sure if it was my higher self ie conscious or from a spirit guide who was different from my soul When your crown chakra is open and connected to your higher self is the your spirit guide?
Comment from : @arthur1028

Please do not EVER take this video down It is the porchlight to spirit when I can't find my way home Thank you ❤️
Comment from : @shelly1298

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