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Financing a Gaming PC?


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Greg Salazar
Thanks for watching this one! And thanks to Intel for supporting the channel! Shop now during Intel Gamer Days to save on your favorite gear: tiddly/3pqHP8I
Comment from : Greg Salazar

The problem with different payments on gaming PCs (as opposed to utility things like cars, fridges, washers, etc) is that PCs tend to deprecate in value fairly quickly and there are always new sales and deals By the time you finish paying off that gaming PC, if you had just saved up the money for the same period of time and bought the pieces outright, you could probably get a better build done for the same money or same build for less money
Comment from : Anedime

TATES!! Thank you for the info though, was looking to do this, not anymore 👀
Comment from : Azahoward25

Tyler Lovell
Leave my boy Tate alone 🤣
Comment from : Tyler Lovell

Ofc u should pay attention to the terms and conditions It just takes money management
Comment from : Skraff_YT

Marinos Mysteries
Financing when done right actually builds the credit score Just make sure the financing agency, like this one, reports to the credit burrows the good transactions
Comment from : Marinos Mysteries

Scott Lamar
I used affirm to buy a 3080 ti from newegg I will never use them again EVER Just not worth it and I decided ill just save money for tech I want from now on Like 7000 series cpus I save for 2 months and easy but out fully, no interest at all Much better feeling
Comment from : Scott Lamar

These scam/spam replies are getting obnoxious 😑
Comment from : Chrissonator

Tony Collum
my old laptop screen went out i was like 2 weeks from having enough for a new one so i financed one paid it off when i had the money didnt pay any extra while i do game sometimes on it i also use it for work so it helped me out a lot but wouldnt suggest if u dont have to or dont need to because it was quite a hassle to deal with them to pay it off honestly
Comment from : Tony Collum

Hydro MC
I financed my gpu through affirm from Amazon because I saw that the price had a sharp dip and was at its all time low 3 days after I went through with financing it the price shot back up to $1200 so I’m glad I did it
Comment from : Hydro MC

just save up instead of financing
Comment from : Voluntarism

lack Financial Knowledge in this age is inexcusable!
Comment from : ZAR

Shawn McElravy
Don’t use “affirm”, you’ll pay double
Comment from : Shawn McElravy

James Newman
I used Affirm to purchase a PC, I made sure to make all payments on time and in full No problems using the service that way
Comment from : James Newman

Flavius Fake
I would add one more reason to accept such financing It can help build your credit history especially if you have none yetbrbrAlthough pay on time since you want the transaction to be positive on your reportbrbrThank you for making this video which will hopefully setup some viewers for success It is important to understand finances
Comment from : Flavius Fake

Philip Mottershead
The reason why sites use buy now pay later is that it's been proven people spend something like 60 morebrbrI quite like some advice I heard that you should be able to buy something twice to know you can comfortably afford it
Comment from : Philip Mottershead

Shit like affirm is a good deal if you pay it off ASAP before the interest sodomizes you That said, if all you can do is afford minimum payments you should not be financing anything
Comment from : llamapi3

Got my gaming laptop from Rent a Center, got about 16 payments left :D
Comment from : Chrissonator

christopher james
Financing a house, a car etc is one thing Financing a pc is lunacy
Comment from : christopher james

MR GT Modern Retro Gaming Tech
If you'll USE it for 5 years plus, it miiigggghttttt be fine, but if you're in a PC MASTER RAT RACE and upgrade yearly? NO! just NO! Buy ONLY what you CAN!
Comment from : MR GT Modern Retro Gaming Tech

I was thinking of using the loan for a phone since I don’t have any expenses but I think I’ll just save up
Comment from : M4

William Wilson
LOL, Affirm is really good to be honest I bought a expensive item from a online vendor and they refunded the order $1,800 USD when it was a fatly product that the vendor refused to refund Affirm did a charge back and refunded me the money IF I paid cash i would be out 2k Thank s Greg!
Comment from : William Wilson

Gambinos Gameroom
I use PayPal credit they have an offer if you buy something over 100 dollars online as long as you pay it in 6 months is 0apr But I agree only do it if you have the money already I only used it to build initial credit
Comment from : Gambinos Gameroom

Elon Tusk
bought my pc from overclockers on finance, i was expecting cheap knockoffs, but i got genuine specs, but iv upgraded ever since
Comment from : Elon Tusk

I did this with a bed recently Needed a new mattress but couldn't afford it for another month I financed it with the pay within 90 days and its same as cash My bonus in a couple weeks will take care of it and I'm good!
Comment from : cooley

Haydrick Windhelm
I doing alright but have to take care of two more people in my home, so financing a gaming PC is the only way I can ever own one
Comment from : Haydrick Windhelm

3:36 one of the "worst offenders" would be Purchasing Power If you do the math on what the sell there merchandise for, it can reach the 60-70 markup range from retail prices They target the low or no credit consumers 😳
Comment from : RandomTech

if you "opt out" of certain communications, that's not an "opting" system "opting" means you have a choice in the matter
Comment from : Joseph

Mophead YT
before talking about this kind of thing you need to put yourself in the shoes of someone who cant save for one reason or another its a life skill a lot of people dont learn
Comment from : Mophead YT

Chris Hunter
I’ve used affirm for a couple of smaller purchases (in the $200-300 range) It was items I had the cash for, but just didn’t want the hit all at once Don’t think I’d use it for more expensive things personally though
Comment from : Chris Hunter

Al ias
I never loan money to spend on things, never take a credits from the bank If i can't afford something, i save it myself and buy it basic transaction, i give money you give me the thing and we don't know each other anymore Be careful with those things guys, never depend on someone or owe someone
Comment from : Al ias

Vee Li
When will this channel become Finance Studio or Salazar Finance…or even Tech Yes Finance?! lol
Comment from : Vee Li

Nicane -
if u live in the us maybe u can afford it meanwhile in third world countries
Comment from : Nicane -

KaRmA Keyz
(5:28) I wonder if Greg gave Jeremy any S*** for this part of the editing, lol
Comment from : KaRmA Keyz

David Paddy
Rule 1,brDon't finance if you can't afford to buy brbrI have financed loads of stuff however always under the assumption I can afford to buy it I only finance to lower the financial burden of a 1 off payment however often have more than enough sitting in my savingsbrbrHonestly any one wanting to buy monthly payments you must be able to afford the item and use finance to only as a way to balance not a way to afford somwthing you couldn't buy without finance
Comment from : David Paddy

Affirm took my money and cancelled my orderyeah never going to use them again
Comment from : Coophack6584

I want to give you my 6yr old tower pc for you to rebuild and do what you want with
Comment from : BussyB1ast3r

Agreed Do not finance toys Much better off waiting and saving I’ve been there, I’ve regretted a lot more financing than I have ever felt good about
Comment from : PinkyTech

Bad idea? I paid 3,200$ for a Pc with a 3600 and a Ryzen 5600x Yeah it’s a bad idea But It’s sometimes my better option with my budget Props to you for giving good education about finance to the pc community I knew what I was getting into Some kids may not
Comment from : vc0nn

John Vercher
Greg, I do hope you get to read this First, I really enjoy your videos I know that you may not realize just how important your videos can be I lost my dad to covid, and your videos were a great help to me I know it may sound crazy, but watching your videos help take may mind off things for a little while and in that way helped me get though such a rough time in my life I just wanted to say thank you for all you do
Comment from : John Vercher

Owen Mitchell
Never buy on finance Just save up Yes it will take longer but you'll pay less and avoid dodgy a contracts (Oh and if you do, NEVER say yes to an extended warranty, they cover nothing)
Comment from : Owen Mitchell

Aaron Bleßmann
Apple or android?
Comment from : Aaron Bleßmann

JonathanH900 known Former AndreasH900
I have loan about 2000$ 3 year termbrBought phone my main broke before i had any major cash brUnemployed on benefitsbrI had loan before on phone
Comment from : JonathanH900 known Former AndreasH900

viperdemonz jenkins
if you have to finace it you do not need it
Comment from : viperdemonz jenkins

make a fiverr pc video again!!
Comment from : Lega

Here in Finland, I've been using Klarna since 2017 for quite a number of big purchases with no issuesbrFriendly, easy and convenient :)
Comment from : Lighty_Dust

Ranger Jedi
I usually save my money or use Amazon pay later plan
Comment from : Ranger Jedi

SpectralJay 18
tbh i just used affirm for my new gpu i work for $12 dollars an hour it's just helpful for now i know why people don't like it because you spend more in the end but idk man its just nice
Comment from : SpectralJay 18

The only thing you're allowed to finance is a home beyond that you're throwing money away
Comment from : ofacesig

Kig Yar
If you can't buy it out right with saved money not a good idea, i think it is better to save and wait
Comment from : Kig Yar

I was getting SUPER desperate for a new 30 series card back in June and was seriously considering using one of these programs, but decided against it at last minute Appreciate you giving me even more reasons to avoid these :) great video!
Comment from : StarForce

Or buy what u want piece by piece overtime
Comment from : DrAngry

Vignesh M
20 years old and just pirated tNice tutorials software i love making soft
Comment from : Vignesh M

John Doe
I agree it's bad value for what you would getbrbrI assume if you paid the same amount of cash you could build a better PC
Comment from : John Doe

Marvin Abarquez
Learned this the hard way Lost job 1 month after getting cash loan to buy a work from home machine Not gonna go down that rabbit hole againbrbrBest part is that I wasn't even able to use the machine for work - new employer sent a corporate-managed machine
Comment from : Marvin Abarquez

It's always better to save money for it instead
Comment from : E Z

fordnut 87
To the Aussies watching this when you borrow for a lender like affirm or wallet wizard which are considered payday lenders it automatically goes on your credit historybrIn turn when you try for a house or car loan banks and lenders will disregard you and add that attempt to your credit history ruining your credit score for another 7 years
Comment from : fordnut 87

Zane Wullenweber
the only time the thought came up to do this sort of thing was when I needed to build my credit but it was my parents who were going to be giving me the money up front to pay for the items appliances monthly as an instalment loan I'm fairly young so that's why I wanted to build my credit
Comment from : Zane Wullenweber

BeersAndBacon Gaming
Greg gave more information about the importance of good credit and finance in one video than high school teaches students period
Comment from : BeersAndBacon Gaming

Carter Baker
I use Affirm on and off A big problem with them is if you get a refund it takes longer At least under old terms If you have multiple loans and do a refund it extends the time goes up to 24 days The can not apply the refund to other loans 5 yo 7 days refund to vendor and 2 to 3 weeks back to you
Comment from : Carter Baker

I would never do this When I wanted a PC and couldn't afford it, I saved up It took like a year due to no job and taking what I could get local wise for workbrBut I built a PC that way and it was much better
Comment from : Noire

Pixubol Imon
I'm glad that you actually went over this I've heard of Affirm's loans on other PC SI companies It's not something I wouldn't really go for, but If I didn't have to pay all the money upfront and still have the cash to buy it, I'd give a a shot But i also have good credit, so using my credit card might be a 'safer' option
Comment from : Pixubol Imon

I financed mine but I got 0 at 24 months but I also didn’t need to finance just did it because the deal and who wants to spend a large some at once if you can spilt it at no cost But I agree I would only do it if I already had the money to pay for it in full credit is more important than the item by far
Comment from : J_Woodyy

10:01 big stretch
Comment from : cullinan

Smelly Wrestling Geek
It's very easy to repair your credit honestly, though I don't recommend ruining it to begin with
Comment from : Smelly Wrestling Geek

Ankar Adillos
The biggest issue I have with Affirm is that they DO NOT report good payment history to the credit bureaus If you are late THEY WILL report you to the credit bureaus So using Affirm WILL NOT build your credit score Been a Affirm user for 5 years
Comment from : Ankar Adillos

i think this is literally a usa problem, here in Germany i can finance something for lets say 12 months, original price 1200€ you pay EXACTLY 100€ month for 12 months that's it Literally no money is lost
Comment from : EmptySergeant

It's great way for fat people to lose weight Commit to a Gaming PC instead of spending your monthly surplus on pizza
Comment from : ottson

joe the geezer
Thanks for the advice dad!!!!
Comment from : joe the geezer

Joshua Ryder
Lot of good info here Greg I try to avoid Affirm but I don't mind using Zip (Quadpay) because they do go by our actual pay days and they only charge $4 more than the total item price No crazy interest rates I also like using Amazon's 3 or 5 monthly payments which is also no interest
Comment from : Joshua Ryder

Zuzu Finke
Rent A center or Aarons, is bad you can get a gaming laptop and pay $1100 but if you do payments by the time you finish paying the interest its nearly $3200-4000 you paid and you got only 6-12 months usually to pay it off
Comment from : Zuzu Finke

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know spending money you don't have and having to pay it back at high interest rates is a bad idea
Comment from : Bulltron

Ezra De Guzman
Why not just use your credit cards Most of them don't charge very high fees or any fees at all if you make a payment every month (check your own cards, it's not for every card out there), and once you've paid it off your credit score's back up It's not like you always need to have a very high score every day of your life because you're gonna need to get a new car or a new house months after replacing the busted or severely outdated computerbrbrI mean I'm not saying blow your credit limit on some fancy Origin or Digital Storm custom liquid cooled PC that costs $10,000 Blow $2,000 on a tower and pay if off over the next six months, use it for two to four years before you even upgrade the graphics card
Comment from : Ezra De Guzman

The only time i have ever used something like this was at Best Buy I bought a laptop with my best buy credit card I can only use this credit card at Best Buy and there is no annual fee No interest for 12 months with monthly payments on the laptop and i was able to pay it off fully in about 6 months I think ultimately whether you are buying something up front or using payment plans make sure either one can fit into your budget
Comment from : E-Grex

Not RixAmoris
Comment from : Not RixAmoris

I can't imagine financing a graphics card Game within your limits folks
Comment from : mweil1

watercannons collaboration
My friend brought up a point on inflation, assuming if the finance plan is definitely 0 interest, technically it might be worth using a financing plan I probably wouldn’t ever do anything because I’m deathly afraid of the fine print
Comment from : watercannons collaboration

Avoid all this payment silliness Just steal a gaming computer
Comment from : PegFear

Affirm and others are the second coming of rent a center or Aaron’s
Comment from : Jafar2352

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