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Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Emotional appreciation of collaboration


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Информация о Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Emotional appreciation of collaboration

Название :  Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Emotional appreciation of collaboration
Продолжительность :   1.18
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   351 rb

Кадры Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Emotional appreciation of collaboration

Описание Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Emotional appreciation of collaboration

Коментарии Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Emotional appreciation of collaboration

Malin Hessedahl
I love all Harry potter movies ❤❤❤
Comment from : Malin Hessedahl

Jack James Godsell
Rest in peace Michael Gambon, thanks for everything for all your done You are the best actor who played Professor Albus Dumbledore You're will never be forgotten Oh, by the way There's no Hogwarts with you Goodbye Michael 🙏💔☹️😔☺️
Comment from : Jack James Godsell

vijay gogu
I can't control my emotions My life long memorable film
Comment from : vijay gogu

Sarah Stuart
At least three actors who even looking back at their child appearance still consider it a privilege even though they are all grown up and they wouldn't see themselves like they are acting right now
Comment from : Sarah Stuart

Robbie you were my childhood best friend 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Comment from : Alyazimohd

Oh good, now i’m crying…
Comment from : H M

Harry potter was probably the best film I've ever seen now it's is over im so sad when i saw the last behind the scenes i broke down in tears 😭 rip to all who died 😢😢😢😢
Comment from : RO

Zeb The Giganotosaurus
b”Without you Hagrid, Hogwarts isn’t the same”/b
Comment from : Zeb The Giganotosaurus

ahmed ahmed
When I was a child, the first movie I watched in my life was Harry Potter I grew up with its events, and whenever I watch it, it feels like it is the first time Now its heroes are leaving one after the other I hope that we all know that one day we will all die Life is for the love of you I hope that you will search and learn about the truth of Islam, so that we may all enter Paradise together Islam is our truth and the end of Islam is Paradise We did not come to life to just have fun I hope you know who the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace
Comment from : ahmed ahmed

Rangers yes Celtic no 22
Emma Watson just made me 😭
Comment from : Rangers yes Celtic no 22

j k
What would the world be like without any of this? Quite dullbrbrWhich is pretty much what it felt like after it finneshed!
Comment from : j k

Warren Wilson Batista
Capitalism It involves manipulating your emotions, this creating such nostalgia and loyalty to a product which in the long run can't even feed you in a time of crisis, won't get you the justice you need through life even if you were pummeled through the ground by fate and bad luck I knew someone who was a complete fan, had all the books, visited the theme park, had wonderful memories of it, who is now dying of cancer And you know what burdens her more, that she realizes, that she spent all her life living in a world of fantasy when the harsh jaws of reality is around to corner ready to end it brbrGood memories yes, useful memories no Now she's out of money unable to work, she waits for her death, in such a slow, painful way
Comment from : Warren Wilson Batista

paige fowler
“There’s no Hogwarts without you Hagrid”br-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Comment from : paige fowler

Emma's Tears like broke my heart she looked so upset
Comment from : StarSinger92

Robbie, you were always in my heart and will be, stay strong and happy in heaven 💕💕
Comment from : EnderCleatz

Chapri Victor
Comment from : Chapri Victor

Eobard Thawne
I can't believe they're really rebooting it all for an entire decadebrWhy don't they just explore the universe like Star Wars, and possibly give us a sequel trilogy with these actors reuniting again?
Comment from : Eobard Thawne

Eigen Gacho
😢 crying right now 😢
Comment from : Eigen Gacho

I've never cried over a movie or actor's death
Comment from : duckitive

I not lying but Harry Potter is from all of our childhood and I bet all of us wish it was real and it is very emotional
Comment from : SrpJohn59

I'm 36 and I'm like 2 years older than the actors But appearances wise we are all the same age And growing up watching someone your ages on the big screen the way I did watching a couple years in between movies etc You get very invested into it and when it's over it's sad Nothing that's good is ever meant to last forever I still end the 8th movie just after Harry snaps the Elder Wand in half I can't wait it any further than that Because that jump to them being old is horrific for me I'll never see that scene again
Comment from : SteveoMagician

Ultimate Gamer
Good job to them all Y’all were very entertaining to us mid 90s and late 90s babies 2000s and mid 2000s babies we all love y’all so much 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼😭❤️
Comment from : Ultimate Gamer

Thank you Harry Potter cast, for making my entire childhood, making me For sacrificing your childhoods for making these amazing memories I can share with my family ❤️ rip Robbie Coltrane, rip Alan Rickman There is no hogwarts without hagrid And snape will forever be in our hearts
Comment from : •SagiAvniPlayz•

David Cartagena
Just finished the final movie today binged them in 5 days, Amazing movies, what a wonderful experience I'm 24
Comment from : David Cartagena


Comment from : iceberG

I cannot put my finger on how many times I have watched the movies, great acting, I could not imagine being apart of something that great!
Comment from : Brogers

Thank you to Jk Rowling and the incredible Cast and Crew that put this Series together The best movie franchise of all time Imo
Comment from : About36GREEKS

they had best childhood
Comment from : redfox2500

Momčilo Paunović
Can anyone share the music from this?
Comment from : Momčilo Paunović

Comment from : Bob

Legendary Mothas Thomas Teng Ttankz
Such a amazing memories 🥺
Comment from : Legendary Mothas Thomas Teng Ttankz

Sucks that it’s done Wish it was just an ever lasting series
Comment from : iAmForeman

It's so weird to think that 20 years has gone so quickly
Comment from : AC

I'll translate what they are all trying to say: Thank you JK Rowling ❤️
Comment from : DaSnitch55

If they remake Harry Potter I will nuke the planet
Comment from : Spacemonkeymojo

spookyxari 🎃
In 2021 I played a Harry Potter play and I played Hagrid but since I am a girl my name of Henrietta 😭
Comment from : spookyxari 🎃

JK Rowling gave us the whole universe thanks to her for this <3
Comment from : Anastasia

Mrs Bulldog
it reminds me a lot to LOTR the actors also became friends and still they are
Comment from : Mrs Bulldog

Grackel !!
damn I dont think ive ever cried to a youtube video but I started leaking tears and i havent even finished all of the harry potter movies
Comment from : Grackel !!

I was a child who lived with their parents but felt no love, I felt like an orphen and very connected with Harry What the movies meant to me I will never be able to put into words All I can say is thank you ❤️
Comment from : soso

𝒞𝒾𝓇𝓇𝓊𝓈 !
The movies and the books are my complete childhood When i found out that Robbie passed away, I immediately went to watch the movies again All 7 I just started bawling during that time
Comment from : 𝒞𝒾𝓇𝓇𝓊𝓈 !

Dino Power
Peppermint oil
Comment from : Dino Power

Xotem Gamez
rich people looking through a year book IDC
Comment from : Xotem Gamez

Dni Wu
in future if wizarding world have the new game there three maybe have a chance🤔
Comment from : Dni Wu

I can only imagine how amazing these people were After all, the most amazing, brilliant, truly wonderful being, Emma Watson, spent basically her whole perfect childhood here
Comment from : BuilderBrother

The All of Harry Potter Story is BullShit!
Comment from : Johann

Shamuste Akiawa
JK Rowling is my Hero!! 😍
Comment from : Shamuste Akiawa

Chris Bradley
why cant they make more? why doesnt jk rowling write more harry potter books?
Comment from : Chris Bradley

Posh white kids get emotional over a wizard film brbrHeartbreaking Truly heartbreaking
Comment from : Hullz

Marvin H
Has anyone ever think about it that these are professional actors and all the emotions are mabye just an act ? I cant feel with them when i know that they can fake it easly xD
Comment from : Marvin H

Raphael Choiseul-Pralin
Awww Don’t be sad guys You will always be part of the movie franchise, no matter what And that includes all the deceased cast members including Robbie Coltrane br“There’s no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid”
Comment from : Raphael Choiseul-Pralin

Bunch of ungrateful backstabbers
Comment from : Low-Key

Heinzy Ketchupy
These are tears of “I can’t get a memorable acting part” now
Comment from : Heinzy Ketchupy

Simple talk
If hollywood produced this, this would a whole other story so i am so glad that those kids who are grown adults now were under such good production and even says stuff like “taken care off” “took responsibillity” very glad for that
Comment from : Simple talk

M7 Reaper
Growing up in that era at exactly the same age as the cast was an amazing adventure even though I was just a spectator, and I must say it was one hell of a ride! Cannot thank the cast enough for such a magical childhood! Unfortunate politics had to ruin everything, but I'm blessed to say I can remember a time before that!
Comment from : M7 Reaper

and now everyones shitting on JK for her common sense -_-
Comment from : Papasears1982

Phoebe Crawford
I love that they are child actors who are proud to be child actors, like Daniel Radcliffe is proud to say that no role he plays will ever outshine his first
Comment from : Phoebe Crawford

Finny Mathew
My thanks to JK Rowling for the amazing books and movies
Comment from : Finny Mathew

Notes from the Underground
I guess, emotional appreciation for one who single-handedly created the world would have been in order too But, I guess, one questionable remark on twitter is enough to obliterate all the good she's done to the world, as a writer and a philantropist
Comment from : Notes from the Underground

And you just stubbed the back of JKRowling, the woman who made the Harry Potter, by talking lots of shit about her just because she has the different opinion from yours and you even called people not to buy a game based on the novel Wow, true appreciation
Comment from : A&Mgame

Shady Yam
Comment from : Shady Yam

Andrew Sampson
god I love these 3 people so much
Comment from : Andrew Sampson

I can't stop crying I can't br I really miss all of them so much!!!
Comment from : Dermot

Артем Квасков
Comment from : Артем Квасков

Yet they had zero problems over throwing Rowling under the bus at the first chance
Comment from : watermelonlover

The good thing is that a whole generation has something to hold on to when they feel bad for exampleHarry Potter and all the fantastic actors will never be forgotten
Comment from : Marcelo

Mks Nkr
Who'd you be without Moma Roaling, who have chosen you as a main characters for the movies filmed by HER books!!! Such a traitors you are!
Comment from : Mks Nkr

All thanks to JK Rowling
Comment from : YoJon

They are good actors and all, but goddamn what a bunch of hypocrites
Comment from : Messier_82

jonathan oxlade
Rip to the older actors who passed away creating such magical moments in our livesbrThe crew were like family and it fits
Comment from : jonathan oxlade

I remember watching The Philosophers Stone at the cinema when I was 7, and waiting every year for each Harry Potter film to come out The films make childhood memories flash before my eyes and what I was feeling at that moment There aren’t and will never be any no other films like them, they are truly magic, incredible, and touch your heart
Comment from : Kattail

Григорий Семенов
Childhood 🤧
Comment from : Григорий Семенов

Franco R
Harry Potter and LOTR, what an era
Comment from : Franco R

Puneet Jindal
My beautiful n cute watson U r the best sweetheart
Comment from : Puneet Jindal

Rip hagrid😕
Comment from : colin

Jaedin Medicine Elk
None of it was possible without the author
Comment from : Jaedin Medicine Elk

Mr Stupid Universe 731C
Im the same age as these three amazing actors And to grow up along side them (albeit a screen between us) brought so much joy to me they brought to life 3 of my favorite book characters and this really hits home for me If Dan, Rupert or Emma see this, I can only say thank you
Comment from : Mr Stupid Universe 731C

Marco Xhorrack
I remembered when the first book came out, everybody were waiting in line to buy the book LOL! I was like, "What's goin on?"
Comment from : Marco Xhorrack

Martin Šperka
JK Rowling ???
Comment from : Martin Šperka

This is so nice to hear for a change Usually all we get are cast members that hated each other with big egos but it’s so nice to see an iconic cast that just loved the experience😭
Comment from : CHIEF CLAM

Ann The Aries
Aww Emma ever the emotional Aries like me ❤
Comment from : Ann The Aries

Esperanza Nemec
Is sad to know that some of the older actors are not here any more They passed away
Comment from : Esperanza Nemec

sissy panoutsakopoulou
Comment from : sissy panoutsakopoulou

Rest In Peace Robbie/Hagrid You are missed,
Comment from : p00gerz

Raxter Boh
shit i'm crying and wish they come back with Another saga of Harry Potter Every single actor, i'm the films tell the story about Hogwarts, and the Friendship between the actors have made this saga Amazing because this saga was really immersive you can feel every single death in your hartevery single fantastic moment can feel the friendship between Harry and Sirius Black and you i feeled every single emotion This Saga have made a story in the world this saga will never die <3
Comment from : Raxter Boh

That is what makes Harry Potter so unique These people are essentially family, and for Daniel, Emma and Rupert especially, their whole livelihoods were built upon the foundation of those people
Comment from : Samjie

Atholl McNicoll
Whether or not it was my message to her that sparked this interviews and tears I'll never know but when I heard the news Robbie had died , I immediately sent a message to Emma informing her and afterwards she thanked me But looking back did I do right or should I have let her fellow actors advise her first - I've no idea and now Robbie has gone to the spirits in the skies and Emma has ditched me for God knows who I miss her every single day but she has made her mind up that I am no longer part of her ideology
Comment from : Atholl McNicoll

I guess Rowling wasnt invited becuse she said woman have XX chromosomes
Comment from : Noutilus

Big thank you to JK Rowling for bring harry potter to us❤
Comment from : WILD BLUEBERRY

Strawberry Blonde Milk
Probably crying over the guilt of shunning JK Rowling & completely ignoring her existence in the anniversary special even tho without her they'd never have careers or the millions in theyre bank accounts 🙃
Comment from : Strawberry Blonde Milk

Comment from : Taro

Uppermost league 904
I feel u guys it’s great tbh it really is I love Harry Potter to and rip to hagrid oml Ik the feeling but he’s was good also in Harry Potter he is not the only actor in the films that are good
Comment from : Uppermost league 904

GlokzzEditzz Plays
RIP Robbie Coltrane and RIP Leslie Philips (the sorting hat)
Comment from : GlokzzEditzz Plays

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