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Pedro Fraire
Can’t understand this man really thick accent
Comment from : Pedro Fraire

The hole pics are good, but the yardages on the left side of the screen are a throwaway, it should just show the hole
Comment from : 08jag80

Adrian Arnold
The new auto track for Android released today is damned good! Tried it today with a Samsung Galaxy Watch 5!!
Comment from : Adrian Arnold

This is all good and well lasers but I was an epileptic and although grown out of it HOLDING A LAZOR MY HAND IS NOT STEADY EVEN THOUGH RESTING BOTH ELBOWS ON TROLLY
Comment from : PAUL GOLFER

I have been using the pro versions of Golfshot and Hole19 for most of the year There are things about both that I like and dislike When my subscription comes up for renewal I'll probably choose just one to renew I've never used a range finder, but some of my golf buddies do I've found the distances to be pretty close Certainly close enough for me to know which club to use I don't think you can go wrong with Golfshot (or Hole19), plus you get your playing data at your fingertips Well worth the $ in my opinion Thanks for the great video!
Comment from : 13vansman

You could set up a focus mode on iPhone and only allow the golf app to send notifications so you can still feel disconnected from work while on the course
Comment from : sepytxsr

Tabb Tabb
Golf pad app Only £20 for 1 year Amazing value compared to some of the ridiculous prices of other apps
Comment from : Tabb Tabb

Asad Khan
Great review Love it!!
Comment from : Asad Khan

Paul McGee
I have noticed that a lot of the UK doesn’t have 4g cover so not sure how useful this would be
Comment from : Paul McGee

anybody gonna talk about how it Kills your Battery wayyyyy too fast Iphone 13 Pro user brand new
Comment from : Donk82

John Hamben
I like the app, been using it over 6 years THe only downside is the battery drainage
Comment from : John Hamben

Does 18 birdies work on the Apple Watch?
Comment from : sohosterable

The US does not use metres
Comment from : Fraser

shot scope is king
Comment from : Chris

Nicholas Lee Yong
Golfpad GPS - cheaper, just as good and for all us none pro players that don't hit exact yardages, gives us what we need
Comment from : Nicholas Lee Yong

wyn jones
What app is this ?
Comment from : wyn jones

Austin Page
I use the Grint and love it Gave me a handicap I mainly use it for keeping track of stats and rounds, but I do have a garmin approach with the "launch monitor" in it I love having that due to my hand is not steady enough for a laser range finder sadly So having both has been really nice I don't kill my phone battery as much when not using the app on phone for range
Comment from : Austin Page

You missed to review the most important feature - automatic shot tracking with Apple Watch
Comment from : Intel

VK 🇹🇭
Another great content SimonbrI use Hole19 and my range finder depending if am on a new course or not Accurate n good features on Hole19 and allows for note taking on each hole eg lost ball as further info to input on penalty on app
Comment from : VK 🇹🇭

Terry Holloway
If this is golfshot I’ve used it for about 5 yrs I like it pay 2999 a year that and a golf buddy
Comment from : Terry Holloway

Phillip Tyrrell
I use SwingU Gives club recommendations and plays like distances Plus give you a wind adjustment estimate
Comment from : Phillip Tyrrell

It’s quite annoying to see all the average duffers checking and double checking their yardage to the pin, yet they hit maybe 1-2 greens in regulation per round My best friend will ask me if I want my yardage regardless of whether I’m standing on a yardage marked sprinkler, 100/150/200 yard marker, or even when I’m within 70 yards of the damn green! lol I played my whole life without laser’s or app’s and if you have no feel for yardages, especially within 100 yard’s, I hope I’m not stuck playing behind you!
Comment from : Tim

Lee Fitzsimmons
Nice video I’ve used this for years On the screen the plus button allows a zoom and I use that feature most holes 👍🏼
Comment from : Lee Fitzsimmons

I really like it, have been using it for over a year now and it seems accurate
Comment from : Dinodocus

Bill Pilling
Still using my bushnell wingman and loving it
Comment from : Bill Pilling

Ryan Davies
Used this app for a few years now, automatically adjusts your handicap after each 9/18 holes I found it drains your battery though if kept on for 18 holes so have bought a power bank to keep it going Great app
Comment from : Ryan Davies

Paul Wilson
I’ve had this app for about 4 years it’s really good 💥
Comment from : Paul Wilson

Gavin Townsend
Simon are you aware ALDI will be offering Golf equipment, including a half set, from Sunday 21st March?
Comment from : Gavin Townsend

Simon Davis
I've been using Golfshot for years and have my phone mounted to my trolley Perfect for score tracking and getting rough distances when there isn't the need to get the laser out It does depend on a strong GPS signal though as the distances sometimes can be a bit misleading Great app though!
Comment from : Simon Davis

jackie moua
i use the bushnell app
Comment from : jackie moua

Hole 19 is a great option aswell for apple watches
Comment from : Michael

I can’t recommend Golfshot highly enough
Comment from : NineEyeRon

Fredrik Holmberg
It the best golf gps app hands down! brHade it for many many years
Comment from : Fredrik Holmberg

Iain Kane
I have it and it's amazing when you play a new course, seeing layouts and distances particularly on blind holes is great
Comment from : Iain Kane

Barry Murton
Simon smith says!
Comment from : Barry Murton

Barry Murton
A lot of the course distances are out - I always check both the whites and yellows with my app and compare the the difference!
Comment from : Barry Murton

The best thing about this app really is the integration with the Apple Watch Score, yardage and loads more on your watch and you don’t have to get your phone out! Great app and have used it for a couple of years Also, they do half price on yearly subscriptions quite regularly 👍🏼
Comment from : Luke

Angry Gorilla Golf
I use SwingU and it’s great tracks a lot of things from ranges and using gps To working out your handicap Has a good range of courses You can even upgrade and pay monthlies to get tips and cues
Comment from : Angry Gorilla Golf

Matthew Hines
Great review! Worth mentioning that if you have an Apple Watch, it automatically links giving you the info on your wrist! Also it automatically senses a golf swing and tracks your shots, meaning after a round all of your shots are in the app to check the data on!
Comment from : Matthew Hines

John Barber
Had Golfshot for 10years now Think I’m grandfathered at £13 a year Best app I’ve ever used Hands down
Comment from : John Barber

The Barrs
Trouble with using a phone app exclusively is that many club comps in Oz ban use of mobile phones except for electronic scoring purposes OK for social golf but to play competitively a ranger finder still needed Sigh
Comment from : The Barrs

Graeme Murray
Used golfshot for years and only stopped when I upgraded to Arccos Loved it for the hazard data
Comment from : Graeme Murray

Josh B
Comment from : Josh B

Josh B
I've been using golf pad for a while it's frr and does the trick for my yardage
Comment from : Josh B

I’ve literally used GolfShot for over 10 years The Pro version is absolutely worth it and even more so if you have an Apple Watch It’s especially handy at a new course to see hole layouts on blind holes I use it alongside my rangefinder or instead of my laser if I’m in the trees etc and can’t get a clear view of the pin
Comment from : TimmyP_

Darren Creese
Been using golf pro for the last year very good and easy to use on iPhone and watch
Comment from : Darren Creese

John P
Know what you mean about metres? In the days when only the wealthy had these devices My mates and I played over on the west coast of Ireland in Clare a decade or so ago None of us could understand why we kept coming up short? we thought it maybe the strong wind on the links, or perhaps the Guinness? It wasn't until we played another local course, that the pro' told us that the previous course was in metres but theirs was in yards Even though both were just marked as "Yardage" on the cards The third course we played had it in both measurements
Comment from : John P

Lee Scowen
been using it for years mainly for scores as it gives you a handicap Ive also got the shotscope watch which is also good and a good price they also do a laser
Comment from : Lee Scowen

This app is great Use it
Comment from : Hog

Daniel Fenwick
I’ve been using hole 19 for a year and it’s perfect
Comment from : Daniel Fenwick

Brian Cox
I use Golf Pad on my Samsung Galaxy and it works great It even can work with my Galaxy Watch Active
Comment from : Brian Cox

Mike N
Have been using Golfshot for years Love it
Comment from : Mike N

Duffy McHackster
I'm with ya on the laser Got a Nikon Cool shot with airmiles, no lock vibration, slope or anything fancy, but its good enough for me Track fairways greens and putts on the scorecard
Comment from : Duffy McHackster

Ponnappa Ganapathy
Interesting I have Hole 19, Golfshot, GolfLogix, SwingU, Golf Pad and 18 Birdies apps on my phone and never got beyond using the Hole 19, which was the first one I tried and am happy with since I basically use it for keeping score Should try out these apps for distance and as range finders etc
Comment from : Ponnappa Ganapathy

Interesting app But I love my Shot Scope watch Does all that without having to fiddle around with your phone It has improved my understanding of my game significantly
Comment from : Veg

I downloaded this for my Apple Watch and it’s great, yardages on my watch and you can score the hole ect from the watch too, it takes away your negative point of walking around with your phone the full round The watch is limited compared to using the app on the phone but for me I’m happy enough with a rough yardage to front, middle & back and the ability to score your round too
Comment from : KieranMclaughlin9

Matt Richards
I’ve used this for two years, works on my Apple Watch and it’s a treat 👌🏼
Comment from : Matt Richards

Anthony Hemsworth
I have a galaxy watch 4, I paid £499 for hole 19 watch app, no sub and is about the same as my mates Garmin golf watch interms of how many yards I am away that's about all it does but my level that's all I need so can't complain for one off payment of £499, I put my phone in the bag when i play
Comment from : Anthony Hemsworth

Scott Herring
I’m a big fan of ‘Golf Game Book’ Works nicely on my Apple Watch and is really good for scoring and team games so you can have live scoreboards on your golf days/trips
Comment from : Scott Herring

Graeme Smith
Hard to trust trackman when a duff apparently goes further than a crisp shot!
Comment from : Graeme Smith

Gary Chillingworth
I use Golf Pad on Android, it's absolutely great I also purchased a cheap second hand phone of ebay which I use This way, I can leave my main phone in the car, but the wife and family have my golf number
Comment from : Gary Chillingworth

Christopher Differ
18 birdies
Comment from : Christopher Differ

Lord Nuttington
I use a Garmin watch and am always forgetting to charge it and pre-download the course if it's a new one, ran out of battery on hole 10 last time I played!
Comment from : Lord Nuttington

Simon Dewhurst
Used this app initially and it was great I now use the Tag Heuer app which is better and…… In the hope that I can one day afford the watch to go with it!!
Comment from : Simon Dewhurst

Ray Ford
I would think you couldn’t use it in competitions because your phone can access weather
Comment from : Ray Ford

Allah Ali Baba
When I play golf, I leave all technology in the bag, phone etc I do use a Burnell GPS Phantom only to check myself after I figure the distance to the middle of the green from the course markersUsually I'm with in a few yard spot onClose enought for government work
Comment from : Allah Ali Baba

Albano Dos Santos
For me the best app and very accurate is SwingU
Comment from : Albano Dos Santos

Its DJOBie
Not sure about across the pond but 18Birdies is great in the states The pro version has a great caddy feature, factors wind, weather and elevation and has a good companion Apple watch app Worth the extra money
Comment from : Its DJOBie


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