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How Fast Can We Spin A Titanium Skateboard Wheel?


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Название :  How Fast Can We Spin A Titanium Skateboard Wheel?
Продолжительность :   14.03
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Просмотров :   903 rb

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Waterjet Channel
What would you guys suggest on how to get our RPMs higher? Our next three strategies are to try lighter materials (magnesium or carbon fiber), hollowed out wheels, and finally smaller diameter wheels At this point those seem to be our only bottle necks, anything we’re over looking?
Comment from : Waterjet Channel

Frog Man Gaming
hand vs water jet
Comment from : Frog Man Gaming

Erik Reber
A homestar meme?-? That website was meme before meme was meme Good times!
Comment from : Erik Reber

Peter Duxbury
The sound frequency must also indicate rpm?
Comment from : Peter Duxbury

Vic Olive
This is chicken feed, the drill spindles for PCB drilling machines go upto 300,000 rpm with no problems
Comment from : Vic Olive

Frank Heuvelman
It's a good thing you didn't bolt your lathe to the floorbrThat would make everything so much easier but we don't like it to be easy, do we?brThe more it hurts the better the chance of a ticket to the Google afterlifebrOne question, can I clip my toenails with that water jet?
Comment from : Frank Heuvelman

ken wasiqi
How about a wheel of zirconium Heavy and more dense as well as strong
Comment from : ken wasiqi

What about giving it lateral grooves, think paddles, but they don't need to be too aggressive with such a hard material
Comment from : T3RM1N4T0R

Class2 instructor
When you break the sound barrier the water should come off the wheel the other way
Comment from : Class2 instructor

02:06 next time don't use a saw ment for soft materials on a hard one
Comment from : darkracer125

the wheel sounds like a jet engine powering up when starting to spin
Comment from : Commander_Snake

John Silf
Are the cheramic bearings hybrids made of steel with cheramic balls or do you use bearings that are fully cheramic If you have only the balls made of cheramics it will make the balls much harder than the steel and frankly its a miss match in my experience The ball will hurt the steel and they are not much better than all steel beatings If you not already have them you should try fylly cheramics with no steel at all I have not used a all cheramics, my judgement comes from experience with hybrid cheramic bearings After this experience I would place my bets on fully cheramics Hybrids wear down pretty fast The steel lanes get hurt by the balls in hybrids
Comment from : John Silf

paul meynell
Paint the wheel black with a white stripe on it brGreat video
Comment from : paul meynell

James Flores
shoulda used white out, or a white paint marker
Comment from : James Flores

D Duffy
Make a tasla hydra wheel
Comment from : D Duffy

0:10 I laughed way too hard and I have no idea why lmao
Comment from : Scyth3934

Michael Garner
You need a different contrast on that dark metal Maybe just a little bit of whiteout
Comment from : Michael Garner

tne uujs open hhhhhhkba
make it a car
Comment from : tne uujs open hhhhhhkba

GazRs Extreme Brick Machines!
Enjoyed this cheers! I’ve been doing similar experiments with Lego!brbrI managed to spin a really small pulley at 105,000 RPMbrAnd in the speed of sound test I only managed 350 mphbrI did manage 800mph with some fishing line which I have yet to put on video The issue is it made no real sound as there was hardly any air disturbance!brbrWith a lighter wheel I’d love to see you break the sound barrier! I know old airplane propellers used to make a lot of noise when over the speed of sound
Comment from : GazRs Extreme Brick Machines!

Markus Havers
Titanium is mashined in CNC with lots and lots of cooling liquid
Comment from : Markus Havers

0:57 - Come on Fhqwhgads!
Comment from : PhattyMo

Stephen Hammond
What about a bearing ,inside a bearing, inside a bearing and loctite them together Or if your going to use sleeve bearings , you need to pressure feed a medium into the bearing, like oil in a turbo But you could just use compressed air, it should work like a kind of circular hovercraft, maybe Love watching you guys just dicking around, it saves me from having to do it!cheers
Comment from : Stephen Hammond

Dan Stiurca
Your FFT analysis of 910Hz is incorrect, the actual speed is 1/2 that, 455HzbrbrThe reason the 455Hz peak isn't taller is because the FFT window and sampling is set wrong, so the lower frequency peak gets mushed over more frequencies
Comment from : Dan Stiurca

low profile person with big brain
this channel show how stupid at rich guy waste they money
Comment from : low profile person with big brain

The only titanium (6Al4V 3/4 hard) part I made (for my hang glider) was by EDM and surface grinder
Comment from : S F

Gavin k
Maybe tape or paint so the ink doesn’t evaporate off
Comment from : Gavin k

Trippy James Reynolds
If the wheel was a cone shape and you could move the point of impact from the big end at max RPM down to the little end it will go MUCH faster This is due to the impact point being closer to center of rotationlike a figure skater pulling in his arms Physics is fun!
Comment from : Trippy James Reynolds

it did not read the speed because of the color diffrence , you can glue a white paper with a dark line on the side of the wheel (tho in this case the water wouldnt help much)brbrlaser readers work much better if the line is much darker than the surface , but in this case theres not much you can do but paint the wheel whitebra white line would probably give somewhat innacurate reading duo to the laser being red
Comment from : ARISTO

Have you tried sneaking into the wheel instead of starting things off with the jet directed right into it? You're probably compromising the strength of the metal quite a bit by making such a deep initial penetration I feel like you'd get higher RPMs if you could advance the wheel slowly into the jet and use more of the jet's inertia to accelerate than to displace material
Comment from : stickyfox

Golden Nuggets
READ THIS IT WILL HELP YOUbrbrThey use a Argon gas filled area no oxygen can be present when cutting or Using a knowing machine, any cutting or any tools used must be in an Argon environmentbrbrNo one works with it in oxygen environment hope this helps you Cuts faster also
Comment from : Golden Nuggets

0:57 strong bad fqhwgahds reference???!!br as a former homestar runner addict you got me good
Comment from : Awsomiihill

Mr Brew
Scale this up and you have a kinetic battery This is a useful way to store massive energy
Comment from : Mr Brew

Some random emo be like: 5:39
Comment from : Cracktato

Jeremymvi Sword
A high speed dental handpiece driven by 40 psi air gets up to 400,000 rpm Could start there if you’re just looking to satisfy your need for speed
Comment from : Jeremymvi Sword

Imagine that being a flywheel
Comment from : Well

Bro I know what happen the mark got washed off
Comment from : FiveBranchFarms

how can u measure by sound if u break sound barrier
Comment from : LazyAlpha

Daniel Kleynhans
Guys you are aware that Turbos rotate at 100k to 200k rpm
Comment from : Daniel Kleynhans

bert kilborne
11:48 Seeing some imbalance therebrAlso - I was scared that if that Ti wheel blew, fragments of it would fly through my screen and kill me
Comment from : bert kilborne

I like manganese alloy and would love to see a wheel made out of that put in the water jet It was first used to make wagon wheels and now it’s used for concrete mixers and military helmets I’ve seen it destroy drill bits trying to bust through, so I’m curious if a wheel made of this not only would achieve a higher speed but tolerate the spinning force way better
Comment from : Odinfang

Put texture on the surface of the wheel The water will push more efficiently
Comment from : Mathieu ARCHAMBAULT

Grooves in the wheels
Comment from : Muffinmanjr8

Vhs sans and neko seek
5:22 brNeko seek: ah yes ba r s o n/b
Comment from : Vhs sans and neko seek

Vhs sans and neko seek
4:42 brNeko seek: I mean I’m dangerous enough to put a bomb in my stomach to see if I would survive but not this
Comment from : Vhs sans and neko seek

Banana Joe
Make the wheel out of carbon fiber and call it "Titan" So you will have the best parts of both worlds
Comment from : Banana Joe

When the titanium shavings burn like that are they changing chemically to something new or is it just melted titanium
Comment from : Daqwita

i think yif you used a white piece of tape or paint on the side of the titanium instead of the black marker it would be easier for the tachomerter to measure!
Comment from : Krackd-TV

titanium waterjet powered air raid siren 🚨😊 it'll be loud enough to scare the neighbors family 7 cities over 😂 and Yes you should rewire both foam earplugs and over ear earplugs on top of that along with sound reflection mini shields of simple plywood definitely branded ❤
Comment from : SnowingFire

You guys should get in contact with Gav and Dan from Slow Mo Guys for super slow mo :D
Comment from : Mayhem296

when you used the titanium shavings as a moustache, i subbed
Comment from : Jekser232

Tow Bar
Machining grooves into the wheel would give the water more "grip" to spin the wheel but obviously, you wouldn't want to affect balance so they'd have to be evenly spaced and depthed Also, a set of small paint filled grooves etched into the face of the wheel would help with rpm determining
Comment from : Tow Bar

Post-nut Clarity
how'bout'cha try makin' a wheel outta tungsten and see how far you can go!
Comment from : Post-nut Clarity

Tucker Kinar
I'm surprised you didn't use your water jet to cut that Or I guess it's not powerful enough
Comment from : Tucker Kinar

Mike K
If u do another attempt, specs say 99k rpm max on that Neiko tach
Comment from : Mike K

d bo
Reflective tape for the tachometer instead of a black sharpie line
Comment from : d bo

Nic Rowland
The resonance properties of the different materials should matter
Comment from : Nic Rowland

mike jennings
Love the slapstick interludes, lad
Comment from : mike jennings

Stefan Bachrodt
Youtube won't let me search your channel for a specific word on mobile so I'll have to ask here Have you spun a HDD disk to see what it could really withstand? I need to know if they can withstand 50k - 100k RPM
Comment from : Stefan Bachrodt

Simba Kay Cheong
Wear gloves!
Comment from : Simba Kay Cheong

Jason Weber
Love the strong bad reference!!!!
Comment from : Jason Weber

Go the other way Lead wheel Heavy and weak metal
Comment from : Dizzious

iiredeye iiredeye
We use slower rpm's and deeper cuts with constant coolant feed Trying to cut billets on a saw with a few dabs of cutting oil is an instant fail We cut billets into multiple pieces with a single blade Coolant wins
Comment from : iiredeye iiredeye

Timothy Fisher
you need to offset the waterjet further from the centerline of the wheel
Comment from : Timothy Fisher

David Walker
Skaters are stupid Yes the bearing keeps spinning with litterally 0 pounds on it its designed for THAT A bearing needs to be under load in order to be able to tell how long it will spin UNDER THAT LOAD (Learned from AVE)
Comment from : David Walker

Michael Wall
Did i see sparks from a water jet hitting titanium ?
Comment from : Michael Wall

Hannes Altenfelder
I came for the science, I stayed for the humor😂
Comment from : Hannes Altenfelder

Now stop spraying it right before it explodes
Comment from : ‍1marcelfilms

u can use the shavings for a fire starter 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

Joseph Salomone
Typically when you say the "speed of sound" you are talking about the material's speed of sound And when you hit that, the material will fly apart due to it no longer being able to hold itself together
Comment from : Joseph Salomone

Bro created tornado siren
Comment from : Tonk

Now go even crazier Tungsten!
Comment from : Mondkeks

Touch it while it's spinning and try to feel how fast it's going
Comment from : SlyNine

Comment from : billybifocals

Larry Manning
I think the angle of attack has some to do with it also
Comment from : Larry Manning

Lucas Scott
I unsubscribed from this channel like 6 months ago because it went to shit and i just gave it another try now and it's still garbage Lol what a shame
Comment from : Lucas Scott

Matt cant speak it
FYI 116000rpm is just shy of 2000 revolutions per SECOND 2000 in a second
Comment from : Matt cant speak it

probably need to call Dan and Gav now lmao
Comment from : techn9cian09

Thank you for the Strong Bad reference
Comment from : Biomechannibal

Abrasive saw always for hardened or exotic metals
Comment from : AwFab

The impellers on turbo chargers easily reach over 150k rpm
Comment from : sunvetr

Luiz Fernando Abdala
Car turbos reach ludicrous speeds, and should be easy to obtain from junkyards No more nozzle obliteration
Comment from : Luiz Fernando Abdala

divide and conquer
Wire in resin was spinning wrong way
Comment from : divide and conquer

Lee Battick
Strongbad approves!
Comment from : Lee Battick

Please please make a magnesium wheel, it will be epic because it will ignite and burn even faster due to contact with water (as water decomposes to hydrogen and oxygen in the high temperature of burning magnesium) Brace yourselves and prepare thick barrier :D
Comment from : tofik250

Do a Tungsten wheel 🛞
Comment from : NovaGlow

John Doe Smith
Iridium Good luck sourcing the mass required for a wheel
Comment from : John Doe Smith

Monty 945
@slowmoguys your up
Comment from : Monty 945

Instead of drawing a lighter mark on the wheel next time, just scratch a line through the oxide
Comment from : B0BBYL33J0RD4N

Petr Fritsch
This guy have everything he need in his workshop, except gloves :D
Comment from : Petr Fritsch

Leg Bad
Strong Bad took me buy surprise
Comment from : Leg Bad

Doge memes
very damn fast
Comment from : Doge memes

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