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President Donald Trump Defends Withdrawal In Morning Tweets | Morning Joe | MSNBC

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Название :  President Donald Trump Defends Withdrawal In Morning Tweets | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Продолжительность :   7.29
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   107 rb

Кадры President Donald Trump Defends Withdrawal In Morning Tweets | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Описание President Donald Trump Defends Withdrawal In Morning Tweets | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Коментарии President Donald Trump Defends Withdrawal In Morning Tweets | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Roger Moore
Fk you MSNBC the backlicker of CIA and deep state here you are warmongering shamelessly while tryin'a put on a "liberal" facade Go f yourselves
Comment from : Roger Moore

Look at all these WAR mongers on the so called liberal channel Go Trump and thank you for breaking with the War Machine I used to be a brain washed liberal and now realize we don’t have a liberal channel Just more war mongers What about the betrayal of the working class Americans 30 million with no health insurance How much do these useless wars cost the country?
Comment from : iali00

#X Skoots
The CIA created and financed Al Qaeda, and Al Nusra After being there for so long, of course our troops dont want to leave Theyve invested alot of their dead friends and brothers lives We been there so long the troops forgot why theyre there in the first place If it wasnt poppy fields its oil We cant lose Iraq because we never had it It was never ours If your worried about the Kurds, LMAO you should be because they were tricked into fighting our war for us Once they realize that they will turn on us
Comment from : #X Skoots

Jack Black
Comment from : Jack Black

Prentice Thomas
a girl 🔊
Comment from : Prentice Thomas

Shawn Ladue
Look at all the leftards loving them some illegal war, and military industrial complex all of a sudden
Comment from : Shawn Ladue

Jelly Baby
We’re at a turning point here It’s the beginning of the end The walls are closing in
Comment from : Jelly Baby

Rush Limbaugh looks like a genius compared to these dolts
Comment from : MNS

Mario Cavlovicak
I thought you said Trump was going to get us in the world war lll? All of you are in nothing but a butt hurting idiots that are sore because Democrats didn’t win presidency
Comment from : Mario Cavlovicak

Joe is a deep state propagandist
Comment from : Patrick

Democrats and neo cons are always demanding more war
Comment from : Patrick

Rose Soar
When MSNBC the fakes news media gets their news from FOX NEWS 🤣🤣🤣😃😃
Comment from : Rose Soar

Harvey Angel
Get out of Middle East you bunch of hypocrites wealthy sh*t!
Comment from : Harvey Angel

Gnirol Namlerf
"All he does is help Vladimir Putin" That is the return Pres Putin is getting on his investment in the 2016 election Most people who invest in something hope to make a profit So did Putin He's raking it in now
Comment from : Gnirol Namlerf

Bill Morin
Joe you have it so wrongRussia is not in Syria because of Donald Trump Obama screwed Syrians when he said dont cross my red lineand it was crossed and Obama did jack sht Why dont you rewind some msnbc video to a few years back and look into it before reading your script
Comment from : Bill Morin

Moises Huerta
What's wrong with gifting Syria to Russian? Gift them Afganistan as well! Good job Donald Trump!
Comment from : Moises Huerta

Joshua Roelle
Hey Joe, why didn't you enlist and go there yourself you tough talking cry baby war hawking establishment bootlicker?
Comment from : Joshua Roelle

Joshua Roelle
"you have the Russians trying to undermine American democracy" - Joe Keep on chasing those mirages Joe & co! LOL
Comment from : Joshua Roelle

Raul Leal
Why I left the left See comments:
Comment from : Raul Leal

Liberals, please convince me that withdrawing troops from Syria is strategically flawed! (1) Our mission was to defeat ISIS - not gain independence for Kurdistan or to overthrow the Ba’ath Party (2) ISIS is surrounded in a small pocket along the Euphrates River near Hajin and Abu Kamal - the pocket consist of approx a dozen small villages and is 17 miles in length and 4 miles in width Again, it is completely surrounded by the SDF on the East and SAA, NDF, and Hezbollah on the West (3) We have no invitation from the lawful government to be inside Syria We have not declared war on the Syrian government and we do not possess a legal justification to take military action against it Consequently, our presence is in opposition to international law (4) The FSA has already been soundly defeated What is the practical purpose of continuing our occupation? It will just costs more money and lives and bring great misery to the Syrian people What is the point?
Comment from : Jsledge85

Why have our soldiers and Marines stay in the middle east so that they can have their injuries ignored and their lives shattered Trump deserves Nobel peace prize and not Obama who started more wars I say this as an OIF Veteran
Comment from : Asahisagoiboi

John Steward
#TreasonWeasel strikes again
Comment from : John Steward

LeaveHer Alone
Congress never authorised a war in Syria good job, leave!
Comment from : LeaveHer Alone

Night Owl
Morning Joe and Mika, I can’t believe this show is still on with the poor ratings? Put on reruns of Captain Kangaroo!
Comment from : Night Owl

left have become right, strange times
Comment from : D T

Patrick John
If you want war in Syria, I have a suggestion for you: get over there and fight it yourself
Comment from : Patrick John

Wow "liberal" media defending war and Us military industrial complex because Trump did it Abhorrent!!!!! I am not Trump supporter by any stretch of the imagination but removing troops is good policy Obviously Trumps style of removal is flawed as is everything he does but removal is Good
Comment from : JJ

Pete Ard
Left and right, paid for by Military Industrial Complex
Comment from : Pete Ard

Did I hear Joe correctly, he agree’s with a Fox News anchor?
Comment from : Terry

youtube/uVldj2sgB_o watch this video to understand why they're pushing war so badly
Comment from : Marcin

Guillermo Dietrich
Russia is been there since Obama, because Obama backed of the "crossed line", dont you remember?
Comment from : Guillermo Dietrich

Hasan Sert
There is a strange relation between Trump, Putin and Erdogan They are all supporting each other on all occasions They are acting like members of a band Strange It seems there is another wing in global zionist money lords This wing is supporting Trump's band, and the other wing is supporting democtarts like Clinton, etc This what we all witness is the clash between them
Comment from : Hasan Sert

Nonsense Factory
Hey why doesn’t morning joe bring Jeffrey Sachs on to give an alternate opinion about the continuing US military presence in Syria? Afraid he’ll bring up Operation Timber Sycamore again?
Comment from : Nonsense Factory

Comment from : yospuynik

Comment from : yospuynik

Comment from : yospuynik

Putin is an Evil Genius !!
Comment from : Splassshhh1234

Comment from : Svonkie

Lisa Smith
Republicans just stopped the government shutdown democrats vote to shut it down 😂🤣😂brTrump just won again
Comment from : Lisa Smith

Sam Call
"cutting n running"doormat policy to Vlad, merry Xmas mate!we were so tired of winning
Comment from : Sam Call

corey Dshawn hayes
Trump do a lot of things did change the news from the investigation of him because that's the only way he can save himself now mark my words whenever that impeachment hearings start he going to start a war guaranteed it
Comment from : corey Dshawn hayes

coco benji 970
What more does 45 need to do to show America that he is a Russian agent???
Comment from : coco benji 970

Sam Obama
If you don’t want Border Security your an Enemy of the State☠️
Comment from : Sam Obama

david olong
Comment from : david olong

Several million of us were warning about this from as soon as Trump entered the race for the republican party The rest of you, I hope you're scared, you should be and deserve it
Comment from : niemanic

d p
fear drives the actions of this coward in chief
Comment from : d p

Malcolm Chomore
Fake newes
Comment from : Malcolm Chomore

Black Viking
Wait so msnbc is pro war now?
Comment from : Black Viking

The mere fact that Putin couldn't wait to bust his nut by saying that he agrees with trump's troop withdrawal, shows that he's the puppet master This is TREASON OF THE HIGHEST ORDER!
Comment from : frankiecrocker

David Sanders
Obama and Clinton never should have gotten us into Syria or let isis bloom I don’t hear liberals admitting their mistakes cant have it both ways but that’s what liberals do!
Comment from : David Sanders

David Sanders
Liberals the new war hawks of the modern era never meet a war you don’t like now!
Comment from : David Sanders

Yes, maybe, but what Sean Hannity, the adviser to the President of United States thinks ?
Comment from : ari1234a

Daniel Lopez
Military industrial complex
Comment from : Daniel Lopez

NeoCons are FURIOUS and want US Military to occupy the planet
Comment from : jnyfumare

Heat Fire
Mika Brzezinski’s dad Zbignew Brzezinski, was a globalist elite Just read some of his quotes CNN Anderson Cooper started his career at the CIA Wake up sheeple Hegelian dialectic, divide and conquer These people see you as a unit of production and consumption, an animal to be used by the global corps and banks Too dumb to think for yourselves
Comment from : Heat Fire

Hans Hansen
Finally it shows to everybody in the rest of the world that, the Us can not be trusted
Comment from : Hans Hansen

Dj Sugarbear
This is not what America wantsbrIt's what Donald Trump wantsbr Donald Trump is not America
Comment from : Dj Sugarbear

trump betrays our allies, our theaters of operations, all that for a trump tower moscow? Honestly ask yourselves, what fraction of a billion dollar would it take for him to sell his country out completely?
Comment from : muuuuuud

Paul Page
Under any other democratic or republican president I would be happy about the withdrawal of US troops from a foreign country we've occupied But with trump, he's withdrawing US troops from Syria at the request of his master Vladimir Putin and the Turkish dictator who wants to wipe out the Kurds But I remain insistent that the United States has no business having US military bases in 90 plus countries But without US military forces in Syria The Turkish government will wipe out the Kurds And Russia and Iran will have control and influence in that part of the Middle East
Comment from : Paul Page

Ѕқџ Gęṃἱחἱ
Well, he did need a yuge distraction from all those investigations that he knows are going to bury him, and the wall just wasn't cutting it anymore Poo-Poo wanted his pipeline, he just got it Courtesy of King orange rag
Comment from : Ѕқџ Gęṃἱחἱ

D Mac
If there is a silver lining in this, there might be more republicans in the Senate that are becoming more receptive to convicting Trump in an impeachment trial should the Hose vote to impeachbrThis president is clearly compromised
Comment from : D Mac

Gamer Wits
poor sec mattis was used as a distraction for the looming government shutdown
Comment from : Gamer Wits

Kathryn Shaw
Trump develops his foreign policy while sitting on the toilet Unfortunately, we all know when he's having a crappy day
Comment from : Kathryn Shaw

Mika Brzezinski, daughter of the man that armed and trained the Mujahideen, which later became Al Qaeda wants us to stay in Syriashocking
Comment from : TheFuzz

Mike Wilson
Really? If it were Obama you would say, “obama is bringing the troops home” You liberals complain about going to war but trump is not going to war and pulling out of Syria Protect our borders and let them deal with there problems
Comment from : Mike Wilson

Chatty Cathy
Comment from : Chatty Cathy

We were doing there work! Ahh mr president isn’t it supposed to be their work Did you even get a education! Btw your tweets are ludicrous
Comment from : Nicole

Stephen Macleod
Hey Fox news, you are history and I hope you never get a peace full meal
Comment from : Stephen Macleod

June Ortiz
Bring the troops,,surrender to win
Comment from : June Ortiz

Austin Hunter
Oh look The MSM touting for continued war at the cost of young people’s lives Don’t act like you give a crap about the troops, Morning Joe If you did, you wouldn’t be willing to risk their lives by touting this propaganda The US is not in any immediate danger from Syria, so you don’t get to justify the illegal invasion (congress did not pass declared war on Syria) of that country by talking about “what the troops want” and citing a few soldiers that you may have met and spinning their stories to make your point You don’t know what the majority of soldiers think and one or two experiences does not count as evidence toward that conclusion This is disgusting
Comment from : Austin Hunter

Elbert Lee
These guys are the Presidents emotional counselors They are only meant to hear him vent and let off steam Ya?
Comment from : Elbert Lee

JDD 32
When did the left start defending war?
Comment from : JDD 32

philippe lalonde
We are beginning to find out what the private meeting was about earlier this year
Comment from : philippe lalonde

Hey, Trump! their* XD
Comment from : ACEshredZ

Paul Hopper
Comment from : Paul Hopper

Robert Winn
This is the best thing Trump has done He will reap the benefits of doing this
Comment from : Robert Winn

Benjamin Buckley
You can tell from all the backlash that a lot of these elites have stock in the military industrial complex Their stock in Raytheon is gonna go down by 5 cents
Comment from : Benjamin Buckley

Benjamin Buckley
We don't have any money for endless war
Comment from : Benjamin Buckley

Instructor Penny
Hello Trump is trying to change the media subject from the fact that he steals from his charities!
Comment from : Instructor Penny

Rodolfo V Gonzales
Urine-Breath-in-the-White House is shutting down the nation, pulling troops out of a failing war at Putin's request, squandering Lost American soldiers, creating another smoke-screen over his "Collusion" with Russia, The Stock Market is crashing in flames and Radical-Regressive-Repressive-Republican-Failed "Conservative" have no balls to be Republicans! brAre we "Winning" yet?
Comment from : Rodolfo V Gonzales

laurence hutchinson
Well done about time American troops got to go home, they should not have been there in the first place Obama was helping Isis
Comment from : laurence hutchinson

Javier Fauxnom
Sounds like Trump got some marching orders from Head Office in Moscow
Comment from : Javier Fauxnom

Randal Kingery
Thank you President Trump!!!!!!!
Comment from : Randal Kingery

James Edwards
so many lies
Comment from : James Edwards

trump is a compromised asset of russia
Comment from : W G

Russell Rykhus
Trump s following another order from Putin it is obvious that Putin has something on Trump and he s black mailing him with it and Trump caves Trump did t with MBS and we see Putin and MBS high five each other Trump is a Traitor and needs to be stopped now!!!
Comment from : Russell Rykhus

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