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Lending And Borrowing In DEFI Explained - Aave, Compound


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Название :  Lending And Borrowing In DEFI Explained - Aave, Compound
Продолжительность :   13.32
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Просмотров :   230 rb

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Коментарии Lending And Borrowing In DEFI Explained - Aave, Compound

Paul Glover
A newer protocol is the OnyxProtocol Have you done any research on it? If so, how do you think it compares to AAVE and COMPOUND? It appears to me to be extremely under rated
Comment from : Paul Glover

rampart ranger
Not sure why anyone would use this when 98 of the population is completely unable to comprehend this hugely complicated convoluted tangle Using traditional banks would be sooooo much simpler
Comment from : rampart ranger

Dmitry Bonch
Planet of fools
Comment from : Dmitry Bonch

Graceful Grace
This is a helpful explanation of how lending and borrowing work in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space brbrIt's an important aspect of the DeFi ecosystem and can offer users more control and transparency in their financial activities brbrI need more videos like this!
Comment from : Graceful Grace

Nice content, the video is informative we can also check on GRIZZLY project on DeFi space using liquidity Minning aggregator
Comment from : SHERIFF

Nice content, DeFi is the next gem and Grizzly project is right call for Investors to earn steady profit
Comment from : Jolademi

awesome video
Comment from : Viquindan

AAVE is my favourite
Comment from : TOMMY IMMANUEL

Still don’t understand Brain too smooth
Comment from : joeyp978

Can you say the words, " This is getting out of hand! Now, there are two of them!" and "As you know, our blockade is perfectly legal" and
Comment from : Icarus

Amal Jose
I really like your contentbrWhich software are you using for making these videosbrPlease reply
Comment from : Amal Jose

Irana Starr
Comment from : Irana Starr

great video for lending users, which platform's interest model is more attractive to these users? I can figure out how compound works, but for aave, I'm quite confused
Comment from : Immmlate

Does somebody has a good plateform/Dapps to try it?
Comment from : IcE_Sw3eT

Ace Extensions Inc #condiostodoesposible
Comment from : Ace Extensions Inc #condiostodoesposible

Comment from : Timmy

Emilio Barney Calderón
DANGER!!! DO NOT GET LOANS FROM AAVE the repay button doesn't work and so your collateral is locked for the full duration of the loan A market dip will come and you'll get automatically liquidated with heavy penalizations, thus evaporating your collateral MOST EXPENSIVE LOAN EVER!!!
Comment from : Emilio Barney Calderón

سر الحضارات
The Big problem in flash loan gas Fees more than profits
Comment from : سر الحضارات

Okay, as a German I have to listen to it more than one time But really good stuff which you create!! Thanks
Comment from : GrindGs

Zayn Umar
Too fucking complicated
Comment from : Zayn Umar

Annie Williams
Your videos are very useful and provide lots of information I have received lots of help through this post, please continue to share this kind of information Thank you
Comment from : Annie Williams

Pîrvu Mihai
Two questions: brbrI have some questions:br1 why would anyone borrow a token ever? Especially since you need to have at least the amount you borrow How do you avoid capital gains by doing this, as told in the videobr2 Why does in compound the exchange rate always goes higher? Why wouldn't it go lower than the initial 002 ?
Comment from : Pîrvu Mihai

Whats the point of borrowing £7 when you are putting £10 as collateral?
Comment from : AdamMattz

Eduardo Westphal da Cunha
Great video! I have one question: in the Compound example, why is it safe to assume that the exchange rate between cETH and ETH can only increase with each Ethereum block? Couldn't it decrease any time?
Comment from : Eduardo Westphal da Cunha

I've always wanted to learn about crypto from greirat in dark souls three so thanks :)
Comment from : grayfiredc

Hi! Thank you for the great explanation! I just have one question When I borrowed other crypt, I didn't deposit my aToken Was it made as a collateral without asking me?
Comment from : 802sei

Drees Qaiss
you have a bad accent, you need speech therapy, you trying to copy the dude's channel
Comment from : Drees Qaiss

Lucas Grant
Once you have secured the right financing, you will be able to focus on the more creative components of your life and business helping you move closer to turning your dreams into a reality brI specialize in delivering fast and efficient loans for business startup and expansions brLoans From $10K - $5M currently available at 3 interest rate only brFast approval process as fast as 48 Hours brNo credit check or fico score required
Comment from : Lucas Grant

I still cant get itWhy I need to give 5 DAI for example(as collateral),in order to borrow 5 DAI,when I can just use my original 5 DAI? I dont get it? Can someone explain to me please?
Comment from : GG

Si its basically margin in stock market?
Comment from : tijofred

Isaac Newton
Is D5?
Comment from : Isaac Newton

5 Minutes, into the video, knew this is going to be an awesome one, grabbed a notepad to take notes of all the new nomenclature !! way to goliked and subscribed
Comment from : Teja

Jeff Michelot
So far, from this video, sounds like I need to start with AAVE
Comment from : Jeff Michelot

Edward Scott
Great explanations! Excellent video Can you make a video about Ramp Defi? Based on my research they have reached $61M TVL so their customer value is evident Maybe you can spare some time for this platform! Thanks!
Comment from : Edward Scott

Md Shihab Uddin
Thanks for your kind information
Comment from : Md Shihab Uddin

Comment from : T O

Great explanations! Excellent video Very good presentation style and language used, clear speaking, good pausing, good phrasing
Comment from : Marketplacere

Jay S
Damn I did not expect this video to be this good With the added bonus of the video host sounding like a mix between Count Dracula and a DC Comic character, this was a great explanatory video of defi for beginners Thanks
Comment from : Jay S

Maige Matthews
How does this lending structure work against high gas fees? Ex: I lend $100, but the gas fee is $76 Is there a way to work in the gas fee as part of the interest earn from lending? Because I am not responsible for high gas fee, nor can I change it So since it is a factor out of my control, shouldn't be a factor for the borrower, not the lender?
Comment from : Maige Matthews

Crypto Insights
This video is amazing! It is so sad to see that videos saying "Bitcoin to 500k!" receive more views, than this video This video is really really well done! I could not have done it better!
Comment from : Crypto Insights

Thank you for the video Your video has given me clarity on how DEFI works and how lenders assets are safeguarded
Comment from : HHHGeorge

michael abitbol
the fees are insane, it's like a scam on compound?
Comment from : michael abitbol

Ashutosh Belwal
You're doing a great service 💐
Comment from : Ashutosh Belwal

Guy sent me 👍
Comment from : B L

I appreciate the visuals just as much as your explanation Really cool video
Comment from : Libaci

Developer 613
I think you missed debToken when borrowing in Aave
Comment from : Developer 613

Obito Nanso
Can you make a video on Wanchain, wanlend, zookeeper &
Comment from : Obito Nanso

How did you arrive at conclusion that borrow APY is higher than Supply APY, is it because the protocol also has to earn some profit?
Comment from : SIDHANT KUMAR

So when there are a lot of borrowers on ETH and few lenders the APY would increase but when there are a lot of lender and few borrowers the APY would decrease right?brbrEdit: This seems to be the case Why do so few people want to borrow Ethereum? There are other not stable coins with a much higher APY so it's probably not or at least not just the fact that Eth is not stable
Comment from : Galaxia

exvee ex
Quality work 👌
Comment from : exvee ex

Dimitri Andreou
(talking about blockfi) "or other forms of negligence", such as sending hundreds of BTCs as rewards, instead of hunderds of USDs 😂
Comment from : Dimitri Andreou

Lê Khải
long intro vklll
Comment from : Lê Khải

Comment from : Avicena

thank you for doing this explanation I'll need to watch more of your videos and maybe watch this 3x more times to comprehend all the concepts
Comment from : mguarino28

Johnnie Bram
Borrow on AAVE Lending on Compound lol
Comment from : Johnnie Bram

I would like to know exactly how is the exchange rate is set with the supply / demand ratio
Comment from : Onteractive

I feel like I’m investing in cutting edge technology with the compound tokens
Comment from : moddkilla

amboy korling
jeez!!! wallstreet done
Comment from : amboy korling

Nhan Tran
aave, compound, maker will be growing to the level of JP Morgan, Bank of America, CitiGroup
Comment from : Nhan Tran

Rolling Rocks
12 minutes, 4 ads Love your videos but man, that was a bit too much
Comment from : Rolling Rocks

please compare DEFI vs CEFI lending ka
Comment from : Jaja

Good explanation!brI have a doubt if al the token suppylers retire their deposits (claim the deposited token) what will happen? How the protocol pays to all the lenders?
Comment from : franco

Naveen Kumar Chowdari
What will happen if the underlying value of Crypto fells below the borrowed value ?
Comment from : Naveen Kumar Chowdari

Swikriti Chaudhary
Is aave related to easy fi
Comment from : Swikriti Chaudhary

Chick D
Superb as always 👍👍👍
Comment from : Chick D

Chukwuebuka Obijiofor
This video is just timeless Thanks again Pls which platform would you recommend for BSC?
Comment from : Chukwuebuka Obijiofor

Peng Joon
Amazing explanation 🔥
Comment from : Peng Joon

This is hands down one of his best videos, and I’m only 7:41 in
Comment from : DYLTHEVYL

This seems like an unregulated Ponzi scheme
Comment from : V

Daniel Perez
I still don’t understand the concept of borrowing if you have to lend more than what’s worth? Love the videos! I’d rather just sell for a stable coin or btc
Comment from : Daniel Perez

Eden Ben Ovadia
Love your channel!!brAny chance you make a video on De-Cloud platforms such as AKASH network?
Comment from : Eden Ben Ovadia

Elia paggi
@4:34 is like one week that I was looking for this answer, amazing content! Thank you
Comment from : Elia paggi

David Lam
looks like compound is beating the crap out of aave
Comment from : David Lam

Constantin Dogaru
is the collateral in aave or compound blocked? or you can still use it and if you lose some you get liquidated?
Comment from : Constantin Dogaru

Psychic Medium Alain Jean-Baptiste
Aave, compound or celsius for borrowing or for getting better interest rates Which one do most people suggest is better?
Comment from : Psychic Medium Alain Jean-Baptiste

Psychic Medium Alain Jean-Baptiste
Truly nails it ! Thank you for making this easier to understand So much possibilities that are available for people to create success in their lives now
Comment from : Psychic Medium Alain Jean-Baptiste

Alexander Schnur
Can i sell eg cETH after borrowing it? If so what exchange or dex can i sell it on?
Comment from : Alexander Schnur

How does it avoid licensing regulations on lending?
Comment from : C

I own some crypto but I really don't understand any of this I wish I did but I just don't comprehend it I could probably have a pretty good life if I could just get my mind around all of this It's overwhelming
Comment from : Del

Ddlj Ddlj
Ok i get it stay away frm defi
Comment from : Ddlj Ddlj

Comando Burrito
Wow, the flash loans man
Comment from : Comando Burrito

Andrew Kolansky
Very nice video 👍
Comment from : Andrew Kolansky

R gwei
Great video! Mind making a video explaining risk from a lender's perspective?
Comment from : R gwei

Hi, so i was just trying for the first time to use Compound I tried to supply my $340 worth of Comp (071) as a collateral but the gas fee is $80 (worth of ETH) And I am like wtf? Am I doing sth wrong there? How could anyone possibly profit using Compound if gas fees are 24 of what i want to supply? Any info would be much appreciated
Comment from : pstanczak

Men! you are simply golden I hope it is gonna be shown in schools one day, so much well explained details! Thanks a million!
Comment from : mimala

Ivan Nikonov
Thanks for the content! Tho only issue is I don’t get why people borrow so much
Comment from : Ivan Nikonov

Emily Ka Yi Sit
Very clear and helpful, thanks a lot!
Comment from : Emily Ka Yi Sit

Ben Bethel
Fascinating It would be interesting to borrow at negative rates if you use coin as collateral that also increases in value while paying the interest on the other coin, the arbitrage between appreciation on coin held but used as collateral and rate paid could be possible
Comment from : Ben Bethel

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