Название | : | Spider-Man PS4 Vs Spider-Man Remastered PS5 Ending Scene Comparison |
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Просмотров | : | 130 rb |
The original face will always be how I see this world's Peter Parker Comment from : [butt_head] |
El primer actor del juego original es más expresivo lo unico que podrían averle cambiado el peinado y en el nuevo volverle a cambiarle el peinado y hacerle la cara como un poco más madura pero sin cambiar el actor, porque es una putada para la gente que conocio el original Comment from : The-Best_Lion |
The new model just doesn't portray the emotions good enough, John Bubniak was perfect, he showed everything possible for this, the sweat, the experience, the sadness but the new Peter just isn't good enough but what keeps me happy is thinking that:brbr It's all a part of the spider-verse different universes, different appearances for certain characters Comment from : NoNessi |
PS4 be like Comment from : Noir |
Last Scenes Remastered Comment from : Tai Ma Van |
its not just that it looks like shit and that doesnt look like a 23 year old experienced spiderman, the guy cant act for shit; skip to when peter is about to give aunt may the cure, look how little expression the remastered has, while the og is acting his heart out Comment from : KUNO |
They really messed up in my opinion Sucks they’ll probably have the same face model as the remaster in the second one No logical reason they gave to the fans for the change The original has way more emotion and looks like Peter Parker The other model doesn’t Comment from : skittlz101T |
The only difference is that the OG face has actual sweat and tears on his face Also, his face is darker They didnt do the same for the new one They should've kept it the same Comment from : Djnate 107 |
PS5 peter looks handsome Comment from : Jeffrey Lor |
1 thing I've never noticed, PS5 Peter legit looks like hes crying when he choses not to give May the Serum and PS4 Peter doesn't Comment from : KagenNoTsuki |
the old face looked like peter had been through some shit Because he HAD He's been spiderman for 8 years and they're making him look youger now??? Comment from : Goldwasp |
While I absolutely prefer John Bubniak and his bushy eyebrows compared to Ben Jordan (and I prefer the original over the remaster in a lot of ways), I have to admit in the Miles Morales game he looks very good, because that game was actually made with his face in mind Comment from : dingledoodles |
Uncanny valley Comment from : Juan R |
Why the new face feels like a cursed face Comment from : Juan R |
I don't want belittle work of Insomniac, but the new face really look weaker Not because it looks younger, or stiff animations (which is probably a problem of remaking all motion capture), but because it's more I don't even know how to say it really Like when you look at new face you see a reference to Tom Holland Not a bad thing itself, and Tom is cool dude, but it is more movie-like, I don't know how to describe it correctly, like you know that THAT dude is like someone from TV show or movie While old face looks just like a typical guy from the street And if I remember correctly, that was the original idea, that Peter Parker is just a guy from the street and he's still look very charismatic Again, not that I hate new face, I just like the old one more Comment from : Evil_cupcake |
It’s not just the face shape that bothers me it’s that there is less tears and sadness in the new one! Like he really looks like mays passing was an inconvenience like his landlord passed away or his manager, not that his family member, and his only mother figure passing away! It doesn’t matter which face is used It’s the fact that just there’s less emotion and less attention to detail and also, this is a tired beaten up version of Spider-Man not someone that got it a couple of months ago!! I wanna know why didn’t they use yuri face? Comment from : matthew burno |
4:39 PS5 Peter has literal Tears in his eyes, PS4 Peter does not Comment from : Noah Quintana |
Just ask yourself how would you feel if you went back and revisted a sam raimi spider-man movie and you had to see Andrew Garfields face deepfaked on toby maguire How would you feel if they deepfaked tom holland on andrew garfield Or toby onto tom holland It just ruins the original work I am 100 fine with changing the face for the sequels Changing his face for the remaster literally ruins the performace Its awkward weird and strange Imagine rewatchinf uncle bens death with toby but its andrews face or gwens death and its toms face It breaks my immersion completely and makes revisting aunt mays death impossible for me I always end up skipping cutscenes in the remaster its just so off putting Again i am open to the new face in the sequel but i did not appreciate insomniac disrespecting our memory of the 2018 game Comment from : BrownTownReviews |
Ps5 version is so ugly☠️ wtf Comment from : Samuel Cast |
old: better,good emotions and better lightsbrbrnew: more cool but bad emotions Comment from : Big G-Lizard |
Naaa old face model is better and has more emotion Comment from : Gamer-Thrones |
They did him and all of us dirty with this one I still blame Disney for wanting him closer to the spider boy in the movies Comment from : Martin Mendoza |
The old one is much better Comment from : F R A S ALMRABH |
I prefer the old one ngl Comment from : Seher |
I think that the old model is better in almost every awaybr In terms of representing the character, the old model shows a more mature Peter Parker, one that has been Spider-Man for the last 8 year While the new model just looks like a recently made Spider-Man It would be fine if the story was about Peter becoming Spider-Man, like the MCU with Tom Holland, but considering that it is not, it just feels wrongbr In expression, the new model is laughably worse To an impressive degree even, considering that almost every other character has maintained their expressiveness Peter's skin feels too smooth, almost as if he has make-up base, while on the old one the skin has so much more texture to it The moviment in his muscles has also decreased, almost has if he had botox At 0:51, when Peter says that Otto was everything he wanted to be, PS4 Peter's expression constantly changes between rage and sadness, showing his inner conflict and frustration Meanwhile, new Peter's expression barely changes, contantly staying on anger, and at the end almost looking like disgust because of the unevenness on his lips, throwing the emotion of the scene out of the window, relying solely on the voice actingbr And to finish, the lightning during the cutscenes Mind that I said cutscenes, considering that, on the newer version, the Ray Tracing makes all gameplay related sections generaly prettier The problem is really that, on the cutscenes that are supposed to have a more dramatic impact on the player, the lighting wasn't tweaked to maintain that dramatic effect So the result is so that almost every other character maintains their lighting, except for Peter 4:37 is the most egregious example, as the lighting here, in the original, is used to support the narrative As Peter is considering saving Aunt May and letting millions of others die he stays in the dark But when he decides not to, he comes back to the light Meanwhile, on the newer version, the lighting used on the cutscene is the natural light of the room, good if you want realistic, horrible for storytelling There is a reason why in IRL movies, during tense moments, they never use the natural light of the ambient It's because, that light, if used in a specific way to highlight an aspect of the story, character, or action, it helps the viewer to subconsciously better understand what is being told in the scene, or even add extra informationbrbrOf course, I don't agree with the threats that people have made to the developers to revert this back as it was, those were just childish and unhelpful But I do agree that this change was unnecessary and bad implemented, in a way that ignored a good part of the characterization of Peter Parker in this game brIf you also agree, criticise Insomniac in a contructive way, so that next time, they are more careful with additions and changes with the next game Comment from : Dont call me |
Didn’t need any new paint They just wanted an excuse to re-raise the price again Comment from : GrimShock |
He looks like he’s crying, but nothing is coming out Comment from : GrimShock |
Aunt May: I want to see my nephewbrb*removes*/bbrMay: Who the hell are you? Comment from : GrimShock |
Go away Tom Holland! Comment from : Robert Deffenbaugh |
Insomiac really needs to explain themselves because the ps5 version clearly looks worse in terms of emotions brbrThis feels like DMC devil may cry all over again… Comment from : HyperBolic Athletes |
The graphics are better on the ps4 and the emotion the ps4 face shows is just much better Comment from : Tobi Shinobi |
The graphics are better on the ps4 and the emotion the ps4 face shows is just much better Comment from : Tobi Shinobi |
I just can't see the seven years on the new pretty facebrAnd besides,the reason this character famous is that he can be anyone,any teenagers or young adults between me and you brGets more closeness than ALL other herosbrHe's not necessarily to be outstanding on appearance Comment from : 朱育正 |
Ps4: 👶brPs5: 💇💆 Comment from : Asim Adyan |
the new peter looks like an android from detroit become human Comment from : Charles Dimaapas |
And the said the newer face gave more emotion… Comment from : Exstacy XD |
I never played the ps4 version so it looks weird (coming from a PC player) Comment from : Caleb Green |
Modern videogames are like boring movies Comment from : jameslofton |
i cried when May knows that peter is spiderman, and when Peter yelled at Otto that he was worshipped him Comment from : Fasteurious |
I am wondering if there is a mod that just slaps clips from the old ps4 version over the pc remaster The game is far better with these, there is a movie treatment that was erased and there is no excuse for it It is a shame that the pc version is the sshit remaster Comment from : CenobitMain |
The new model would be better if they actually made him look like he has emotion Comment from : thecannedslap |
nice fucking spoilers dude Comment from : R25 |
Why is the lightning so much worse on the remaster tho Comment from : TheAnthypass |
Why does the PS4 look way better? The only thing the remaster has over it is framerate This is pathetic Comment from : OceanicCamels |
This new face is like a robot without emotions i still dont like it Comment from : Axebul23 |
Why?????? Comment from : -exxcel |
#BringBackPetersFace Comment from : Eduardo Enrique |
As a PC player just experiencing this story for the first time, the new face is absolutely fine The old face definitely looks older, but also doesn't match the voice imo To me the new face didn't hampen the story in any way and is probably mostly jarring to those who played the original The only thing i didn't like was his smug ass dumb expression during the gameplay moments in the lab coat when there were no cutscenes Him and MJ They had like no idle animations and had a slight smile in all situations it was weird Comment from : Froggerdog |
is there no mod that can get the old Peter back somehow on the PC version? Comment from : Parth Sharma |
Bruh I think I'm the only one that enjoyed the new face lmao nothing wrong with old face but y'all are hella blinded by bias Comment from : Michael Gibbons |
The new Peter is like the new Lion King, there's no fellings in his face Comment from : Felipe Bessa |
The PS5 face just isn’t as expressive Comment from : Carsen Maxwell |
It's one thing that the new actor looks 14, but another thing that his acting was emotionless in the most emotional scene of the game Comment from : Mikey Blake |
At least with the pc release of the remaster, the modding community can fix what has been broken Comment from : LUCI |
4:48 the serum looked like a cartoonish animation The same happened to the faceWhat a shame to science Comment from : Shiv S Goswami |
What a disgrace Comment from : maulCS |
Imagine if they gave you a choice To save May Or to let her die Comment from : SharpKnifu25 |
The old version of each game has the same picture repaired as the new version The updated picture of the old version of the game is also high-definition It's not the problem that the machine picture is bad No! Comment from : Harry Msn |
The brightness looker better and brighter in the the original Comment from : Omar |
Peter's new face: 😐 Comment from : lil_r033zy |
I just noticed Peter's hair was clipping through his ear in the old versionbrbrHuh Comment from : Mumu2k3 |
In the words of Doc Ock In NWH: "You're not Peter Parker" Comment from : Illuminanonymous |
Ps5 is walmart tom holland Comment from : Yoovie |
Just like when they changed Lara’s face in the PS4 release of Tomb Raider, they failed to capture the expressiveness of original face Comment from : T |
I’m not that upset over the face either they wanted to make him look like Tom Holland or Yuri Lowenthal I wish they kept it the same, imagine changing MJ or Miles face models upcoming sequel Comment from : RedCronoJM |
#RestoreJohnBubniacs Comment from : NazFaxx |
I miss John Bubniac's Comment from : NazFaxx |
At 0:38brPS4 looks like he’s been Spider-Man for eight yearsbrPS5 remastered one? No not at allbrAnd that timestamp shows the difference Comment from : jackerie;-; |
Let's accept the fact that everyone want old face back Comment from : Bohdan |
This new face make the entire situation seems like it's super easy barely an inconvenience for him Comment from : Spider-Man |
in certain shots the ps4 has lighting and pbr that further evoke emotion, 4:08 is a great example Comment from : tui |
If you pause the shot 1:14 the difference is clearbrAlso, the lighting is better in ps4 version imo Comment from : Berserker YT |
Ps5 is so bad Peter shows no emotion Comment from : dribblenomore |
John's face kinda looks like andrew garfield Comment from : Yeni Fiott |
I'm sorry Insomniac, i tried, i really tried to like the new face but its impossible Comment from : Yannis Amrani Porcheron |
Peter b parker and Peter parker Comment from : New world 20 |
Im so glad you can still buy the original version of spiderman on ps4 with the old face render brI bought it mentally ready it's gonna be the new face, so happy it's not Comment from : K/ nee |
Why does the new face have so many rabid fanboys who always feel the need to suck up to Insomniac & insult anyone who disagrees in the comments lmaobrLike calm down & touch some grass People can criticise things, get over it Comment from : 1023 REAL ROCK FM |
You know who's face actually needed remastering? Mary "Plain" Jane Watson She doesn't look like a Smokin Red head, she looks basic Comment from : Verlaine |
PS4 - Peters face, when aunt May is dying:brEMOTIONAL DAMAGEbrbrPS5 - Peters face, when aunt May is dying:brPLASTIC SURGERY DAMAGE Comment from : JakubXGamer |
with the "youre everything, that i wanted to be" shout, you can clearly see how the face movements werent meant for another face and the emotion is just gone Comment from : JakubXGamer |
Old face is better Comment from : SMBD 12 |
Aside the great gameplay this game was basically caried by its story and strong charismatic cast that you could empathise with After playing it on the PS4 it is so weird to see a different Peter I seriously hope they use the old face for the sequel Comment from : Geng Chen |
I prefer the old face Looked more his age The new one is less expressive and looks like a teenager Comment from : Nelson House |
PS5: "I want to see my nephew"brbrb*Unmasks/bbrbr"Who the fuck are you?" Comment from : Tony Wizdard |
Dude ps4 spider man on ps4 is fine Ps5 will give it slightly better graphics but that's about it I'm sticking to og on ps4 Comment from : b |
I think there's a reason for why the new face has less emotion This was only a remaster, I'm sure/hope in SpiderMan 2 he'll not only look a little older but also have better animation and more emotion Comment from : Kenyan Raimona |
As someone who owns the PS5 version, the new face isn't half bad but the old one though I dig them facial expressions Comment from : JustRinku |
4:33brI don't outright hate the changed face, but something like this makes me like the original more than the remaster Having Peter's face covered in shadow while he's tempting the draw to be selfish and save Aunt May felt like a deliberate move Was powerful Now he's fully brightened to show off the new face and it loses just thaaaaat tiny bit of emotional power to me Comment from : Muu Too |
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