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Will Janet Yellen Kill Bitcoin?


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Название :  Will Janet Yellen Kill Bitcoin?
Продолжительность :   14.44
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Просмотров :   14 rb

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Коментарии Will Janet Yellen Kill Bitcoin?

Bitcoin University
WARNING: There are a number of scammers who are using my image and channel name to try to connect with my viewers on WhatsApp and other platforms to scam them Just so you know, I will never refer you to "my personal trader" or try to connect with you personally to sell you something I am banning these scammers as quickly as they pop up, but if you could report them to YouTube, it would be very helpful You can always recognize a scammer by clicking on the image and seeing how many videos he has All of these guys have zero videos, while I have hundreds
Comment from : Bitcoin University

Daylight Moon
In 2010-2014 Janet "big banks" Yellen was on the Fed Now in 2021 the money from that rescue is still propping up her friend's failing banks Now, she is trying to undermine DeFi/crypto/technology which can get the 2021 infrastructure money to the people right away The banks are still here, but we never recovered our houses, jobs, pensions, assets
Comment from : Daylight Moon

Daylight Moon
In 2010-2014 Janet "big banks" Yellen was on the Fed Now in 2021 the money from that rescue is still propping up her friend's failing banks Now, she is trying to undermine DeFi/crypto/technology which can get the 2021 infrastructure money to the people right away The banks are still here, but we never recovered our houses, jobs, pensions, assets
Comment from : Daylight Moon

Why would the "elites" care about this country when they are international?
Comment from : T C

Phuk YouTubeAdmins
Janet is the only one who should be worried about death
Comment from : Phuk YouTubeAdmins

Phuk YouTubeAdmins
The next government official that intentionally crashes crypto markets will mark their ENTIRE BLOODLINE for burial I will NOT watch this happen again, I WILL end it
Comment from : Phuk YouTubeAdmins

ade spade
Why are we allowing these politicians to keep us and our children enslaved inside their financial prison
Comment from : ade spade

Clive Roberts
If there were unrealized capital gains taxes would you also be able to claim unrealized capital loses?
Comment from : Clive Roberts

Craig Anthony
The answer is no I’m sure the politicians own Bitcoin so her talking it down is just a set up so they can buy more at a lower price Powell pumped up the Market with his never ending easy money policies so now it’s Yellen turn to play the Bitcoin game The most important thing is to keep the 2 very rich and happy and to give the other 98 crumbs like the $1,400 stimulus money they will be getting soon The politicians don’t seem to be worried about the tremendous debt the country is in All they care about is The Dow and Nasdaq going up up up Now they included a new game called Bitcoin Sad really
Comment from : Craig Anthony

I genuinely think Bitcoin is no gonna last A better option needs to take it's plac
Comment from : M C

Dave Gee
She will be in a box within 5 years, who cares what the old nag says, she supports the Jew tribunal
Comment from : Dave Gee

Dave Gee
The USA government hates competitors, that is why Bitcoin will never go away
Comment from : Dave Gee

James Goodwin
They tax unrealized gains on real estate Why wouldn’t they tax them on bitcoin?
Comment from : James Goodwin

Andy Kang
Headline: "Old woman Yellen at bitcoin"
Comment from : Andy Kang

Miguel Vale
Bitter old crone Boomers sigh
Comment from : Miguel Vale

Mac Boracay
When tax is levied on all unrealized capital gainsALL gains WILL BE REALIZED For many would be necessary to pay their taxes And NO penalty for sellingthat is just base case now Money would move to greatest growth opportunities,
Comment from : Mac Boracay

Mac Boracay
Bankers are not generally for BTCthreat to the banking system They will support the CBDC and work to keep crony collectivism in plaace Fund managers and CEOs are NOT the BANKING SYSTEM Christin Legarde has already showed the ambition for pushing into the digital currencies and sharing th CRONY COLLECTIVISM gains with the BANKERs
Comment from : Mac Boracay

Shadow Of Pain
Regulate to prevent illicit use she says, I want her to tell me if she thinks paper money has no illicit usebrI hope bitcoin crushes all global fiat currency in the entire world And most of all puts the fed out of business
Comment from : Shadow Of Pain

Inflation is nOt measured by bitcoinbrOnly by gold, and the establishment owns the price of gold
Comment from : Rok71

I love how regular traditional economist don’t really get this not perfect but revolutionary way to preserve valuebrI am gonna be rich , very rich, just because I put my open mind in a 4 months of intense research in 2017, I’ve been deep underwater for 3 yearsbrNow I breath some profit, but I never lost faith in BTC
Comment from : Rok71

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