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Conversation gets heated as Perrysburg Schools Board discusses Critical Race Theory during a meeting


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Название :  Conversation gets heated as Perrysburg Schools Board discusses Critical Race Theory during a meeting
Продолжительность :   2.41
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Коментарии Conversation gets heated as Perrysburg Schools Board discusses Critical Race Theory during a meeting

Mateo D
So, a week ago a close friend sent this to me And I got to say the only women of color to speak made all the white people look confused and gazed which majority room was I am so proud of young leaders like her And I as a Latino, mixed Italian and white is proud to support DEI and Racial instruction theory
Comment from : Mateo D

robert sessoms
Opioids will kill more white kids than reading about Ruby Bridges
Comment from : robert sessoms

Louis Lamonte
Females, minorities, wealthy do-gooders and people opposed to actually putting in an honest day's work are pushing this CRT garbage!!
Comment from : Louis Lamonte

Too many people look for what's wrong with the future because they keep looking at what's wrong with the past The more you worry about the future, the more you'll obsess with the past
Comment from : TheRantingCabby

Clay Gorovoy
Here is a theory, the whole thing is a made up divide and conquer psy op from jesuits
Comment from : Clay Gorovoy

Parents, run as fast and as far away from this as you can Do not try to battle your school board on this It’s no use The ONLY answer is to PULL YOUR CHILD FROM SCHOOL and HOMESCHOOL Unfortunately private schools are infected with the same damaging political ideology, so don’t drain your wallets sending your kids there hoping it will solve the problem, it won’t Mothers and fathers, now is the time Pull your kids out immediately and begin anew The Great Awakening is here, you are laying the first blocks of the foundation of our new society, and you will not fail
Comment from : SwissChalet

Doro Trando
So now it’s 2022 and nobody cares about this anymore This was a stupid moral panic
Comment from : Doro Trando

Mr 71
I love how when they define CRT they always resort to gaslighting
Comment from : Mr 71

The radical leftist marxists are going after white children Say no to hate
Comment from : copykon

Free Man
He said Critical Race Theory was not going to be taught but anyone who has been paying attention to this knows that the school board has been very careful to correct parents who call it CRT instead of Diversity Equity and Inclusion So yes it sounds like a victory for the parents as long as they call it DEI draining and not CRT Don't fall for it They still fully intend to teach this racist and dangerous indoctrination It's not over yet The school board still needs to address the outright violation of those parents First Amendment Rights There are no neutral corners here The crime has already been committed and the Civil Rights hearings must begin At the same time, a full audit of the Diversity Equity and Inclusion curriculum needs to be evaluated and held to US Constitutional standards and a robust critique by the parents and the citizens of this great country There are many academic reviews that are racist Lets not forget that It's not a license to do whatever they want Keep up the fight mom and dad
Comment from : Free Man

All American Patriot
It's about Marxism and hatred of White ppl and America
Comment from : All American Patriot

Greg Wiese
im not fooled crt future over throw of AMERICA
Comment from : Greg Wiese

Jeffrey Bishop
Black Lives Mindlessly
Comment from : Jeffrey Bishop

Robyn Gibbs
Anything to do with segregating races is RACIST
Comment from : Robyn Gibbs

Larry Smith
Why not teach pure history Stop bending it and twisting it Tell it like it was, period
Comment from : Larry Smith

Kathy Faulkner
bull! they will change the letters too teach the same subjects ,so watch the board,their not listening to us
Comment from : Kathy Faulkner

Chad Cadson VII
It's not taught as a class separately, it's pushed into everything They are taught to perceive the world through the lens of crt
Comment from : Chad Cadson VII

A loss for the race hustlers and race pimps
Comment from : Marc

Meditation Heath and Wellness
CRT was created for a bunch of failures These are people that are failures in life, failures in business, failures and relationships, and failures in their family They are blaming other people that are successful because they are failures
Comment from : Meditation Heath and Wellness

Ludr Don
lots of people to school board meet up;;; for;;;;RACE TRUTH;;;;, must be soMe underlying secrets to be expose
Comment from : Ludr Don

Kawehi Onalani
Name this Tax funded Thug Lawyer! Put his name and picture out there for everyone to see!!
Comment from : Kawehi Onalani

Kawehi Onalani
Everyone look up Constitutional Case Law, New York Times Co vs Sullivan They are basically killing our First Amendment Right
Comment from : Kawehi Onalani

CRT is racist trash
Comment from : another1

Anthony Morris
Demonizing White people Ya, that sounds real productive and couldn't possibly have any violent consequences Anybody remember 1939
Comment from : Anthony Morris

I wonder how many of these passionate parents would also be willing to take part in a voluntary Truth and Reconciliation process that would outline unjust laws , Jim Crow era, property redlining, financial assistance discrimination, police brutality Long story short: Get to hear and listen to the pain/atrocities inflicted by someone in your blood line to the minorities Ask for forgiveness on their behalf
Comment from : T-Nzama-Ijongosi

It is/was all good and well going around the world indoctrinating(democracy, Christianity) and white washing everything , persecuting, Colonizing It's about time the truth gets told folksThis is a taste of your medicin Your kids will understand how it feels like to be given/have a unfair advantage Off course it will make them feel like sh1t3 :)
Comment from : T-Nzama-Ijongosi

David Boyer
So, ok, what ever happened to good old fashion English, and Arithmetic, and Social Studies? When I was in school we stood for the flag, we said the pledge of allegiance, and saluted the flag with pride We was encouraged to pray to our God in each of our own ways, and no one was 'called out' for it If you didn't want to pray that was ok too What's happening now, is flat out repulsive I'm sorry What we need is the almighty God put back in schools The Bible says that if you turn from your wicked ways and turn back to me (God) I 'will' heal your land It's time to start getting back on our knees folks
Comment from : David Boyer

I guess the positive aspects of this dysfunctional course is that parents are coming together regardless of race to ensure their children's education is not infected by CRT That gives me hope for children, the family and people in general
Comment from : Heidibee

Robert Setzer
Hey , people need to understand that the word of God the Bible is a book of discrimination from cover to cover Just read Lev 20:24 , 26 and Deuteronomy 7:6 & 14:2 , Jesus said , give not that is Holy unto the dog , you think He sent his disciples to a barn yard
Comment from : Robert Setzer

Michael Lorenson
Germany had their "Hitler Youth" indoctrination, now we have our Victimhood Youth indoctrination, right here in America I'm proud of, and grateful to, the parents that go to these meetings and stand up against this Marxist BS The only real defense against radical ideologies is parenting, something we habitually outsource these days
Comment from : Michael Lorenson

Winnie Levine
Comment from : Winnie Levine

Jason Fiutem
This is the new racism
Comment from : Jason Fiutem

Timothy Turkey
Im glad a school board see how dangerous,divisive,and racist this teachings are no matter what you call it or how its explainedits pure marxism at its core!!!!
Comment from : Timothy Turkey

knessi ng
Re-call these school board members or vote them all out during the next School Board Election
Comment from : knessi ng

b h
Comment from : b h

Zippy Dooda
Teachers can't even teach kids math and science and history yet they want to take valuable classroom time to teach this load of garbage
Comment from : Zippy Dooda

Reene Keenie
Acrost?? And he's the superintendent?? 🤣
Comment from : Reene Keenie

Mark Rieger
It’s already there in disguise
Comment from : Mark Rieger

Larry David
Fire Peter Amuso
Comment from : Larry David

Boar Hog
These soft fraudulent leftists will just change the name as they are doing now, and call it "Critical Race Facts"
Comment from : Boar Hog

That First Lady explaining everything is not only ignorant she is also delusional!! She can make up her on “Theories” Not her own FACTS!
Comment from : CMG

Quantifiably Qorrect
Its a toxic teaching to indoctrinate youth into thinking about race all the time promoted mostly by ignorant youth and millennial social justice warriors brbrThere are powerful and rich people of ALL colors and in ALL areas of employed society, so you're theories are wrong leftists!
Comment from : Quantifiably Qorrect

Not sure why WTOL would give this Marxist professor any airtime to lie about what CRT really is
Comment from : bmjv77

Mike Vishnia
Comment from : Mike Vishnia

Lawrence Allen
Bumper Sticker: "If your child hates you, you family and your country, thank a teacher"
Comment from : Lawrence Allen

Gerald Polmateer
I have been a professor in a field in which about 1 of those teaching have actual professional field experience The rest are teaching from a textbook and not from a reserve of professional experience People will trust what a professor says but would never do the same thing in their own field of expertise because they are familiar with their own field
Comment from : Gerald Polmateer

william jonas
Comment from : william jonas

Al Stefanini
CRT, must be ended!
Comment from : Al Stefanini

fred holley
Started in 08 Yes, In-fil- trate Wake up mate Oops Too late
Comment from : fred holley

Keep fighting them we don't want Marxism
Comment from : earthairfirewater1

What's going on in our schools is absolutely PURE EVIL
Comment from : Catherine

The defining term is "THEORY'; you don't teach theories as 100 known fact and CRT does just that!
Comment from : REG - NET

Alcohol and Fun
Academic in what field? Gender Studies?
Comment from : Alcohol and Fun

Douglas Smith
Change the NAME and it REMAINS THE SAME
Comment from : Douglas Smith

michael h
Comment from : michael h

Dylan Johnson
Yeah bs The teachers will teach it anyways because most of them are Marxist activists who want to brainwash your kids
Comment from : Dylan Johnson

Billy Meadows
Critical race theory is destructive not educational
Comment from : Billy Meadows

Debbie Powell
CRTbrCausing Racial Tension
Comment from : Debbie Powell

Oh it’s just a class Let’s add it Why not it’s just another class for kids to take that talks about racism And by the way little Johnny blows because he’s white and racism built this country and it’s white history is rotten to the core If a white person doesn’t agree with this it’s because they are inherently racist That’s why CRT or whatever BS disguise they want to hide it in is controversial and what everyone thinks but will not say but instead just beat around the bush
Comment from : wdiprod

All the NYC schools thstbwere sending home assignments with the kids likeWHAT IT MEANS TO BE WHITE or HOW CAN I ESCAPE MY WHITE PRIVILEGEbrbrthe school boards are probsbly lyingas usual
Comment from : rt3593

Parentsclosely check all educational materials, books, etc your child brings home That description the lady gave on what CRT IS was a big lieits an anti white agenda by its very existence
Comment from : rt3593

Don rice Rice
Critical race theory is more communism in the class room Devide and conquer Read Jesuit Vatican Tyranny
Comment from : Don rice Rice

Criminal Race Theory!
Comment from : cyberbrox5

hugh janus
Teachers think they are a gift from God 90 percent are ego maniacs that are used to having absolute power over students and can't handle criticism when it comes there way Physical violence is the only way forward with them as you won't win an argument with these people they genuinely believe people/parents are below them
Comment from : hugh janus

Don’t know much about biology, don’t know much about history, but I do know bout the CRT and the da po black misery
Comment from : jimbones155

Nathan Glass
Marxists have successfully infiltrated the education system as teachers It's deliberate to reshape the nation into communism God curse them
Comment from : Nathan Glass

Corey Anderson
Better stand up or prepare to bow down to the DeepState Donkey Party Of Lies!!!!
Comment from : Corey Anderson

CRT is a joke, look at Asian minorities They have ascended to the highest economic statuses due to education and hard work
Comment from : Ratio’d

Pi Noy
How do you stop racism?brStop talking about it !!!brBe informedCRT is not but Equity policy is
Comment from : Pi Noy

Libre verdaderamente
The public should decide how much to pay public employees brThe parents should decide what to allow to be taught to their childrenbrThe parents should monitor public employees, and public property ( buildings ) through survilliance , (video and audio)brThe parents should decide on their childrens health issues
Comment from : Libre verdaderamente

Libre verdaderamente
Want to end racism ?br Stop teaching history ! brStart your own history !
Comment from : Libre verdaderamente

The opening statement made by a board member illustrates the autocracy of school boards - they couldn't care less what parents have to say and conduct these meetings to assess what they're up against from parentsbr The superintendent may have said that this is not on the table yet for a vote - that could just mean that they haven't figured out how to get it in despite the community's disapprovalbr Don't be swayed by that young, impressionable student, CRT is Marxist rhetoric
Comment from : Oxigenarian

God bless
Because it is racist
Comment from : God bless

Sha B
These “teachers” and school board members OBV HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT WORLD HISTORY AND PRESENT WORLD! They act like there were NO SLAVES IN WHOLE WORLD AND WHEN SLAVES WERE FORMED THEY WERE ONLY ONE COLOR! It’s a THEORY FIRST OF ALL! We already teach about slavery and racism in schools - but we didn’t form this county in 1619 - so it is based on lies and can’t get behind that - plus if taught in CONTEXT of how the world was and had been for THOUSANDS of years and when America was founded the whole world was at a critical stage of ending that era - well MOST CUZ STILL SLAVES IN LOTS OF AREAS OF AFRICA AND CHINA - fact that they want to HIDE that part is reason it is destructive to young minds - and fact that people want to call others NAMES if disagree instead of MEANINGFUL DEBATE MEANS THEY HAVE NO MEANINGFUL DEBATE - they just call people NAMES to get them out of having to answer the tough questions
Comment from : Sha B

john wilson
You'll hear from these School Boards that they follow Education Department and government policy and attend all training In other words they have been indoctrinated in the CRT agenda Now that they have been triggered they are released into the schools No matter what parents say the School Boards are convinced they have the right to educate your children in their emotional, moral, educational and psychological development They will fight for CRT as instructed by their handlers in the Education Department who in turn claim the government has their backs on this mad agenda Parents will need to remain resolute and act as one to remove this problem in the schools and Education Department We're taking on the head of the snake now but together we can do it
Comment from : john wilson

Michael Joseph
Black people are victims of their own making
Comment from : Michael Joseph

They will likely be adopting ALL of critical race theory They will just call it something different That's what liberals always do It will be the "Unity Platform" or the "Anti-Evil Initiative" or it will be adopted under the "Annual Budget" They do anything to slip in their agenda because no one in their right mind would support it otherwise
Comment from : Saber

Shawn Mclean
Meanwhile, the Chinese are teaching their kids math and science, and being physically fit, yelling "we will win" I bet on them, sadly America exists in name only For decades now you ignored the socialist indoctrination Too late
Comment from : Shawn Mclean

Walter Pierce
People who oppose CRT must be in favor of racismbrWhen you stop teachers br from teaching about slavery and Jim Crow that is promoting racism
Comment from : Walter Pierce

Stephen Thomas
CTR is a racist dream
Comment from : Stephen Thomas

Dan Calvin
CRT is Marxist Garbage
Comment from : Dan Calvin

As soon as all these people go home they're just going to do what they've been doing anyway It's an organized and intentionally subversive religious movement
Comment from : OysterPir8

It's "honest history"
Comment from : Flamingpiano

This is why Democrats oppose school choice vouchers Even though Black Americans in inner cities, with the worst public schools, are in favor of them If parents home school their kids, or send them to private schools, it makes it harder for the state to inculcate their ideology into young mindsbrbrWe are living in times that the 2nd amendment was written into the Constitution as a last resort safeguard against The government is becoming more dangerous than any foreign adversary
Comment from : Publius

They think calling it things other than CRT means it isn’t CRT, and parents are too stupid to know School boards all over America are finding out that parents can’t be controlled like the children they have been indoctrinating and bullying
Comment from : B R

Johnathan Smith
Waitthis ELECTED OFFICIAL said you just have to figure it out yourself? These don't look like school boards, they look like the Proletariat
Comment from : Johnathan Smith

Michael Moyer
Your station should do some basic research CRT is not an ‘academic’ study It’s a racist, Marxist theory Go ahead…look it up
Comment from : Michael Moyer

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