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Why the NBA’s Player Participation Policy Won’t Work


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Название :  Why the NBA’s Player Participation Policy Won’t Work
Продолжительность :   11.48
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Which 5 teams had no star player?
Comment from : @gege8747

Load management especially sucks for visiting smaller markets Dont expect to see guys like LeBron or Kawhi, or even Curry play in games against the Pacers, Magic, or even Pistons If its not another star studded team they basically roll out their backups
Comment from : @richborn6700

Its my understanding that the league will have independent doctors and evaluators to determine if a team is "lying" about a players injury So it wont be as easy to circumvent this as you may think
Comment from : @apolloathena8140

This is why I like Anthony Edwards He will play every time no matter what, unless he isn’t physically able to He’s young, but has the old school mentality
Comment from : @tannuhwithal6314

Man I'd be mad if I went to a game and the stars set out Attendance drop and they will fix it
Comment from : @patescortez88

Honestly if nba players don’t like it, they can just quit Can’t stand watching people paid millions of dollars to play basketball only to just play ball when they fell comfortable and safe
Comment from : @jeffreydiddy

For every game that a "star player" misses, he is required to kick in $1 per fan attending that game (which is actually a very small fine for what they're making) At the end of the year, have a drawing among all the fans that missed a "star player" for however much is in the pot, probably several million dollars That way, if the fans don't get to see their favorite player, they at least get a chance at winning a ton of money
Comment from : @big8dog887

Kyrie Irving: DNP (Reason: 'Hélà)
Comment from : @future62

You have to trust how the association is able to enforce rules and the way it wants teams to act There’re a lot more stuff underneath the table besides just the statements we see Last year when they said they don’t want trades to involve so many first round picks and almost immediately second rounders became an asset used frequently
Comment from : @pierceliu9914

Maybe not initially, but it will as time goes on And the new generation of players is used to more or less not being able to sit out for just anything
Comment from : @eazymb

Just imagine Messi and Ronaldo being asked to sit on the bench and they get pissed and in the NBA it’s the complete opposite 😂
Comment from : @njigmelhendup5495

Yall all really need to watch SB nations video on resting stars from a few years ago Yall desperately need to be educated beyongd "selfish players are too soft and money hungry"
Comment from : @attackthem8908

If they lessen the amount of games, they're going to lose money as a whole Therefore the contracts are going to be worth less as well
Comment from : @JarrydTIme

I have already figured out how to sit the star players without getting fined! Just have them on minutes restrictions, 1 minute per quarter! They suite up and technically play 4 mins and still load manage the players! 😁👍
Comment from : @set4life30

There's gonna be a slew of fake injuries pouring in next season 🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : @BoricuaFlavored

One thing for sure about upcoming seasona lot of superstars will miss games becouse of back injuries
Comment from : @enjoylife1239

Mental health as an excuse? Might as well sit out the entire season if thats the case
Comment from : @Bourne246

This is what is meant by, today's player's are soft Can't even play 82 without an excuse
Comment from : @fredrico45

There is a solution that might work Max players should be paid by the number of games they played that season (not including playoff) As we know max player makes as much as double or triple the salary of the other starter and makes as much as 10 - 20x of a role player's salarybrbrSay if Ben Simmons gets paid 40M and he missed half a season, he would only get 20M (doesn't matter what the reason is even if it is an injury), but they would still be guaranteed maybe 25-30 of that max salary This means if Ben Simmons ended up playing 0 games that season, he would still get a 10-13M salary which is still similar to a starter (non-all-star) level salarybrbrDoing this makes DNP come with a cost, and if they only play low minutes, their stats average will suffer (which is hurt for the all-star players)
Comment from : @Diablo-rd4ow

I been knew this wasn’t going to work from the beginning what I thought about first is that all they have to do is say that one of the players had a soreness of some sort I mean how would they be able to tell yk?
Comment from : @gtjaaa5551

You can argue the best player Jokic is still playing most of the games, but he's more the outlier than norm
Comment from : @shiminsun1068

This will only change when NBA viewership goes down dramatically 80 worldwide something like that, Because as long as fans keep supporting this bs league they will keep doing the bs they're used as they know fans are still gonna watch it
Comment from : @JetEngine85

Yeah, gone are the days teams tell the truth about resting their players, now they'll just lie and pick the excuse that's closest to the truth
Comment from : @JordanGurney

Player empowerment & entitlement at its best
Comment from : @yasumurat

Just keep fining the owners 100k for every game they rest players I bet you they will stop resting players
Comment from : @8mathdaddy

it won't work, it'll just devalue the awards
Comment from : @bojakebo1234

even if they shorten the number games, which is a bad move for them dollars these stars still gonna load manage understandable for lebron, steph and kd age range though
Comment from : @shin0012

I mean nahhhh you get PTO at a real job… People call in all the time too…
Comment from : @thedeezyshow

Jordan: took 2 years time off brThis video: jordan didnt miss a game
Comment from : @minuii

They should discount ticket sales for the games the stars are load managing It's bullshit to shell out hundreds of dollars for seats and your favorite player is on the bench the entire game
Comment from : @nolas1360

As soon as i heard that news, i feel teams can just change the description from "REST" to "Knee pain" "back pain" etc Cuz over 10 yers ago, rest wasnt really a thing
Comment from : @uasakura

in season tournament sunds dumb as fuck theres literally no reason to compete hard for mid season anything at all
Comment from : @nomercyinc6783

The players should play if there not injured or sick they should play period Load management is crap and it cheats the fans of their money These players get paid to play so play
Comment from : @TETRARCHJeffUnstableFreak

if they wanna sit out make the have to run tests from a nba owned trainer instead of the organizations if the doc says they can play fine em
Comment from : @youngtoneski7868

Is there a video about "developing" in the AAU circut, player mileage and injury Did Jordan come up getting AAU runs?
Comment from : @imaniberrios59

I was hoping the fine would be enough to actually deter it, lil 10k aint shit when youre being paid 100k for the game youre sitting out lol
Comment from : @andreamicucci2396

Some of these cats make more in a game than we do in a year, x82 thats over a life time pay in a season thats wild If they wanna sit out, donate that games check to a random lower class resident of that city 🤷
Comment from : @andreamicucci2396

but WHY is it bad? everybody keeps saying that it's bad, and nobody is explaining why
Comment from : @iixxion

I was really upset when KD didn’t play on Christmas against the lakers in the 2021 season lol Load management smh
Comment from : @OnlyDuckSauce

Great perspective
Comment from : @jmacmilz1429

In the short run, it will not work but in the long run, it might NBA is under a little pressure to provide "a complete product" to broadcast network/s now that the contract re-negotiation is about to get due The teams and the players will be compelled to cooperate once it hits them financially, like lower ticket sales, lesser cable tv viewership, lesser corporate sponsorships & advertisers If fans and corporate stakeholders feel that they are being offered an inferior/inconsistent-quality product/service, they will slowly shy away from the NBA
Comment from : @baroklim9511

All its going to do is transfer money from teams that want to win to teams that want to make a profitbrbrIt won't do anything to the end product Fans will still suffer
Comment from : @trendel13

Players found out that they can sit and not do anything and still get paid Pat Bev is right most players in the league now do not love basketball What should be done is if a player misses a game their stats are marked 0 against their average
Comment from : @DanOvM

If Michael Jordan only played 65 games a season he prolly coulda played 20 years too
Comment from : @michaelplaysgames428

Fun fact, the last time Kawhi played in seventy games was way back in the 2016-17 season He hasn't played in sixty games since the 2018-19 season
Comment from : @BJofEarth

So much for "stronger, faster, more skilled" players in this era
Comment from : @VVVY777

Jalen Rose still has the best ideabrSitting, with "no injury", should count as a "game played" with zero stats No player wants that hit on their averages when contract talks come up
Comment from : @nathanlawson4643

I don't think these changes will change anything I think they need to do something with the players money Taking away a certain chunk of it(maybe 20 of it for the duration of missed time) for any missed games(any reason) would probably get the players feeling healthy again
Comment from : @riedstep

NBA is top tier basketball, and thus have top tier athletes Any top tier athlete is expected to have the toughness that their sport is requiring If you don't have that toughness, you shouldn't be in that sport, or on this scenario, in a top tier league It just sad how NBA is now more on making money than the actual sport Not very inspiring It's just a matter of time when e-sports will take over because there's nothing better to aspire to except getting paid Before (or even now but rarely), everyone wants to be like Mike, because he's just simply awesome in the game of basketball Now, everyone want's to be that saleable rookie because you want to end up in a max contract regardless on whatever team you land on
Comment from : @Nularius79

I wouldnt mind going to 70 games I also think that maybe part of contracts would be a dependent on how many games played Its tough because some do have injuries they have to deal with The problem is a lot are resting
Comment from : @xxmadetthisforyouxx1699

They should call this the kawhi leonard rule
Comment from : @oladipupoajani

Let's see who meets the minimum 65 games this year
Comment from : @jacobmcbeth6922

Holy shit dude, learn how to EQ your voice
Comment from : @alaindeschain2736

I agree that adjustments will need to be made but Adam Silver spoke on this already This is a starting point or test phasethey'll end up getting this right in a few years or so Adam HAD to do something to get the ball rolling because load management had gotten out of hand
Comment from : @reilorenzo2219

I don’t think these rules will change much Load Management is a Pandora’s box that cannot be closed
Comment from : @KarlMalowned32

The thing thats gonna end the load managing are heftier punishments than slap on the wrist fines, banning rest period unless your injured by all players, and have 0 age exceptions
Comment from : @kysoneilers4892

Also, load management boosts individual stats, so think about that when comparing players from different eras!
Comment from : @javigar133

So many rules and exceptions means more loopholes to exploit Ain't gonna work
Comment from : @khalel610

They should link the players´ salary to the amount of games played
Comment from : @stelzi290888

I liked my own comment
Comment from : @jamez2k139

The numbers you quoted about players who appear in all 82 games are staggering As you said, in what universe do you just stay home from work and still expect to get paid? It's gone off the rails and the new rules will be unlikely to change much When Coach Pop successfully load-managed his aging Hall-Of-Famers to a title the whole league saw it as a viable strategy for winningbr So, I doubt the genie will go back in its box
Comment from : @edgarsnake2857

I would prefer a regular season with 50-60 games over a 82-game season Less games mean less injuries and games would be more competitive since they count more and more (star) players are healthy
Comment from : @stelzi290888

It seems a lot of current players don’t even like basketball, they just view it as their way to achieve the lifestyle they desire
Comment from : @SkoobaNIK

1 Teams decide when players rest, not the playersbr2 Now they'll just say that the players are dealing with nagging injuries or sorenessbrbrThis is a PR move, nothing more
Comment from : @BaithNa

Commenting because I'll watch this tomorrow while I eat my breakfast
Comment from : @Daniel-qn9rw

I wonder what the Clippers going to do after this season when Kawhi still load manages and doesnt help the team win the title Id like him walk or sign and trade if possible The experiment is over They should just move on
Comment from : @genxtasy9914

Will you be doing a video on the other channel on the bulls 2k ratings
Comment from : @douglol19

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