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China’s “Illegal” Artificial Islands Spike South China Sea Tensions | From The Frontline


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Название :  China’s “Illegal” Artificial Islands Spike South China Sea Tensions | From The Frontline
Продолжительность :   11.17
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Просмотров :   247 rb

Кадры China’s “Illegal” Artificial Islands Spike South China Sea Tensions | From The Frontline

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Коментарии China’s “Illegal” Artificial Islands Spike South China Sea Tensions | From The Frontline

UN useless
Comment from : Amrjn

Shaker khan
China attack oil refinnery in Saudi ArabiaChina undermine biggest threat of the world
Comment from : Shaker khan

Bob Coloso
China needs all of the South China Sea so they can serve more shrimp fried rice
Comment from : Bob Coloso

Countries should stop trading with china and watch its economy dive
Comment from : rakisyc

Bhubest Akesoponsatien
Dirty Games etc who look after SCS , US or China better? Easy answer
Comment from : Bhubest Akesoponsatien

Dante Pesongco
ano pa ang hinihintay ninyo at may mga barko tayo at hindi naman nag papatrol sa ating terituryo at hindi ninyo nakikita iyan ang china sigi lang tayo ng tayo sa ating bahura iligal island ngayon ilang isla na ang ginagawa nila at kaya hinaharangan ang philippines coast guard natin dahil may ginagawa nanaman sila sa ating bahura at nag tatambak nanaman sila ng bagong isla sa ating terituryo at kailangan huwag kayong papayag na harangin kayo ng china coast guard at kailangan mapa alis ninyo ang chinese diyan sa ating terituryo ng pulipinas iyan
Comment from : Dante Pesongco

Darren Franco
Philippines will destroy china soon
Comment from : Darren Franco

Hanipale Malae
Comment from : Hanipale Malae

Ho cares
GOD will destroy china as per holy bible saidbrIsaiah 51:5brMy righteousness is near; my salvation is gone forth, and mine arms shall judge the people(pla); the isles(philippines) shall wait upon me, and on mine arm shall they(pilipino) trust
Comment from : Ho cares

Dragon Mihawke
The nine dash line is a stupidity the chinese invented to act as an 'evidence' to their claim But the only evidence it has proven so far is the shameless and destructive acts of communist china inside the EEZ of the Philippines
Comment from : Dragon Mihawke

Mak kau hijau 👎🏻
Comment from : Fazly

Oscar Orpiano
Comment from : Oscar Orpiano

Marvellous Amazing
"Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit" 1 John 4:13 KJV When we are in Christ, it simply means that we have accepted the Spirit of God to reside in us What this means is that we are now subjected to his counsel and his guidance We are not slaves to our selfish cravings or desires We are now able to rise above them and live according to the way of the Spirit Dear God, I thank You that I am now one with You as a result of Your Spirit living within me Father, I ask that You help me to be wary of the decisions I make in my life, so that I know that I am paying attention to Your will for me and not what my selfishness demands In Jesus' name, I pray Amen
Comment from : Marvellous Amazing

Nida Grossman
The China coastline is so far away ,it should beVietnam and the Philippines that should claim the maritime territory in the West Philippine Sea not you China You are way far beyond theEez
Comment from : Nida Grossman

Rachell Mangosan
It's west Philippines Sea Not south china sea It's because of their greed The arrogant bully and liers and greedy and not honest china cannot be trusted
Comment from : Rachell Mangosan

Cynthia Daproza
Why China is soo greedy!
Comment from : Cynthia Daproza

Ahmad Hairi
That why usa poeple hate chiness And kill chiness at their country
Comment from : Ahmad Hairi

William Paoner
They dont obey the law cause they dont know what is law
Comment from : William Paoner

William Paoner
The main cause of the conflict is cómmunist china
Comment from : William Paoner

William Paoner
We send xijin ping to hell
Comment from : William Paoner

Ernesto DelaCruz
All nation are pro international law except Tsekwa Irrational people Any adjective can describe China voracious, fool, abnormal mind Insensible , ETC
Comment from : Ernesto DelaCruz

Rotten Throne
there is a history happen in china their ancestors are merman and mermaids hahahahaha
Comment from : Rotten Throne

Robert Wacay
China was too much envade the boarder territory destroyed economic borral that support spieces of fish harrash their environmental existence doesn't care the life of the Filipino and neigboring nation how the could swallow the destruction of economics status because of ambition to super world power
Comment from : Robert Wacay

rod dizon
I remember the movie , Tombstone, when Doc Holiday(USA) told Ringo(China) that , I am your HuckleberrybrMeaning , I am your adversary and I am just waiting for the time when I will put you down Just tell me whenbrThe US Navy and Air Force is just waiting for China to do the first move and they will have the same faith as thebrIranian warship
Comment from : rod dizon

eliazar capalad
nine dash line claim of china is abnormal thinking, scarborought shoal is 1,000 kilometer in china while in philippines is 100 kilometer onlyis china dont known mathematics bullying country is the reason china will go down
Comment from : eliazar capalad

Visitacion Avenido
Bakit ginawa to ni china
Comment from : Visitacion Avenido

SWR moto vlog
Comment from : SWR moto vlog

Mila Aguinaldo
Chinese artificial island is illegal in WPS It must be tear down squatting thatbis not your territory is prohibited and wrong doing according to law and moral values
Comment from : Mila Aguinaldo

Jordionski D Excalibur
china already forming a defense warzone, it is already obvious they taking over that area
Comment from : Jordionski D Excalibur

Jordionski D Excalibur
china claim so far on there land
Comment from : Jordionski D Excalibur

South East Asian Sea
Comment from : pupong

rogie pan
Comment from : rogie pan

rogie pan
Comment from : rogie pan

rogie pan
Comment from : rogie pan

Dhan Michael Garcia
Why do you keep calling it "South China sea " they dont fucking own all of it
Comment from : Dhan Michael Garcia


A Ebenezer
the possibility of becoming trouble are real in the sense the issue addresses late 💡
Comment from : A Ebenezer

Ernesto Nadal
9 dash line is just an lmaginary line invented by china to justify it's claim with in philippine territory,china is such a big liar
Comment from : Ernesto Nadal

Joey Rocamora
China's leader is , Evil of War
Comment from : Joey Rocamora

Joey Rocamora
China's leader is , Evil of War
Comment from : Joey Rocamora

Comment from : timoyvlog

It is named South China Sea simply because only China have been taking care of it centuries ago and it still has the capabilities of maintaining the sea peacefully Philippines? They can't even take care of their own problems like corruption, drugs and poverty Enough of absurdity Don't dream of huge responsibility when you don't have the huge hand to handle your own thing The only way Philippines can do such a thing is of course by getting terror hands of America and West and that will not even land rightfully to the Philippines' end Come onwake up The best way is to jointly cooperate with China rather than pulling the corrupt powers which have been colonizing and plundering the world all over the world Snap out of it ❗❗❗
Comment from : MeLodìÇārÅmä

Parang gusto ng pag isahin ang china at philippines wtf
Comment from : E A T

I love Yellow
These chinese destroyed our corals 😓 brYeah our corals in the west philippine sea 😓 our coralsbrbrSuch evil
Comment from : I love Yellow

Teto Mariano
In the latest asean mtg, indonesia turned blind and deaf and keep extremely quiet to china's crimesits because they just inagurated a china build high speed train They were recently bribed
Comment from : Teto Mariano

Teto Mariano
Boycott all china products
Comment from : Teto Mariano

Narciso M Lim, Jr
The United Nations lead by USA, UK and Europe should step and make immediate serious action against the China as soon as possible before the China completely controlled and dominated the South China Sea The China is already militarizing the artificial islands with the reasons of defending the China's territory and insisting the China declared das-9 line It so very obvious that China is preparing their military to any superpower that will intervene with their indirect invasion of the Philippines EEZ
Comment from : Narciso M Lim, Jr

jose corazon bautista
Since China refuses rules based order like UNCLOS, we have no recourse but face the reality that might is right
Comment from : jose corazon bautista

Valerian Pereira
Comment from : Valerian Pereira

Valerian Pereira
Torpedo and bunker buster bombs can destroy illegally built islands in South C Seasbrforce by forceis the language they understand
Comment from : Valerian Pereira

Jimmy Federizo
It's just the Spanish explorers who named it to south China Sea
Comment from : Jimmy Federizo

Daniel Ting
CCP should not govern China
Comment from : Daniel Ting

Yunus Jhon
It is very illegal for China having area of Sea closest to the Philippine territory and being claimed by China as their own sea and defying the original right of the Philippine
Comment from : Yunus Jhon

Eugenio Manaloto
Xijingping no one is scared about your power make it real PROVE YOUR POWER
Comment from : Eugenio Manaloto

HISTORICALLY, under Tang Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty until 1912, HAINAN is the southernmost territory of China It was also adopted in the China's Republican Constitution in 1947brbrThe official Spanish Map of the Philippines(1734) shows Scarborough Shoal (Panacot), Spratly Is (Los Bajos de Paragua) are part of Philippine territory
Comment from : JN&JS

Donald Ross Alexander
We all need to stop calling it the South China Sea because it’s not!
Comment from : Donald Ross Alexander

Randyl Plampin
A typhoon will eventually clear all the buildings and people
Comment from : Randyl Plampin

Zenie Hudson
Keep up the fight Philippines the West are your supporters China is a liar! And playing stupid China's claim is absolutely illegal! China has no respect for the UNCLOS Stop buying Chinese made products Damp Weng Wanbin in the the bin with your BrahMosThank s for the coverage India!
Comment from : Zenie Hudson

Queen Basalez
China and PBBM discussed and were peaceful like family Why was former PRRD destroyed bilateral 2016 and secretly agreed and borrowed money from China without PBBM after PBBM met China? That is confused, messy, and not peaceful China, PRRD, and PBBM should be discussed in persons peacefully It is no messybrbrChina is one top richest already after he sold his things, foods, cellphones, cars, and more to our counties Stop war and stop selfish China gifted the Philippines and Vietnam, Malaysia, Asia the WPS Our countries will love China God is a blessing of China brbrHistory: Did Taiwan pay to China's owner, Island Taiwan?brPlease stop war Our mother earth is painful and will die Better China and Taiwan should be meeting and discussing the island more than our countries are not involved in between China and Taiwan brbrGod and I love China, the Philippines, and all countries as a worldbrbrIn Jesus Name Amen
Comment from : Queen Basalez

Lester Maravilla
i very admire to wagner brave soldier, im bernardo maravilla ,
Comment from : Lester Maravilla

Erning Virata
China need to claim and extended more land to feed their hungry pandas
Comment from : Erning Virata

Tofu-Dreg islands
Comment from : M&M

China believes they are a powerful nation now So they don’t care about their neighbours surrounding the South China Sea They don’t care about the UN laws of the seas
Comment from : Stonks10

Step 1 is to economically isolate China Every country needs to stop trading with them AND prohibit their citizens from travelling to their country How many countries are building islands to expand their EEZ illegally? Uh… just one
Comment from : AmurruMan

Kaution Veware
It will be a matter of time when China will get KARMA and all disasters will bring upon them! After releasing their Biological warfare which is ChinaCovid and the AUDACITY to claim territories from India to Philippines! This selfish little Xi PingPongs will get doomed in the future! Their houses are build already by their own Nuclear Waste which is now HIGH in Radiation to a mater of time they will turn to mutants!
Comment from : Kaution Veware

Gregoria Nalzaro
Factor damege more more Chaina jinpin
Comment from : Gregoria Nalzaro

Gregoria Nalzaro
Whatzzzz chaines claim it pH sea Jinpin brain damage stupid No no no
Comment from : Gregoria Nalzaro

rolando cahilog
Before President Marcos, jr several times said that: the problem must be resolved in The ICC
Comment from : rolando cahilog

Denver Escarza
Pilinpin sea not shina
Comment from : Denver Escarza

The world media must start using correct name for this sea It us the Phillipines Sea STOP perpetrating the lie and false report that has fueled this disagreement PHILLIPINES SEA
Comment from : Vaa

Even now Indonesian sea It has been claimed as the South China Sea on google map🗿
Comment from : SaiBaRa

Yunus Jhon
Comment from : Yunus Jhon

Yunus Jhon
Even infront harbour of Sabah Borneo China China claim as their territorial sea of China although there are many shinese had became citizenship of Makaysia China is stealing land under sea bed of Sabah Does any leader og Malaysia be pride with China's grabbing the land which under sea bed of Sabah ?
Comment from : Yunus Jhon

Nestor portuguez
This will makes the END OF CHINAChina is eager to have and test it
Comment from : Nestor portuguez

Donato Villanueva To-os
War on warall Filipino angry china
Comment from : Donato Villanueva To-os

Tony Chopkoski
Chinathe Great Slave State that wants to subject the world to its slavery!
Comment from : Tony Chopkoski

William Fowler
the Chinese have no respect for others they will be punished
Comment from : William Fowler

Human Trafficking, Covid Pandemic, Illegal businesses, and here comes disrespecting territories China is such an abomination to the entire world No one should tolerate this kind of abuse!
Comment from : TheSouladept

wency batican
to the narrator stop saying south china sea instead South Asian Sea OK
Comment from : wency batican

faith garcia
10 dash line inventions of stupid country its there no basis of international law all country got 200 eez china prob is greed your not follow the international law because being greed thats why the othere country not agree for your 10 dashline because there no any basis of the international law idont even know why china are doing that to othere country you have a big country also rich country its not enough to you why you need to claimed the island its not yours to prob your powerful country or your just a greedy
Comment from : faith garcia

Agus Medan
Wtf There is brahmos advertisement in the video What a joke! 😂
Comment from : Agus Medan

Tiyo Pio
Us, reserved armies of the Philippines, only waiting for them to start the war We are a small country, but no one can ever take our land and properties anymore We oath to defend our country when needed Once and for all, let's finish this bullying We will fight, only our government still being diplomatic But when war comes, we will fight with and defeat the giant
Comment from : Tiyo Pio

Ricardo Largo
China is more illigal occupies to the other cuontries of sea water china is no good
Comment from : Ricardo Largo

Ayah Aliah
Bully ka china dapat syo ganito #*#
Comment from : Ayah Aliah

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