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Bitcoin is a Ponzi Scheme | Bill Maher | Howie Mandel Does Stuff


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Название :  Bitcoin is a Ponzi Scheme | Bill Maher | Howie Mandel Does Stuff
Продолжительность :   4.18
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Просмотров :   53 rb

Кадры Bitcoin is a Ponzi Scheme | Bill Maher | Howie Mandel Does Stuff

Описание Bitcoin is a Ponzi Scheme | Bill Maher | Howie Mandel Does Stuff

Коментарии Bitcoin is a Ponzi Scheme | Bill Maher | Howie Mandel Does Stuff

Howie Mandel Does Stuff Clips
Watch the Full episode Here: youtube/KFayfdX7ybg
Comment from : Howie Mandel Does Stuff Clips

Stephen Staite
It's interesting how little Bill knows about BTC at this moment each BTC's value is 155,000kwh It's easy to make anything sound dumb when you have a negative opinion & don't understand the tech I'm sure TSLA sold BTC because Bill is clue less BlackRock just bought 200,000 BTC ($5B), I'm sure they know something this dope doesn't
Comment from : Stephen Staite

George Souflias
Thanks bud for keepin us financially Educated! Regardless of how bad it gets on the economy, I still make over $13,000 every single week
Comment from : George Souflias

Mikemoto’s World
Howie and his daughter are way smarter than Bill on this topic
Comment from : Mikemoto’s World

people are having a hard time stomaching a full transfer into a digital world
Comment from : Eli

Bitcoin has no use case scenario I can buy a bitcoin and I can sell a bitcoin It has no intrinsic value It only has a speculative worth based-on the confidence of its holdersbrbrAll this talk of 'it'll be safe/sound currency'no one is using it as a currency I don't buy a bitcoin to hedge against inflation, because its price is too volatile Bitcoins price goes up because of speculation and not as a result of a devaluing of the currency brbrIn the little over 10years Bitcoin has been around, 6 million coins are lost forever When you lose a gold coinit can be found again brbrLook at all the cryptos in existence New coins 'popping' into existence all the time Everything inevitable returns to that from whence it came folks You can make profits only as long as there is a buyer on the other side
Comment from : OurHeroXero

The Fun Guy
This has aged horribly
Comment from : The Fun Guy

Mandel is a moron… Worse is his lack of humor
Comment from : jlangenberg

Bitcoin is a goof? This guy is completely clueless
Comment from : IL

Wired With Walsh
Bill talks and talks and knows soo soo little
Comment from : Wired With Walsh

Donna Dylon
When it comes to investing, we want our money to grow with the highest rate of return and the lowest risk possible Mean while there are no shortcuts of getting rich, but there are smart ways to go about it I’m grateful to God for leading me to the right platform who’s method are top notch and profitable
Comment from : Donna Dylon

Mohamed Elsherif
Bill Maher is smart
Comment from : Mohamed Elsherif

2008 Crisis
So buy more BTC? Yes!!!!
Comment from : 2008 Crisis

Bill has no idea what he's talking about lolhe consistently brings incredible conviction to topics that he knows nothing about
Comment from : PianoJoe

Bring 100 people to las Vegas for a weekend to gamble their life savings Like Howie I can guarantee that some will come back as big winners
Comment from : alexalex13131

Bitcoin isn’t a currency
Comment from : Mattiedamacdaddy

Poor guy has more faith in the dollars in his account than Bitcoin This isn't going to age well
Comment from : Mako

Land Deals
Money or currency is an idea Bitcoin is no different The value is in who believes in the idea this includes the dollar
Comment from : Land Deals

Land Deals
Anything that does not produce income could be a form of ponzi however that would apply to non dividend stocks
Comment from : Land Deals

100 true I never bought into these ponzi schemes
Comment from : FreeMan37

Kobe Bryant
Cave man talking lol
Comment from : Kobe Bryant

allan awanyo
How is this not obvious
Comment from : allan awanyo

Bill Maher is so much smarter than the bold idiot and the dumb woman
Comment from : at0977

arsenius ceasar benedicto
I'm not a big fan of Bitcoin, but if you are believing in fiat currency, especially in dollar, you most likely believe Bitcoin Because dollar's value today is driven by trillions of debts and artificial economy Dollar is strong during gold standard, but the dollar today is obviously weak even dollar is the reserved currency of the entire world Dollar's value today is determined and backed by trust that the economy of the USA is strong enough to protect the value we earned and not backed by real value
Comment from : arsenius ceasar benedicto

Peter Boyles
Capitalism is a pyramid scheme
Comment from : Peter Boyles

Zeroduckies Entertainment
Are you saying that printing money with no limit on the supply and inflating prices across the board is a much better strategy Most criminals use cash by the way
Comment from : Zeroduckies Entertainment

Tom Graham
When you invest in the stock market you are investing in revenue, sales, products, you are not investing in future investments
Comment from : Tom Graham

joe cruz
I own my own company in the Financial Services industry Bill is right The people scoring are the people getting out with a profit It will disappear Bitcoin offers no product
Comment from : joe cruz

Just like the smart phone and the internet right Bill lol
Comment from : M E

Nicholas Johnson
The fact that Bitcoin attracts greedy people, yet produces nothing, I have nothing to to with itbrbrIf the internet/electricity goes down, Bitcoin doesn't exist, at all
Comment from : Nicholas Johnson

Jim Giordano
In prison they say cash, ass or grass you're going to pay
Comment from : Jim Giordano

Jim Giordano
Howie Mandel - you are being stupid Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme The biggest rip off ever People want their money back Many people got ripped off Sam Bankman fried is in deep trouble!!!!!!!!
Comment from : Jim Giordano

Chris Maes
Stock markets are ponzi schemes by definition of you’re investing in ‘future value’ The point is getting out at the right time 😅
Comment from : Chris Maes

That’s why besides Ethereum (turing complete virtual machine - real business ) , pretty much every crypto technology is a Ponzi scheme It is said to see such a great technology (coming from a theoretical informatics guy) being surrounded by so much bsbrbr999 of people shouldn’t have anything to do with Blockchain If you don’t know how a computer works from a theoretical standpoint (language, grammar, using terminals & nonterminals to describe deterministic/ nondeterministic logical processing, having an understanding what problems are and how they are categorized— just to cite entry level, first semester stuff) you will definitely loose all your money And even if you do, you would know that investing in it is not a good idea The only thing that’s reasonable is to actually work for projects on it - that cannot be done on centralized machinery
Comment from : Chris1111116

João Brandão
Hey guys, please remember me this video in 1 year :D
Comment from : João Brandão

Dzen acs
Agree with bill Money on nothing and in industrial scales is scary for economics and stupid people investing on it
Comment from : Dzen acs

This aged well
Comment from : RAD

susan wolf
Howei looks soo old here!!why is he wearing those weird glasses and look so old,he was much better looking!
Comment from : susan wolf

Guy Basil
lmao the Hopium and Bag holder syndrome in this comment section is gold brkeep hodling boys - you give us something to laugh at
Comment from : Guy Basil

Derek Z
Bezos rocks on this interview
Comment from : Derek Z

Eric Smyth
Maher needs to talk to someone smarter than him on this one, but he is smart enough not to put himself in that situation
Comment from : Eric Smyth

Doge from the Future
Howie is the opposite of smart
Comment from : Doge from the Future

Qdogg 2019
Bitcoin or any crypto currency is a joke because whatever I'd it backed by nothing it's not a physical object that you can hold in your hand I'd rather invest in a company because they produce and provide actual goods and services It's backed by actual currency like the dollar the euro ect
Comment from : Qdogg 2019

Biggest scam in History And this is coming from a guy who made over 300k in profit from crypto in the past 15 years
Comment from : kingmiller1982

Hoang Phuc Anh Tu
It is great for myer lansky that's what it's used for as a immunity for transferring accounts Meyer Lansky A mask for making deposits, no one's that self important Sigh Crypto are the antithesis of environmentalists They're like the Bezos Fund
Comment from : Hoang Phuc Anh Tu

It's gonna be hilarious to come back and visit this video in like 10 years
Comment from : vake

lol Bill is gonna trigger some angsty gamblers with this one
Comment from : ASwagPecan

Domestic Energy Assessments
It's nothing but a Ponzi Scheme for the terminally stupid!
Comment from : Domestic Energy Assessments

the problems today are caused mostly by the stock market It's all unnecessary because it causes too much cash being needed in the economy just to cover their gambling The economy ALWAYS operates at a higher level of efficiency with less money in circulation
Comment from : MikeKnows

Anthony Jones
Ok boomer
Comment from : Anthony Jones

Thank you Bill for speaking the truth to people!! About time someone says it
Comment from : wjatevrr

Travis Rydall
Billy Mahr is literally shorting Bitcoin the whole vid Sparing no expense
Comment from : Travis Rydall

Howie's daughter: Born on third and thinks she hit a triple
Comment from : D Z

Ivan Tuma
Curecoin (valued in computational medical research - not hashes)
Comment from : Ivan Tuma

Sean Balme
Bill Maher is incredibly ignorant on this one topic
Comment from : Sean Balme

I love Bill Maher, but he simply doesn't understand Bitcoin at all!
Comment from : conniebenny

justin oleary
Your investing in a company? That’s why everything goes up and down at the same time? Just like crypto and the US dollar index, up down and sideways all assets at the same time, housing market doubled in 2 years that’s real right? every market in the world is based on feelings and what people feel those assets are worth at the moment
Comment from : justin oleary

Karen Clayton
Honestly crypto is worldly acceptable and profitable I’m absolutely glad making 22 percent weekly profit of my invested capital…
Comment from : Karen Clayton

Major Ramsey
Oh dear God I don't think Bill knows what a Ponzi scheme is Or a currency
Comment from : Major Ramsey

Howie just got schooled
Comment from : John

Vincent Engongoro
I just realized what an idiot Howie Mandel is
Comment from : Vincent Engongoro

Stephen Verner
I’m with Bill Invisible currency is worthless
Comment from : Stephen Verner

Arnaldo Montes
Hey Bill thanks for clarifying that the entire country of El Salvador are criminals And actually the miners are not using energy from large populations, they use large facilities that no one uses anymore due to location Doesn't sound like you did you homework Bill
Comment from : Arnaldo Montes

I first read about bitcoin in march of 2013 when it was $50 I thought, huh, this seems really interesting, maybe I should buy 100 of them But I listened to the people around me who all said it was a waste of money and stupid That is the single biggest regret of my entire life Everyone who convinced me not to buy it are all doing great, good jobs, making good money, meanwhile I've lost everything and will never get it back Bitcoin was my one and only shot to have a good life, and I let others convince me not to take it brbrMoral of the story, don't listen to other people, because while they casually suggest what you should do, they may go on to live great lives, meanwhile you get left completely behind and are left for dead
Comment from : FuzzyPanda16

Gary Shank
I don't think Elon Musk looks to Bill for financial advice
Comment from : Gary Shank

Mark Wullenschneider
Who want a pet rock…?!? Any one?
Comment from : Mark Wullenschneider

The real ponzi scheme is Social Security in the United States
Comment from : fuckyou

Structor Modeling
Bitcoin has utility That is why it's valuable
Comment from : Structor Modeling

Jorge Ramos
Bill has to learn more about stocks, Teslas, and block chain A ponzy scheme perhaps but so is the way our government just prints money Crypto is a very risky unvestment I agree but at least is more traceable than the dollar since there is a ledger kept and if push came to shub you'd be able to trace it unlike the mighty dollar Question The trillions of dollars spent in Afghanistan how was it spent? Exactly, you don't know and you never will and that is just perfect for uncle sam
Comment from : Jorge Ramos

By Default
Bill doesn't understand that roughly 92 of all the official currency issued by Governments exists only as debits and credits in an electronic ledger When you get a loan to buy a house, there is no physical truck that picks up from one bank and delivers to another "It's just money It's made up" youtube/LtFyP0qy9XU
Comment from : By Default

Steven Nicol
Bill maher is a comedian Basically a 🤡 CLOWN Please don't get your financial advice from this stupid, clown 🤡 Who knows nothing about how fiat is backed up by war and Bitcoin by energy Only 21 million Decentralised Bitcoin is for the poor people who have been ripped off by the wealthy Ignore this rich clown 🤡
Comment from : Steven Nicol

James Cartwright
I said this from jump Its all bullshit None of it is real
Comment from : James Cartwright

Douglas Butcher
Bearer bonds, krugerrands, and bullets
Comment from : Douglas Butcher

Clearly Maher doesn’t understand and has never used Crypto He’s gonna get left behind
Comment from : GulliversFlo

52 balding indian janitor
This is one of the funniest boomer conversations I've seen in a while
Comment from : 52 balding indian janitor

Nicholas Dunbar
Comedians pretending to know something that, I a computer engineer, struggle to understand
Comment from : Nicholas Dunbar

all things electric
bill did an okay job of distinguishing between ponzi (BTC) and a real company but its very simple a company produces yield based on the product it makes or sells BTC has no yield if it has no yield, you are the yield
Comment from : all things electric

Sam Robinson
People who call crypto a currency don't understand what a true currency is The most common way people use crypto is to exchange it for US dollars when it's value is high That is not a currency It's a commodity People don't sit around monitoring the exchange rates for American dollars waiting for the right chance to sell them for for profit The dollar is the profit That's the difference Although I will say that 'Ponzi scheme' is not the best analogy for crypto It's closer to a pyramid scheme
Comment from : Sam Robinson

RBooster Man
If you can't touch it, it's not real
Comment from : RBooster Man

Bill aint going to make it
Comment from : Nicki_Shapes

Don’t be a statist
Breaking: Boomer doesn’t understand Bitcoin
Comment from : Don’t be a statist

Chris Cox
Currency is not a product The dollar is not a product and it's value is derived from faith in it's value Bill is just stuck in an old system of belief that currency has to be linked with government and ironically our currency is not linked with government at all
Comment from : Chris Cox

Yo Holmes
Do not take financial advice from professional clowns 🤡🤡🤡
Comment from : Yo Holmes

Matteo Watteo
It's more pyramid scheme than a Ponzi scheme
Comment from : Matteo Watteo

People that know nothing about Bitcoin should rather keep quiet because they make themselves sound ignorant
Comment from : ConradCrypto

If you own stocks or have a 401k yet think crypto is a ponzi scheme, you are just trying to be edgy while being a hypocrite
Comment from : Roeshambo

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