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Building the Ultimate PS3 (Backwards Compatible) - De-lid CPU/GPU, 19-Blade Fan, Fan Mod, Case Mod.


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Информация о Building the Ultimate PS3 (Backwards Compatible) - De-lid CPU/GPU, 19-Blade Fan, Fan Mod, Case Mod.

Название :  Building the Ultimate PS3 (Backwards Compatible) - De-lid CPU/GPU, 19-Blade Fan, Fan Mod, Case Mod.
Продолжительность :   24.05
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Просмотров :   1,5 jt

Кадры Building the Ultimate PS3 (Backwards Compatible) - De-lid CPU/GPU, 19-Blade Fan, Fan Mod, Case Mod.

Описание Building the Ultimate PS3 (Backwards Compatible) - De-lid CPU/GPU, 19-Blade Fan, Fan Mod, Case Mod.

Коментарии Building the Ultimate PS3 (Backwards Compatible) - De-lid CPU/GPU, 19-Blade Fan, Fan Mod, Case Mod.

Zac Crone
Comment from : Zac Crone

High Position
drilling holes will make turbine fan almost useless, in needs enclosure to create pressure to be efficient, that way it will destroy its medium
Comment from : High Position

Faizan Ullah
Is this console still working
Comment from : Faizan Ullah

Fitness Retro Gamer
I did this delid today now my console sounds like a jet engine
Comment from : Fitness Retro Gamer

Awesome video!
Comment from : RealDadOfAmerica

The holes in the bottom fuck up the thermal design, so you get better cooling on CPU/GPU, but your PSU, MOSFETs RAM, all end up overheating What a way to kill a system
Comment from : Scout

Krischi Kirsche
first of all: amazing video! I had no idea this was possible I love such videos!brbrAnd second: the dealer who sold you the ps3 deserves the best Everything clean and in good condition That's how it has to be!
Comment from : Krischi Kirsche

Only issue: No mesh for the fan holes????
Comment from : valkyrie,sys

Vega Puffin
GPU: some modded Geforce 3brCPU: an abomination
Comment from : Vega Puffin

My question is is it still alive 3 years later?
Comment from : ExternalSubject-666

Derek Wall
Austin is a joke
Comment from : Derek Wall

Hate to see people drilling holes in these and completely ruining the airflow over the rest of the components…brReally a proper/professional delid and repaste is all you need imo Possibly a fan speed mod as well
Comment from : MrGable02

Hans Nyström Pastor
the ultimate ps3 its a pc
Comment from : Hans Nyström Pastor

For the holes you REALLY should mention to NOT do this if you do not also change/tweak the fans to increase airflow:brAdding holes will make airflow WORSE for half the console cause the air is guided from the intake through the entire system to the exhaust Having a shortcut means that the air is no longer routed over the parts that need cooling
Comment from : ABaumstumpf

Thee_ Number_Six
I have a backwards compatible PS3 Never updated and I'm not planning on doing so yet I have the launch PS3, my slim and a PS5 all hooked up and running
Comment from : Thee_ Number_Six

Dark Faze
Hey bud, I have one of these myself, I recently switched out the fan for the 19 blade, and I put new thermal compound on the the top of the synthesizers However I did not replace the thermal pads and I did not de-lid the synthesizers Even though the system hasn't given any problems so far, would you recommend that I de-lid and replace the thermal pads anyway??
Comment from : Dark Faze

Kelly Pagano
Do you now have to manually adjust the fan speed always, or will the system still do it as necessary?
Comment from : Kelly Pagano

Sony haven't patched the CMOS battery thing with the PS3 as well ?
Comment from : FabioGnecco

Well this exlpains why these fat ps3:s are ovens Thermal paste between chips and IHS instead of soldering and thermal pads between IHS and heatsink
Comment from : MegaSeppoHovi

Jeff Krug
Can you use a APS-240 power supply from a non backwards compatible phat ps3?
Comment from : Jeff Krug

Any reason why you didn’t spring for the later, plastic, PSU? Allegedly they’re great for reducing heat on these things
Comment from : sw201444

Just think of how many offered he got to buy this…
Comment from : SymboltheRapper

Take my money
Comment from : Watermelon

Max M
before drilling use duck tape and drill through it, helps to drill smoother and easier
Comment from : Max M

Question to everyone who has replaced thermal paste beforebrI didn't do a delid on my CECHC03, but I did replace the thermal paste for now to help it run cooler and added a 19 blade fan, is it supposed to get louder after a few minutes?
Comment from : RiderNexus

Anmol kumar
Bro , why you never talk about jailbreak Why so afraid of jailbreak when your so called sony company use all those unfair ways to suck the last blood of their consumers
Comment from : Anmol kumar

What is a good beginner project to do at home that will introduce projects like these to me, on a much smaller scale?
Comment from : espie

Kevin Sanderson
yet you didnt jailbreak it, why?
Comment from : Kevin Sanderson

This, and overclocked rsx would make the best user experience
Comment from : Shiga06

drilling holes does not make the system run cooler, just like removing the side panel off a pc won't It will actually make some components run hotter
Comment from : SomeRandomPlayer

Ultimate ps3 is a ps3 (phat) with ps3 slim cpu reball and a new(and bigger) hddbrAlso ps3 hen installed(it doesn't matter if don't want to, Sony doesnt care)
Comment from : Baklojan

Niall Matthews
how reliable would these modifications make the PS3 fat?
Comment from : Niall Matthews

Lucy Morrison
I personally think the Slim PS3 is the best as I like it’s design the most of any PlayStation and it’s the most reliable system of the pack, and you can pair one with a PS2 for less than the cost of a CECH-A system as well as less in repair/maintenance costs, but these systems are pretty damn cool
Comment from : Lucy Morrison

Marko Belas
With emulators like PCSX2 and Duckstation that run Ps2 and Ps1 games @ 4K on normal PC this is pointless
Comment from : Marko Belas

The way you've put the paste on those big IHS's that console will die really really really fast Also the holes at the bottom is a big mistake
Comment from : acidcharon

El Bandito
Great job Ive seen so many people replacing and reballing the RSX to make the PS3 work again but you didn't do that and it worked Makes me wonder if they are just wasting time doing that I need to ask, why have a knob that adjusts the speed of the fan? Shouldn't the fan just be on its highest speed to keep it cool?
Comment from : El Bandito

Paul Merson Villa Legend
It’s really not advisable to drill holes in the casing 🫣
Comment from : Paul Merson Villa Legend

Why on earth would you be concerned about software modding a console you have just altered so much it wouldnt even have a warranty even if it was brand new? The screw turn fan at the back looks awful as does your lazy as hell screw driver holes, you could have used a near counter sink or something from the inside or a higher quality drill bit with more accuracy to at least make it nicer or just made a big hold and filled it with a bespoke grill or something You dont even test the difference any of it makes with a thermal test Did you do all that for no reason?
Comment from : RoyBrown777

Ten Minute Tokyo 2
That is nuts!
Comment from : Ten Minute Tokyo 2

Sky Onslaught
ive got the same benchmade, great choice sir!
Comment from : Sky Onslaught

Twinkie Wiener
You should've put a thermal pad under the GPU as well
Comment from : Twinkie Wiener

This is probably the first time seeing someone use thermal pads ánd paste on the same chip
Comment from : makedaevilmage

That fan sounds like a PS4 lmao
Comment from : Recipe

Fernando Lopez
Could you give us an update of this PS3? Also is there anyway to move the power supply to an external one? Would that help with the heat?
Comment from : Fernando Lopez

I bought a backwards compatible model for $30 on a gamblethe catch was, it already had the YLOD I thought I could fix it myself, but I never really got around to doing it, and it's been in my garage for a few years now
Comment from : OlafttheGreat1998

Everybody who watched this video and/or did this mod themselves should watch youtuber RIP Felix's video A PS3 Story: The Yellow Light of Death
Comment from : Arcadian

Orangestuff FPV
All that and no before and after thermal testing?? What was the point? for all you know its now running hotter and slower
Comment from : Orangestuff FPV

you can buy 1tb ssds for 25$, how is that too expensive?
Comment from : Bulletz4life

Nick Nikkerston
i heard something that the cooling system has actually been affected by the case mod you did to this PS3 like the PSU and stuff at the top of the console run hotter
Comment from : Nick Nikkerston

FFS Sony, just re-release PS3 with full backwards compatibility, online support and improved case and hardware in a form of NORMAL classic edition console that is fully compatible with existing PS4-PS5 network and store Oh wait, they already shut everything down and ruined PS1 Classic launch Oh, well
Comment from : Jordan

The way you modded the case - you killed the airflow Really Now, Blu-Ray drive and PSU don't get proper airflow and will overheat and die soon Sony engineers are NOT dumb, they know what they're doing
Comment from : vantuzproper

Hamza Alanbary
What he did at 15:40 was really hurt to see Especially that it's in very good condition
Comment from : Hamza Alanbary

Victoria Barasini
hey, is the console alive still? how does it works since you made the changes?
Comment from : Victoria Barasini

Please don't do the drilling It will cut off the airflow through the psu
Comment from : Hammiru

What temp should the heat gun be on
Comment from : Cat_Nip200

Filip Gajic
I have now yellow light of death when I de-lid the cpu and gpu My console was fully working before Do you have any tips what can I do now? I followed your guide step by step
Comment from : Filip Gajic

Ice Kold Killa
Honestly installing Customer Firmware on a PS3 like this is only beneficial It future-proofs it So much can be done with CFW I don't regret doing it to my old 80GB model I still have an original white PS3 Slim I'm leaving as is I haven't used the 80GB one since it was sent to me new from Sony to replace my dead 60GB in 2009 I got my Slim in 2011 So I used to for 2 years That's it Now I have it ready to play but I use my PS5 mostly anyway
Comment from : Ice Kold Killa

Part of why these get so hot is the inefficient PSU Too bad nobody has come up with an external PSU mod to take that heater out of the case
Comment from : motonvipr

Bless this video (and this channel) holy shit
Comment from : WarriorWillowCat

Ruthless Edits
Does it still work now? Thinking about buying one and pulling off these mods
Comment from : Ruthless Edits

Comment from : WindowsBammer

The case mod is honestly a pretty bad idea Sony engineered the case to provide proper airflow across all the components, not just the cell and RSX brbrI think the 19 blade fan and the APS-226 PSU are enough for most people There’s also a variant of the 15 blade fan that’s even marginally better than the 19 And custom firmware is the way to go for the fan speed, not a hardware based solutionbrbrThe de-lid is risky but can definitely pay off for temps if you don’t mess it up
Comment from : G

Will this type of ps3 play the ps2 dbz budakai tenkaichi 3
Comment from : ArKhaM RApToR

Ive just killed a piece of history how do I move on how do i forgive myself I just did what he said not to do and tried to delid a cechA01 and was successful with the RSX and the SB however i was unsuccessful in delidding the CELL however Im assuming that I damaged the traces on the edge and thus have resulted in the flashing red light I'm intending to call a repair center tomorrow and see if their able to fix anything since the damage is what I hope to be minor While I remain hopeful and I think I feel deep down that it's unfixable will post update if I have one until next time and for now I'd like to apologize to the ps3 community
Comment from : Abell

Frank Damien Wayne
Although I'm an Xbox Head, I've played PS3 at my friend's house and this is just awesome as hell The Big PS3 were better because it could play PS1 and PS2 games, not like the PS3 Slim Great additions to the PS3, Idk why PS5 didn't do backwards compatibility with PS1, PS2 and PS3 games, they petty for that
Comment from : Frank Damien Wayne

@Mystic is that fan oem?
Comment from : Abell

Update? And next time hide the Hannah Montana bro
Comment from : Mcmiddies

Christian Moreno
If i send you my ps3 backwards how much do you charge me to do the same??
Comment from : Christian Moreno

DJ warman happy hardcore
A very good video
Comment from : DJ warman happy hardcore

Prestige World Wide
How is this ps3 holding up in 2023?
Comment from : Prestige World Wide

hello u found my channel
you know its the ultimate ps3 when it has 50 holes in it
Comment from : hello u found my channel

This dude put speed holes on his PS3
Comment from : bournesupreme

The shit people have to do to keep using these flawed consoles 🙄 Sony and Microsoft really fucked it up with the OG consoles
Comment from : emersonleon85

I still have my original backwards compatible ps3 but unfortunately it’s dead It got the yellow light and never got it repaired
Comment from : emersonleon85

Damn that fan is loud
Comment from : Japyoo

Ilya Kcasovich
Looks like a shit
Comment from : Ilya Kcasovich

Ethan Thomas
I like this video man
Comment from : Ethan Thomas

vince mello
This is so sick man ! You inspired me to do this to mine and it’s the best it’s ever been
Comment from : vince mello

David Boudreau
DO NOT DRILL HOLES IN YOUR PS3 While this will keep CPU/GPU temps down It will draw air away from the upper chassis This will cause the power supply and BD Drive to run hot This might not be an issue at first HOWEVER all PS3s have a BD Drive married to the motherboard If the chips on the top of the motherboard OR the BD Drive go bad you are totally screwed from playing disc games You have been warnedbrbrFresh Thermal Paste and chip De-lid are more than enough to keep your system running cool
Comment from : David Boudreau

Vicarious Mind
I just bought the original ps3 launch console, do you have any tips for keeping it maintained and clean and longevity? Should i keep it completely off when not in use?
Comment from : Vicarious Mind

Mine just screwed me
Comment from : XxdeadXangelX

You replaced the 15mm pads with 2mm pads They're spec is 15mm the shorter they are the less distance heat has the travel to get to the heat shroud
Comment from : Vandius

All I had to do was apply new thermal paste and give the console a clean, it's running way cooler now Definetly would not reccomend the holes or the potentiometer, the holes ruin the tightly designed air flow on the original console, and the pot is just unneccesary, since modding your ps3 and installing webmanmod lets you control it within the system I also probably wouldn't reccomend replacing the thermal glue with paste, since to my knowlege, the thermal glue is made to last way longer than thermal paste
Comment from : CheezyFriez12

Ethan L
Picked up a backwards compatible CECHC02 last year that was beaten up, had no card slot cover and had a faulty optical drive But it did have the 19-blade fanbrbrI found a perfect condition CECHC02 external casing and replaced it, replaced the optical drive, put in new thermal paste, and put in an SSD with inbuilt trim Runs beautifully now and is worth a lot more than $20 but I plan on keeping it
Comment from : Ethan L

does deliding ps3 fix rlod
Comment from : AP SHOTS NEP📸

CamZ doXX
How often do you use this PS3 and is it still running today
Comment from : CamZ doXX

Watercool a ps3 phat!
Comment from : JustAnotherUsername

Joebert Coleman
you really didn't have to drill those holes in
Comment from : Joebert Coleman

Sirius Cygnus
Ok so what is it about a hybrid drive makes the ps3 faster compared to an ssd
Comment from : Sirius Cygnus

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