Название | : | US China Policy - Which Country Produces Better Leaders? |
Продолжительность | : | 14.59 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 252 rb |
955 percent of Chinese are satisfied with their government Comment from : Jim Rule |
Usa is freak circus Comment from : amin damit |
America, rather than them choosing brilliant leaders They choose leaders who can make it to the positions who are not that brilliant at all Comment from : 傅万丰 |
Reagent said it is not American people’s problem It is the problem of the government Comment from : K C |
We need a good person like you to bridge US and China’s relationships Comment from : K C |
Quite simply, would you buy a used car of the US? Or anyone that runs the place 😂 Comment from : Wayne Grimes |
Hello Cyrus,brThank you for the creations, your inputs, your hard work and most importantly, your sincerety in approach, plus everything you deliveredbr王德中老弟 记得注意身体 注意休息❤😅❤ Comment from : Edmund Sun |
Of course it is China US is a sick and decadent country Comment from : Bo Pian |
Unfortunately you must be rich I read one of Hilary's book and watched her speech For sure, she is not very charismatic Comment from : Franko Judo |
CHINA by FAR !!!!!! Comment from : Alvaro Cabrera Villalón |
C H I N A Comment from : RSAP William So |
his excellency xi is world's best leader ever - his education is east n west - science/engineer n arts/dr of law - who ever like him? not only brain he got looks too - tall kind looking gentle eyes n smile - his pic on the net on sanfrancisco bridge - beats top hollywood leading men of all time n his wife - wow wow wow n a 2stars general - no first lady like her ever n his daughter is harvard gradbr------------brhis excellency putin is tarzan n martial art 9th level - chuck noris is only 8 - watch him play piano n sing blue berry hills - even melt sharon stone - his daughter is medical dr - usa forced him to fight - let the man sing don't make him kill - evil usa n gangbr------------brusa is forcing china to fight - i want china to just keep producing goods to make my living standard highest ever - i want china's better cheaper rolls royce 80,000 vs ghost phantom 400,000 - i want my store shelves full of chinese goodies - the same meal u order in usa that cost 20$ is only 2$ in any asian country - i hate pelocisssssssssssssssssssssssssssbrwithout them we n world will have safe good rich happy long lives - they die or world die Comment from : bob evans |
It's obvious it is China!!! Comment from : Time Traveller |
TO ME IT IS CHINA 🇨🇳 INDEED ! CHINA 🇨🇳 🤝 🌎 brUSA ? 😂😂😂😂😂😅😂😅 Comment from : Fatt Fatt |
Very good explanation! Thanks! Comment from : Chris Orgfourteen |
Thank you for your courage and contribution to education and better understanding between US and China! Comment from : Chris Orgfourteen |
The Democrats are far left? Excuse me? Even after living in China you still have no class analysis The Democrats serve the interests of corporations Comment from : Chris Field |
USA produces very very lousy leaders in the world Comment from : Issa Salle |
Cyrus - Don't be staning for these war criminals They are only popular with capitalists and propagandized people The working class hates these fools Comment from : Fired Play |
Definitely china USA produce idiot leaders Comment from : tony law |
American system is broken We may elect our leaders, but corporations run the country We privatized everything, and created unaffordable education, healthcare, and military industry complex (killing millions) We neglected our people, our infrastructures Our national debt is $ 31 trillion OUR SYSTEM IS NOT WORKING! Comment from : Pheroh |
The West has no leader intelligent nor experienced enough to lead a country like China If any western country had half the population of China, they'd be a 3rd world country Comment from : Steven Mwamba |
The Communist Party of China is not a threat to everyone of us It is as “democratic” as seven other parties of China are I wonder why so many millions of Americans have suffered from “military-industrial Sinophobia” Comment from : John Maynard Apostol |
Democrats are not far left by anyones standards, unless you compare them to the very far right GOP The democrats would be a right wing party in any other country Comment from : Keyboard Oracle |
China has 14 billion people brUS has 033 billion people Comment from : Chan Wu |
It would be nice for the people if there were a competition to see which country produces the best leader As Chinese, I see our system has improved a lot but there's still a lot to improve and there is some unclear parts that we ordinary people do not see I hope possibly we can absorb some good points from the American system Comment from : N C |
China produced much better leader Comment from : Enrique Chua |
I am an American born and raisedI am also a systems analyst I have studied both systems of governance and their economics philosophy and technology China's system as it is now is the most advanced system of governance the world has ever seen Our US system has so many fundamental problemswithout a complete rewrite it will never catch up to ChinaI am fully able to defend this conclusion in polite conversation Comment from : iam he |
Watching this video in 2022 as an immigrant living in US for over 3 decades…Ironically the Democratic system of United States is actually falling apart; the American politicians and many citizens are so obsessed with their affiliated political parties that they are losing sight of the existing societal issues All they want to do is to destroy their political enemies and fill their own personal pockets As predicted by President George Washington in his farewell speech, political factions will divide the people, destroy democracy and ruin the country Most American politicians and people are ignorant yet so arrogant with a strong sense of superiority that they cannot and are unwilling see the problems and dangers of their own political system Comment from : Dragon Z |
Agree with you completely, love your point of view and fairness Hope more people realize the win win if we all work together Comment from : mtc |
Donald Trump one of the worst stuopid criminal president ever in the history of the United State presidency brbrHe alone can committi g serious crime against America Comment from : 구정회 |
It's true, Cyrus, lack of understanding, definitely, harbours fears and misinformation Keep it up with your respectable work Comment from : Normajidy ABDUL MAJID |
This video helped alot!! There are different mindset and goals There are countries that don't like either China's or the US government system because they don't see that working for them either China understands this so instead of "enforcing" they would work with the governments in other countries Comment from : Ken Lee |
Weirdly Enough, Russian Government system is a hybrid of Democracy and China's One Party State, which is decent enough even if ranked as "most corrupt country in Europe", they get things done, its just too massive to be governed by a centralized power in Kremlin Russia has almost twice landmass to govern compared to China and US, and has a population of 10 of China's population Which is why some things are really hard to get in check by Russian Officials IF Russia has enough administrative manpower, it would raise their corruption index significantly higher in world ranking on par with European countries Comment from : FSB |
Obviously China produces better leaders, because the lousy leaders bring people to fight what’s wrong/wasting their lives on zero sum games, smart leaders bring people to do what’s right, such as Deng Xiao Ping’s “ no matter black cat or white cat, as long as it catches a mice, it’s a good cat”, “Development is the only principal”, “let some people get rich first “…all these ideas are directing people to focus on positive/win-win games brbrThat’s why China built a brand new country with much less money since Obama took office while America saw nothing built with massive increased debt Comment from : Jin Lan’s Vlog |
Hey Cyrus, good job brother You are smarter than all american presidents combined American presidents are war criminals All the american presidents you talked about have blood on their hands China knows how America is founded and how America is addicted to war and spilling blood Comment from : mohamud khalif |
喜欢你 Comment from : 王小花 |
There is an important phase of President Xi's career that Cyrus had not mentioned President Xi volunteered to go to one of the poorest village in Shaanxi in 1967 and stayed there until 1974 He solved a lot of daily living problems of the villagers , including developing more land for farming and measures to promote economic growth and he was the first one to introduce biogas energy production in Shaanxi in the 1970s It was his experience in Shaanxi that laid the foundation of his policy of lifting poverty in other parts of China, noticeably in Fujian and the whole of China after he took office as President in 2012 Incidentally, it should be noted that he was the son of Xi Zhongxun, one of the Communist leaders in the early days of the Communist Revolution While Chairman Mao was working hard in Jiangxi in the early 1930s, Xi Zhongxun was working in the northeast Unfortunately for President Xi, his father was under political persecution in 1967 and instead of helping him to advance in the Communist Party, his father was actually a hindrance It is hard today to imagine that President Xi was rejected 8 times to become a member of the Communist Party before he was accepted in 1974 when he made the 9th application He was accepted not on the basis of his father's position in the communist party but on the merit of his fine job that he had done in the village of Shaanxi He had the support of the whole village to become a communist so that he could be elected as a village political representative Comment from : Uncle Sweetpotato |
The answer is right in front of youlook at the world now Comment from : Joe Tu |
The true is knowledge and the loudest is the one with the less knowledge We called them "smart ass" and the world is full of them and the problem is they don't know that they are one, that's why they so loud Comment from : Joe Tu |
America is so powerful not because of the system It’s a combination of many contributing factors : industrialization as early as 200 years ago, great climate and geographic location, colonization and external resources, great technology and education influence from Britain …and the most important thing is opportunities Comment from : Annie Tang |
All top leaders need to come from the bottom Even if they start in the middle, they would be put to the bottom level for some years to ‘be with the people’ Comment from : Annie Tang |
😁👌🇨🇳👍 😬🤞🇺🇸 ✌🏻 Comment from : 妈祖 |
Biden who shakes hands with imaginary people, hmmm, Obomber - killed 100,000 women and children with drones, Bush - killed one million in Iraq, 657, 000 killed in Afghanistan, only one President did not start a war - Trump Comment from : Laurie Lee |
🧡🧡🧡 Comment from : hc101889 |
I do absolutely agree your profound point of view though I am not Chinese citizen Comment from : Musheng Wu |
China and Russia are the best helping asian countries as brotherhood on which compares to ( gog European and Magog America ) they are colonizers imperialist countriessince biblical history Comment from : ARmada |
I want to live in the China is better than America Chinese people help each other especially when they got a crisis another cities to help one another not like America Comment from : Annmarie Darcy |
Are you paid by Chinese government? 🤔 Some say you are😅brI ask just out of curiosity Comment from : Putu Sri Devitini |
I like your views on democracy and believe Chinese system wins on spread of representatives The truth is most rhetoric are primitive use of oppressive language I suspect USA is a society based on compliance like Europeans who voluntarily accepted to be downgraded economically subsequent to the Ukrainian's untested regime change in Ukraine Comment from : John Gwizo |
US, DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY Comment from : Ekayono Suwito |
China producers better leaders US producers half baked and fked leaders Always lied with no shame Comment from : Yong Choon Fong |
Just care about yourself and leave China along Comment from : HNS S |
Democracy- in reality is there really have the choice to elect best ( right) leaderbrThose have big financial support from capitalist group,more support more chance to win the raceWestern majority people they are not interested in political matters Only 2 political party This term this party and next time other oneSenate and Congress control the whole And they are long time Even life time some how elects and run the countryThis is the Western Democracy Comment from : Rezaul Kabir |
Definitely China creates better leader The success of a country is led by her capable and competent leader and China is a good example of that The failure of a country is the result of incompetent and useless government and the US is a good example of that Comment from : Peter Williams |
America had a bunch of clowns 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Comment from : Serena Chen |
I love what you did but I do disagree on one thing, yes it is based on meritocracy in china, but, merit of xi jinping make be good for 3th or 4th term limit before passing the buck to the next capable chinese leader who exhausts his merits to go far, etc so eliminating term limits is not necessarily a bad thing of people's lifes are increasig, country is getting more developed and things are getting done to move forward given china's record of delivering for the country is an indicator that xi is unlikely to just do things as a disservice to the country ending term limits is not a bad thing if your apply merit and chinese citizens life are going forward and hence country moves forward Comment from : sciencequest |
The US government bombs innocent people, only to launder money for the military-industrial complex, and even pretends to be justice! Comment from : Why are Americans IQs so low? |
How many South American governments did the US overthrow? They also voted for office! Comment from : Why are Americans IQs so low? |
Bombs are thrown for those who don't like US! Comment from : Why are Americans IQs so low? |
我说句实话,美国和西方盟友是靠工业革命然后掠夺其他国家的原始资本累积,军工复合体!中国建国是从一个废墟的农业国家建立的,然后苏联的156工业援助计划! Comment from : Why are Americans IQs so low? |
You should request CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and HBO to boardcast this video Comment from : kwokho luk |
You should send this video to Joe Biden Comment from : kwokho luk |
China Russia Venezuela Cuba Comment from : Frau Silver |
No doubt, China Comment from : Valentino Correa |
Listening to Donald Trump crying like a little bitch for 4yrs was torture All of these politicians are not working for us and we can't even pass the best part of build back better China will overtake the United States military greed We suck as a country the dumbing down of the USA Comment from : Dy-No-Mite Dragon |
Forget about Barack Obama, Cyrus your public speaking, your morality and your truthfulness make you pretty presidential yourself Building bridges gives you honour Sowing discord brings shame and disgrace Keep on going and may you prosper Comment from : Demon Slayer |
American is going forward to a Pirate ways of rulling the law Why American political only cares about international politics and just ignores local public benefits? Comment from : philipsoon73 |
No corruption is already a leader country Comment from : Mee Leng |
You kidding??? US only produce war criminals Have you been in a coma??? Comment from : Judge Dredd |
Awesome Comment from : OVIDIO Viena |
China hands down for Leaders and DiplomatsUS hands down for War Hawks China's political and ideological systems are far superior to the US it's why they are now the richest country on Earth Comment from : Ralph Mogridge |
I follow your talks religiously You always make issues simple and easy to understand for novices like me Thank you and more power to you, Cyrus! Comment from : Susan Woo |
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