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China begins three days of military patrol around Taiwan


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Название :  China begins three days of military patrol around Taiwan
Продолжительность :   3.24
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   144 rb

Кадры China begins three days of military patrol around Taiwan

Описание China begins three days of military patrol around Taiwan

Коментарии China begins three days of military patrol around Taiwan

Lodivar Diomo, cartagena
This is Chinese drama, it is obvious, their bamboo curtain is on displayed;brBamboo Curtain is a Cold War political demarcation between the communist states of East Asia, particularly the People's Republic of China, and the capitalist and non-communist
Comment from : Lodivar Diomo, cartagena

Tobias burinaga Tobias burinaga
Go china destroy tiawan Philippines American over this sea before Ukraine Russian now Sudan this most bushit Philippines American tiawan over me this stuped politics president laeders
Comment from : Tobias burinaga Tobias burinaga

Could Taiwan nuke China before North Korea does America?
Comment from : LiveToLove

Mpiro ka Joseph Mgcokoca
True Chinese citizens are oppressed by the communist party
Comment from : Mpiro ka Joseph Mgcokoca

Angel of Justice
China want to play as a big brother lol
Comment from : Angel of Justice

Robert keogh
the america land is in decline and they need to new puppets to purchase there government bonds
Comment from : Robert keogh

Bich Chan
The monkey promises the weapons brUseless weapons that send to Ukraine brI can't wait for this war The world is waiting for hero xi Hit back
Comment from : Bich Chan

John OSullivan
The United States' One-China policy was first stated in the Shanghai Communiqué of 1972: "the United States acknowledges that Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China
Comment from : John OSullivan

Taiwan is the new prey for Israeli and American agents
Comment from : ZUBAIR ALAM

Why do Taiwanese sacrifice their lives to go to the battlefield for Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party’s Taiwan independence?
Comment from : tw

Youtoob Cabrami
It's amazing how this criminal media brainwashed reporter only get the West one side of the story I want it for how long are they going to be able to manipulate the masses that way they are manipulating it here in the US
Comment from : Youtoob Cabrami

US is threatening world peace with all these uncalled for provocations, when the war begins in the end Taiwan will be destroyed
Comment from : UgLifist

Lumin aura
They US always waving their big D around lol eventually someone is gonna cut it off
Comment from : Lumin aura

Keeping it funny GodFather Show 😎
China will charismatically ruin Taiwan, and America will flee as Afghanistan
Comment from : Keeping it funny GodFather Show 😎

管好你们自己,it is none of your business
Comment from : 孙丽丽

Randy Boisa
"This was all Trumps fault!"- Joe Biden
Comment from : Randy Boisa

Br M
Go China Go!!!!!!!!!!
Comment from : Br M

all happens because of the US ukraine now thiswhen they invaded so many countries no one said anything
Comment from : M

Tony Soprano ☠️
President 0f a Chinese Province 😂⁉️
Comment from : Tony Soprano ☠️

Urban Philosopherz
Alot of gas wasted lol
Comment from : Urban Philosopherz

every cause of the world conflict is from the US, like this time, they have official meeting with Taiwan, but they say they want status quo in Taiwan which meeting Taiwan leader is apparently not status quo and against what they promise that would not have official relationship Taiwan
Comment from : Infoworld

Comment from : 江阿生

Gary Lawrence
China twists "Aggressive Invasion" to "Unitfication"。 Taiwan 🇹🇼 ROC, is a democratic China, estsblished in 1912, never being part of Communist China🇨🇳 What China🇨🇳 wants is to take over TSMC chips in order to invade the globe
Comment from : Gary Lawrence

CEO Of Loneliness Inc
Shows again the true face of china
Comment from : CEO Of Loneliness Inc

Attack !!!
Comment from : RichArt

Comment from : REGIMENT[METAL]

The dog who bark a lots never bite at all China is exactly the one who bark a lots 😂😅
Comment from : ChoezinOne

Mr Saad
Taiwan is part of China China has every right to take over Taiwan, no power in the world can stop China, especially America, not at all If America tries to interfere in China's affairs, China will also fight with America Will teach a great lesson۔۔ Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰
Comment from : Mr Saad

Joe alonzo
🍅The USA provoked the Ukrainian war by killing 14 thousand Russian children, women, and man in DONBAS The Ukrainian people are just been used by the USA, BRITISH, France, Germany, and NATO, in a PLANNED PROXY WAR AGAINST RUSSIA Do the people of Taipei, TAIWAN know they are next to be used by USA-NATO IN a PLANNED PROXY WAR against CHINA? The USA is arming Taiwan to give their Government the allusion they can win a war against China Think about it In 2014/15 NATO, Obama&Biden started the Ukrainian war by training 900 thousands Ukrainians and put lot of weapons including biologic weapons labs in Ukraine to give their Government the allusion they could win a war against Russia, most if not all of that 900K are now dead TAIWAN will suffer the same destiny their island will be destroyed🗼
Comment from : Joe alonzo

China going to war with America
Comment from : cyberdiemon

A&A Britten
Chinese intimidation on a small weak nation, what a bunch of scum sucking slugs
Comment from : A&A Britten

Paul Murgatroyd
China playing at soldiers again
Comment from : Paul Murgatroyd

China: I'll do it, I will invade you TaiwanbrTaiwan: Pfff if I haven't heard you say this enough times beforebrChina: I'm warning you, I willbrUSA: Hey Taiwan, want some more weapons while you wait?brTaiwan: YESbrChina: You think I won't do it??? brTaiwan: NopebrChina: You're right I won't, but I promise you next I will :DbrTaiwan: I'll be waiting
Comment from : Starwolf

Babar khan Mughal vlogs
Oh no now what threaten China with sanctions 😂😂😂😂 none of the nation's are strong enough to poke the dragon That's a fact
Comment from : Babar khan Mughal vlogs

Charbel H Boutros
1:00 "I approve all foreign millitary sales" he seems so proud to have so much blood on his hands disgusting
Comment from : Charbel H Boutros

David Struve
People saying Britain needs to get involved and even have a military base in Taiwan I don't think Britain getting involved is a particularly good idea, considering our history with another island not very far from our own mainland coast We've still got problems dealing with the aftermath of that - and Brexit - to deal with Nevermind the fact we've still got our hands rather full with Ukraine I don't think we can actually spare the manpower, resources or finances to do much to help out Taiwan Plus considering how much we import from China, I can't really see our Government choosing to willingly anger the Chinese leaders like that Not to that extent, any way
Comment from : David Struve

Maynard Hahn
I have no idea why the United States and its allies do business with China when they steal our technology and use it against us and they already rage were in the form of trade and we’ve been helping them to be able to defeat us we made it possible for them to do all the bullying that they do and caused all the problems they’ve been causing
Comment from : Maynard Hahn

Maynard Hahn
I didn’t know China was actually super powered I know they complain about peace and stability when they’re Trying to bully somebody I don’t see them as peaceful at all
Comment from : Maynard Hahn

What if this is just a ploy by Taiwan and they are really pretending to want to separate from China and are just collecting all the weapons and money they can to drain America dry also what if Ukraine is with Russia in the same way if so America is done for…
Comment from : Matt

China will use the these socalled military exercises eventually to attack Taiwan Never trust China no matter what
Comment from : dave1955

Taiwan's constitution says both taiwan and mainland belong to China br brChapter I General Provisions brArticle 1 brThis Act is specially enacted for the purposes of ensuring the security and public welfare in the Taiwan Area, regulating dealings between the peoples of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area, and handling legal matters arising therefrom before national unification With regard to matters not provided for in this Act, the provisions of other relevant laws and regulations shall apply brArticle 2 brThe following terms as used in this Act are defined below1 "Taiwan Area" refers to Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, and any other area under the effective control of the Government2 "Mainland Area" refers to the territory of the Republic of China outside the Taiwan Area3 "People of the Taiwan Area" refers to the people who have household registrations in the Taiwan Area4 "People of the Mainland Area" refers to the people who have household registrations in the Mainland Area
Comment from : Miranda

Hieng Mai
Why China doesn't block all means in and out of Taiwan The reason is Taiwan is part of China If any country wants to visit Taiwan, it has to ask China's permission first
Comment from : Hieng Mai

Poudre Noire
I'm wondering if I'd rather be living in a stable and ordered China than having to live in chaos among trans, non binary, wokes, racists minorities that accuses me of racism among others
Comment from : Poudre Noire

ian gillon
I don't think they have, Trans Kids There
Comment from : ian gillon

America sell weapon or deliver weapon ?
Comment from : MeAccount

Even so China practice surrounded them, they can’t do anything, and so on imagine do they really can win the war?
Comment from : MeAccount

Spyros Koukidis
WW3 coming soon
Comment from : Spyros Koukidis

Tim Keane
Would be ok if China didn’t have so many fingers in our lives now , this has the potential to be world changing
Comment from : Tim Keane

China is too scared of America to invade LOLOLOL
Comment from : Tom

Paul Mcnicholas
But with Biden in charge I thought that they wouldn't dare 😂
Comment from : Paul Mcnicholas

more weston media war mongering
Comment from : nownow

Its getting ever closer to invasion day
Comment from : dave1955

random  dude
America always want something for itself,taiwan is a good country for microships technology
Comment from : random dude

Nicola Bryan
Gog Magog Literally
Comment from : Nicola Bryan

amo gus
if russia's ukraine invasion's taught us anything at all, taiwan's almost definitely being invaded soon
Comment from : amo gus

J Ramos
Good Let them spend their $$$ USA's biggest problem is that they are involved in endless warslet's see if China is truly smarter than the west
Comment from : J Ramos

And what’s it to do it the uk media???????
Comment from : Gers1985

How is USA's constant meddling in other countries affairs not deemed to be problematic? They constantly start wars, they're the reason the Russia Vs Ukraine war happened, they're the reason it won't be stopping any time soon
Comment from : GodOfFrogs

Crypto Hedge
Ukraine out…China in and the sheeple will continue to think it’s all real…
Comment from : Crypto Hedge

Ard rí
Who cares? Uk and Us just keep your damn noses out this time and its all good
Comment from : Ard rí

2:24 That dude has been chewing on something to get as chronically high or tuned away from what he was saying as he could His jaw is physically swinging hahaha the dudes a crack head!
Comment from : Dazo

Big Basil
China begins three days of military patrol around it's own territorybrOne China PolicybrThe Republic Of China (Taiwan) is part of China despite what our degenerate western leaders and degenerate western mainstream media try to make us believebrChina invading 'Taiwan' would be like Britain invading the Isle Of Wight
Comment from : Big Basil

China need to be wiped out
Comment from : cagecrunch

Imagine if Chinese officials started landing on Hawaii, at the invitation of Hawaiian officials, and signed agreements for exchange of trade, including military assistance, without agreement of Washington…wonder how the Biden administration would react to that…😮
Comment from : Gandhi

Propan Butan
Look at those clowns with masks
Comment from : Propan Butan

muhammed rahman
How Dare They Patrol Their Own City in Their Own Waters!
Comment from : muhammed rahman

CCP’s sabre rattling encircling Taiwan is met with submissive “we are totally getting use to this and we are ignoring you” 🥱
Comment from : datoming

Why isit our concern? Do you see China and Russia sanctioning USA when they unjustly invaded Iraq and Afghanistan? The US government is gonna cause ww3
Comment from : TelepathicTwerp

David Super
Comment from : David Super

Link The Fusky
when xi jingping says "peaceful unification" he means turning off cameras and using military to invade taiwan with bloodshed and using actors to pretend they want china to invade like what russias doing in ukraine
Comment from : Link The Fusky

Connor 2023
Believe me if russia couldn't win after how many attempts the have done in Ukraine China has better technology than russia but it still doesn't stand a chance nato is to powerful to take over
Comment from : Connor 2023

Abu Thawbaan al-Afriki
Haven’t we see this before with Iraq and Kuwait?
Comment from : Abu Thawbaan al-Afriki

Abu Thawbaan al-Afriki
America Good luck on that promise Could somebody please remind me how much america owes china?
Comment from : Abu Thawbaan al-Afriki

F Ahmad
Taiwan should look at America's long history of dumping, abusing and backstabbing friends
Comment from : F Ahmad

Geraldine Edgecumbe
Meanwhile Sturgeon hubby arrested garden dug up distraction yet again
Comment from : Geraldine Edgecumbe

How much are you buying this time miss cai?
Comment from : 精神小伙

lafa iyamu
Zelenskyy 20 😂😂😂😂
Comment from : lafa iyamu

As the US economy collapses and banks are beginning to fail, the USA needs another war to keep things going The Russians are winning the war in Ukraine, so the USA needs to shift the focus again
Comment from : aucourant

Kevi Kiru
China is not a superpower!
Comment from : Kevi Kiru

Richard Santos
If it looks like a snake and rattle like a snake Do you need to be bit ?
Comment from : Richard Santos

林 田
taiwan is always part of China, the so-called democracy countries misleading by USA, tried breaking the truth continuously
Comment from : 林 田

we got another ukraine border standoff boys
Comment from : mcbeegus

Hi There
What happened to Ukrainian will happen to Taiwan ! And the west will continue to fight until the last solider of the both country !!?
Comment from : Hi There

Bee Soup
It’s Easter pissing Sunday let’s have abit of peace pleas
Comment from : Bee Soup

Michael Spence
Here we go again 🙄
Comment from : Michael Spence

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