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6 Most Disturbing Locations Found on Google Maps


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Название :  6 Most Disturbing Locations Found on Google Maps
Продолжительность :   11.19
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Просмотров :   250 rb

Кадры 6 Most Disturbing Locations Found on Google Maps

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Коментарии 6 Most Disturbing Locations Found on Google Maps

it’s not a crashed plane it’s just a plane flying over the area being photographed by the satellite you can see it all the time in other spots on google maps
Comment from : Cowfat

I have heard of all of these over the years It amazes me how many Toobers just re-hash and re-hash and revise and make derivative the same old trivial crap How disingeuous and LAZY Moreover I am astonished that this re-hased crap can attract 800,000 subs is beyond me I guess it just shows how gullible people are
Comment from : KaosKronosTyche

Stayy away from New Baltimore
Comment from : Sunflare

i found the person who killed me on google maps amazingly the killer who killed me was me 🤷‍♂

Cambodia is exactly in the direct flight path to Beijing Looks like flight 370 was found Too bad Malaysia is too corrupt to find its own airplane, which is clearly visible from satellites and can be seen on Google maps
Comment from : Ophelia11

Comment from : DVincentW

Lució Cervantes
The plane crashed in the ocean and one of the pilots had a simulated plane game and had practiced a route to kill himself
Comment from : Lució Cervantes

Skipper the Paper Cropson
you guys are all scared imagine the cameraman’s fear, he can’t just click off or anything
Comment from : Skipper the Paper Cropson

Devanshu Kumar
The narration is awesome❤
Comment from : Devanshu Kumar

The dog next to the lake was a ritual sacrifice That’s why there’s no trace of blood and only a circle remaining 😔
Comment from : Casey

Ancient Ruby
They glitch is simply because the people have opt out & added/voted for privacy reasons, they do it in UK all the time
Comment from : Ancient Ruby

Paul Betts
Why does he pronounce 'women' as 'woman'? He does it in most videos
Comment from : Paul Betts

Regarding the flight crash Why doesn't anybody go look instead of arguing about it
Comment from : solirisø

spirals 73
I can see how no one would've known about the car in the pond but someone had to load the picture into Google maps after it had been taken and I'm surprised they didn't notice it Well, maybe they thought it was a huge boulder or something
Comment from : spirals 73

i saw the car in the pond in google earth and its still there
Comment from : BahBahBin

Nigel R
Umyeah, the day of the dead people look like murderers Good grief😮
Comment from : Nigel R

Tonya Müller
The pigeon mask one was planned People used to do this all the time when they found out the Google cars were coming through They'd stage ridiculous things, people would dare each other to streak by them
Comment from : Tonya Müller

All of these are generic things that you see in every video Do better
Comment from : Bored

Jonas Alin
The story about the lost flight maybe being found in the jungle sounds quite ridiculous to my ears If there really was a plane out there they could just have sent a helicopter there and look, there is no need to go there on foot for crying out loud 😂😂
Comment from : Jonas Alin

norm lor
Comment from : norm lor

please stop showing "disturbing" discoveries that arent scary much or were already debunked and found years ago already
Comment from : ThatSleepyCat

The color manipulation of the footage just looks dumb
Comment from : AtlanticLove

Mat S
Nobody ever did anything near or in that lake for over 20 years?
Comment from : Mat S

Ezekiel Gilliland
The one with the Mexican dudes in masks has to be people just fucking with the google car, it’s not all that uncommon to see on the maps
Comment from : Ezekiel Gilliland

Amlock Woods
I dig those locations, who’s down to go?
Comment from : Amlock Woods

Milky Taro
Happy Halloween yall im shakin in my boots rn
Comment from : Milky Taro

number 15: If you were on google maps, the last thing you'd want is someones foot in your lettuce, but it turns out that might be what you find
Comment from : Morscovium

Has nobody realized the people in masks probably just saw/found out the google truck was going to come by and wanted to be in the picture 😭
Comment from : IceWing10

Damn Jerry and his ex Erica must've broke off in good terms if she's willing to check out something he called her for instead of ignoring it That's nice
Comment from : Dragonblast

Those definitely aren't dragging stains, they have perpendicular lines to the direction of dragging, those are drop stains that go out in all directions
Comment from : Sunsworn

Feel bad for the family of the guy in the last one here, that really sucks
Comment from : therealjordiano

princess in mittens
why is it unlikely to be a prank in mexico? cause it's mexico? lol to the max
Comment from : princess in mittens

Insert Name Here
To anyone looking for factual stories look up public documents for police reports This is youtube, not fact central
Comment from : Insert Name Here

They were the guys that killed that family
Comment from : AMY-JEAN FIELSTRA

Peter Aleksandrovich
Comment from : Peter Aleksandrovich

Zaber Freedom
8:13 is not a crashed plane, its too intact, so its mid flight
Comment from : Zaber Freedom

Bros really found Nether portal in New Baltimore
Comment from : RebelWulf

There’s nothing strange about that town or it being a portal As you stated, glitches in Google software happen all the time and there are hundreds of places across the world that show these blurred out images of towns and their locations It’s the same as if you were taking a photo and the object moves or you move at the time that the camera is processing the photo it becomes blurred Google doesn’t update often enough to correct these I’ve lived in my house for almost 5 years, and it still shows the person who lived here 10 years ago in the driveway There’s no portal or mysterious occurrence People don’t realize that you can also pay Google to blur out your property so it doesn’t show up on Google Maps So blurred or distorted images doesn’t imply a strange occurrence Just saying
Comment from : jasontodd03

People wearing masks: A form of occult activity
Comment from : 5kl9f

jack ryder
Oh let's make stuff up and waste peoples time
Comment from : jack ryder

Comment from : Monk

Face zzup
The car in the lake:brMy opinion: It can be that after the party he was drunk (maybe), and because of that he lost the control
Comment from : Face zzup

Sue Elliott
Cambodian plane, movie set?
Comment from : Sue Elliott

Wow Scary
Comment from : ischaffee

Giselle Montaño
The Mexican masked are in fact a group of people called "Fariseos" they use to wear different kind of masks during the 40 lent days of holly week according to the Sonoran Yaqui Tribe (a local tradition) that's the reason this pic was taken around april, Fariseos usually ask for money on crossroads, highways and streets as a way to pay for penance
Comment from : Giselle Montaño

a lot of these were debunked but nice video
Comment from : austin

Flight 370 was a case of murder-suicide by the pilot I watched the documentary on Netflix On the pilot's home training system, they found that he had repeatedly practiced the same route that the plane ended up taking It was also speculated that he cut the oxygen supply to the cabin early into the flight, so he just flew with all the passengers who were either deceased or unconscious until he reached his planned crash destination
Comment from : EverAppl14

Blurry Potato
They first one reminds me of the intro for Tales from the Dark Side
Comment from : Blurry Potato

Not only is the dock picture horrifying, but the whole picture is also the clearest picture I’ve ever seen, it’s so clear that you can even see people on the pathways walking and riding their bicycles, woah!
Comment from : Null-I-tone

you skipped my ex-boyfriend's apartment
Comment from : whatsboredom

Quintus Paul
Holland is not a country It is called ''The Netherlands''
Comment from : Quintus Paul

Foot Studio Reboot
i hope there will be a part II soon!!❤
Comment from : Foot Studio Reboot

videos with out of place music
This entire video is the biggest nothing burger I have ever seen
Comment from : videos with out of place music

Rob S
About half of these stories are really fucking stoopid
Comment from : Rob S

The caption on the dock said strange/surprising death
Comment from : samael2112

Melissa Moore
Ooh the pigeon masks are CREEPY
Comment from : Melissa Moore

The house at 635 Minor Ave in Hamilton Ohio is blurred out because James Ruppert killed his mother, brother, his wife and their 8 kids on Easter Sunday in 1975, there is someone living in that house today
Comment from : woxyroxme

blud found the analog horror jumpscare
Comment from : count1400

6:27 definitely cartel
Comment from : AnthonyC89

Aristide Regnier
What is that last one implying with the cops?
Comment from : Aristide Regnier

oooh gaaawd glitch in street view, i shit myself it was so scary
Comment from : vsx

ILikeMe 123
The dock picture is clearly the dog explanation When I first saw the image I thought it looks just like a wet dock with a lot of heavy traffic down the main ramp The color could be from lighting, picture quality or even the type of wood used
Comment from : ILikeMe 123

lol good lord why do so many people instantly assume conspiracy instead of using logic, critical thinking and simple deductive reasoning
Comment from : JediJohn

Whats up with your voice?
Comment from : Ralphington84

Pete Nice
Lol, the fully intact “plane” in the jungle is unlikely
Comment from : Pete Nice

The workers in New Baltimore were filling up the portal
Comment from : AlexDroog71

Imagine you see the google truck cruising around to take images(with the obvious camera on top) You decide to do something funny for the camera to capture You put on whatever masks you can find and wait in the truck's pathbrbrFast forward years later, a bunch of fools are freaking out and calling it something sinister jfc
Comment from : Icaanul

J Rambo
7:02 *were
Comment from : J Rambo

María Maravilla
I've always been fascinated by how there are a lot of hidden stories (positive and negative) captured in google maps and google street view, we just need to find them Always interesting to see videos about it
Comment from : María Maravilla

Jacob Hansen
You are speculating far too much
Comment from : Jacob Hansen

Brent Helton
The car found is very creepy That last one with the picture of the cop and the boy at the railroad track was pretty shocking also
Comment from : Brent Helton

Google filmed the Upside Down instead of regular New Baltimore
Comment from : LostDutchman

Scott Bunnell
The plane!!!!!
Comment from : Scott Bunnell

you're joking right? calling a software bug disturbing? That dock story is also the biggest load of crap I've ever heard
Comment from : Neurotik51

The new Baltimore Google images are definitely a demonic portal or ghosts, there's simply no other logical explanation 🤣
Comment from : CallMeMrX

Ya flaming Galah
oh wow google maps glitched its a spooky haunted cia conspiracy what a load of crap
Comment from : Ya flaming Galah

New Baltimore Ohio!
Comment from : METALMAN4Wii

Is it possible that some of these are staged? Someone can easily send their friends outside to do something crazy while they zoom in on Google maps
Comment from : John

all of this is just silly bullsht
Comment from : Kilgore

5:20 why is the location of the boardwalk marked, “unusual death”? (Muerte Insolita)
Comment from : SkyLobster

Truth Hurts
This footage is not from satellites, it’s taken from a plane , satellites are not in space , there are contested to helium balloons, as earth is a flat stationary motionless plane maths and bible fact,brThe plane 370 , landed at deago Garcia , the pilot had a fight sim in ibis house, to practise landing there ,brIt’s a small run way , a passenger got o black photo out , no pic, saying they were kidnapped and drugged , and the info on the pic was at … deago Garcia… your whole life is a lie controlled by mainstream media…
Comment from : Truth Hurts

Why does this guy sound like mistor guy
Comment from : stickcodo

Nick Scott
The plane has been essentially proven to not be a crashed plane, but simply a plane in flight…
Comment from : Nick Scott

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