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5 Simple Truths About Adding Coffee Ground u0026 Egg Shells To The Garden


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Название :  5 Simple Truths About Adding Coffee Ground u0026 Egg Shells To The Garden
Продолжительность :   12.13
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Коментарии 5 Simple Truths About Adding Coffee Ground u0026 Egg Shells To The Garden

As I just threw crushed eggshells in without sterilization 😂 whoops
Comment from : @lL-jc3yc

Trifecta plus, eh? Can't find it online
Comment from : @miltonwelch8619

Is it ok if I don’t wash the eggshells and just bake it? I baked it at 350 for 20 minutes thank you Luke 👍😊👩‍🌾
Comment from : @emylytle7149

I just add them every year, so this year was getting nutrients that I added last year, this year's egg shells and grounds will give nutrients next year and so on Also, add Corbon to it as well The cardboard tube from toilet paper rolls are great or any brown paper bags
Comment from : @live2groove

I've heard so much about salmonella my whole life I'm 57 and i've never met or heard of a single person near to me or anyone i know who has ever had a case of it So i don't worry much about it
Comment from : @stevegustafson9414

with egg shells you will have unattractive tacky white egg shell shards for-ever in your garden soil
Comment from : @rayhankamer864

I used coffee grounds under my eggplant when they had flea beetles, and got rid of the flea beetle!
Comment from : @anniemills2522

How about adding ammonia to my nitrogen rich additives? Per se, taking a whizz in my coffee ground pile? Will that work?
Comment from : @craigmatthew5295

Do coffee grounds keep cats out of the garden beds
Comment from : @durindacavin1941

Never mind you just answered my question!
Comment from : @shaunspellman2856

Do I use cleaned egg shells or fresh cracked straight to water for soaking to use for plants? I have fiddle leaf figs, a majesty palm, money tree and the peace lily!
Comment from : @shaunspellman2856

Egg shells dried and grounded are also good added to your birds food ,Especially when breeding them
Comment from : @nuttybar9

Well how about cat turds in the garden?
Comment from : @nuttybar9

❤all the information!!!!
Comment from : @sandystrauch7321

Took me into second spring before my compost became so lush to grow anything Cucumbers abound Mow your leaves and stuff guys
Comment from : @Makinen386

found that adding eggshells and coffee grounds to the charcoal grill after I'm done cooking really helps and adds carbon to the mix
Comment from : @cletusmartin4628

I use the Egg water when I make Egg salad and such Let it completely cool, and put it on the plants My research shows that about 25 of the calcium does leach into the water when boiled for a while It seems to work like a charm
Comment from : @NachoCheese00

Great advice
Comment from : @Gumby1978

Thanks that was a good overview
Comment from : @mikegizzi9420

"what's up, everybody?" the time worn intro phrase from the 1960s that is as familiar as the old couch in the back of your Subaru Forrester with the smily face sunflower sticker Please for the sake of progress, kill the "what's up everybody?" when you open your show Obviously it dates you but more importantly to the viewer there is no way we can communicate as to what is up So it's like you don't give a f$#k about what is up with us OK?
Comment from : @Ebonius

Can egg shells be sterilized by placing in the sun for a season?
Comment from : @cargold7597

What causes cucumbers to become bitter? SO disappointed last year & don't want a repeat this year
Comment from : @mimiashford5544

There was a study done by the Alabama agriculture extension I believe the name was, they found that coarsely ground egg shells performed roughly just as well as ag lime And finely ground shells outperformed pure calcium carbonate as far as putting readily available for uptake calcium in the soil goes My blossom end rot never came back after trying it
Comment from : @whatsitmatter7574

Unorganised and gets diverted into irrevelevances lke cucumbers much time wasted and repeats
Comment from : @peterleate9078

Thanks for this information
Comment from : @jamestyrer6067

What about oyster shells ground up You can get a big bag at rual king Will that make calcium in garden
Comment from : @davidstout2955

I watched a video from a woman who brought a plant back to life with plain ol' coffee The plant looked amazing, as it was almost dead, apparently So, now, every morning I take my leftover (from making one cup) grounds and put them into a glass coffee carafe I use for a lot of purposes, and I fill it up with water and the leftover bit of grounds The water is a light tan I water my plants with it, and dump the grounds there, too I have noticed in the past two days, after four days of doing this, that the plants have perked up and the leaves have turned dark green I don't want to overdo it, so will try to space it out over a couple of weeks before adding what amounts to a "tea" again A coffee tea Who would have thought?
Comment from : @yellowbird5411

Thank you so much for the advice about the semanella with the eggshells I had no idea I'm new to gardening and I have been grounding my exhales into powder but I did not know to bake them 1st so thank you thank you there
Comment from : @Proudchristian1975

Hi Luke, Starbucks gave me two full boxes of coffee grounds in loose trash bags that were in boxes Total weight is about 50-75 lbs It's early November here in NE Georgia How do you suggest I use them in my 60 sq ft of raised beds? Should I spread them on top or mix them into the soil? Should I add it now or wait until next spring? Thanks so much for helping out
Comment from : @oldporkchops

As I use eggs, I toss the empty shells in the microwave and "zap" them for 30 seconds No more slimy mess, but after hearing you say to sterilize them in the oven for 5 minutes, I wonder if it's enough (When I have an accumulation of dried shells, I pulverize them and add them to the worm bin)
Comment from : @lindap9079

This is such useful and straightforward information so thank you so much 😊
Comment from : @Mary-had-a-lil-farm

Thanks for explaining this for an amateur gardener
Comment from : @nonnyd1573

I use dried egg shells when making coffee each morning I keep a can to empty the coffee grounds/eggs shells into and when it's full, I add it to one of my gardens We have clay soil here and anything to loosen it up is welcome I also add the soggy spruce needles that collect in the house gutters LOL The flowers and veggies seem to like it
Comment from : @debpratt52

ORGANIC coffee grounds, right?
Comment from : @pamelladukevarnon7978

I think there is a mosquito on your forehead and I can't keep my eyes off of it
Comment from : @semsimama2191

Wow!! I have been making eggshell powder, and Did not know this, it's bagged up and I thought was ready for use, is it possible to put it in the airfryer, if nit I will of course figure out a way, possible the grill and and using a cookie tray, thank you, such an amazing channel, East of Cadillac so your my go to expert Now!!! God bless you!!
Comment from : @revisingknowledgemaga2498

What can I do if I already added grounds and eggshells (unwashed) to an unused area of a small raised bed garden? Other than taking out what I put in
Comment from : @kristinebmcanelly3304

I have one of those tumbling composters, and it's not even close to 3 x 3 x 3 area that you talk about having for a compost pile Please comment on the tumblers
Comment from : @tennesseenana4838

Very valuable information, thank you❣️
Comment from : @cynthiacisneros1694

I put crushed eggshells in my raised beds to keep the cats from using it as a litter box It works I notice birds seem to like them and I've seen some of the shells get carried off by them After the plants start coming up the cats have usually started avoiding the boxes One cat still doesn't care and will lay on some of my plants So this year I'm going to try putting plastic forks prongs up around the borders and plants
Comment from : @cathyann6835

Just use a fertilizer and it’s way easier!
Comment from : @TobyGoTv

Soil amendment is a long term program The key is to do it and keep adding these and other long term items each and every year What you put in today is for the next year or two
Comment from : @livehardone9437

I bought organic soil to put in my beds I had 5he best grown garden I ever had
Comment from : @brendamoser3501

I throw the egg shells in the microwave for one minute and that makes them easier to crush and sterilizes them, happy gardening
Comment from : @patwelch1373

How should I use blood and bone meal?
Comment from : @patdennis3751

I have read a magnesium deficiency in plants looks like calcium deficiency Epsom salt is water soluble and immediately available
Comment from : @Zellonous

i mix the coffee grounds and eggshells in my compost pile, is that a good idea - do i still need to worry about salmonella?
Comment from : @larryweintraub615

How would you know if your garden vegetables have salmonella?
Comment from : @leolakier9541

Thank you very much
Comment from : @HealthyGMom

How do you keep the rabbits and other garden guests from eating your plants if you have no fencing?
Comment from : @jenniferthomas7781

nice video, good content
Comment from : @zettabytesofknowledge8235

I have used them in my carrot beds they do help but like you said not right away
Comment from : @HaywireHomestead

Can I use microwave to sterilize egg shells
Comment from : @anitamah2709

Never considered the salmonella, do we think it can still live under the ground after months?…
Comment from : @bhiei

Hi! What organic fertilizer can i use to all plants? or is there one like that? by the way im new to plantingthank you
Comment from : @dexiedexter

what about adding a fish head under your tomato plant
Comment from : @kylestucin7704

Do I have to wash the egg shells to rid the waste from the contents and do we need to rinse off the grounds?
Comment from : @jimwallace9036

I put coffee grounds around my milkweeds to keep the aphids off Works great
Comment from : @amyhahn2046

I have an Oster that I bought for $1995 at Walmart, and I use it to powder eggshells, charcoal and old rotten drywall I will occasionally run chicken bones through it as well It works great! I thought for sure I would bend the blades, but it has held up very well, despite running some burn-pile charcoal through it that occasionally sparked as I hit a missed nail or something I did NOT know that about the salmonella and egg shells; great info, thanks!
Comment from : @DAHanks14

I add those to my compost system, and when I grow my tomatoes, (mostly in big pots of potting soil/compost, because we have really heavy clay soil), I bury a small chunk of Ca/Mg supplement pills from the drug store into each pot, near the roots, and do not have blossom end rot anymore
Comment from : @doriannickells4011

Speaking of fertilizer, can you add a whole bag of organic granular fertilizer like jobes organics to a big barrel/drum and ferment it to use as a diluted liquid fertilizer?
Comment from : @slycooper3938

Compost baby! Every once in a while I'll put my worms and put them in Love your advice! Keeps me on my toes Keep doing your vid
Comment from : @scotthenderson8577

Soit's just better to add them to my compost pile? I also take the trouble to peel out the inner lining if my egg shells so they don't stink or attract varmints
Comment from : @jeannine9066

Well, I don’t think you are right about the egg shells fixing the blossom end rot I had a very good experience of fixing that problem I would say one week after I the egg shells in I use a food processor to grind the egg shells before putting them to the tomatoes pot
Comment from : @mcheartw

Brawndo, its what plants crave!!👍
Comment from : @testicularoxide5055

I use fresh coffee grounds on my garden no problem
Comment from : @ZE308AC

Thank you so much for taking the time away from your own family to help us take care of ours with your knowledge, tips and tricks I know your family is blessed to have you work so hard on what us placed on the table Thank you so much for sharing with us 🙏🏼🤍
Comment from : @northamlights9120

Good God Just buy some fertilizer
Comment from : @kennethlatimer4607

I add crushed egg shells but haven't tried coffee grounds yet
Comment from : @ladybug4734

Sterilizing eggshells Now I've heard it all
Comment from : @fergusfarm3793

Just what was on my mind Thank u for the advice
Comment from : @mayssaadoghan9024

Love this info! I have coffee grounds! But beware of eggshells in the blender They dull the blades so either get one from the thrift store, or pound them with the flat side of a mallet or in a mortar and pestle
Comment from : @MrsPatriot

I actually grind the shells and grounds in a magic bullet to fine dust, it seems to work better with nutrient uptake Your tums solution is something I just tried, too soon for noticeable results
Comment from : @yhc5318

Luke, I had a late start to my garden due to a major surgery Purslane is taking over I am sort of ok with it since I live in the southwest with lots of clay I have added underground worm buckets to help my soil Any thoughts on leaving purslane through the early spring? Btw I love your channel I’m a new gardener, year three😊
Comment from : @DS-uh6nr

I heard that adding apple cider vinegar directly to egg shells expedite the break down process What do you think 🤔
Comment from : @islandhopper753

Is that a wisconcen accent?
Comment from : @weened5808

do you have a link to order the trifecta?
Comment from : @CarterLeigh

You have clearly highlighted why you rotate 3-4 compost heaps, so you have a fresh batch each planting season
Comment from : @SunDrivesWeather

Question not necessarily related to this video Are there any vegetable seeds you can plant before it snows, that will germinate when it gets warm enough in the spring?
Comment from : @jenk8893

Dinosaur eggs can be found intact after 65000000 years Eggshells can help drainage but I doubt they add calcium to the soil
Comment from : @kenmorley2339

This guy never responds back
Comment from : @Trackhoe075

For my compost now have I use bamboo leafs and some of Amaranths leaf 🍃 to make my vegetables growing up very fast
Comment from : @SiebMab

How is the property coming,have you made any progress?
Comment from : @noahsark1962

That stuff will make your compost go crazy
Comment from : @thetommantom

What kinda cucumbers are you growing? I’ve got marketmore, national pickling, muncher and silver slicers Needless to say, I have to punch cucumber beetles in the face every morning
Comment from : @RoisinMcAuliffe

So you mentioned coffee and no affect on ph though you didn’t mention the ph on eggshells it’s often said that eggshells play a role on raising the ph??? You are *extremely informative on all the information
Comment from : @aholegardener6191

If the egg shells have salmonella wouldn't the runny yolks that I eat have it?
Comment from : @nedcramdon1306

please do more videos about cuttings propagation like propagation of an evergreen trees from cuttings 🌲🙏🏻🌲🙏🏻🌲🙏🏻🌲🙏🏻🌲🌲🌲
Comment from : @jezelantioch6384

I once added cheap coffee grounds strait to my soil… killed everything 🤣🤣🤣 I didn’t know you had to use leftover grounds, not fresh ones 🤪
Comment from : @kaiteemitchell9453

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