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Roger Ver Debates Charlie Lee [PART 2] - Does Bitcoin Have Intrinsic Value?


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Название :  Roger Ver Debates Charlie Lee [PART 2] - Does Bitcoin Have Intrinsic Value?
Продолжительность :   17.22
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   30 rb

Кадры Roger Ver Debates Charlie Lee [PART 2] - Does Bitcoin Have Intrinsic Value?

Описание Roger Ver Debates Charlie Lee [PART 2] - Does Bitcoin Have Intrinsic Value?

Коментарии Roger Ver Debates Charlie Lee [PART 2] - Does Bitcoin Have Intrinsic Value?

Bro you are a legend hiw you confront these people much respect🙌
Comment from : Oy76

Roger I'm embarrassed for you lol
Comment from : OZ

Roger is wrong with his mud pie analogy Apple pies have value because they store energy which we can consume Mud pies don't Bitcoin has value because it stores energy, forever Intrinsic value is the energy storagediamonds, oil, gold, Bitcoin and life
Comment from : Someoneinthecomments

David Almeida
God damn roger is incredibly unpleasant for this whole interview
Comment from : David Almeida

Charlie Lee, the creator of LTC, forked bitcoin and dumped his entire bag
Comment from : Capitalust

Donald Trump
whats up with a BET? WHO IS wearing What short? top up
Comment from : Donald Trump

v v
Lol, roger just explained why charlie was a communist
Comment from : v v

P&W Geared Turbofan
"The cost of production has nothing to do with it?" Jesus christ The cost of production determines the quantity produced, first of all It also influences the overall price/value because a business isn't going to want to sell anything at too big of a loss Businesses don't use a random number generator to figure out a pricebrbrAnd that definition of "intrinsic value" is childishly worthless There are properties that provide value that are objective and independent of personal preference Gold's inability to rust is a basic one It's not an opinion that gold can last a long time because it doesn't rust, which makes it a good store of value That's different from "I like milk, therefore it has value to me" The fact that humans have to exist to be aware of stuff doesn't change the fact Otherwise you get into that abstract, philosophy 101 bullshit of "nothing means anything because everything is subjective and contradictory"
Comment from : P&W Geared Turbofan

Eric Eric
if you have ever learned basic economics, you will clearly know Roger is rightCharlie‘s "cost of production" opinion just expose his economic ignorance
Comment from : Eric Eric

Kilrcola Gaming
At least Charlie is like-able, but Roger destroyed him
Comment from : Kilrcola Gaming

snare snarerson
Roger ver has a good product Do I want him driving the car I'm passenger in? Nah not anymore brHe's not intelligent here, just desperate and rudebrHe isn't interested in what Charlie has to say He just wants to belitte Charlie brAnd has failed incredibly brbrFair play charlie - litecoin til the end
Comment from : snare snarerson

Niklas E
I think Charlie makes a lot more sense than the other people Ver has debated I still find it hard to make sense of the decision to not increase the block size, but a least Charlie is making understandable arguments and he comes off as a nice person
Comment from : Niklas E

This is not a debate when you have 1 guy just interrupting the other guy with a question when he was already answering another question from the guy interrupting
Comment from : SanityLoss

Kurt James
Roger Ver is such a dick lol
Comment from : Kurt James

Wow what an arrogant little
Comment from : Dominick DELORETTA

Matt Moon
How arrogant is Roger ver? He thinks his coin is the original BTC Can’t stand people who have so much entitlement! B-cash Is not fucking Bitcoin!!!
Comment from : Matt Moon

He is letting the viewers decide Lol
Comment from : josesucha

My god shut up charlee made à better coin like 7 years ago and didnt even try it Bcash is fucking useless scam coin Give some respect You are so fucking arrogant it's amazing
Comment from : Dino

The Realist
Call them what you want, they are all denominated inFIAT CURRENCY
Comment from : The Realist

Nejamul Hoque
Debate btc coin agree zcash from Chittagong Bangladesh yes yes NEJAMUL Hoque cc zcash DCACTGBD
Comment from : Nejamul Hoque

Charlie Lee is just spewing memorized cliches :( But Roger Ver is being really pestering and dominates with borderline badgering Being rude wins JUST SAY IT IS MINERS' GREED AND BTC IS A SLOW RIPOFF Jesus help us!
Comment from : MisterBig

Abdul Haque
the real value of a company, asset, etc, which may not be the price it could be sold for nowbrbrDefinition of intrinsic value Cambridge dictionary
Comment from : Abdul Haque

Amber North
Intrinsic value doesnt exist, socially objective value does
Comment from : Amber North

Biff Bifford
I will go out of my way to avoid Roger Ver, and anything he is associated with I will not purchase, use, trade, or hold any Bcash Ever This guy is a real low rent human being
Comment from : Biff Bifford

Anthony M
This dude is a douchebag I now want to buy litecoin
Comment from : Anthony M

no way out
@rogerver who do you think you are? Disrespectful bastard! Always keep in mind: money makes not a better person of you You think you are god or something? You are nothing but an arrogant person! BCash is Shit!
Comment from : no way out

Com Cor
Intrinsic means Essential Charlie's 4 properties of Bitcoin/Litecoin as value to people is intrinsic I agree Ver is wrong Litecoin is intrinsic to me In other words, it has value Because it has 4 values it is essential Charlie is correct Buy Litecoin, it's better than Ver's rip off of Bitcoin
Comment from : Com Cor

I have to go through the same when I talk about things with my friends I have been doing for years They just don't have a clue and I get pissed off when they use an invalid statement to build theories on top of them whilst they also redefine words and exact terms :D
Comment from : hangoszto

White guy is annoying as sh*t!
Comment from : autom8ed

Pawan kumar gupta
amazing charlee
Comment from : Pawan kumar gupta

Bitcoin Chan OSRS
1º Charlie Lee is falling into the mistake of calling value to properties/qualities/characteristicsbrbrThose characteristics can be percieved as valuable, subjectively And this is the case for gold as alternative form of wealth storagebrbr2º The production cost of bitcoin sustains it's appeal in a new way unrelated to the marxist theory of work It's so collosaly expensive to try hijack the system with a miner node majority to cheat the history of transactions it is a natural negative incentive to these maneuvers They're risky with a lot of downside and little upside So yea, cost of production of bitcoin (that is veryfing truthfulness of recent transactions), keeps at bay untruthful hijacks at that verifications processbrbrThe value of bitcoin or gold is unrelated to the mining cost of productionbrbrThe cost of production is always carried by the price of the damn thing and the margin archievable obviously xD
Comment from : Bitcoin Chan OSRS

bi1/i/b A $50K gold ring, a $100 bill, and a Bitcoin have value to human beings, inot/i to chimps or dogsbrbrbi2/i/b The amount of electric juice Bitcoin mining uses is bad for Mother Earth, which the Chia coin will attempt to address: chianet/br💕 ☮ 🌎 🌌
Comment from : totalfreedom45

D Houle
Roger claims exact understanding of key terms However, from Wikipedia, Roger would be wrong "An intrinsic theory of value (also called theory of objective value) is any theory of value in economics which holds that the value of an object, good or service, is intrinsic, meaning that it can be estimated using objective measures Most such theories look to the process of producing an item, and the costs involved in that process, as a measure of the item's intrinsic valuebrbrThe labour theory of value is an early example of an intrinsic theory, which was originally proposed by Adam Smith and further developed by David Ricardo and Karl Marx and later disputed by Carl Menger who offered a subjective theory of value Similarly, the physiocrats based their theory of value in the land"
Comment from : D Houle

Roger Ver just told everyone he is a con artist, ponzi scheme He promotes things that he believe is a hoax He is with JP morgan
Comment from : King

Roger is a d*ck
Comment from : dbur70

How does roger always miss the point? Bcash is going to fail and that is pretty inevitable with leaders like Craig Wright, Jihan, and Roger leading the way I was so glad when the fork occurred and couldn't be happier now
Comment from : Doodelay

TH investco
Bcash Never bitcoin cash brBitcoin Never bitcoin core brbrKeep things as they are meant to be
Comment from : TH investco

live 3arth
So painful to watch thisRoger has some serious personality issues Charlie maintaining his cool while listening to these inane arguments is one of the most impressive acts of restraint I've witnessed in a long time
Comment from : live 3arth

Moses Trader
if uask me 2022 iwill say bch is bitch coin
Comment from : Moses Trader

Moses Trader
Ithink better people must focus on altcoins These guys wont stop fighting Btc also slow bch is not real bitcoin bch is shitcoin
Comment from : Moses Trader

Dat Le
Isn't crypto supposed to represent everything that Roger Ver is?? This guy is like the Kanye of crypto "If people don't exist"?? huh??
Comment from : Dat Le

Jordy SHIB
Bye bye btrash litecoin will be used not that shit
Comment from : Jordy SHIB

Stefan Paul Misanko
I wasn't around in the early days Are these the tactics that Roger used to gain adoption? I would have tuned him out 100 if I heard him speak like this
Comment from : Stefan Paul Misanko

Wesley Archbell
Man why did Charlie waste his time with this interview
Comment from : Wesley Archbell

Sean MacLeod
Damn, Roger, take it easy on this kid brbrbrbrBCH for the long-term win!!!
Comment from : Sean MacLeod

Is this a joke, lol, was Roger trolling
Comment from : Chris

Roger you are focusing on on definitions really No need to be rude about differences in definitions
Comment from : Tritonio

Roger is not a smart guy, sorry I do not want to meet you You are a fool and try to belittle others in your sick pysch mind - In finance, intrinsic value refers to the value of a company, stock, currency or product determined through fundamental analysis without reference to its market value It is also frequently called fundamental value
Comment from : Codeman

Bitcoin as great as it is, has no intrinsic value
Comment from : Neurochrom

What the hell did Roger Ver just waste this whole half hour on? I mean honestly, why does anyone even give him the time of day I came in here a little open minded but I feel like I need a shower now! Ver is unbelievably cringe worthy in debatesI mean just what the heck is he debating!? No intrinsic value? Another Kanye West? brbrHere: "In finance, intrinsic value refers to the value of a company, stock, currency or product determined through fundamental analysis without reference to its market value It is also frequently called fundamental value"
Comment from : J M

the liquidity of crypto is the intrinsic value scarcity is a liability , not an asset
Comment from : Struck

Cody Miller
Roger: "If humans didn't exist, nothing would have intrinsic value" wow, you were digging deep for that, eh?
Comment from : Cody Miller

Woodstone & Associate
Roger made himself more stupid by reading stupid ideologies by Karl Marx, not all ideas are good Karl Marx is one of them
Comment from : Woodstone & Associate

Woodstone & Associate
Who the fuck on earth still read Karl Marx He's the lunatic who created the ideaology of communism which stupid Not all ideas are smart and good Karl Marx is one of it, his ideologies are stupid
Comment from : Woodstone & Associate

Sri Ni
BTC vs BCC ,BTC will win because the harder the costlier things are to create or buy it will be used by people as a security/commodity
Comment from : Sri Ni

Sri Ni
What is in the mind Roger it's a need ,when more people need the demand increases if supply is less it's price increase and this whole process has a intrinsic value based on a needbrNeed could be whatever
Comment from : Sri Ni

Virtual Rat
Roger Ver is dog of Bitmain WuJiHan, Bitcoin Cash is Scam fork by friend of WuJiHan called BCH, Bitconnect is also create by friend of WuJiHan called BCC BCH and BCC is try to scam make people confuse Just sell BCH exchange to BTC, BTC is only pure nakamoto vision, trust me WuJiHan is trying to create own kingdom and adoption couple dog to promo BCH, now WuJiHan has a lot of BCH unable to sold, trying to play IPO clean out
Comment from : Virtual Rat

Max Damage
Does Roger not realize how he comes off as a total jerk? Look at Charlie Lee and compare him to Roger If Roger wants Bitcoin Cash to succeed he's gonna have to seriously change his attitude
Comment from : Max Damage

not today
Roger discovered that if no ppl existed nothing on earth would be worth anything to ppl 🤦🏽‍♀️😂 he’s trying some Jedi mind tricks
Comment from : not today

Roger and Charlie are both Awesome
Comment from : damnright4

Mikael Dryde
Time to block this YouTube channel and buy LTC
Comment from : Mikael Dryde

Full Time Crypto
What a hostile interview! Rodger should be for all crypto currencies succeeding I give Charlie Lee a lot of credit and like Litecoin a lot more now that he has the ability to put up with Rodger constantly talking over him in trying to put words in his mouth, I hope Rodger learned something I hope both coins succeed We should not be fighting with each other we should be totally Pro cryptos Rodger it's not all about you, Keep up the great work Charlie!
Comment from : Full Time Crypto

Roger made some good points but I wish he would've been less rude and confrontational It's counter-productive and makes even his good points look like a dick-move
Comment from : Almor

The fact that this video is in two parts and not even an hour long speaks, volumes about bitcoincom’s (aka Roger’s) incompetency
Comment from : C A

Roger's a prick, for sure but he at least WANTS to be there, wants to be debating these things the reason why it comes across as an interrogation or why Roger is so aggressive all the time is because these guys like Jimmy Song, etc act like they're too good to debate, too good for opinion or a challenge Charlie here can barely open his mouth to talk, almost as if it's too much to even get the words out, not emphasizing his points, folding his arms in defiance, tapping his foot nervously, leaning back in his chair as if to escape the pressure, it doesn't make for a compelling argument at all And yes, Roger's shark tactics can steer things for his benefit and his whole "have you read this" bullshit is con-man-like, but c'mon if someone is gonna agree to a debate, fucking have some arguments ready, have some points of view established, speak into the camera
Comment from : Lino_Eleven

Carlos Mazariegos
Why is he so arrogant? Oh my god Narcissistic arrogant asshole He needs a kick in the nuts
Comment from : Carlos Mazariegos

roger is a Dbag
Comment from : JimmyJames

Brad Flint
I can't believe Charlie would chat with Roger; Charlie is so ignorant, I'm amazed he could even copy and paste to create LTC!
Comment from : Brad Flint

Pablo Escobar
Proof that production cost affects value: More effort like in hand making an apple pie makes it more yummy Same goes for the organic apples and all ingredients That's a measurable thing, most people will enjoy home made more Keep eating your apple pie Roger
Comment from : Pablo Escobar

Stephen Hutchinson
Wow, Charlie I commend your patiencebrbrThe level of unnecessary agro is unprofessional and childish brbrYou can share opinion without being a dick It genuinely hurts your ability to be heard
Comment from : Stephen Hutchinson

Romola Hodas
I will not buy anything from Rogerhe is rudearrogant and a fool How dare he treat this many like thisfool
Comment from : Romola Hodas

Hauke Marxen
Thanks to Roger and Charlie for this interviewbrA few comments from me:brbrRoger is right on the economics what the intrinsic value is concerned I accept his dream of a peer to peer payment currency that is useful for coffee transactionsbrI also accept Charlies view on bitcoin as sound money (it doesn`t need to have intrinsic value to be sound)brIn my opinion Roger is wrong on one important economic fact brbr“In economics, Gresham's law is a monetary principle stating that "bad money drives out good" For example, if there are two forms of commodity money in circulation, which are accepted by law as having similar face value, the more valuable commodity will gradually disappear from circulation” (Wikipedia)brThat is what we have with bitcoin We have fiat (bad) and bitcoin (good), so that fiat will loose value over time and will be spent for coffee Bitcoin will be kept and rise because of that brSo it is economicaly nonsense to give away bitcoin for coffee, when there is fiat brbrI only spend a currency that is stable or that looses value over time and save the currency that will rise in value brbrThis is why nobody will get rich with bitcoin cash as long as bitcoin cash is a useful currency for coffee transactionsbrbrIn these times people buy bitcoin because they want to profit To be a good coffee currency, bitcoin has to pass this period and become stable That will take yearsbrIn the meantime it is ok that there are several ideas of scaling So this war is completely irrelevantbrSo guys and gals: If you want to save, take btc, if want to spend, take bitcoin cash until lightning works better than bch
Comment from : Hauke Marxen

Daniel Eriksson
Wow that arrogance!
Comment from : Daniel Eriksson

I am so disappointed that guy Ver got into bitcoin early
Comment from : StevieB

Charona Plutoni
Makes me itch to see Roger constantly steering the discussion his way, not letting others finish their argumentation I managed to watch this whole thing once, and wanted to look up something this time, but I can't watch this any longer
Comment from : Charona Plutoni

FreeSky 542
Roger is so arrogant god
Comment from : FreeSky 542

Sebastian Pino
Roger you are such a fucking douchbag! You make me hat bitcoin cash!
Comment from : Sebastian Pino

ripRAProo To-The-Moon
Bitcoin cash is trash 🗑 it!
Comment from : ripRAProo To-The-Moon

Anthony Sanchez
I wish Roger Ver would shut the fuck up If he knew anything about basic economics he would know that Gold historically has retained an intrinsic value as a STORE OF VALUE And thus Charlie is 100 correct that both BTC and LTC are stores of value that have intrinsic value based on CONFIDENCE OF THE PEOPLE who hold it For fucks sake Apple Pie has intrinsic value, Geez!!
Comment from : Anthony Sanchez

Crypto Rem
I would punch Roger Ver in his big mouth! What a bitch
Comment from : Crypto Rem

Roger Ver is a conman and an asshole but he is right, Charlie was using the wrong terms It should be "utility" not "intrinsic value" and, yeah, "Cost of Production" is ambiguous (Charlie really means "scarcity through high cost of production") Also Ver's claiming CoP is the brain child of Marx is wrong, Adam Smith used it in his theories well before Marx brbrRoger Ver is incredibly dishonest in how he debates, I wouldn't trust a word that comes out of his mouth, and I honestly don't understand why Charlie would waste the time
Comment from : yesterdaysguy

Kyle Stricklin
Roger ruins this video and just grills Charlie over silly things Some of his points are moot He is non productive in conversation with Charlie and annoys the shit out of me
Comment from : Kyle Stricklin

Matt Paul
can I finish brbrhahahaha
Comment from : Matt Paul

Oleg Guch
Roger Ver’s brain has no intrinsic value!!! LOL
Comment from : Oleg Guch

Lucid Jackson
Charlie is dumb but the other guy is also not so smart
Comment from : Lucid Jackson

Lucid Jackson
This convo was pretty fucking childish
Comment from : Lucid Jackson

Roger you totally obliterated Charlie in this Debate! Was just Beautiful to watch! Just look at Charlie's body language lol BitcoinJesus the King is HOME EVERYBODY💯
Comment from : A Z

Look at all the Blockstream sock puppets in the comments getting hundreds of likes I hope no one gets fooled by their baseless character attacks Their message is always the same, they're trying to change the perception of newcomers
Comment from : Squares

Jing Liu
Roger is a typical arrogant idiot, never trust B cash, buy more litecoin
Comment from : Jing Liu

Hack Crypto
Well done Charlie Well done
Comment from : Hack Crypto

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