Название | : | Will Bitcoin End The State? with Stephan Livera |
Продолжительность | : | 1.26.03 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 10 rb |
Why do you think Government and Insurance are different? This is the defining feature of the Government that it provides insurance, like the mob Comment from : @cheako91155 |
29:40 Did you not see the opening scene to Gangs of New York? What prevents one agency monopolizing violence in an area by way of violence? Wouldn't under this system "wars" break out all over Comment from : @cheako91155 |
26:30 You can't answer this question, can you? What happens with these ideas in practice, even computer simulations accepted Comment from : @cheako91155 |
22:20 Since you brought up America, were you not saying the ppl over here should give all the land back to the Native Americans? You did say whoever had the property first Comment from : @cheako91155 |
21:27 I don't think you understand what bitcoin is technically What you are talking about could be possible with crypto, but bitcoin cannot scale without changes significant enough to cause bitcoin-cash to not be bitcoin anymore Comment from : @cheako91155 |
9:00 Do you not know that the monopolization of violence by a democratic government is supposed give equal access to violence? How is this achieved if violence is privatized, does everyone need to be a commando? Without equal access to violence, how does anyone without violence supposed to own anything? Comment from : @cheako91155 |
This guys is a clownbrbrStep 1: AnarchocapitalismbrStep 2: ???brStep 3: Everything is great! Comment from : @3LARI |
peter, i appreciate your efforts to pursue these topics that you are genuinely curious about Comment from : @RyanZakMusic |
I love your podcasts and I listen to most of them but damn in this video I'm baffeld that none of you mention or think about implications of the endemic covid in the context of discussing the restrictions How can in any circumstance you can prefer liberty and having a functioning economy against a virus that threatens to affect these things forever unless we can vaccinate and restrict everybody in the sort term? We are paying with everyone's future by giving chance to covid to become so mutated that will never be eradicated Comment from : @Palaxz |
As for the KoVaids conversation -- game, set, match Stephan ;-) Comment from : @TonyChester |
I eat Roma tomatoes but I dislike Steak Tomatoes -- I suppose I'm Anti-Tomatoe!!!! Comment from : @TonyChester |
Generally love the show Not super Fan of this one ☹️ Comment from : @shawnk5619 |
I wonder if we can argue that society does encourage obesity through "love your body" type thinking, which in a sense does spread it from ones person to another - not through the air but through a lousy culture Comment from : @comuti3181983 |
The host was just horrible Comment from : @arthurscott2348 |
Great discussion!! Comment from : @SVBewitched |
Put a curly wig and red nose on Stephan Comment from : @MegaJJJones |
Hi Peter This is my favorite podcast, but I find this new interview format less engaging than your others, because the eyelines are so far from the interviewer/interviewee's point of view The 2 cameras on the sides should be as close to the eyeline as possible, and perhaps even tighter (like Joe Rogan, or Lex Fridman podcast, for example) Just my 2 cents coming from a filmmaker Thanks for all that you do! Comment from : @narly138 |
Love the debatewe don't hear this type of discussion in any mainstream or social media I would add to question the number of ICU beds available as Austin TX apparently has 185 ICU beds for 24 million people so even though they are full how many have lost their life due to the lack of intensive care beds? It doesn't appear America or most countries have the capacity for large amounts of intensive care so it isn't hard to fill up beds It seems the incentives aren't there for hospitals to handle or plan for novel viruses or major health disasters? Comment from : @skierscott3909 |
Tom Woods is a great person to interview about Austrian economics and history Comment from : @endthefed5304 |
I've been an anarchocapitalist for a few years Makes the most sense given the nonaggression principle and decentralized governance goals Comment from : @endthefed5304 |
Great interview Peter I always thought anarchocapitalist are the most delusional people on earth and this interview proved that they are way more delusional than I originally thought Comment from : @Krypttor |
Ugh, was interesting until he went on his covid rantyou should have been stronger on him but you seemed unprepared I tend to like Libertarianism on paper until I hear douchebags like him talking about it Comment from : @berkocsisapt4250 |
Heart disease is the wrong comparison for COVID Influenza is the correct one The difference between cases and deaths is not even close to the monumental difference in testing rates It is absolutely reasonable to project FAR MORE influenza deaths if they were tracked with the same rigor as COVID Comment from : @tscotts9699 |
Rona is the smoke screen for ushering in the great reset brbrZoom way way out Comment from : @user-zz4fy5oe2p |
Peter, get Bob Murphy on He's amazing at explaining economics Comment from : @tscotts9699 |
Our government is certainly not close to being perfect What replaces it, Warlords ?brMob boss? Comment from : @mikerinaldi7170 |
It’s because housing prices keep going up The weather is good, my property is worth more I don’t mind if we have to give away a a few rights The quintessential Aussie expression has never been more timely ; “She’ll be right ! “brbrFrom a macro level the AUD debasement is causing a fog over people’s understanding of wealth They think they’re millionaires because their principle residence is “worth” $13brbrWhen what’s actually happening is we’re generally over leveraged on credit card debt and revolving mortgage products Comment from : @mgardan |
Libertarians are no different to religious fundamentalists in their dogma I'd argue that Libertarians are even more annoying because they genuinely believe they are smarter than non-libertarians Comment from : @TheStovo |
I’ll agree, Stephen is right about the government being single minded about Covid, but Australia locked down hard because we saw Italy, the uk and USA getting SMASHED by Covid, so can you blame us? And as a result, we haven’t had to burn mass bodies like it’s the Holocaust Plus, on one hand he says “it’s like 2 or 3 x the flu, but the vaccine (which is actually just a new flu vaccine) isn’t safe? It’s simple, ask anyone who’s been really sick from the virus if they wish they’d been vaccinated… Comment from : @cameronhall5134 |
The problem with the NHS is it isn't national, it is used by the world Comment from : @mattfm101 |
Great podcast and great guest Comment from : @robtemplet0n18 |
Peter is like the Dave Rubin of the btc space Comment from : @robbert7599 |
jfc how many sponsors does this channel have? and yikes having blockfi as one of them lmao Comment from : @robbert7599 |
I like the white sneakers dresscode Comment from : @Franiveliuselmago |
this fellow is an ideologue privatization for privatization sake? he's lost sight of the true aim like bitcoin is a tool, libertarianism is a tool to a greater end that end can be arrived at by various means libertarianism can become, as it has for this fellow, the end itself and sole means to that end Comment from : @4comment0nly76 |
not end but alter Comment from : @4comment0nly76 |
This guys is a polite legend Thanks Pete! Comment from : @jllerk |
Pete mRna vaccines are TOXIC The inventor Dr Robert Malone confirms Spike proteins are deadly Comment from : @s4meme96 |
Please use headphones It helps avoid people talking over each other Comment from : @satoshisenergybomb5710 |
Very interesting and far-reaching thought on privatizing everything Before I knew about Bitcoin, I would think this is impossible Because the structure of politics is based on the form of money Money is centralized and that is why the government gets bigger In a way, government is the monopoly of money Only when money is decentralized, privatizing everything is possible Although it may take a long time to get there, I do see the path now Thanks for the show Comment from : @jingmu1289 |
Excellent and thoughtful discussion Thank you! Comment from : @CorwinYoutube |
Great episode, but they should have used forced perspective to make Peter look taller Comment from : @jelio123456 |
The media is too homogeneous here and they support these measuresbrAlternative media is very suppressed and the large social networks are sensoringbrYes Aussies have been complacent but they are mostly also ignorant of what is going on and the implicationsbrVery hard for the few of us who are strongly opposed to organisebrA new political group called Reignite Democracy Australia had their leader arrested and her bail condition included shutting down the communications platforms they havebrDemocracy in Australia is truly dead Comment from : @teatowel11 |
He "feels" covid is 3 times a normal flu season, citing no data whatsoever This is a very shaky foundation for his assessment of the covid response In fact a completely inaccurate foundation 2019 flu deaths were estimated at 250,000 max Does not compare to Covid deaths - 18 million (at the lower end of estimates of deaths directly caused by covid) It is easy to criticise a response if your starting point is a feeling with no basis in data Unless we are going down the global institutions exaggerating covid deaths If that's the case, why did global institutions just not exaggerate flu deaths, to achieve their authoritarian outcomes? Comment from : @beepluss1344 |
This was so hard to watch I have rarely heard someone talk so fast and say nothing He didn't answer a single question with any clarity Doesn't appear to have one original idea and can't communicate the ideas of others I would not have much hope for a society run by this muddled thinker Bad parrot detected Comment from : @OZcafehead |
I don't think I've ever disagreed with Stephan Favorite Bitcoiner I hope he rubs off on Pete a little bit so he can resist the urge to be a statist apologist :P Comment from : @DH03USMC |
Hahahaha Peter is awesome Comment from : @jamesmurray2250 |
The only thing that needs to be centralized is the individual The world flows from you Comment from : @shatterthemirror8563 |
I don't think we need to label it anything we can just get a community of like minded people and write a constitution around thatbrWe all contribute to it and vote on ever section which is stored on a ledger on the blockchainbrWe can still have Government and Police but they work for us we all vote on what we want them to dobrMost Bitcoiners have similar value systemsbrWe can definitely do this with the technology we have Comment from : @markcosta4437 |
Libertarianism is one of those things that are interesting to discuss and sounds fantastic on paper until you take into account human nature, history, and the undeniable tendency of its adherents who espouse paranoid or conspiratorial worldviews that border on schizophrenia brbrTL;DR: "One of the more pretentious political self-descriptions is “Libertarian” People think it puts them above the fray It sounds fashionable, and to the uninitiated, faintly dangerous Actually, it’s just one more bullshit political philosophy" --George Carlin Comment from : @d4mdcykey |
The way Peter is addressing security, it gives us the impression that poor neighborhoods are getting great public security services Comment from : @fmp000 |
"this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated " - Peter PfizerMcCuck Comment from : @BullishBitcoinBanter_Bullshit |
pedro should go move into australia with the rest of the cowards, he'd be allowed out for 2 hours per day too as he's been double vaxxed, the good little compliant statist Comment from : @BullishBitcoinBanter_Bullshit |
I love your video at large but i will advice everybody who is into cryptos to Stick with ETH and BTC as much as you can guys If everyone sells when it starts to fall, which at one point it will, the dream may be lost because of it being too volatile for companies to get behind Comment from : @benwilliamson1651 |
I knew it that brit was a statist!! Comment from : @rafhit |
PETE , can you have me on the podcast to talk about QUÉBEC COVID PASSPORT ? They've put it out today! Comment from : @TheBossEntrepreneur |
I got into bitcoin cause inflation sucks here and while looking around for way to protect myself one hippie told explained to me what Fiat was and that bitcoin was a way out of the system and boom down the rabit hole Comment from : @artlix4790 |
So judge Dread and Cyberpunk combined Comment from : @captainfalcon4354 |
Libertarianism and anarchism -- and all other utopian ideologies -- are simplistic political philosophies that will always remain, as they should, at the periphery of serious thought They are just mental sandboxes for Ivory Tower pseudo-intellectuals to piss and pontificate in Humans are simply apes with car keys and credit cards and are incapable as a whole of truly rational behaviorthat is left for a far more evolved species or technology to achieve, if ever Comment from : @carson5886 |
democracy has little to do with what "we" have right now that's a false trope democracy is mob rule, and nobody wants that at least nobody good wants it Comment from : @noyb154 |
38:47 - This model applies within pretty much every facet of human activity The larger the pool of variation and room to experiment, the greater the odds that a model or system that will evolve into a universal standard can come into being Comment from : @TinyCryptoBlog |
I think the whole covid debate basically boils down to people who have a preference for logic vs people who have a preference for feelings Logic wins every time Comment from : @wherearetheanswers |
Sorry but it's hard to watch these because you're so poorly informed on so many matters Of course we have global flu seasons that are particularly bad, because the flu moves around exactly the same way covid doesbrbrWe also had the Spanish flu that was 20 times worse than this and guess what No lockdowns Comment from : @jdg9999 |
Those fat people's choices are affecting others, because our whole society is having to be locked down to protect them Comment from : @jdg9999 |
So I'm living in my Bitcoin citadel with my like minded bitcoiners What if I don't want someone with covid to come in my citadel, but another bitcoiners thinks it's okay for them to come in How do we decide? Comment from : @FirstTimer23 |
Gene therapy is what pharma producers call it Can I help it? Comment from : @Needlestitch |
Pete thinks that people who are obese and make poor food choices are making decisions that do not affect others ?? Seriously? How many of these people make up annual hospital bed occupancy? How much of UK tax payer money is spent on these people, by way of the NHS? Obesity and metabolic syndrome are a pivitol component of any disease How much money would the nation save if these people cleaned up their diets and lifestyle? How might the rest of us benefit if the population at large knew how to correctly feed themselves? And to round out the point if the justification for lockdowns, mask mandates, etc is based on the number of people dying, and 90 of those people turn out to be obese, how can you in your right mind say that these people are making decisions that do not affect the rest of us ? Comment from : @rosstituteuk |
The reason hard core libertarians haven't created their own country is because they need to come to some agreement on how the property is divided and their is no answer for that in a pure anarch capital lib society Comment from : @FirstTimer23 |
😂br"If enough ppl want something, they can all just chip in"cool, for sake of argument, let's just call it, idk, "government"brbr"If we don't like them, we can just fire them" maybe through something likevoting??brbr🤔 Comment from : @FirstTimer23 |
What stops the private security that you hired to protect your stuff from just taking your stuff?brbrThe ideal is not the form of government chosen, but that each person should seek after the needs of others Get that down and the form of government matters not Comment from : @FirstTimer23 |
His point about people chipping in for security is borne out by the experience in Argentina: their currency collapsed, so their government shrank back into the capitol; suburb neighborhoods hired their own security guards It worked for them, so it can work for us Comment from : @k98killer |
Peter sounds much different in his va xx opinion here than on his twitler feed Comment from : @kottercodes946 |
When the first modern police force was formed in London in the early 19th century, a lot of the public was outraged at the idea of men in uniforms taking charge of Justice and ordering them aroundbrbrUp until that point it was generally accepted that it was a shared obligation of ordinary people to keep the peace, apprehend criminals etc brbrState police are a very modern invention, so the idea of a world without them is not some crazy untested idea Comment from : @jdg9999 |
I disagree with the idea that fewer beds available is not impacted by staff leaving rather than be forced to get the vax When staff decreases, floors are closed which makes fewer beds available Last year we heard these points made but when hospital ships were placed off NY and California and huge portable facilities erected in parking lots, they were not utilized Comment from : @DwightHawley |
I used to think Libertarian(ism) was onto something I liked it in theory That was until I moved to Alaska and began noticing differences between my stable, loving, nurturing upbringing with the kids that I taught there for 10 years All I can say is that Ms Washington in my Masters degree program was onto something when she said, matter-of-factly, “Hurt people hurt people” The profound and I mean PROFOUND disfunction and trauma my students suffer due to their upbringing means that they enter into this world with such emotional scars and hurts that it’s “wired” them, affected them so deeply that they will always struggle and need help coping in ways Libertarians simply cannot comprehend Can not There will be a role for community/government care because of the truth contained in Ms Washington’s wisdom I never thought my role of teacher would be social work, but I received an abrupt and humbling education at the hands of my students and their messed up parents Libertarians will never ever understand the role caring social servants play Their ignorance and judgmental tendencies keep them from understanding how deeply messed up intergenerational trauma affects us Comment from : @posterestantejames |
If u just ignore the fact that there was no bitcoin talk, it was amazing bitcoin podcast :^) Comment from : @pr1n785 |
Pete’s going through a midlife crisis Comment from : @konreww |
So Livera just tweeted he tested positive for Covid on arrival in Sri Lanka When did you do the interview? You did have it recently yourself, please get tested, though Comment from : @WafflesGiraffles |
Yea ok let's allow people with wealth to control society even more than what it already is In your ideal society I would own a monopoly on the insurance companies which would refuse to pay out individuals and I would send security forces to intimate someone who's trying to start a new insurance company Comment from : @SkateZombie |
Guys, can anyone explain to me the meaning of holding coins if there is staсking or platforms like Flirt Invest? Comment from : @Worldmarkt |
Awesome content! Thanks! Great Episode Comment from : @ClaySlys |
And Matt Ridley especially Evolution of Everything handles how poorer villages paid for education and medical via co-op and made it performance based Comment from : @johngroszek3143 |
Currently, 'Bitcoin only' is not good for Bitcoin endgame The crypto chaos gives the tradfi industrial complex other targets to worry about Comment from : @Meta4Monky |
not adequately challenging the idea of insurance covering everything already today we have dodgy insurers that disappear the moment you need to make a claim do you really want to live in a world in which everything is a legal battle and everyone is battling to get away with as much as they can? Comment from : @Buildings1772 |
And The Tragedy of the Commons Comment from : @johngroszek3143 |
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