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Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Announcement Draws GOP Condemnation


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Информация о Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Announcement Draws GOP Condemnation

Название :  Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Announcement Draws GOP Condemnation
Продолжительность :   1.19
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Просмотров :   40 rb

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Коментарии Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Announcement Draws GOP Condemnation

Darin Johnson
And after a few days they see he was right again Now it will drop off the news like it never happened
Comment from : Darin Johnson

Kathryn Molesa
The US Is still helping the Kurds with war materiels What is the EU doing to help?
Comment from : Kathryn Molesa

get out the middle east AMERICA you have no business there
Comment from : Steven

Leslie Barker
President Trump I have supported everything you have done but if you leave these brave Kurdish people to die I will never forgive you
Comment from : Leslie Barker

Michele Walburn
Abandoning allies who have been a great asset to our military is not the same as just pulling out Trump pulled back because he's afraid of the Turkish president I guess those old bone spurs are acting up again
Comment from : Michele Walburn

Sharon Stone
Comment from : Sharon Stone

Trump grew some and seems to be standing up to warmongers that don't send their kids to battleor this I as more politics
Comment from : b1sayan

Sheila Morin
Thos is what obama said in 2013br"In 2013 President Obama stated unequivocally that he would 'not put American boots on the ground in Syria,'" Malitz continued "By breaking that promise today, President Obama is putting American lives at risk and drawing the United States further into a conflict that can not be resolved militarily"brbrWhen he announced military action in Syria in 2013, Obama pledged US ground forces would not be deployed therebrbr"I will not put American boots on the ground in Syria," he said "I will not pursue an open-ended action like Iraq or Afghanistan"
Comment from : Sheila Morin

BC Walk
this video was fuckin clickbait just random video shots no news about the actual title
Comment from : BC Walk

Six eyes Hashira
Ofc turkey paid trump hella money its all about politics cause soldiers are just pawns in every country in this shitty world smh
Comment from : Six eyes Hashira

Fredrik Svensson
Well the kurds provided the feet on the ground against ISIS But now that the ISIS are pushed underground I guess that they've outlived their usefulnessbrbr that's a great way to inspire loyalty! /s
Comment from : Fredrik Svensson

Eva P
Trump is so very nice to Putin, he kindly walks out of Syria så that Putin along with Turkey and Iran easily can walk in and do what they want Putin and Trump are so cute together
Comment from : Eva P

Tina Kilburn
Thy Shall not Kill what about that looks like the bilble don t belong in this world 🤔
Comment from : Tina Kilburn

Putin gave Trump his marching orders So he's just being a good little comrade
Comment from : DD

seabert otter
Give the Kurds a state! They sacrificed a lot Don't turn your backs on these people!
Comment from : seabert otter

Swind Pendulum
Nothing was destroyed meaning it is only a temporary withdrawal
Comment from : Swind Pendulum

Stephen Kohler
He's clearly working for another country I'm assuming he'll be proven guilty of treason in the coming months He should seriously be considered a flight risk
Comment from : Stephen Kohler

Adam Dominguez
We really did screw the Kurds And yet we still should not be there Should never have been there Tragic
Comment from : Adam Dominguez

Joe Noffsinger
Genocide will be Trumps claim to fame in the history books Such an a-hole!
Comment from : Joe Noffsinger

Chris jones
For all u patriotic flag wavers who think killing brown babys makes u feel safer GOOGLE BEFORE AND AFTER US in Syria
Comment from : Chris jones

What? The loyal Republicans are upset that Trump is recklessly pulling troops out of Syria? Don't they know that Trump needs a huge distraction from all the ongoing impeachment chaos? Well done, Trumpy!
Comment from : Soapandwater6

minet dbrogs
One thing i can never understand as an arabis it that important for your western people? At any price ? Travelling thousands of miles have a proxy in middle east ? Kurds ? Yazidiz? you people speak arabic? care about kurds ? or south sudan? Lol yazidisa name i never heard as an arab ?? Thats just layers of disguised wrong
Comment from : minet dbrogs

The kurds were our allies in the war against ISIS whilst Turkey did nothing but move closer to Iran and Putin's Russia We should not be abandoning our allies Turkey occupies Cyprus and should have been kicked out of NATO years ago
Comment from : historicrecord

007 Mia
Isn’t this the second “announcement”?? All political theatre folks Don’t listen to what they SAY watch what they do
Comment from : 007 Mia

*jememily *
This is so unbelievable! How awful that Trump would do this to the Kurds How could he do this after they helped us in the war against ISIS He can forget my vote in 2020 if he leaves the Kurds to fight for themselves without any help from us Why is he doing this??
Comment from : *jememily *

Linda Springer
Poppy wars
Comment from : Linda Springer

Linda Springer
Both rhino’s and dem’s Want war, so let’s send their sons an daughters
Comment from : Linda Springer

At least lend lease them Javelin and stinger missiles to take out Turkish armor and vehicles US should arm the Kurds with huge stockpiles of weapons and ammo including the newest high tech equipment, not just AK's
Comment from : sumerbc

American Pride76
Bring our boys back home
Comment from : American Pride76

trum betrays allies
Comment from : D P

Bring us back home Enough is enough No more war!!!!
Comment from : detroitforever

This is good There’s no point in us being there when turkey attacks anyway Why should we be drawn into another pointless war
Comment from : HistoryHQ

Thousands of paid Russian orange trolls on the YouTube blogs daily using 'American' usernames you would never suspect! BEWARE! !
Comment from : P M

President Compromised has no choice These are Putin's orders PPTape WAKE UP PEOPLE!
Comment from : P M

star thrower
A condemnation of Trump by the gutless, spineless GOP isn't worth the paper it's written on They'll be licking his boots (among other things) tomorrow
Comment from : star thrower

Tex Johnson
The truth of the matter is TRUMP HAS DONE A PRIVATE DEAL WITH THE TURKISH LEADERI bet you any amount of moneyThe Turkish leader has put $100 million - $200 Million in some private offshore bank account for THE SCUMBAG IN CHIEF!!!
Comment from : Tex Johnson

The Kurds fought with US for 18yrs, now we leave a loyal Allie on the field if battle? The Turks will attack them, The US on the ground with the Kurds was only reason the Turk didnt attack in the past When did we turn into Putins bitch?
Comment from : Mjs

i am deacon
fatso trumpF makes another stupid decision
Comment from : i am deacon

Kerman Koonekerman
US military power in mid east is wearing off brnow ,either stay and remain under Turkish fire bror leave syria for those who saved it frombrAmerican-saudi backed terrorists
Comment from : Kerman Koonekerman

Matt Green
Why doesn't any remember trump is not a republican or a democrat he doesn't give a shit
Comment from : Matt Green

Let them solve their own problems - enough American blood has been spilled in the world's ass-crack
Comment from : admtech69

maybe if Syria had some inside info on JB they could keep Trumps army
Comment from : ShimmeringPilgrim

I’m glad John bolted got fired
Comment from : milliondollarmastuh

Bring our guys home I agree, no point in fighting an endless war Either turn it into a parking lot or don’t get involved
Comment from : Patrick94

mike greek
Makes no sense turkey is isis and all they want is permition to kill kurds in syria Big betrayal on our side (usa)
Comment from : mike greek

Patrick Riley
You can't blame little Donny He is only doing what his Daddy Vladdy told him to do
Comment from : Patrick Riley

Robert Syrett
458 comments and nobody is explaining why there is no narration on this video, just a montage of Syria (I assume) Is this just bots talking with each other?
Comment from : Robert Syrett

Blackhawk Udat
This is the first time Trump has said something that I could get behind - It's hell in the Middle East and I don't like the idea of leaving the people fighting for right with less defense, but if Trump was ever truly "America First" He'd get us tf out of this endless war, there isn't a single thing we could do that was better for our financial situation, the environment, or our need to look to the future than to stop pushing so much of our resources into a war with no clear way to achieve victory - every time we stabilize something we kick 10 ants nests over in the process We've been at war for an entire GENERATION Enough is Enough when the kids of veterans are enlisting in the same conflict their parents fought in
Comment from : Blackhawk Udat

John Jarou
this one time I agree with Trump to hell with Lindsay Graham and all the Zionist warmongers
Comment from : John Jarou

Nose in the air Elephant
Their 'DONORS' don't like it because too much money is being made
Comment from : Nose in the air Elephant

Julius Morgan
All that oil And usa is the only thing standing in the way of communism
Comment from : Julius Morgan

Marc Galaxy
Bye felliishabring troops backendless wars not our problem
Comment from : Marc Galaxy

I think this is a great move We do not need to keep fighting other peoples wars We need to put American's first Lets pay attention to what our country need's not another
Comment from : StonedTrooper

Chris Stock
What is This president's greatest trait Getting the world to take a look at the true problems not what they want you to see So you may not agree on his opinion or his statements but you will want to learn more about it just to prove your right What more could an American ask for from his leader and his fellow citizens The internet allows anyone to be an informed citizen back to the power of 1 person or vote can count and save the world
Comment from : Chris Stock

Nicholas Santos
These corporate bought politicians don't want to abandone the genie pipeline project that Israel and golden sachs have been backing
Comment from : Nicholas Santos

Marvin Gershowitz
THIS GUY wants to help burn down the Reichstag* br*(German 1933 Parliament Nazis gained Power to take over the German People and it's government) --> Republican Sen Graham of South Carolina said he would call for Turkey’s suspension from NATO and introduce sanctions against Ankara if the Turks attack Kurdish forces
Comment from : Marvin Gershowitz

John Koziar
What is this crap
Comment from : John Koziar

Bring the troops home !!! MURICA!!
Comment from : NJDevil201

Jonny Lace
Trumps damned if does and damned if he doesnt lol this world cries about anything just to get their way
Comment from : Jonny Lace

Keinan KA
Tulsi Gabbard called for this LONG ago
Comment from : Keinan KA

Nancy Stengel
This just shows that Republican Rhinos have learned nothing from the last 18 years A religious war in the Middle East is not only unwinnable but gives them a common enemy--us Who really wants to go to war against Turkey, Russia and Syria ? If you do than you need to send your child or grandchild there
Comment from : Nancy Stengel

Tip Topper
Bring our men and women home! Thanks Trump! USA, USA, USA, USA!!!! Let's take care of Americans first!
Comment from : Tip Topper

Peace on Earth
Comment from : ThatRandomGuy146

Julian Marsh
Note to Trump supporters: You don't leave your allies twisting in the windit is the act of a selfish, cowardly country that no one will ever trust If I was a Kurdish fighter, I would attack the Americans that were deserting mewe'd do just that, if the tables were turnedright, Trump puppets??
Comment from : Julian Marsh

Julius Morgan
The problem with arabs is once you give them the VOTE they all vote for islam The true definition of chirch and state
Comment from : Julius Morgan

Hello Hello
He’s only pulling out of Syria because the Russians are there & he doesn’t want a conflict with Russia
Comment from : Hello Hello

Otie Brown
With out a declaration of war, Trump has no authority from Congress to fight a war against SyriabrSection 8brUSA CONSTITUTION:br"Only Congress has the power to declare war"brNo more Vietnams!
Comment from : Otie Brown

mike Lazembie
Let the middle eastern countries and europe pay for housing these criminals for awhile
Comment from : mike Lazembie

Tavan Navat
Fucking morons in the comment section ISIS was created by Obama when they supported the opposition against the Syrian government, the Kurds killed the ISIS caliphate, now Trump is killing their number one allies in the Middle East, the Kurds Prime depiction of white powers of the world Such ugly politicians, causing havoc in for their own gain Thousands will now die for a war they did not start Everyone in this comment section knows nothing about the turmoil in the Middle East and allowing the racists to be keyboard happy Praying for better days, educated civilians, and more love
Comment from : Tavan Navat

mike Lazembie
Are u kidding me? The argument is "were betraying our allies? Thats why we need to stay forever? Isnt Turkey a NATO member? Pretty sure that counts as an ally! Alotnof the politicians on both sides are war mongers
Comment from : mike Lazembie

willbur 420
These politicians need to be executed for war crimes Good job trump
Comment from : willbur 420

Sonya Toolooze
Lol he said he has great and unmatched wisdom That is so funny His teacher hated him because he is so stupid Lol he said " he is the dumbest goddamn student I have ever had"
Comment from : Sonya Toolooze

Ceaser Silva
He didn’t withdraw troops or make the decision to allow Turkey to invade because he “Ran I’m getting is out of useless wars” You just saw it took an order and less than 30 hours to not only remove troops but apparently leave all those bases and resources behind for whatever group got to them first So either we just better fortified the position of the anti-Syrian rebels or we just allowed a country to slaughter people who were standing against what they saw as a tyrannical government If it was about keeping campaign promises (how’s that wall going, the one that Mexico is paying for?) he could have done that day one and ticked it off the list You know how much he loves your adoration and patting himself on the back so I find it hard to imagine that he was just “biding his time” on this one
Comment from : Ceaser Silva

You’ll bitch if we stay in Syria and you’ll bitch when we get out of Syria Trump could end world hunger and you’d still find a way to be upset about it
Comment from : DOOMSLAYER

No matter what Republicans do the media will say it's a disastersadly sheep follow along
Comment from : etannos

Daniel Griffin
These people don't even like Americans just the American dollars we can't stay forever my god just get our boys the hell out of there let god sort them put
Comment from : Daniel Griffin

Mark Covell
Never stand as an ally with america because what has happened to the kurdscould happen to you Trump's biggest foreign policy success was using the kurds to destroy ISIS now he is abandoning them to turkey on one side and assad on the other Never trust america again until trump is gone
Comment from : Mark Covell

Jimmy Greene
Kool bring them just send missels
Comment from : Jimmy Greene

Paul David
Trumps daddy should have pulled out, and spared all of us from his insanity
Comment from : Paul David

Chris P
Comment from : Chris P

Shevelle Whips
Comment from : Shevelle Whips

Finally don't even know why we're wasting our ammo with Syria since when did that become our problem?
Comment from : FiregemGaming

tRad Dad
The GOP has failed to bconserve/b anything-brThe RNC & DNC lead us into constant war for Israel sakebr🤡🌏
Comment from : tRad Dad

Brent Slensker
Why leave? We were killing LOTS of russkies there in east Syria!?!?
Comment from : Brent Slensker

Andre Nguyen
That's because after kissing Putin's ass, the useful idiot was told to get the hell of Syria ???
Comment from : Andre Nguyen

Alexander The Accursed
Bring our boys back homebrNo more Oil Wars!
Comment from : Alexander The Accursed

I don’t understand People don’t want the US interfering and trump pulls troops out and now they blame trump for leaving Wtf
Comment from : Wooly

Scott Broyles
Islamic extremism has been going strong for 1500 years, but we've only been in the middle east for 50 years If only Trump would've kept those troops there we would've attained victory by next week at the latest
Comment from : Scott Broyles

Crazy how trump is condemning Turkey to attack a part of Syria that has Kurds who were allies and helped the US fight off ISIS
Comment from : friður

Max Vecchia
the CIA dislikes this lmao
Comment from : Max Vecchia

Thomas Tamir
Hil-liary's big campaign promise: no boots on the ground Everybody thought that was great
Comment from : Thomas Tamir

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