Название | : | Graphics Evolution: The Future Begins with 1.0 |
Продолжительность | : | 13.39 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 16 rb |
Remember that we read your comments and forward constructive feedback to the developers who are constantly working on improving the game! Comment from : @WorldOfTanksOfficialChannel |
Ses magnifiques ces graphisme 😊😊 Comment from : @WordoftankTheBigBoss |
Shiny exterior wont hide the rotten core Comment from : @Parasiticism |
You have almost killed T110E5 and it needs reborn Comment from : @gfhfmf |
Without a doubt I will be pleased to see old maps reelobored and adapted to the new update Comment from : @SalvatoreM |
ring back SWAMP map o/ Comment from : @r4plez |
1:12 Mr Spock? Comment from : @civertron9784 |
WG "reading comments and constructive feedback", bhahaha, that's why T-34-2 has not received buff after what? 3 years of being the worst T8 tank in the game? GG WGbrEdit: and yeah I am not even talking about monstrosities like Obj 268 v4, Type 4/5 heavy, Obj 257 etc Comment from : @xidex8 |
The usual self congratulatory oxygen theft Comment from : @IndianaDel1 |
"We havent broken anything,, So u mean tanks like OBJ 268 4, Obj 430U are totaly balaced Comment from : @stefanruzbasan4740 |
I do not accept wargaming's explanation for slow loading times, my WoT is installed on NVME, which is top of the line technology! Comment from : @Beef1188 |
Just ners a little bit Obj 267 v4 Comment from : @matijabauer2802 |
Please add object 292 Comment from : @johannespralle8899 |
I can't imagine anyone being happy with the changes to fisherman's bay, mid is nearly unplayable now imho Aside from that, I loved update 10 Comment from : @bert2744 |
What with Pilsen? Comment from : @TheGragat |
WG: No maps have become worse Me: bLooks at Mines/b HMMMMM?!??!?!!! Seriously though i loved 10 and can't wait for what the future may hold, especially a reworked Pearl River :D Comment from : @splashboy1511 |
Hi WG,I have 21 000 battles and this is my feedback :br1) Maps : -There is a lot of hitbox's problem with rocks and many things, pls fix itbrbr- In my opinion, I like the middle of Erlenberg BUT I hate the 2 sides, It's to much open Every map in 10 are beatifullbrbr- I wish the return of Kharkov, Highway, Stalingrad and why not Port and others !brbr- PLEASE ! Create Map editor for the community You can create a new hub as for mods, developers can put their creation on this hub, players can download it and try it in training ! For the most rated map, WG can verified it and every month 1, 2 or may be 3 maps are adds to the gamesbrPlayers always want something news, Maps of the community, by the community, for the community will be a great ideabrbr- Maps needs more ambiants sounds, war sounds As machine guns, long range artillery, battleship, planes etcbrbr- I give examples of interesting historical maps : _Provence,Allies landing in Souht Of France ( operation Anvil Dragoon in 1944 ) _The Ardennes, Allies fight in the East of France and Belgium, ( Battle of the Bulge, Bastogne etc) _Operation Market Garden in the Netherlandsbr _ Battle of Sicily _ The crossing of The Rhine in Germany etcbrbr(I love in-games music)brbr2) Tanks :- In my opinion pls nerf Obj2684's front armorbrbr- PLEASE GOD ! STOP PREMIUM AMMO !!! Just try without, you will see the real advantages and disadvantages of every tanks, after that, you will see who need to be nerf or upgradebrI give an example, I play with type 4 HVY, im in dual with another hvy tank, he use gold and can penetrate the front of my turret my tank is totaly uselessbrbr- May be you can try to introduce this nations; I know it will be difficult; Hungary,Romania, Bulgaria etc may be Greece ????brbr3) Artillery : Im not against BUT when I play it sometimes I want cry to much shell miss with the maximum accuracy you can try artillery with better accuracy and increase the reload timebrbr4) In-game options : - Some people insult other players for their nationality, I tkinh about Polish bashing and sometimes French bashing ( Im French and im tired of that, its why I understand Polish people) We should can report people for racismbrbr- We need the possibility to stock premium day when we won it Its happen we won premium account and the next day we have a lot of work the premium day become uselessbrbr5) Frontline mode : I dont have time for try it on test server but it look like very fun and im very exciting Play with all your tier 8 with objective, its very cool, I dont understand why it is an event Its should be permanent as 30vs30 in tier 10brbrPls continue devellopement of new game modebrbr6) Platoon : MM is not realy good and there is many times I think stop play platoonbrbrMay be can you give us an awnser at this comment WG ??? :p brI love this games, stay on the good way WG !br(Sorry for my english) Comment from : @corentinfabry1113 |
wg dobre rano zvuky treba opravit nepocut casto strelbu!!!!!!! Comment from : @radocela268 |
Erlenberg E0 is ridiculous now I was in D8 with a tank that has 460m viewrange and got shot from there by a 50B Somehow, he didn't get spotted even though that tank has absolutely horrendous camorating, and firing makes it non-existent almost Comment from : @iI_Principe |
Sounds good Graphics are cool Nice job visual team!brBut there are some things, which could be reworked:brbr1) Gold spam: Limit gold ammo capacity in the tank to 20 When it will require some skill and knowledge when to actually use itbr2) OP tanks: rework some tanks, that players with the same tier could have atleast a chance to penetrate their frontal armor with regular ammobr3) Missions: add some missions, in which players would be able to earn small amouts of gold daily ( for exp: 30-50g)brbrIn general, Wargaming is doing great stuff, but players have constantly give feedback, that developers could fix issuesbrBy the way: WG - don't be afraid to test new mechanics at sandbox server Players love to test new things and they would love to join the project, there they could make the game all together brbrThis is my opinion atleast Time will show Comment from : @deivyx20 |
still waiting for wot that players to not show is stats like on wows Comment from : @ricardofernandes874 |
When do you plan on officially supporting resolutions higher than 1920x1080? According to Wargaming support that is the highest resolution "Officially" Supported Comment from : @AMGPilot |
I hate Erlenberg after change Comment from : @danielzajic6789 |
If you were listening to community you would have nerfed OBJ 268 V4 already I can't trust WG's promises anymore Comment from : @kayaritvards9200 |
Dynamic weather would be amazing, also reducing the number of arty per game Comment from : @nikolasubaric |
New gun sounds pls Comment from : @supphakonkongnin8609 |
what????? NO DRAGON RIDGE????!??!??? Comment from : @martinus_mars |
60 fps videos pls Comment from : @999kostuch |
I wonder what would be the game events in the coming months Comment from : @averagepianomusic8890 |
Graphics are good for now What you HAVE to do is finally BALANCE THE OBJ 268 V4 FOR GOD SHAKE Comment from : @giorgosgk8429 |
lmao that KV-5 Part XD Comment from : @AdnyanaPriatna |
7:22 talking about the visualsbrwill it ever be possible to recreate the original intro movie in-game? like tanks jumping through objects, pushing tram cars, etc etc Comment from : @carmatic |
Please Nerff obj 268 4 Comment from : @luth6085 |
when you say "Old fragmented hard drive" you take a hard drive of 8 month old on 7,200 s/min who can transition 15mo/sec ? no, WOT is the only game in my computer who doesn't give me the choice to buy a SSD You want an exemple, Loading screen on WOW take me between 5-10 sec to load, i take less than 10 sec to load a map on Warframe, less than 10 sec to load Borderlands 2 game And World of tank ???? between 60 and 90 sec to load just one map ! Ho yeah, old Fragmented Disk a lovely way to say "it's not our fault, it's your computer" what a good way to stop feel guilty and blame the material of the player bsigh/b that's so unprofessional Comment from : @lesaintmalou2002 |
Nice work guys, btw we really would like some old maps back in hd! Becouse it's kinda boring atm😜 Comment from : @pyroblasterz2597 |
The player that give you that feedback are wg employee or what? Erlenberg is worst than ever, Fjord have a 70-30 win rate depending on the side, and all map have huge hitbox problem, and I won't talk about all the super bush that make heavy invisiblegive us the 9211 back (the 922 gave us the 268v4 so we don't need it too) Comment from : @BlablaPaige |
I live in Mongolia but i only know English what should i do ? Comment from : @hisholinesslordpotato |
Needs rain and heavy snowfall Comment from : @AgentSmith911 |
Bring back pearl river lol Comment from : @TigRexz |
They are reading nearly all comments and replying any of themGood company Comment from : @ironbullet9956 |
WOT looks at Clients as enemies!brFrom the first battle as new client, I have experienced, that I am not only fighting against RED team, but also WOT match fixing As new client everybody has been shot of WOT and not of Red Team Often in the end of the Battle Even with crew full trained (132) and best equipment you fight WOT instead of red team WOT is slowing your tanks without anybody from Red team having hit you And when you fire, you fire yourself, even in high tiers You can get penetrated from a tank with the gun pointing in another direction Fired on and penetrated through rock Even an invisible tank 50 m in front of you, can fire on you You have no chance, no faire game That is normal match fixing in WOT For one reason only: You pay and get no credits WOT is a one-arm-bandit game It is not e-sport with fair battles WOT says they have chanced it a year ago No, no, just hidden it a little bit WOT is stealing your money! Try western games They are e-sport games WOT is White Russian one-armed bandit game WOT is the same as White Russian trick-thieves in the streets of London! brWOT IS fixing Victories!brThis week I played 409 battles It came out with 136 wins and 268 defaults and 5 draws But my win-ratio went up !!!!!! Comment from : @kimjepsen7459 |
Otro jugador que se va panda de subnormales Comment from : @jammotors9913 |
Y eso que ibais a escuchar a los jugadores WG es mentira solo escucháis a los subnormales que dan asco que asín va este puto juego que cada día las random da asco jugar porque el Mm no esta compensado o tu equipo le da una paliza al enemigo o al revés asín es este puto juego a los tanques premium son nerfeado estamos pagando un producto que lo tocan para que sea peor sabéis que eso se puede denunciar un saludo desde España Comment from : @jammotors9913 |
Remove the RNG and the mods that are disgusting just have to remove a simple folder and do not do it on laptops is not the minimap that is the fault of WG and not the players every day will make the game worse and the players will leave Comment from : @jammotors9913 |
Hello everyonebrI think there is no player who does not want to see all the progress you are explainingbrBut there is something that you comment at the end of the video that refers to matchmakingbrI sincerely believe that this should be the main objective as of this momentbrAs I said on other occasions and in other videos the game should be fair and clean,brso there is fair play between the playersbrYou must allow players to evolve and progressbrAnd if there are players who do not care about winning or losing, they can play with each other without problemsbrIn this way they avoid the insults, the traps, the teamkiller and the disappointment of some players who are forced to play with very different levels and who really want to learnbrIt is not fair to force someone to play with someone other than your levelbrIt would be desirable to play with players of the same win8 for examplebrThanks and best regards Comment from : @jaam2122 |
"ve have designed a car more beautiful than the bugatti cheron and installed the engine from an 83 lada" Comment from : @muskokamike127 |
Since 10 has been release i have problems with connecting to the match, internet connection is good, I tried to solve this problem but it's not from me it would be good if I could fight in the fight with all the players but I can play only after 30 seconds after the match begins what is very badly lost, time is precious in the game and it would be good if you could fix it Comment from : @razvaniulian6183 |
MM more balanced! Comment from : @DarkShadow-681 |
If you repair the hill on Mines it'd be great Idk if its in northern side od the hill either but in the northern there is a problem with too much accesibility for engagement Circon also mentioned itbrbrAlso there are bushes in J0,K0 on Erlenberg which are insanely OP You can bush here and win whole game from out there Thats insane Comment from : @zdenekklisc8796 |
Can't wait for modern tanks, M1 Abrams will be pretty cool to play Comment from : @spinster4000 |
How do I upgrade my Graphics driver to get a higher FPS?????? please help Comment from : @dellingerthefightingfish5213 |
in overlord the best TD position was blocked! Comment from : @goldmanjace |
fiat 2000 pls Comment from : @ds_lyst05 |
"but now we can say that we haven't broken anything" WOT, you think obj268 v4 have not broken the game???!!! We HAVEN'T heard anything about re-balance of this super MT/TD/HT in the coming patch I have stopped playing tier x tanks for a month, thx for the perfect balance Comment from : @jingchenghuang8694 |
next update sliding on ice pls :[ Comment from : @ds_lyst05 |
Pls guys, take control of the console version, we already have tier 10 light tanks, but we dont have the every 90 secs repair kit, or medikit Pls, send help to the console version Comment from : @sergiocayuelacabrera238 |
Look good !!! Comment from : @blitzz_k_qc |
I stopped the video at this statement :"I don't receive any feedback about any map worse than it was before" Comment from : @lijiayi0921 |
Aweee no dragon ridge That was my favorite one and it would look beautiful in the new engine Comment from : @TheSlowFastCrew |
Everything is great so far But maybe work on the sounds I would like a cinematic option for the sounds Comment from : @CurtisRodgersRagingBlueberry |
Yet I still play on Minimum graphics Comment from : @scheewheed8285 |
Take a brake from upgrading graphics and fix the gameplay Tier 8, 9, 10 are expecialy broken Comment from : @muculatomic |
Make it so tanks flipped on their side be able to upright themselves after 10 sec For tanks flipped upside down or stuck in some way, make it so a teammate can upright them with a push of a button Oh and remove the 30 sec death timer for flipped tanks, there is no need for it Comment from : @yorudaan |
what about console? Comment from : @suwilanjisilwamba |
1)Light Tanks are fine 2) Arty is not fine and should be removed from the game/or make them do no damage but give them smoke rounds 3)Optimization is OK,could be better Comment from : @TasteVengence |
What have you done with the artillery? Many players are thinking of leaving the game because of what you have done with the artillery It's absurd, just ridiculous the adjustments they made Do you really believe that it is a reasonable swing that the artillery will cause such low damage and not be able to destroy a tank with a direct impact? Something reasonable is the damage caused by a near or indirect impact and temporary stunning, but not that it happens with a direct impact Comment from : @RENIEDSA |
wanna more maps Comment from : @stefanmonroe8548 |
Hey WG You did ruin one map for me It’s Himmelsdorf When you go to the hill from the norhern spawn, you used to be able to go hull down with centurion on the slope towards the end of the hill (at D0 on minimap) but now the hill is sharper and I need like 2 more degrees of gun depression Now there is no hulldown location for tanks like the Centurions Comment from : @MartinMatejicka |
What? Remake old maps WITHOUT dragon ridge? THATS LIKE THE BEST ONE! Comment from : @Pascal_Robert--Rc_Creations |
ok love the new Graphics or killer but the mines map is to small for tier 10s battles needs to be a larger map and could you please put the mg 34 or the mg 42 back on the German tanks cupola and add some tank tracks to some of the German tanks turret or gas cans, bags, smoke, launchers ,camo nets the German tanks don't look right with out them o and we need German tank numbers tanks don't look right with out them and please make a way yo add camouflage to the premium tanks like the m41, scorpion,malbreaker becase not ever body wants there tank to look the same as other players ps and we need more girls crews Comment from : @atchiehightower844 |
I would rather have the old WoT Comment from : @puppetgaming5496 |
You just got almost all the languages in the world the big and the small one, BUT you just forget that Arabic is one of the biggest languages in the world!!! Why? Comment from : @ameralzen3367 |
What about adding Arabic!! 😔 Comment from : @ameralzen3367 |
Playing since 08/2011, 46000 matches, every vehicle unlocked, here is my feedback:brbr- Fjorde: Left spawn feels weaker, because the small hill in the middle gets taken from the right spawn way more often and it provides a lot oft possibilities Maybe look into that, Fjorde from left side feels rather imbalancedbrbr- Glacier: Middle of the map is now overcrowded by tanks Maybe players will change, maybe you need to change something I often witness that over 50 of the tanks just go middlebrSmall pass/pathway at the edge of the map: Maybe add a second pathway, so that flanking on the same height is possible - but one doesnt NEED to face a tank headon If someone wants to move there with a lightly armored vehicle, it just needs one harder medium tank to completely hold the pathway, which makes the outside route not very interesting / comfortable to play (although you can snipe into middle, which is a plus!)brbr- Charkov: I dont know your newest ideas and testings, but the "leaks" posted on several blogs, showing a blocked right side and a very open left side didnt make me feel very happy about the new approach If it stays like this leaks, I dont think it's more interesting / better than it was before But that's just my opinion judging by picturesbrbr-Mapevent / Active Map: How about a map, which changes within the match? An area / a pass which is blocked first, but gets shot by AI-arty, lets say after a random amount of time, opens up - so you can reach a lot of better spots (which would be too OP for the beginning of the match) It would add an interactive, interesting way to play maps If that happens at different times every match (you dont know WHEN it opens, just THAT it opens) it would be very interesting and new What do you think of it? Comment from : @Naselkas88 |
One advice brPlease start to working to block 3rd party aiming cheaters, and those who try/ use it , to get perma banned in this game at least ! Comment from : @danieliliev8561 |
I do not understand Glacier map It feels like it should be in Over Watch Fjords is diabolical although pretty You need to work more on RNG I am fed up with shooting AP and watching round fall out of the barrel, it is pathetic And three clickers in each team is a joke It should be one arty only per team For a game that has so much potential, WG can’t get the basics sorted The game is still painful and not too much fun, and when will you ban XVM It is so out dated and win8 a broken metric used by players All it results in is XVM focus decent playersWhy do you not promote your PR etc for player skill? Comment from : @boodaxetnac8816 |
The rocks are badly tessellated, there are many parts of rocks that you can shoot through, and many invisible rocks Even some parts of the ground have invisible bumps ! Comment from : @mintleaves9382 |
There is a huge problem in sniper mode my fps going lower than 20 sometimes 15 when i back from sniper mode going back to 60 fps this really very very bad Comment from : @amrgad5300 |
You think Fjords is fine? Even streamers are complaining that one side (South spawn) has a huge advantage Comment from : @gaborfabian |
we need destructable buildings, walls, houses not paper like walls something like in battlefield4 In game ammos are limited, but if player has an option to choose to destroy cover of enemy first it would be great! That would be real 10 Comment from : @themaniaxx |
I would like daily misionsand Maybe a new tier tanks more actual (‾∇‾) so you can start with to diferent ages Using tier 1-10 actual tanks & 1-10 old tanks Comment from : @bylojo2001 |
I would like some tank minigames such as laberinths for low tiers Comment from : @bylojo2001 |
"I don't see any feedback saying some new maps are worse now than they were before" Um, the reworked Erlenberg is almost unanimously a disaster according to the NA forums It's a horrible campy/snipey map now Please keep in touch with the player base Comment from : @moogleslam |
PORT!brPOOOOOORT!! Comment from : @Krissssz |
Fix the engine on the amx elc Please Comment from : @ab4le277 |
Thank you for your good job WG and I will continue to support you how I can even I've bought the Progetto and thus my contribution to the game was marked I wish you all the best and please make it a game enjoyable by all not only to people who buy stuff with real money, some of us are from poor countries and we desire some awesome tanks but the prices are so high that we cant afford them It was a good idea to put the Progetto on discount for missions but man those were hard missions and I enjoyed some of them despite I was at work for 8 or 11 hours a day and I was a bit tired to play at the end of the day Next time maybe you put a longer time period !!! Thank you for the love you put in this game ! Comment from : @Anetheron92 |
if only you fixed that damn mm too!!! it is just the worst and making people quit the game Comment from : @hasancosar9781 |
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