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Building High-Performance RISC-V Cores for Everything


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Название :  Building High-Performance RISC-V Cores for Everything
Продолжительность :   19.01
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Просмотров :   93 rb

Кадры Building High-Performance RISC-V Cores for Everything

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Коментарии Building High-Performance RISC-V Cores for Everything

It would be neat if they could build a consumer graphics processor with RISC-VbrI'm sure it's possible, i just don't know what it would take to make it economical
Comment from : @ChristianStout

we need a risc-v mobile phone
Comment from : @user-tb2mf9mf2c

What price I bought for use server
Comment from : @user-do7rk3ui5y

I’d love to see posits running on RISC V
Comment from : @timothyhuber5322

I love the concept of Risc-V, but I have yet to see any way to actually take the files and turn them into a working computer that doesn't involve going right back to a centralized market, since the circuitry to go between the peripherals and the CPU is only manufactured by a handful of Chinese companies, and there is bzero/b documentation available on DIY-level motherboard design
Comment from : @ClokworkGremlin

The audio is terrible 😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @leosmi1

RISC-V is gaining so much momentum it's crazy! So excited!
Comment from : @vintagekyoshodotcom

Super interesting content!! Thank you!!!
Comment from : @viewer7270

RISC-V is to Computer Dorks what Shemale Pron is to Simps Ultimately useless but it gets them a stiffy
Comment from : @johannesdolch

Enjoyed the video
Comment from : @salehjamali8752

I laughed at the "auditable code" bit "Most of whom no longer work for your company!" Jim is so right
Comment from : @UliTroyo

Multi core chip with 4 gig of memory on board Add a GPU and now you have a system on a chip By the time someone does this it'll be obsolete 😜brbrMoore's Law is a bitchbrbrI guess what I'm saying is that RISC-V is too little to latebrbrI really hope I'm wrong but I doubt it
Comment from : @carlfranz6805

Cool gizmo, but I'm putting it along with photonics, germanium substrate and spintronics in the "No it can't run Crysis" bucket
Comment from : @aarrcchhoonntt

It would be nice to have a 128 core CPU to replace Intel or AMD offerings in PCs
Comment from : @geekhillbilly2636

How is Risc-V any different to all the other risc chips that didn't take over? I assume it's just the same old risc on latest fabrication technologies Won't it be the same underlying business challenge that has failed before?
Comment from : @gavinw77

Jim looks tired
Comment from : @Johan-rm6ec

Would each chiplet have its own RAM, and its own storage, say 1meg RAM and 1meg storage?
Comment from : @BenEehayeh

Everybody talk about ai, but is ai capable to make a slice of bread and butter ? Noooooo ?brOh sorry, but it is simply done by a small children 😅😂brThat ceo said ai is better to create software than 100 humans in 5 years because humans are coming and going yes mr, that is humans nature and always will be because we love to come and gobrYour Mr ai world is like a garbage, you don't need any feelings no food, no love, only robots and ai it's ok, your choice, but don't expect humans follows your garbage choice of life
Comment from : @zorabixun

I'd love to see a microarch deep dive
Comment from : @user-qf6yt3id3w

Appreciate for introducing this company, i really want to know more about other companies working on the AI Accelerators, thanks for the video
Comment from : @futureautomation9518

less is more
Comment from : @Raketenclub

Dare I hope for a RISC-V chip that is a direct competitor with the Raspberry Pi RP2040? Including something like the RP's PIO state machines and (as long as I am dreaming) the ability to run micro python programs?
Comment from : @ChrisSmith-rm6xl

now I wanna see you come with a "potatocheap pc" or such based on such hardware just something with insane amounts of cores, and compared to the current pc market potatocheap still gives it quite some headroom, the pc part was between quotes since early on oses and such might not yet support it special motherboards and such can also be hard and expensive to get by, so perhaps early on something like a development board or something like a pi(but insanely powerfull) or something that can be connected to and used by a pc by connecting it in a pcie lane line a gpu could be much more doable
Comment from : @ted_van_loon

deepdive on ascalon pls
Comment from : @Nondas8552

Jim is one of the smartest, sad guy I have ever listened to Thank you so much for this videobrbrI loved Jim’s rebuttal to the AI, black box problem (AI decisions are not auditable)
Comment from : @clarkd1955

Dr Cutress, i have a hope you might hear me The Ryzen 7000 cooking issue is a classic bus driver latchup - a CPU designer like yourself would know what these are unlike just about every other tech on youtube brDDR5 has its own memory power controller on board so we are getting the classic instance of a bus signal being sent higher than/too close to the bus driver MOSFET VCC or below the driver ground This is the most common cause of latchup There may have been no need to have input protection OVP on the memory controller bus driver til nowbrOfc once latchup occurs there is nothing a thermal system can do (even if it isnt taken out by the lacthup), by the time the thermal system can know something is wrong the damage is done Im pretty sure teh only way to stop it would be power excursion monitoringbrIm not in CS like yourself, im a lowly engineering technician in audio/embedded but this one is pretty obviuos to me
Comment from : @mycosys

I would also very much like to see a deep dive into how these new chips and how they might be leveraged for robotics
Comment from : @HybridRobotics

powerfully scary 🤔😳
Comment from : @ioannis69k

2:45 if anyone should be able to use Ai-software to clean up soundquality it's you 😀!
Comment from : @qedqubit

Absolutely knocking it out of the park Thank you for your work!
Comment from : @kelownatechkid

are they going to market?
Comment from : @boydmcree9085

Great content 👍brA deep dive into Ascalon's custom microarchitecture is highly desired
Comment from : @autozone5335

05:00 is that 1200 GiB/s or 1200 Gib/s ethernet?
Comment from : @user-yc5fq9bv3u

Great video , 🎉❤
Comment from : @bikemmm6167

An architecture does not need to be scalable to be successful X86 can't scale down ARM isn't really one architecture but a family of different architectures
Comment from : @cccmmm1234

I feel like I just watched an interview with Miles Bennet Dyson
Comment from : @TheJuggtron

Very cool
Comment from : @youtubeaccount931

2:29 You seem to forget that ARM has had a presence at the top end of the list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers for some years now That’s hardly “low” performance now, is it?
Comment from : @lawrencedoliveiro9104

I just had a thought IAN, risc-v is an open source instruction set for CPU, could someone release an open source GPU architecture so both cpu and gpu are open source? Takecare
Comment from : @Jrambo51

Very good video! I want to know more about RISK-5 and Tenstorrent work
Comment from : @user-mj3gi6zf7i

Would like to see a laptop and servers running this Just hate the BIOS in servers
Comment from : @dougphillips5686

from what i've seen; can it really, truly be called "reduced" instruction set anymore???
Comment from : @tonyf8167

They should really, really invest in a graphic designer
Comment from : @williambrasky3891

Hreat video, but, their is always a but isn"t there, you migct want to mick up leeople in very echoey rooms, or mabt lets some ai luse on the audio ti remove a bit if said echo as it tends to ake the person you interview a bit hard to hear Keep up the good work
Comment from : @bjarnenilsson80

The hertz speed of the CPU influences overall performance of the CPU, but the number of cores also influences the overall performance of the CPU brA CPU with 8 cores at 3 Ghz isn't going to be as powerful as a CPU with 96 cores at 2 Ghz
Comment from : @Jarheads4Yeshua

My experiences with RISC-V as a developer is that the English language documentation is insufficient to justify the cost of acquiring development boards
Comment from : @AlgoCompSynth

You needed a 2nd mic:/
Comment from : @St0RM33

echo echo echo echo Why is the person you want to hear, not wearing a microphone?
Comment from : @stephenwalters9891

Still need open source synthesis tools and whatever the software is to used to physically modify the actual doped area
Comment from : @ianlee6416

This was a bad video the video is fine but the audio is so bad that i skip this one realy sad maybe make an update video with better audio
Comment from : @user-gq9qh2kw6h

I thought torrenting was illegal, let alone 10 of them!
Comment from : @Hostilenemy

God, so many exiting improvement, but none of them for end users like us
Comment from : @aniksamiurrahman6365

I want to invest in Tenstorrent right now In 10 years time they could be something major
Comment from : @refink33

If you type nwcGrendel into HoMM III you get 5 behemoths
Comment from : @viktorsincic8039

Keller: SoonbrbrIt's when a simple word can bright up your day The world deserves better than a clunky 40-year old isa and a non-transferrable ips
Comment from : @JohnWilliams-gy5yc

yes; info on the microarchitecture - and especially the thinking that made the decisions in the micro arch - would be welcome
Comment from : @user-lm1bn9fj8z

Let's hope by next year; everyone can buy the hardware to train and run LLMs at home brAt the moment, the only option is Nvidia GPUs
Comment from : @SamJohnsonking

I would love a drop in RISC-V desktop processor Especially dumping the legacy of hidden "features" within the x86 architecture
Comment from : @paulw3182

"Code people write isn't auditable either" is just begging the question
Comment from : @RogerBarraud

All the big names moving to Tenstorrent, in 10 years nVidia will be brand for T-shirts in China
Comment from : @axl1002

Xilinx and I think AMD used chiplets, it works Xilinx can ship parts with different mix and match capability like HBM And it probably boosts yield and reduces design time But the interconnect (NOC) adds complexity You don't bhave/b to use chiplets tho, you could go the other way: Cerebras
Comment from : @tristan7216

I want a deep dive into Askelon architecture please 😸🔥
Comment from : @tristan7216

Ian, How does it compares to Cerebras?
Comment from : @RahulAhire

I'm'a just stand here in front of you and talk into this camera, pretend to ignore me and look like your working
Comment from : @zyxwvutsrqponmlkh

x86 and ARM are both gated behind "corporate IP", therefore discourages independent developers to contributebrRISC-V is opensource It will have more room to grow
Comment from : @DanBurgaud

More Yes Please
Comment from : @stephanematis

"3D" chip?
Comment from : @mothsilly1616

A RISC-V Hardware Developer needs to get with someone like a 'System76' (Linux Desktop/Notebook Manufacturer) that can begin wide spread availability of Linux/RISC-V based Workstations and other Consumer Devices out to the public That is unless this plans to stay a Server/Micro-Controller Chip and miss out on the 'middle ground' entirely
Comment from : @joeyjojojrshabadoo915

How deep is the pipeline?
Comment from : @law-abiding-criminal

Awesome video! I'd love to see more on RISC-V
Comment from : @maxmustsleep

I remember reading about Jim Keller in a PC gamazine back in 2012 and how he was going to join AMD, when they still sold FX CPUs at a lossbrNever would I have expected that he (with the help of many others of course) could turn AMD around and even surpass Intel on some marketsbrbrI hope RISC-V will have a similar sucess with him on board ^^
Comment from : @Felix-ve9hs

yes for deep dive Also More Jim Keller is like More cores - always good ;)
Comment from : @jannegrey593

Bro, you're meant to use your hands to indicate and clarify relevant words, not when you put a little extra stress on a random syllable It's guidance and scene-setting, directing the attention of the viewer on to the substance of your statements
Comment from : @GuyMahoney

Really?Like TPU??
Comment from : @KG-iy5ll

RISC-V, ARM, X86 all take the climate change approach of creating more islands (chiplets) for more beach front (sandwidth) and wavefront (energy), only to create a powerful tsunami of instructions that destroy cultural heritage (memory controllers)brMeanwhile the SVP64 folks are reducing the sandprint while going Cray-cray
Comment from : @CraigOverend

Deep dive into architecture of the chip sounds wonderful!
Comment from : @sinakarimi798

Very cool to see more information about Risc-V, I am definitely interested in seeing more about it :)
Comment from : @Hreimr

After the tech restrictions with China I expect RISC-V will grow in leaps and bounds especially in China They have GNU toolchain and can run Linux From a security point of view RISC-V on Linux from multinationals will be better than using US controlled tech I personally like the idea of a third instruction set in mainstream not controlled by US This will improve competition and innovation The x86 instruction set and extensions have barely changed in 10 years and even ARM is mostly just modifications to old instruction sets apart from the 64 bit extensions RISC-V ISC already supports 64 bit But this AI acceleration looks vary exciting I will keep an eye on this company may become a NVidia competitor in the future
Comment from : @justindressler5992

Looks promising
Comment from : @The_Orchestrator_of_Chaos

With all the echo in that office and Jim Keller's tone of voice make the interview segments next to incomprehensible
Comment from : @edgeeffect

10:42 yes please! i would love to see the core explained in detail!
Comment from : @anonymouscommentator

Ignore this, I didn't see it lolbrbrNo link in comments to full interview :(brHere it is: youtube/fOUB73dZXEo
Comment from : @LordDecapo

Will Skynet be run by RISC V? This is vital information for the future of humanity! If I get some ambition and can find information I find palatable I will try to go down the Architecture rabbit hole
Comment from : @badadvice787

Is there a future in programming? I’m a tired the way through my degree and have a good job bfor now/b and I’m worried about my future
Comment from : @Freshbott2

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