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New! Red Dead Redemption: PS3 vs Xbox One/360 Gameplay Frame-Rate Test


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Коментарии New! Red Dead Redemption: PS3 vs Xbox One/360 Gameplay Frame-Rate Test

Staggering to think this can only be played on Xbox 360 and ps3? Well rockstar added switch and ps4 yet still no PC?
Comment from : dun

Yes it came true but 7 years later 😂
Comment from : Loco

I am glad that I just watched this video in 2023… RDR had the same great framerate as Ocarina on the N64… woah After 7 years I can answer the question: there is a release of RDR on Switch and PS4
Comment from : A H

d00mer 34
honestly the ps3 not having that horrible 20 fps lock the 360 has might be bigger advantage than its given credit for an absolutely horrid idea to artifically lower the fps under 30 for better "smoothness" (??) the game becomes a slog to control in these moments on 360 and its not that rare
Comment from : d00mer 34

Syam Da Ros - EndoManno
Despite the problems , I loved this game on PS3 I can stand a low frame rate if there is no screen tearing Many games made with Unreal Engine 3 had both, those give me nausea
Comment from : Syam Da Ros - EndoManno

The Rockcims
Comment from : The Rockcims

Mr Nice Guy
I didn’t know back in the day that the PS3 version was so bad compared to the Xbox, but on hindsight, I must have known something was wrong, since I did not play the game as much as I did in my cousins house, with his 360
Comment from : Mr Nice Guy

It works better and looks better on Xenia emulator on PC than on ps3 lol
Comment from : ExtremePlayGames

Tbh I have finished it recently on ps3 and the frame drops are not rly noticeable unless you are rly looking for them in depth, instead in gta 5 is very annoying
Comment from : ThePrivateGamer

Niko Bellic
Ps3 was bad because the processor was difficult to work on, 640 may look bad but its not like you cant even see a damn thing, if you cant read words in 640p, go to the clinic I have a ps3 playing rdr and in my opinion, it doesnt look bad, although i agree 360 was better
Comment from : Niko Bellic

Mata Samad
Ps3 is better
Comment from : Mata Samad

Tyrique Van Der Merwe
Like the ps3 more than the xbox360
Comment from : Tyrique Van Der Merwe

Dwayne Enslin
Xbox 360 is awsome
Comment from : Dwayne Enslin

just bought this masterpiece Can't wait to play when my ps3 arrives
Comment from : Faratroll

Vesselin Krastev
I feel like replaying this game before RDR2 comes to PC but PS3 is my only option Feels bad My standards have risen quite a bit since I played I don't think I can stomach this kind of performance anymore
Comment from : Vesselin Krastev

folks who say ps3 looks bad is not a big diffrence on a tv compared to 360brand this still looks good on all systems super classic game brbrstill dont get why didnt this come on ps4 or pc
Comment from : cmoneytheman

this game was faking my mind the whole time i was playing on my ps3 so choppy and laggy
Comment from : FelixBlue4

I've played both versions and can confirm ps3 is garbage
Comment from : johnthemiller44

Клуб Зака
goddamn' ps3 is a 24 fps cinematic experience
Comment from : Клуб Зака

Is there any advantage in getting the Xbox one X if you don't have a 4K TV? Obviously it looks the best and I know it won't look quite as good but there is my better anti aliasing on the one X, so will there be that improvement on a regular HD TV? Thanks
Comment from : motley17cru

Ive literally had an xbox1 that's been switched off for over 2 years I just ordered this game and Im really hoping the shitbox still works lol
Comment from : B-J

I own the ps3 version and fuck me the frame drops are really annoying
Comment from : Hakyra

Bento23 Leal
I've played RDR on the PS3, I never noticed how the XBOX version looked 100 times better, wow
Comment from : Bento23 Leal

So cinematic
Comment from : ZOYAmVx

The Observer
If only they uncapped the framerate on Xbox One
Comment from : The Observer

addilson fernandes
Ps3 not even 720p LIKE OMG
Comment from : addilson fernandes

Ekmek Arası Twitch
Ps3 stable 25fps
Comment from : Ekmek Arası Twitch

I think 90 of who comments are kids paid by Sony lol
Comment from : CORE

Felis Asininus
Starting a bar fight in town makes my framerate plummet on XBone S
Comment from : Felis Asininus

Tristen Andrews - Richardson
Why tf is the one running at 30 fps?
Comment from : Tristen Andrews - Richardson

Błażej Starosta
Yeah, PS3 in terms of performance is horrible In recent years we all became more aware of things like frame pacing, input lag and so on We care more about the resolution and FPS Back in the days I remember playing on PS3 and being like "Yeah, well, it's not PC but it's OK" I had a little "comeback" to PS3 half a year ago Oh my god, I couldn't play most of the games Wanted to play Oblivion on my TV with controller, so I tried PS3 version - FPS drops in the first area Tried Dragon Age: Origins - this game has double-buffered VSync without FPS limit, which means that your FPS can reach 60 (it does when you're facing the corner of the room), usually runs at 30 (normal) but once it drops below 30, it gets stuck at 15 Fluctuating FPS between 15-60 is NOT good RDR felt just like the FPS counter here in the video I wanted to play it so bad but in the end I gave up Tried few other games and immedietaly felt all these FPS drops in most games (TLOU also has FPS drops) Sold my PS3 and never looked back I'd rather not play the game at all instead of playing it like that
Comment from : Błażej Starosta

One X Benchmarks plz! ;)
Comment from : MisfitPunish3r

PS3 ports were always inferior to 360 ports for the first three or so years of its lifespan, yet many PS3 exclusives from that same time period looked and ran way better than anything on 360 It was so strange
Comment from : dimmkah

ps3 was such a turd console, worst sony console by far
Comment from : bmx7596

please make another video when xbox one x drops out
Comment from : Brunn0121

Phil Drake
Nobody cares Play what you think it's better as simple is that
Comment from : Phil Drake

I have this on PS3, but I've never played it, and I fear I have waited too long I'm sure it's an excellent game, but I just don't think I could handle this Pleeeeease can we have a PC version?
Comment from : DodderingOldMan

Péricles Silva
Just a simple tip: if you want to match the lightning and atmosphere on 3 plataforms, simply use cheat codes for "change weather" until get the same one (like sunny weather), and wait to match the right time on the clock too (you can see the exactly time of the day when you pause the game)
Comment from : Péricles Silva

Ben Roberts
ps3 great
Comment from : Ben Roberts

Felipe RS
The very first test they did between X360 and PS3, the game kept 28-30 fps on PS3, and now on this one it goes as low as 15fps?
Comment from : Felipe RS

Joaquin Soles
Comment from : Joaquin Soles

360 probably got the red light malfunction after the 1st play through but thank god it was a superior machine
Comment from : Burrito

Sir Prizse
I played the whole game on the PS3, never really bothered me but I am surprised how bad the PS3 version perform
Comment from : Sir Prizse

Why PS3 version have Sub-HD (640p) Textures?? brIt's look so horrible in my 1440p monitor
Comment from : Hardwaring

Demon's Souls is only on PS3
Comment from : Cynical

A time when PS3 couldn't handle 720p and 30 fps
Comment from : CJTheLegend

Old Man
What system should I buy this for? I have PS3, PS4 and Xbox 1
Comment from : Old Man

Adam Treloar
The reason why the ps3 was crap because it costed to much to make and they put too much more stuff in ps3 verison causeing the frame rate to drop lower
Comment from : Adam Treloar

Martic Ztn
And the result now was flipped, what the fuck is wrong with XBOX ONE
Comment from : Martic Ztn

Progamer 42
Sad how Xbox 360 outperforms Xbox One
Comment from : Progamer 42

Sammy Higgs
I have this game on the ps3 and still play it, I can tell on the xbox one it looks smoother and clearer I'm not complaining at all because while when I see how different it looks I still appreciate the graphics it had on the ps3 For its time back in 2010 I must say I was blown a way by the graphics I have a ps4 now so I'm up to date with the console I still use my ps3 so I cant see me getting rid of it and cant wait for Red Dead Redemption 2 next year
Comment from : Sammy Higgs

Luthfi Vi Britannia
Should I buy this game on ps3 or just skip it???
Comment from : Luthfi Vi Britannia

A really poorly optimized games, usually I play on pc but I saw RDR2 trailer and so I'm trying to finish it on my ps3, but it's hard to bear those lags The game is not even in 720p but I guess that a consequence of ps3's Cell processor which was difficult to handle for develeppers at the beginning of the 7th console generation
Comment from : Adarion29

the ps3 frame rate is not that bad something horribly wong with his ps3
Comment from : so_cold

GuyOnAChair ​​
I had heard the PS3 version was the worst but I had no idea just how bad it was
Comment from : GuyOnAChair ​​

it is last patched ps3 version?
Comment from : MichalTV

Roger França
Damn I never played this game and I want to But the only console I own is a ps3 Why doesn't Rockstar release this for PC? I just "moved" from GTA V on ps3 to PC and it's miles better
Comment from : Roger França

Brittany Davison
I have a ps3
Comment from : Brittany Davison

Are we going to completely ignore the fact that at 4:53, the zombies are completely headless and are armed with weapons on the XONE version?
Comment from : MrEdcar007

ps4 wins next red dead exclusive
Comment from : Audfile

LOL!!! PS3 is SHIT!!! 640p!!? wtf is that? XD
Comment from : Reclaimer7X

project scorpio easily a smooth 31 fps 900p
Comment from : Steve

Rodrigo Ferreira
Comment from : Rodrigo Ferreira

Олег Иванов
there is so much ps3 bashing for framerate, but barely someone noticed that x360 version is very unstable too and sometimes falls even worse, in 20 fps for seconds, and it has some screen tearing That mess from fanboys of any platform is embarrasing and disgraceful for gaming's community DF videos are interesting to see someone who interested in tech, but they are have bad effect on many gamers and give hyperbolised, wrong impressions on how games truly look and perform on various platforms You can't understand it properly from couple of minutes of video from specially choiced scenes In fact, most of the time those 2-3 dropped frames in places don't even matter, you can't identify it without fps meter, and the graphic's differences aren't that impactful So play on the platform that you prefer most and enjoy the games!
Comment from : Олег Иванов

the lighting and softness at the edges is better on ps3
Comment from : Janh

Rubber Duck
Alert: Lunchbox warriors in the comments!
Comment from : Rubber Duck

Robert Stan
Comment from : Robert Stan

John Gilbert
I wish there was a way to filter out PC masterbater race people This was a video on PS3/XB360 and XB1 since this was recently made backward compatible And to Rockstars credit, or whoever is responsible, cleaning up the frame rate was a nice touch However, I didn't see or hear ANYTHING about PC yet they feel the need to come trolling in Sheesh Their incessant need to call attention to themselves is pathetic
Comment from : John Gilbert

Matheus Matiola
xbox one 30 fps?? wath?
Comment from : Matheus Matiola

Surprisingly, Rockstar's next game; LA Noire performed better on PS3 than the 360 version, and so did GTA V Rockstar really make a great progression of their development on PS3 hardware
Comment from : AdvanG

dat 640p tho
Comment from : Volkan

Man i always knew that ps3 version run like shit (gameplay) noticed it back in the days from switching to a xbox 360
Comment from : Volkan

Novice Gaming
rockstar needs to remaster RDR as opposed to making it backwards compatible
Comment from : Novice Gaming

Blaze Shredz
oh shiiit i didnt know its on XB1 damn imma get the xb1 slim
Comment from : Blaze Shredz

Great game
Comment from : russellrummage

Cell CPU was much better than xenon CPU but the architecture was little problem for multiplatform games, I still love my ps3, just see uncharted 3 and beyond to see how powerful he was
Comment from : HadarMosh226

Comment from : Gene

Murilo Carvalho
ps3 lixo!
Comment from : Murilo Carvalho

Captain Cartman
Man I sure wish they would let us play this amazing game on PC
Comment from : Captain Cartman

3:26 only on the PS3 version, the clothes and hair move with the wind
Comment from : ottodog9

lol the x1 version is dropping below 30 on a last gen game xD
Comment from : Dio

Yet another evidence that ps3 is weaker than the 360 Yet it was more succesfull than xbox 360 The same with ps2 and Dreamcast
Comment from : Kevin-N

OMG!!! People actualy played this at 20 fps?
Comment from : SP4CECOKE

Midnight Rocker46
Ps3's cell chip processor was a waste and was never fully utilized, the developers should of put a better gpu than a crappie 256 MB one, the Xbox 360 had 512 mb of video memory which was better and the tri core xenon processor was enough power for the system, while the cell processor in the PS3 was a waste and too difficult for developers to master more modern games for, while the Xbox 360 is still going strong for the latest games
Comment from : Midnight Rocker46

lol ps3 so bad
Comment from : Kake427

ps3 vs xbox one WTF? why comparing a last generation console to the new one
Comment from : vatossan

Cade The Squirrel
I love all these idiots saying "hur dur ps3 sux lol" without understanding why this game runs so poorly on PS3
Comment from : Cade The Squirrel

PS4 was good but now you all schould better buy Xbox Scorpio ! So will i its way more worth it and PS4 is annoying me, nothing new there its so Booooring#ReturningToXbox
Comment from : STURMWESKERv12

Baby yoda 97
ps3 looks the worst
Comment from : Baby yoda 97

this is bs
Comment from : crow69er

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