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How Trump and RICO defendants could beat the case: Atlanta defense lawyer on MSNBC


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Название :  How Trump and RICO defendants could beat the case: Atlanta defense lawyer on MSNBC
Продолжительность :   6.49
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Кадры How Trump and RICO defendants could beat the case: Atlanta defense lawyer on MSNBC

Описание How Trump and RICO defendants could beat the case: Atlanta defense lawyer on MSNBC

Коментарии How Trump and RICO defendants could beat the case: Atlanta defense lawyer on MSNBC

The case is very weak and Trump will end up walking He is leading in the polls and will end up becoming POTUS again Please, lets just all move on from this This indictment nonsense would've been more believable had they not waited until now, in the middle of an election season, to serve him
Comment from : Brian

Beth Leslie
Ari is so intelligent that each of his programs is like a master class in the law
Comment from : Beth Leslie

Frankie Clayton
I'm not going to agree with this man and what he said about people's intent
Comment from : Frankie Clayton

This raises an excellent point We've had certain politicians suggest that Americans should have to pass a civics test, with the stark irony that they would almost certainly not pass one Beginning with the people instead of lawmakers or any other civil sevice position which requires literally swearing sn oath to the constitution? Given the all new authoritarian political climate, I do believe those who wish to run for a political office, as well as those charged with legal authority should learn the limits of said authority and what rights we the people have as opposed, often quite literally, to what they are granted, by us Ignorance of our supreme laws and the spirit at the very foundation of our democracy should absolutely never be an acceptable excuse for the very people that those very laws were intended to govern
Comment from : dragonfly

Wow, lol, no way this line of defense would sell in a court Now 77 year old trump is somehow allowed to commit crimes against democracy and the American people because he "doesn't know any better"? 😂 WHAT IN THE WORLD, MSNBC? Who are you guys interviewing on your shows these days?brbrThat's your best line of defense, nazifascists? Take the L, you're gonna be LAUGHED out of court 😂
Comment from : Paulo

Nataona Tynes
Thank you for shutting him up
Comment from : Nataona Tynes

Nataona Tynes
This is crazy is not news worthy, please, no air time If I'm driving in the car with someone they have a gun, I'm going to commit a crime
Comment from : Nataona Tynes

Linda Watkins
This lawyer is throwing everything at the wall to see what will stick!
Comment from : Linda Watkins

Door Spook
Who's auditioning for a Drumpf job in Atlanta? ^ that guy!
Comment from : Door Spook

harold harris
U talking BS they all knew right & wrong
Comment from : harold harris

harold harris
Trump sworn an Oath to the Constitution plain and simple
Comment from : harold harris

Wendy Desparois
Does anyone truly think it's a viable defense to - for example - claim innocence in court because "I didn't brealize/b it was a crime to force the bank teller to give me all the money, judge! I swear!"?
Comment from : Wendy Desparois

OG YaHerd
Is it possible some "citizens" w legal back grounds will come outta the woodwork to offer any & every piece of advice rhey can to keep this Woman from taking down Their Great White Hope? 😮
Comment from : OG YaHerd

Javen robodwarf
Ignorance of the law is no excuse, he swore to uphold the Constitution regardless of what he BELIEVES the constitution says And it's the Court's job to interpret the Constitution, NOT Trump's
Comment from : Javen robodwarf

Ed Patrick
they are using the legal rights granted by the constitution to undermine the constitution
Comment from : Ed Patrick

El Loco
What an effing nonsense this would allow the defence of "I was too ignorant to realise I asked someone to violate the constitution"
Comment from : El Loco

In Switzerland, we have this saying:br"Not knowing does not protect you from punishment"
Comment from : Stigma

Trump is holy and innocent He would never lie All of America knows that! 😇😇 PS 🤢🤮
Comment from : gooberclown

ima bemedou
Huh? Election interference is not apart of anyone’s job desperation
Comment from : ima bemedou

This is what happen when the Rule Of Laws isn't up to tasks,they didn't Act"s when line were cross
Comment from : 2NDARYB18C1

Our justice system does workin favor of the top one percenters
Comment from : QuestForHonesty

😂 “if U can prove that trump was capable of thinking “ 😂 that would mean that trump knew something 😂 brbrbrabout brthe brconstitution
Comment from : Ripadipaflipa

Greeley Miklashek
Over thinking an obvious insurrection and attack on our democracy is just pure, unadultrated BS
Comment from : Greeley Miklashek

carla bonnet
I certainly hope that Pos #45 goes to prison and doesn’t get to run for election
Comment from : carla bonnet

Morty Goldmacher
When Cheesbro and Powell are convicted there will be a rush among the remaining seventeen defendants to make a plea deal This will make Willis' job easier Fewer defendants and more co-operating witnesses will streamline the trial and make it possible to try all the remaining defendants at once
Comment from : Morty Goldmacher

Ray Bolden
Trump understands the constitution cause if he didn't he wouldn't be try to change it if he ever get back in the white house so there fore he knows it jail him already we tired all this delay tactics and the judges should be to 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Comment from : Ray Bolden

Claudette Folsom
These Grown people forced to be responsible!Yeah❤
Comment from : Claudette Folsom

Victor van Dyke
Comment from : Victor van Dyke

David Huber
But Donny says he is a genius and his lawyer lobbyist habba Babba, Says so … so this argument is moot Donny is too smart to not know … I did not know the gun would work when I had my hit man pull the trigger …
Comment from : David Huber

J L Jones
He knew or should have known
Comment from : J L Jones

This guy is full of ish!
Comment from : uspaint

2:00 "Listen, all I want you to do is find me 11 thousand votes which is one more than we have right now" 🤨 Sounds like solicitation to me 🤷‍♀️
Comment from : Koda

jim bro
Looking forward to Andrew Fleischman eating his words next year
Comment from : jim bro

John Zeszut
Sweet Mother of Mercy! Is this the end of Ricco?????
Comment from : John Zeszut

This guy looking for a Job Let me get this right If I did not know what the law is and I violate the law I get a My Bad ????brGet outa hear
Comment from : SUPERCOUNT100

The Forex
Ask him what's his record against fonny Williams his argument is not worth it good luck
Comment from : The Forex

Neck Deep in caca, this is a pretty hard arm twist to think this has any credibility to shield criminality via interpretation of ignorance to violation of Oath
Comment from : GrimJerr

antony chipman
JS is bringing the simple case FW is telling the story That is what is called complementarity
Comment from : antony chipman

Tracy Thomson
so - this lawyer is saying; that those at the top who were asking the Secretary of state to FIND 11,780 votes - 'One more than we have' - they could claim that they didn't KNOW that would be against their OATH to the Constitution??? Really!?? Is that not like someone who ROBS a bank at gunpoint didn't KNOW that was against the Law and so should not be found guilty??? WOW! I am beginning to understand how many people think most lawyers are slime
Comment from : Tracy Thomson

Scotch Barrel
He might not know the finer details of the law, but as an adult, he knows its wrong, and as an adult ignorance of the law is no excuse, intent is satisfied by his awareness and compmicit act to committ others to their cause
Comment from : Scotch Barrel

Big Daddy Rat
He can't just say he's innocent because he never read the Constitution He swore an oath to protect it
Comment from : Big Daddy Rat

John Penley
One good legal tactic is to actually pay your criminal defense attorney🤷
Comment from : John Penley

Ignorance of the law is no excuse
Comment from : spidyr2k

Ryan Tubbs
Fake case, Trump will win You people are an embarrassment
Comment from : Ryan Tubbs

Steve Smith
The "high bar" only means that the prosecution has to convince the jury that they "proved" it But Trump and other codefendants could use this as a point of appeal And their convictions dismissed on appeal if the Appeals Court(s) including possibly SCOTUS, feels that the prosecution did not prove their case Time will tell
Comment from : Steve Smith

Douglas Dawe
What a bunch of crapA former President not knowing the constitution? Trump knows more than anyone on every subject under the sunJust get him on the stand
Comment from : Douglas Dawe

Smiling Wolf
Ignorance is not a defense Also Meadows and MANY others refer to themselves as "FAKE" You can't avoid a guilty verdict by saying, "Someone told me to be an ALTERNATE police officer just in case we stripped the current police officers of their jobs on the spot that's why I came dressed as a police officer and told people that I was ALSO a police officer, or that's why I told others to come dressed as police officers and be ready for what happens" Nope Someone claiming they really thought they were a legit police officer because some dude in a basement told them that this was the new way to swear in officers, but that you'd only be an officer if they were able to get rid of the REAL officers, does not make your belief that you were a real police officer a REASONABLE belief amounting to a defense Screwing with people's federal voting rights and thinking that your "righteous anger" and CHAD had elevated your NEVER HAVING GONE THROUGH THE REAL PROCESS status to "official" is delusional At BEST I can see having these folks committed: their "insanity" was "temporary" so they also cannot use THAT as a defense Nice, scary article, though
Comment from : Smiling Wolf

G Farr
Every time Trump opens his mouth he is violating the Constitution, so he knows getting people to do his bidding is unconstitutional
Comment from : G Farr

Rene Rigney
He thinks he knows more about everything than anyone in the history of the world! A Lot!!
Comment from : Rene Rigney

Daa31416 Saa
Tiredjail them and shut up
Comment from : Daa31416 Saa

Yew Han Lim
We don't need to know the law, before we can be guilty of breaking the law Otherwise foreign tourists or illegal migrants can do serious crime with no consequences
Comment from : Yew Han Lim

4:25 Didn't Willis already prune the conspiracy bush? I really do hope she has the evidence for those remaining
Comment from : Quentenius

Trump doesn't understand the ConstitutionbrThe people whispering in his ear dobrEastmanbrChesebrobrEpshteynbrRudibrThey were egging Trump onbrFeeding his egobrIt didn't need much feeding
Comment from : kinlika

That is not a high baranyone one of us new it was illegal Regardless knowing a specific constitutionhe new what he was asking was fudging the norm This is not the time for frump to get away with one more thing😢
Comment from : Myralhf

Jeremy Borowicz
Nothing like these legal scholars coming on for 15 minutes of fame to help Trump and his legal team with ideas they may never had have but NOW THEY DO Thanks Nerd!
Comment from : Jeremy Borowicz

Rob Wardman
Interview to be on Trump's legal team?
Comment from : Rob Wardman

Lyd Med
Yt guys keep underestimating Fani Willis I can’t wait until she proves y’all wrong, Ari giving oxygen to his equally wrong buddies
Comment from : Lyd Med

Trevor Somers
I can't believe you're doubting Fani when you're unaware of the evidence she has!!!!br😡
Comment from : Trevor Somers

la famiglia perduta
Appreciate looking at the case from all angles I don’t agree that the case is colorable using this approach, but that’s just me Looking forward to the trial
Comment from : la famiglia perduta

Agent Minty
If the evidence available to the public is already so convincing, I can only imagine what hasn't come out yet We don't know what we don't know Accountability for all!
Comment from : Agent Minty

D mx
Just because you say you didn't know the actions is what matters !!
Comment from : D mx

Darren pearn
Can someone give that newsreader a holiday Everyday i see his sad face He has a sad job 😢
Comment from : Darren pearn

Joanna Pearson
No, they will be held to justice
Comment from : Joanna Pearson

charles vorones
If our country has enough ignorant, close-minded people (with a chip on their shoulder, because they're self-conscience about being uneducated) TO ELECT TRUMP, it's scary to think that it would be likely that we also have a country that will produce a jury that will fall for this defense, hook, line and sinker
Comment from : charles vorones

This is the type of interviews I don't mind spending my time watching Rachel Maddow and other host only want to feed you one side only instead of saying the entire story and letting us decide for ourselves on who to believe
Comment from : 07jarell

iain whitaker
There is no argument there As a president who swears an oath to protect the constitution he must know the constitution in order to do his jobbrbrIf he doesnt that is no defence to his disregard of the constitution
Comment from : iain whitaker

Pumkin Eater
What a load of trash! Saying that Trump did not know what did was illegal because he was stupid All Fanie needs to do is call Trump and get him to admit to being the most intelligent President ever!😂
Comment from : Pumkin Eater

mark cepeda
comeuppance for duplicitous donny and his ROT Republicans of trump are felicitiousmaking America great again 😊
Comment from : mark cepeda

The DA has no case! This is all election interference If anything she will depend on a heavily anti Trump jury to be at her sideNOT FAIR !!!
Comment from : VITO LAZLO

gideon mthembu
This is no high bar Ignorance of the law is no defense in a court of law
Comment from : gideon mthembu

Teacher of Teachers
I am going to bet that Fani Willis is well aware of what she has to prove and that is why the prep has taken this long Let the games begin
Comment from : Teacher of Teachers

Irene Roeder
How much more evidence can one have I can't believe that you would talk about this
Comment from : Irene Roeder

Apple Sauce
The rights of the accused supersedes Fanny's wish for fame and fortune in DNC circles brShe has accrued a pretty good conviction record by violating the rights of poor black defendants in historically racist Atlanta brShe checks all the boxes of being black, female and incarcerating young black males to be the next Democrat VP brThe problem for her is, these defendants have lawyers 📚
Comment from : Apple Sauce

mark Phillips
the valid defense argument that no violation of law is listed in any Act listed in the indictment
Comment from : mark Phillips

Goldo 27
Trump always boasts that he is the smartest I don't think his ego would let the jury know he didn't know and understand the constitution Even if that would make him guilty, he should insist that he understands all of itbrbrBut, not knowing about the law is never a defence You broke the law or you didn't Didn't matter if you know it
Comment from : Goldo 27

Rasila Thakkar
Watch outbrthe lawyer will get job defending trumpbrMSNBC is giving him a platform to get hired by trump
Comment from : Rasila Thakkar

John Do
DT always bragging about being a "stable genius", so don't tell me he is ignorant about the Constitution Is this lawyer auditioning for a job with him?
Comment from : John Do

Nic Lewis
January 6 insurrectionists soon found arguing ignorance of the Law is not a moral or legal defense in Court
Comment from : Nic Lewis

Trump 2024
Trump 2024! 😂
Comment from : Trump 2024

The judge in Atlanta chastised Fani for not giving the defendants due process&no pre-trial preparationsbig defeat in the democrats shotgun kangaroo trial
Comment from : Calvin

Nic Lewis
For someone who says he's got nothing to hide, Trump sure works hard at NOT being open and transparent with the American people
Comment from : Nic Lewis

He sound like he doesn't know what he's talking about 😂 i highly doubt they'll get away with this one Alot of evidence we didn't hear about Doubt if she's going all the way out for the fun of it OH SHE GOT SOME SHHHHHH FOR ALL OF THEM
Comment from : vivalajuicey2014

Your honor I'm innocentbrbrWhy are you innocent ???brbrBecause I'm stupid your honorbrbrAgreed baliff wack his PP
Comment from : J

gary dudley
MSNBC and Communist DC protecting their and Biden Corruption while Projecting their Election Subversion/Interfering
Comment from : gary dudley

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