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Are Bitcoin Paper Wallets Safe?


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Название :  Are Bitcoin Paper Wallets Safe?
Продолжительность :   9.15
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Bitcoin University
WARNING: There are a number of scammers who are using my image and channel name to try to connect with my viewers on WhatsApp and other platforms to scam them Just so you know, I will never refer you to "my personal trader" or try to connect with you personally to sell you something I am banning these scammers as quickly as they pop up, but if you could report them to YouTube, it would be very helpful You can always recognize a scammer by clicking on the image and seeing how many videos he has All of these guys have zero videos, while I have hundreds
Comment from : Bitcoin University

You convinced to jus use a paper wallet Not worried about anything you said
Comment from : Deeeps

Adopted by Bitcoin
2 years later i bet Mathew prefers paper wallets 😅
Comment from : Adopted by Bitcoin

nO skyillz
it seems like paper wallet is the best way to go now
Comment from : nO skyillz

What Ever
Hermetically seal it Jesus think man
Comment from : What Ever

ronny sila
Can you buy btc to paper wallet address?
Comment from : ronny sila

Wy Leong
Funny, I cover my camera with a blue tape too
Comment from : Wy Leong

All your arguments against paper wallets (flooding, house burning, tornadoes, etc) also apply to hardware wallets, so there's no advantage/disadvantages there
Comment from : simonmaersk

Dave Murray
Thank you ♥♥♥
Comment from : Dave Murray

Edward Halverson
I think paper wallets are more secure than Trezor or Ledger
Comment from : Edward Halverson

dav id
Would you trust storing crypto on a Ballet wallet
Comment from : dav id

Fight The Bully!
Nothing is completely safe I think ledger nano x can even control your wallet Reason being when xrp had the Snapchat for their airdrop back in December of 2020 Ledger would not let me send xrp from my cold wallet to Coinbase So That very questionable for me on what they can allow and not allow
Comment from : Fight The Bully!

norberto Lacoretz
una billetera de papel confeccionada en una computadora eternamente desconectada de internet y con un programa que OTRA computadora bajo y que recibe de esta el programa a traves de un pen drive y finalmente una impresora que jamas vuelva a internet y que imprima estando desconectadaes decir, un equipo completo de escritorio exclusivamente a utilizar para generar billeteras de papel y que luego quede de adirno , que nunca jamas vuelva a internet y que en lo posible jamas haya estado, brinda una seguridad razonable sobre los fondos alli depositados
Comment from : norberto Lacoretz

Hector Nonayurbusiness
Well, a trezor or ledger can also be destroyed in a fire or a flood, and your recovery phrase is usually stored on paper
Comment from : Hector Nonayurbusiness

Invalidstr ingError
so don't use a website to make it, don't use a website to use its easy and the whole public key thing is a non-issue because most people give their id away to get bitcoin in the first place also trezors are flammable with enough heat :) and the probable dont like water or magnetic fields
Comment from : Invalidstr ingError

what if i have a screen shot of the bar codes on usb drives?
Comment from : Diegoivan

Guilherme Burjato
Hard Wallets are fire proof? At least waterproof?
Comment from : Guilherme Burjato

Gitara Gitarov
with such approach, there is nothing safe there Breathing is dangerous too for some people it seems
Comment from : Gitara Gitarov

Monoveng Biteghe Claude Armel
I want to start buying sats, a little bit and I was looking for a cheap solution to hold my sats and get started But paper wallet looked like a good start but after watching this I am not so sure anymore one thing I fear about this solution right there Is what would happen is I loose the trezor wallet, I loose my bitcoin too I wish it could just be some code that you would remember to access you coins
Comment from : Monoveng Biteghe Claude Armel

Glad I dropped by Learned much Thanks
Comment from : ruffyatutube

Thank u so much for this wonderful video! Not only i better understand safety of bitcoin, but safety generally and mechanism of bitcoin particularly
Comment from : Melisa

Barbi Goldberg
Comment from : Barbi Goldberg

I swept all my BCH into a paper wallet back in 2017 after the split Just went to check the balance, and it's empty Not sure how, but I've never lost a single sat ina hardware or hot wallet
Comment from : JS

Great video; thank you for highlighting related risks and possible mitigations!
Comment from : Buttercookie

R Verelien
Have you heard of there Trust wallet? What are your thoughts on that?
Comment from : R Verelien

Ribbit Ranch
Love and watch every video as soon as it comes out I heard you mention in one of your previous videos you would make one on taking a loan against crypto - waiting to see your thoughts and preferred methods for that!!
Comment from : Ribbit Ranch

DoThe Dishes
WHAT the hell do you think the seed keys are written on?!?
Comment from : DoThe Dishes

Jims Journey
I bought BTC on robinhood I'd like to do like you and move to Coinbase Would you recommend that I withdraw from RH and transfer it to coinbase?
Comment from : Jims Journey

Hey Matt, how come you didn't mention Bip38 encryption? Are you aware that it can encrypt private keys with a given password?
Comment from : PhoenixEdits

The paper wallets are safe just keep them safe and hidden like you would do with your cash You can keep multiple copies of it in different locations just to negate the risk of a house burn
Comment from : RealityCheck

P Troxel
I will be buying your Bitcoin book in paperback with my next Amazon order 506 reviews with 5 stars, I am not surprised
Comment from : P Troxel

jack bradshaw
Even if I only have 653 Btc you still recommend the Trezor? I have it on Coinbase When BTC gets to 100 k plus I was going to move
Comment from : jack bradshaw

Steve Silver
Hell No!
Comment from : Steve Silver

Enzo Rodriguez
Do you have a video on how Micheal burry says he doesn’t like bitcoin
Comment from : Enzo Rodriguez

Congratulation on the 70k
Comment from : NM

I don’t have a hardware wallet yet I have my private keys How can I validate the keys are correct and know I can take my BTC off of my exchange? I want to test it How could I do that?
Comment from : pre4closures

Patrick Showalter
Matt Would you do a YouTube video on some of the Bitcoin based credit card rewards out there BlockFi Coinbase Etc Seems to be a wave What do you think?
Comment from : Patrick Showalter

Michael Lee
This guy puts out solid useful important info and gets 300 views while the idiots posting orgasm selfies with obvious clickbait titles get 70,000 views ssiiiiggghh
Comment from : Michael Lee

Dear Matt, what is your opinion on influence of Tether on bitcoin? Request "bitcoin tether manipulation" gives 323000 references at Google Sounds so-so
Comment from : Melisa

Brandon Derrick
Somewhat difficult to sweep paper wallets But I’m not the most tech saavy
Comment from : Brandon Derrick

Kynn Jones
Even if the Trezor's "official" software is open-source, how do you know that this open-source software is what is actually running on your device? Similarly, how do you rule out that the Trezor's actual (as opposed to "official") hardware itself may be malicious?
Comment from : Kynn Jones

Ivan G-S
100$ bitcoin and a $50 wallet !? NobrInvest across multiple exchanges and downloadable wallets Even if a few get lost/compromised you'd have more than a 10,000 coin and a $5,000 trezor
Comment from : Ivan G-S

cloud kicker1011
If you plan to hold ADA i believe you can only do it on the model T
Comment from : cloud kicker1011

Craig Warner
Matt I am considering a second hardware Trezor wallet as a back Your thoughts and is this possible to the same account?
Comment from : Craig Warner

Backyard tractor and welding LLC
And what about holding Bitcoin on uphold
Comment from : Backyard tractor and welding LLC

Can and should you have 2 hardware wallets in case you lose one?
Comment from : •KFfan•

I would say that coldcard is better than Trezor or ledger because coldcard let's you do dice rolls to verify that it is indeed your own entropy when the seed gets generated Plus, coldcard is bitcoin only, so there is less risk/complexity due to no baggage of added support for altcoins Just my 2 satoshi's
Comment from : SAL

Backyard tractor and welding LLC
Soooo cash app bad 🤷‍♂️
Comment from : Backyard tractor and welding LLC

Rick Brenner
Who would hold the paper wallet up to your computer camera?
Comment from : Rick Brenner

Rick Brenner
Can't you make copies of the paper wallet? Keep one at home hidden, one in a safe deposit box, one at family house, whatever
Comment from : Rick Brenner

is it safe to hold bitcoins long term in a tails persistent storage?
Comment from : Brandon

Aaron Copenhaguen
Thank you Matt for the video!brLife changing info all the time
Comment from : Aaron Copenhaguen

Joseph Colosi
What about a software wallet like a Coinbase wallet?
Comment from : Joseph Colosi

Jo Quin
Is coinbase pro really that much better than regular coin base?
Comment from : Jo Quin

While I mostly agree that hardware is better, there are some counter-arguments For instance you talked about paper degrading over time, but computer hardware becomes obsolete much faster than paper degrades (if kept properly) We have paper from a thousand years ago that can still be read, but computer storage media from 30 years ago that is useless because there is no longer any way to read it Also, there are open-source paper wallet generators that you can download and run locally, just as the Trezor is open source Mostly I agree that paper wallets are less safe, but if done properly it is relatively safe It is tricky to do properly though
Comment from : JPM

orlando portieles
good morning,i have a quetion,i recived today my trezor t ,i see it dont have the holografic seal at the usb entry,is that ok? i paid 196 us in the trezor web outside us,the adresse that i see on the envelop is from fl usanow i am confuse,thanks
Comment from : orlando portieles

Bit Bay
Use a non Wifi printer and destroy it afterwards
Comment from : Bit Bay

Sam Carter
Keep up the great work
Comment from : Sam Carter

Speaking of the dangers of reusing the same public address, I imagine that you don’t recommend “whitelisting” your public address on exchanges such as Counbase Pro
Comment from : WeRquantum

jacob merrill
Congratulations on 70K 👏🏼👏🏼
Comment from : jacob merrill

Rick L
Been a while since I left an appreciation comment, but keep up the great work as always Matt! 👍
Comment from : Rick L

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