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Bitcoin: Mt Gox Dump Coming?


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Информация о Bitcoin: Mt Gox Dump Coming?

Название :  Bitcoin: Mt Gox Dump Coming?
Продолжительность :   10.18
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Просмотров :   16 rb

Кадры Bitcoin: Mt Gox Dump Coming?

Описание Bitcoin: Mt Gox Dump Coming?

Коментарии Bitcoin: Mt Gox Dump Coming?

WARNING: There are a number of scammers who are using my image andbrchannel name to try to connect with my viewers on WhatsApp and otherbrplatforms to scam them Just so you know, I will never refer you tobr"my personal trader" or try to connect with you personally to sell youbrsomething I am trying to ban these scammers as quickly as they pop up You canbralways recognize a scammer by clicking on the image and seeing howbrmany videos he has All of these guys have zero videos, while I havebrhundreds I also now have a checkmark next to my name, so that you can distinguish the real Trader University from the imposters
Comment from : @Bitcoin_University

What is your personality type ?
Comment from : @user-iq5nu7tc6x

The difficulty adjustment takes two weeks You can have a very disruptive death spiral in that period of time transaction confirmations will slow down proportional to hash rate change This will spike transfer fees and cause a back log of transactions This may panic the whole market and cause issues into the second two week period
Comment from : @P1A2T34

People will be selling their btc
Comment from : @dollarcostbackpacker1226

Comment from : @SATOSHINAKAMOTO-gu9jk

Prison sentences for "white collar crime" should resemble the "war on drugs" 15-20 year mandatory minimums, etc Shit that actually makes people think twice before scamming someone's life savings edit: And just like those "nasty drug dealers" who are just filling an artificially propped up economic niche, seize 100 of their assets and throw them in the maximum security prison with the violent offenders
Comment from : @JoeyVol

BTC will dump hard this winter
Comment from : @sv6k0a39

Same bs different cycle…4 years from now, next bear market bottom Celsius 3AC dump
Comment from : @bitcoindaddy1

Matt can you please do a video on whether quantum computers are a risk to BTC - thank you
Comment from : @mjbtubechannel

⛏ 💰 Could you please include in the video how USA bitcoin miners can be profitable if Bitcoin goes down to your "bottom" price of USD 17,500 and we enter a 12 months crypto winter?
Comment from : @MaximSherstobitov

Comment from : @cheesemongering109

Plz drop so I can top up
Comment from : @p00ka64

Matt, could you create a video with the following thought experiment? “What would happen if Satoshi dumped his/her 1million BTC?”
Comment from : @michaelgeist

Great video once again Beautiful breakdown
Comment from : @brandon_gentile

What kind of idiot would sell their bitcoin, after they saw it LOCKED UP FOR YEARS and rocket in price by 10,000 ???brbrIt's funny because, even if they end up with LESS than they had at Mt Gox, Mt Gox almost did them a FAVOR by de facto forcing them to not sell all these years Lol
Comment from : @dialecticalmonist3405

Your videos are most insightful I look forward to your content Thank you 😊
Comment from : @john1313js

Thank you for this information, I was wondering if it would have much effect
Comment from : @mixpix

tick tock next block, hahahaha, that's a classic one liner
Comment from : @hearliam

Do you think eth will surpass btc in market cap this year?
Comment from : @feralaca123

its very good for everyone its being slowly released probably nerds to financial educated over the years of waiting for their btc
Comment from : @NWforager

I got $500 of crypto, its not for me as an investmentbrThat being said!brCrypto is here to stay as an investment!brGet used to itbrIf you don't like crypto ,stop giving it attention and go watch Mr BEAST
Comment from : @grahamsmith5396

Hi Matt: I like you ambrWaiting for a Bitcoin drop, but I'm hoping it comes down to 10k I've been working a ton of overtime and saving 30 of my larger checks to buy into btc when I feel like the prices are dropped 82 from its allbrTimebrHighs (65k)
Comment from : @gusgalvanini

Review video on difficulty adjustment? Yes, please!
Comment from : @julieolson1402

Matthew, You said Mt Gox creditors might get 5 to 10 cents on the dollar Would it be more correct to say they would get 5 to 10 percent of their Bitcoin? brbrIn February 2014 when Mt Gox blew up, Bitcoin was trading for about $600 per Bitcoin If you had 100 Bitcoin on Mt Gox when it blew up, you would have had about a $60K investment Now, if you get 5 of your Bitcoin back (5 Bitcoin), with Bitcoin around $20K, you would get about $100K (get 10 back and you would get about $200K)brbrSounds like about $167 back on your dollar, eh?
Comment from : @flyjeffva

You can't be so confident that you would not sell your coin Bitcoin is going sub $15K by next week Some whales are going to panic
Comment from : @mktwatcher

Matt - As more people convert fiat to BTC forever over time, what happens in the actual fiat financial world? Let's pretend for example sake, FED keeps raising interest rates while more people continue to abandon fiat I assume this fiat just ends up back into the hands of the banks, right? The would need to try and lend it outbut what happens when there is a drop in borrowing fiat as the increase into BTC starts to outweigh that?
Comment from : @coldflu

“he’s a serial scammerI’m sure he’s a great guy in real life, but that’s just my opinion about him” Matt is heartless lmaoo Savage
Comment from : @JaguarPriest

Lol Still no one realizes BTC is a scam and is not actual Bitcoin You maxi’s sound so delusional”I’ll never sell” LOL If I was a Gox creditor I’d sell as fast as possible and so would most people I’d assume
Comment from : @nicholasmendezdelvalle8770

Ah this channel destresses me 😌
Comment from : @racm2023

Comment from : @jesusisgod8153

Thanks for the content on this topic! I've been looking into the potential impacts on this and it's a great perspective with supporting data
Comment from : @mc-kz8zn

I still don't understand why Satoshi assigned 1m coins to himself, why would he do that if he never intended to sell them there's no point having them
Comment from : @keithoftheshire2805

Matt should rename the channel "Bitcoin Maxi Hodler Diamond Hands University", not much content about trading in general
Comment from : @sebastienbechard798

Thank you Sir
Comment from : @jearomanis

Thank you!
Comment from : @Blockchain_bingo

You mentioned the founder is a scam artist but also said he’s probably a great guy in real life How does that make sense? I think you’re due for a philosophical video Your video on how to be an independent thinker is one of my all time favorites
Comment from : @spock949

According to my sources the MtGox estate holding all the bitcoin is being sued by an entity called Coinlab for $16 billion (still ongoing) The current unlocking is an agreed upon amount (lump sum) to the creditors of approximately 21 of a claimants claim Creditors can choose an option of full 100 claim but would have to wait 3 to 5 years on the outcome of the Coinlab suit If Coinlab loses they would get 100 of their claim but if coinlab wins they could get less than 21
Comment from : @jaavisu

The big lie is about the electricity usagebrFist of all overall the electricity use for all crypto mining in the world is so small compared to for example the fashion industry which is one of the most energy consuming branches in the world, to make all that fashion every year women wants And we are not even talking about the waste produced Nobody talks about this, we have to keep women happybrSecond, miners tend to buy the cheapest electricity they can find because of course they use a lot You don't get cheap energy if it's not produced cheapbrPeople always think that you produce electricity with the push of a button But it so much more complex Electricity providers have generator blocks that either run or not Each block produces a certain quantity of electricity that is lost if it is not used but costs are almost the same So what do they do if it's not used They stop producing that electricity from that whole block and that increases the price for all the other blocksbrBut if they find someone that will take that spare electricity of a block that is running at a cheaper price and are shut down if the demand for electricity goes up, the overall price will be lower because the producer can now use all its generators and has low or no production lossbrThat's exactly what they did in Texas with the miners They had probably contracts that they do shut down when the electricity is scarce but get electricity probably for a discount because the producer can always tell them how much electricity they can have for cheaper It a win-win situation for the producer and the minersbrOf course the media did it spin like something negative like --> Crypto miners got shut down in Texas! They use to much energy!
Comment from : @ardvan

Please make a video about bitcoin mining Will it be profitable to mine bitcoin when all of them are mined? What would happen if governments banned POW or mining "non green" coins in general Wouldn't that have a huge impact on hash rate making the network vulnerable? And what if greedy and twisted western leaders just banned or restricted access to Bitcoin similar to Tornado Cash?brThanks
Comment from : @IGNACASLTU

I have a MTGOX claim and we are not there yet This MTGOX fud story makes the rounds at least twice a year
Comment from : @dylangouert337

I hope btc could go back down to 5k lol
Comment from : @cutthroatmob3707

Thanks for another Great commentary😊
Comment from : @veritasmatrix7593

“I’m sure he’s a great guy in real life” This kills me every time, Matthew
Comment from : @fowchiiiliedpuppiesdied

Mtgox creditor here I will dump some coins but not during the bear market If anything, I'll dump my BCH for more BTC
Comment from : @Kitten_Stomper

Great video
Comment from : @EliteArab89

Great video! I am so happy you did an analysis on the MT GOX situation Thanks again for your valuable perspective!
Comment from : @dltsabatino

Thanks buddy
Comment from : @BatmanBoss

Magic is a great game I should have learned about btc earlier !
Comment from : @danield7449

At this point who cares ?!
Comment from : @bobrusou

As long as there’s another block, I’m in
Comment from : @wannaBtraceur

Comment from : @smorgan125

Soaking up as many sats as possible with these 20k price points Good content per usual Matt
Comment from : @hartfam3037

actually you are underrated crypto guy
Comment from : @sandeepsubedi3423

The Mt Gox custodian, often memed as Satoshi Nakamoto, made a point of aggressively dumping Bitcoin at “convenient” times during 2018 for maximum effect; it was painfulbrbrCash is ultimately trash…but not yet Don’t be caught cash poor; a winning hand means nothing if you can’t hold it
Comment from : @bravo0105

And JP Morgan plays what role in Mt Gox?
Comment from : @labandonaldhock80

yeah please make a video on electricity cost and if "miners will stop mining" after price drops even more, this should be pretty relevant due to skyrocketing energy costs
Comment from : @spx730

What an opportunity to get the price down to buy in more if these coins do sell
Comment from : @apc4884

Will we see a new ATH by the end of 2023?
Comment from : @thinkblue8089

Comment from : @gaspardcarissimo8773

It is a strange dynamic to be so bullish long term that one is excited for shorter term dips A brief 10k dip (dreaming) would be exciting
Comment from : @skipjack000

Do we know why live coin watch reports half the volume of BTC trading than coin market cap?
Comment from : @dalewiggins5241

Yeah another video was n difficulty adjustment
Comment from : @ikust007

I’m new to this channel and I’m really enjoying it I appreciate your direct approach to topics Thanks
Comment from : @P__114

Hard to believe people going on such assets in those years wouldbrDump in a bear market So illogical
Comment from : @ikust007

Great video as always brbrEven if they sold, it doesn’t change my approach Simply means more $SATS for me brbrIf one believes in the BTC projects, fiat price means less than nothing One BTC equals BTC brbrTake care, everyone
Comment from : @Bitcoin_Shango

When you mention cold wallets you always say Trezor and not Ledger nano although that is the more famous one I believebrbrIs it coincidence or is there anything wrong in ledger nanos for example??brbrPlease let me know!
Comment from : @FirstLast-tx3yj

About 15 is recoverable and f- Mt Gox Not the original NYKNYC but it was the biggest at the time It took me until finding your channel to come back to bitcoin after that happened We original Gs will not sell out Mt Gox coins, so much has changed since those early days
Comment from : @korypostma

Thank you sir
Comment from : @ikust007

Please please let it be LOL
Comment from : @kaveshnaidoo2644

Overvalued stocks/equities dump and nobody cares Mt Gox dumps vintage BTC and plebs and nations snag it up in a couple of days
Comment from : @williamko7048

If this happens I will be buying the dip 😂😂
Comment from : @RyanHoguePassiveIncome

Comment from : @juv3ydvs3vb3vst7

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