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Gaps between Primes - Numberphile


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Название :  Gaps between Primes - Numberphile
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Коментарии Gaps between Primes - Numberphile

Infinite number of pairs of primes separated by some number (2, 4, 6, 8) etc, but this number "n" is smaller than 70 million Am I understanding this correctly?
Comment from : @Sir_Pumpington_Of_Dumpenshire

I had Yitang Zhang as a Calculus TA at Purdue He was full of energy and excited to teach, apologized for his English and would stay after class if anyone ever had questions I remember him after all these years because Yitang Zhang is that special! 😁
Comment from : @JLizard

Interesting, but very disjointed, as if the editor put a bunch of disparate film clips in a blender and pushed "blend" And I wonder why yewl tewb is foisting this on me now in 2023 as being "recently uploaded", seeing as how it's 10 years old? Puzzling brbrThat being said, it's interesting to learn that there are an infinite number of pairs of prime numbers separated by 70-million-or-less I have to wonder what further advances (if any) in this area have been made in the last 10 years
Comment from : @RobbieHatley

Like trying to describe the whitespace between words
Comment from : @rustymason3860

5:09 "up to infinity" omg people talk about infinity as if they understand it but we can clearly see that they don'tbrI'm 'up to' here with that
Comment from : @GPCTM

Actually, the gaps between pairs of prime numbers get bigger, not the gaps between single primes That's why we keep finding more and more twins, for example Gaps increasing between single primes would very quickly result in no more twins Clearly, and I mean very clearly, this is not the case The fact that the same prime number pairs up with a myriad of other primes has obscured this fact It sounds counter-intuitive but elementary reasoning will demonstrate it clearly
Comment from : @apusapus71

He got the answer wrong The question is whether or not there is an infinite supply of twins Why is he praised for not working out the answer? He answered the wrong question
Comment from : @apusapus71

He probably couldn't get a job as a professional mathematician because he's a male
Comment from : @stephenhosking7384

i hope Yitang Zhang solve the Riemann hypothesis
Comment from : @blizzsoft5910

"It doesn't involve multiplication of primes but addition of primes?" I'm no mathematician, but - IMHO - multiplication is simply repeated addition?
Comment from : @gijbuis

Yay! I got it right why you can't have a "septy" prime 😅
Comment from : @ben_jammin242

The pre James Maynard era :)
Comment from : @eXorikos

If a number is in between two twin primes, it has a lot of factorsbrbr4br6br12br18br30br42br60br72
Comment from : @ZushistyOLD

What happens when we leave the field of base ten and move onto base 8 or… base… 7 a prime number Hope you get the “idea” to whomever reads this… good luck
Comment from : @diamondkev8818

I had to Google who Jeremy Kyle is wtf is he like the UK version of Maury?
Comment from : @SquirrelASMR

I think collaboration has used this method to bring it down to about 200 which is great, in itself but they had no bounds proof at all before Zhang!!
Comment from : @VCT3333

Actually lost some respect for this channel
Comment from : @herpiesderpies

Reminds me of Einsteins origin story
Comment from : @Grivian

Thanks for the information on the mating habits of prime numbers in their natural habitat, you deserve your own National Geographic channel
Comment from : @theradiumgirl9298

That analogy about prime numbers going on dates broke my heart for a minute
Comment from : @rlh1984

2 and 3 are so close that they must be identical twins
Comment from : @kephalopod3054

Who came from that Terry Tao video
Comment from : @maxdemian6312

Zhang, probably had his heart in it No wonder he triumphant
Comment from : @haimbenavraham1502

Everybody looks for a pattern to prime numbers Prime numbers ARE the pattern that all the other numbers follow
Comment from : @shanefelkel9966

What is the biggest gap discovered between primes?
Comment from : @humphreybumblecuck5151

2:50 traduction in spanish: primos primos
Comment from : @klemo2529

"cousin primes" in portuguese would be "Primos primos" :-D
Comment from : @DJejbarros

The power number of 2: im the devil
Comment from : @leoofficial527

"7, 11 etc but when you get up to,say, googleplex"brbrThat escalated quickly
Comment from : @arturslunga3415

is very sad see this kind of video, maybe the conjecture is valid hells, maybe in the future turns to be true, but you guys explain that very very badly almost as my english
Comment from : @MarcoDelleFeste

Fun Fact: the largest discovered twin primes are numbers of size 10^200706 brbrIn order to write a number with 200,706 digits on an 85x11 sheet of paper, each digit (assuming it has equal width and height) would have to be 0021 inches wide brbrThat’s broughly/b the size of a small period written with pen
Comment from : @AllHailZeppelin

I love these videos but this chopping of two people presenting the same video is horrible
Comment from : @jamesward2141

Olá sou do Brasil os primos e primos gêmios não são separados por par mais por impar 17 18 19 só o 18 que e 1 mais um 23 ao 29 e 2425262728 que vai dar 5 ímpar e o espaço entre os primos que importa obrigado
Comment from : @rubenscabral2657

The link to the paper seems to be broken
Comment from : @rezakghazi

13 and 17 are cousin primes
Comment from : @wearestrawberryshortcakefans

There is something wrong working in Subway! Trust me - I used to work there
Comment from : @socklesslad

If I was a number, I would be a very large prime definitely not lucky in love 😢
Comment from : @MoosesValley

There is a very interesting recent research book that have miraculously answered almost all the questions concerning Prime numbers, it is available on Amazon by the name of: THE FORMULAS OF NONPRIMES REVEALING ALL THE PRIME NUMBERS
Comment from : @mariasenglishlearning3893

The twin prime of 3 is 2 not 5
Comment from : @keepitoveritsthing716

Is this saying that all the way out to infinity primes will be separated by no more than 70,000,000?
Comment from : @kurtreber9813

The most ignored prime number seems to be 2 It differs from 3 by only 1, but they still try to hook up 3 with 5, leaving 2 all alone
Comment from : @stefanhermansen8975

So this means the gaps between primes is definitely limited to a certain size??
Comment from : @nettewilson853

The number's (70m) has actually been brought down to 246 since
Comment from : @neuroxik

"You just stay in and watch p- Jeremy Kyle or something" Almost said it haha
Comment from : @faismasterx

YEETang Zhang
Comment from : @faismasterx

The highest prime numbers lead a very lonely life
Comment from : @tru_710

are you talking about CONSUCUTIVE primes? you were not precise in your words
Comment from : @noureddineettalhi9825

Love the cute beginning bit :D
Comment from : @Wanttofanta

Thank you for this very much for this video The video shows that pi is approximately 22 / 7 This value is approximately 314 Using the properties of this value we can compute prime numbers in sequence, which is based on the existing computing capability The formula was an algorithm, that was developed by a well known mathematician Using his formula and the method that I discovered, I can compute prime numbers in sequence using 22 / 7
Comment from : @ricie9317

Just a reminder to random viewers that the reason that Prof Zhang merely had an academic position in a non-prestigious institution while his competence apparently deserves more is rather dramatic That's a real-life story of The Shawshank Redemption
Comment from : @alphonsetudor8870

Comment from : @revoltoff

The analogy of Profesor Padilla of a loveless place is awesome! cool video
Comment from : @cesarangulo1402

So evern primes at around Rayo's number obey this 70m number, that is insane
Comment from : @jogolock1190

Proof of the Twin primes Conjecture and Goldbach's conjecturebrWe can find infinite prime numbers with the separation we want and we can express every even number as the sum of two prime numbersbr@t
Comment from : @hugogarciapelaez381

0:32 Chinese people: 🥴
Comment from : @lz7320

Very amateur video, lighting, audio, organization Who is talking about what? Phone calls in the middle of recording? Is this a joke fest or an attempt at explaining something real and intellectual? Very amateurish Not up to the usual quality of Numberfile videos Not really very close, in fact
Comment from : @richardmead9785

"There are an infinite number of primes separated by 2, an infinite number separated by 4, an infinite number separated by 6, up to infinity"brbrBut I thought it was proven to be less than 70,000,000?brbrAre there an infinite number of primes separated by 70,000,002?
Comment from : @iowain8623

Do all British mathematicians come from Lancashire and Yorkshire?
Comment from : @JMDinOKC

So the theorem says what? Very bad math teachers 🙄
Comment from : @micknamens8659

Is there any practical application to discovering and knowing this?
Comment from : @dubbled7286

25,920 Or half Or double That's my stab in the dark! Lol!
Comment from : @JamesBarraletMusic

Just wondering: How many transfinite primes (if any) might there be between w1 and 2w1 ?brbrPS I’m using w to stand for Omega
Comment from : @NothingMaster

Ah finally they mention the great mathematician Jeremy Kyle
Comment from : @GoatAficionado

Prime numbers are interestingbrI have only read about prime numbers in the decimal systembrWhat about prime numbers in base 12 and base 16?brAre they different and can we learn from prime numbers in other bases?brRegards from a Danish engineering nerdbrJD
Comment from : @johndue2366

Comment from : @freevpnproxy1669

I don't want to go on 70 million dates
Comment from : @n20games52

Comment from : @DeadJDona

Don't hate on Subway employees
Comment from : @name5702

One of infinitely many, difficult to explain without preconceived theoretical ideas of an active holographic principle, videos about something obvious, "once you've seen it", type things
Comment from : @davidwilkie9551

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