Название | : | Proof of Work vs. Proof of Stake |
Продолжительность | : | 17.49 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 12 rb |
WARNING: There are a number of scammers who are using my image andbrchannel name to try to connect with my viewers on WhatsApp and otherbrplatforms to scam them Just so you know, I will never refer you tobr"my personal trader" or try to connect with you personally to sell youbrsomething I am banning these scammers as quickly as they pop up, butbrif you could report them to YouTube, it would be very helpful You canbralways recognize a scammer by clicking on the image and seeing howbrmany videos he has All of these guys have zero videos, while I havebrhundreds Comment from : @Bitcoin_University |
would borrowing against your btc, to purchase some real estate and a home as well as some mining rigs to fill out a certain chunk of the home be a viable strategy? Comment from : @6stringgroover |
Mentions Lido, doesn’t mention delegation of stake Comment from : @jacklevin5906 |
🤣 "gotten rich by staking for the past 10 years" 🤣brDude Ethereum itself is only 8 years old (in 2023) and staking was first enabled end 2020 Comment from : @JoeDieBestie |
It's a serious stretch to claim capitalism as "innovative" or that through capitalism comes innovation "Stuff" doesn't create more stuff regardless of what ROI or interest payments you receive PEOPLE are the means of innovation 12 tables will not innovate nor create more tables However 12 people can create 12 tables, 48 chairs, more people, and better methods for doing everything If innovation occurs during capitalism it's only by coincidence not based on its fundamental nature Comment from : @DrCash7 |
BTC creates an incentive for innovation? Give me a break ASICs have one purpose The innovation is on faster, smaller chips that will allow for more efficient hashing, which in itself yields no real economic output This is innovation into a black hole Comment from : @DrCash7 |
question on the BTC partition example for a week of disconnection what would happen to all the transactions on the shorter chain, they would just get erased? Would that mean the money is returned to the wallets so they simply need to resend them ? Comment from : @MElixirDNB |
Proof of Stake is NOT money Comment from : @UnderstandingBitcoin |
I don't understand what is here to do with governments about tax People stake their eth in the network and get paid interest It's not fiat How the government will tax this? How will they even know that an individual holding eth and staked? Comment from : @Jack-vg5ed |
Matthew, what do you think about Proof-of-Useful-Work (PoUW)? Comment from : @qd3467 |
In some countries, mining bitcoin is considered a taxable event so I'm a little confused as to the point you are making with staking and people needing to sell their crypto to pay for their taxes Comment from : @brycejohansen7114 |
Will governments ever impose a yearly property tax on bitcoin?--Jim Subscriber Comment from : @jimmckee8401 |
What about othersbrLike Proof of history, etc, etc ? Comment from : @summerbreeze5115 |
bro is paid by satoshi or some shit never heard so much subjective bullshit Comment from : @giorgilataria8164 |
What a great summary of the issues! Comment from : @digital_gravity |
I love you Bitcoin Comment from : @dunner079 |
while playing "This is Matthew Crowder" video I sold all my eth fck it good riddance why bother with that burning garbage when you can have God's good money (BTC) Comment from : @dunner079 |
The price of a cryptocurrency only cares about 1 thing That is people buying and holding Proof of stake means there will be a lot of eth locked up that cannot be sold Proof if stake pays people to hold and not sell their coins The selling pressure from taxes on staking rewards will not be significant enough to affect the price Plus EIP 1559 makes ethereum deflationary the more the network is used Comment from : @readyplayerone1110 |
Absolutely awesome video First rate as always Comment from : @jrgb9945 |
Thanks for the awesome content I do have a question about "the rich will get richer" Will the same thing apply to POW? if a group has lots of money to purchase computing power, it will mine more bitcoins than others so they will have more money to purchase more computing power to mine more bitcoins That is also a form of "the rich will get richer ", right? Am I missing something? Thanks in advance Comment from : @liaoweien |
Matthew, you are a treasure I am beyond grateful for all the knowledge received Comment from : @VasiEmil |
Wouldn’t the BTC network generate tax revenue for the government in exactly the same way staking rewards would? But through transaction fee revenue rather than staking rewards revenue? So the problem of needing new buyers is the same on either side, no? Comment from : @markjohnson7510 |
Insightful! Anyway, have you ever heard KSM Starter? This one will be great lauchpad later, worth to follow Comment from : @lilpedro8225 |
Stick to to the financial aspects of crypto, because you don't understand the engineering behind proof of stake Cardano's proof of stake is far superior to any proof of work system, including Bitcoin It's mathematically proven to be efficient, secure, and highly scalablebrbrI like much of your content, but your lack of understanding of Cardano, proof of stake, and the obvious flaws of Bitcoin is infuriating Stop making baseless claims when you don't have a software engineering background Comment from : @wojackhorseman2921 |
Mining Ethereum in 2031 will be DELICIOUS because they'll have switched consensus mech twice more, and will be using PoC (proof of cake) Comment from : @thejimd |
What are your thoughts on HEX? Could you make a video analyzing it? Comment from : @tuckerchasteen7810 |
Great content I m so confused about dash method of consensus A lot of talk about it Can you please help me to understand Is dash a proof of work or stake or hybrid? Thank you Comment from : @mohamedchaat2283 |
more happy with POS (Proof Of Stake) because the system is better, as long as Staking at StaFi APP you can say the way it works is very easy and not complicated than POW Comment from : @CopoyesStudio |
Proof of stake will do great for small/fast transactions But for long term assets and savings: proof of work all the way Comment from : @sephreed1938 |
Concerning which is the valid blockchain, if the NA blockchain gets separated from the European blockchain, it would seem that both are valid, since transactions have occurred on both How could you just invalidate transactions when the blockchains reunite, just because one chain is longer? Would this mean that I didn't really trade bitcoin ten times, if my blockchain is ruled to be invalid? What would happen to my profits or losses? It would seem that a stop is needed to shut down the blockchain if part of it gets fragmented This would insure that no transactions occur until the complete chain has been repaired Comment from : @williamd946 |
Ive heard the lightning network compared to proof of stake A node has to stake some amount of BTC and is rewarded with a routing fee There is some chance of losing your stake if you try to do shady stuff I’m curious what your thoughts are on this Comment from : @mikewilliams1946 |
A network partition may not be as catastrophic as it first appears because the users and their wallet addresses would be partitioned as well The multiple blockchains could be synchronized by combining the result of the transactions which occurred separately in isolation during the partition Overlapping transactions would probably be rare You're right though: this would require developer interventionbrbrIn my opinion, however, that kind of minimalistic centralized management is actually a good thing If some form of catastrophic network error or malicious DOS attack were to haappen to Bitcoin, I doubt that the bitcoin developer and miner communities would come together with a solution There have literally been hard forks over less Comment from : @contracoup8692 |
Any thoughts on Solana which is still intensive requires investment and proof of history so they say Comment from : @PlanetFrosty |
I am really happy I found your channel I love Bitcoin There is currently no better asset available out there Bitcoin in its design is perfect it really is Comment from : @sumofighter |
Shame you felt the need to flog your maximalism on this Your treatment of Proof of Stake is poorly conceived, misinformed and unfair You mention nothing of the fact that Proof of Work becomes increasingly centralized over time, while Proof of Stake achieves the opposite Also, crypto isn't a winner take all type of industry All these projects can survive and thrive simultaneously, so long as they have a use-case and mass adoption Comment from : @VeDzz |
Wow garbage video Word salad of BTC shilling Every point is neither here nor there You hold BTC so what You dont like ETH so what Don't buy ETH and keep your life savings in BTC So what BTC is unfair to those who came later because early adopters keep all the buying power So what Also BTC was effectively pre-mined It's a a distinction without much difference Comment from : @mikem720 |
PoS is a good way to describe it Comment from : @zelllers |
Can you comment on Bitcoin’s vulnerability to a Goldfinger attack? This kind of attack is impossible with PoS networks Comment from : @jonathanmei5672 |
ok 1 min 30 inbrBack to you ignore facts that don't fit into the bitcoin-praising narrative brGold exists physically! There's no tracking of it, so if stolen could be sold clean That physical material, if considered a measure or reserve of wealth, HAS TO BE PROTECTEDbrA digital monetary system that, WE AS HUMANS MAKE UP! (unlike gold, you see, it's real and exists in the world without human creation)brSo if we're going to make a new monetary system as a human species, why would be adopt/ accept a system that is inherently wasteful- by design YOU'RE CREATING SOMETHING NEW! you don't need to drag the limitations of the past because your mind is comfortable with those dynamicsbrIt's fucking endless with you man, can't you see you're part of the religion of bitcoin?brThe mind can rationalize anything it wants to, you want to believe bitcoin is your savior So all fact will warp around the narrative you've accepted into your heart/ mindbrLike someone who falls in love can't see they're being cheated onbrOpen your imagination to the possibilities of what humans can do/ create going forward Comment from : @gabriels335 |
Love your content, Matthew It's refreshing Comment from : @cryptomoney4986 |
Just this morning the second largest ETH staking pool “lost” all their clients public keys Comment from : @dragozero |
I thought Eth POS had pools that a person without 32 Eth could join? How does that differ than the BTC pools the average joe uses to at least earn something As far as I know, I can stake less than 32 Eth on LidobrbrIt seems unless you can afford massive mining farms and newer equipment, your odds of finding the block or what ever is so low its not worth mining on your own so you join a pool Also, the average joe can't afford to buy mining rigs and movesetup in places with cheap electricity like you speak of, the rich can though, so that doesn't seem like a fair statementbrbrWhy would the earnings from Staking Eth differ from the any block rewards on BTC in regards to taxes? You say it doesn't effect BTC but don't explain why, unless I missed it?brbrHaving said that, I don't know I also believe you know more than me and absolutely appreciate your content Thumbs up from me as always Comment from : @2Blueberries |
Did eth holders stake for ten years and sit back? they haven’t moved to pos yet afaik Comment from : @tradingwithwill7214 |
great videos I learn a lot! canyon tell me what happens to bitcoin if the internet goes down maybe a month or even a year bris our money lost ? what will happen ? all I hear from anti BTC people is if the net goes down how you gonna get your money ?brI cant answer them what do you thinkmaybe do a video about it please ? Comment from : @thenewkidonthestreet6524 |
Thanks again Mat always good insight I trust my bitcoin cold wallet more than any empty Fort of stollen gold No proof of stake there Even elected officials can’t see the goods I am told So is it really full of gold or just another government hoke Comment from : @craigwarner3409 |
Dang This river runs deep Comment from : @RokSlana |
Once the last bitcoin is mined, what will be the incentive for miners to maintain Blockchain There will be no more Bitcoin left to mine at that point How will they get paid? Comment from : @michalkozanek6934 |
Hi Matthew long time I did not comment I would like to suggest you to make a video about how BTC would react to periods of deflation I have read that we are likely to enter in a deflationary period in the next few years As you know I am not an expert on this but I think it would be an interesting topic Thanks as always for you excellent content Comment from : @cdgallisa |
This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my lifebrShow me how the "work" done by mining bitcoin produces any value in the worldbrAnd the strawman Fort Knox, is ridiculous There isn't even any gold there So what if the government wastes, money, energy, ect that is what they do its the only thing they know how to dobrGold has been inherently valuable for thousands of years before any government or Fort KnoxbrHow is crypto tangible, fungible, and indestructible? Comment from : @joshuacalig3144 |
Great video Matt IMHO the only purpose of Ethereum and all the other copycats is to take money from the uneducated investors into the pockets of these really smart, megalomaniac programmers Having said that I think they can be used by the decent traders to earn more bitcoins and also to adsorb some of the volatility away from bitcoin (which ultimately is a good thing) Cheers! Comment from : @juliandiaz9367 |
You talk about Hoskinson as much as Peter Schiff talks about Bitcoin Comment from : @bentaye |
Priceless! Comment from : @atp69420 |
You do realise you just described a Ponzi scheme talking about Eth Comment from : @michaelkavanagh5947 |
Good video, I know you don't cover a lot of other coins I'm invested in the Algorand chain which will move to a governance model and dissolve The algorand foundation, i think Once this happens, those that participate in the governance would ultimately decide which chain would win eu vs us, but I'm not sure But it wouldn't be in control by one person or centralized group of people Not sure exactly if this is how it works, but that is my understanding of that chain to this point They are also promoting that algorand is one of the greenest coins out there Would love to hear your thoughts, should you get the time to research this coin, but I know you are very busy Comment from : @edwinkim8223 |
Proof of Worth Comment from : @therearenoshortcuts9868 |
I wonder if Ft Knox even has the gold they say they do?? Comment from : @patricklucas8008 |
Great forward thinking, as learned from a great chess player! Thank you Mr Kratter for sharing this thoughts! Comment from : @dinudelafuente7657 |
Is BTC mining classified as income earnings? Comment from : @directx872 |
Great arguments, Matthew Thank you for another excellent video Comment from : @ababoo99 |
You don't pay taxes until you realize a gain So if you hold eth and never sell, I don't think there would be any taxes Hopefully you will be able to borrow against eth in the future at a lower interest rate than what you are gaining in value in eth That is the way the rich get richer by paying very little tax Comment from : @jasonrgann |
What you have mentioned may apply to ethereum but disagree when it comes to ADA, anyone that dose more research about Ada would understand Comment from : @Napoleonleo |
Bitcoin incentives innovation compared to Ethereum 😳 Don't at all agree with you at all on that Common what innovation is happening in Bitcoin community compared to the magnitude of Ethereum community Comment from : @mchaitanya1000 |
You can't get something for nothing, PoW isn't proof of wastebrPoS is proof of scam Comment from : @chrisevans3942 |
As always, that was a very thought provoking video! Thank you! Comment from : @bujin5455 |
I'm curious about the ETH 20 Slasher mechanism being leveraged into a full-on censorship mechanism although I don't understand the architecture well enough to assess if this is possible with <51 ETH staked It would be interesting to see somebody in the Cryptocurrency OpSec community tackle this Comment from : @dowskivisionmagicaloracle8593 |
I think there is a lot at stake ( excuse the pun) for the global community in the analysis you are offering Your work is extremely important Thanks for the clarity and courage to offer these insights Comment from : @timloughnan4856 |
It kind of sounds like proof of stakers in a crypto network are what the commercial banks/Fed partnership are in the modern day fiat system Not completely congruent, but they do both share a centralized entity authority…makes me think that ETH and Cardano and the like have kind of defeated the purpose of crypto? Comment from : @ryankissee4333 |
If bitcoin reaches 3 million in 10 years, what do you think will be the inflation adjusted price of bitcoin in today's terms ? Thank you for your videos Comment from : @ishanupadhyay5697 |
How can ETHERS even recover after this? Absolutely destroyed Comment from : @knowledgeharvester5438 |
Good insight TU! Thanks for the help here in the presentation of the structural considerations BTW, my wife and I spend usually an hour or so discussing each of your videos with lots of follow-up research and analysis of our own to help us strategize for the future (in a macro sense) It's really helped make our relationship stronger and I am grateful to you as a result Kind regards Comment from : @larsvongraff5794 |
With ETH switching to POS I’ve been wondering if there’s value in ETC A POW chain with applications that require security over speed Comment from : @alwaysmovingforward212 |
1 The idea that the internet is going to be partitioned is highly unlikely If things get bad enough for that to happen due to a war, losing bitcoin is the least of your worriesbrbr2 Most bitcoin is and will be owned by whales, just like any other large cryptocurrency, so the grievance about pre mining being a scam and the wealthy just sitting on a large portion of the wealth is more of a criticism of capitalism than it is about POSbrbr3 I think it's pretty reasonable to assume the tax code will be updated to account for the earnings and value you get from staking, so I don't think figuring out the tax portion should be much of breaking issuebrbrI don't find these arguments compelling, but I appreciate your perspective as an informed bitcoin maximalist I'm not married to any of my opinions, so new data could definitely change my mind brbrGood content brother, I appreciate you Comment from : @TribeByNoire |
Heard there was an ETH rugpull by a rogue dev this morning Comment from : @ashantraveler |
Good insight People in the mainstream talk as if PoS is an ‘upgrade’ without acknowledging the trade offs that come with it Comment from : @21milliontv |
I think I've argued with you before that it doesn't matter but after studying the economics of miners I do think now that proof of work is superior to proof of stake for security I think proof of stake provides adequate security for Defi/NFTs, but for a global currency proof of work is the right choice Comment from : @klion1148 |
What coin is that guy in the middle between ETH and ADA? Comment from : @michaelmims2626 |
You have no idea what you are talking about Comment from : @b19fell |
Deception can be much more effective than force there is no evidence that there is any actual gold anymore, and even if there is, it may have been leased out or sold and its just stored there Comment from : @johntucker2826 |
Even better the gold has not been seen in decades It’s gone Comment from : @sirkyoj1 |
a 51 attack on proof of stake would need a certain amount of all the coins unless they get artificially priced up and never come down, proof of stake coins are vulnerable in bear markets Comment from : @Brandon-sc3rz |
Here's how I see it:br1) Inflation is present in both systems Yes and before you argue both schools have coins with limited supply (EG: BTC for POW and ADA for POS)br2) Inflation is a little less in general for POW coins compared to POS coins but ironically it is easier to keep up with inflation in POS rather than POW (Easier to stake than to mine)br3) Staked coins sit there and do nothing is an equivalent argument to btc electricity consumption is useless and does nothing The reality is both are used to secure the network When miners spends electricity/energy to mine a block he/she is taking a risk that they may or may not be the first person to mine the block Similarly, validators with staked coins reach consensus on the network and the staker is taking a risk that the validator is not a malicious entity because in that case they would lose all their fundsbr4) Centralization is a big issue on both sides Even with the latest hardware, the chances of successfully mining a block without being part of a mining pool are next to nothing Similarly, staking involves people coming together to pool their funds because the common person won't have enough coin/technical knowledge to maintain their own validatorbrbrThe answers to which is better is not a clear one therefore Both have its strength and weaknesses Comment from : @gokuafrica |
You do make good points However my 2 largest holdings are BTC and ADA Time will tell which model will come out on top I bought into ADA the same way I bought into BTC Not investing anything I couldn't afford to lose So I'm willing to take the risk with POS as well as POW Comment from : @marcodarko6929 |
Thank you for this post Matthew From a simple layman’s perspective, PoW is clearly a more secure and trustable validation tool than PoS It seems PoS is far too vulnerable to greedy, centralized control Decentralization and true security is exactly why I invested into crypto initially I do own unstaked ETH, but I really am dubious about the whole ETH 20 push Comment from : @ttocselbag5054 |
Proof of Work: The Attacker can only spent the BTC he possess twicebrProof of Stake: The Attacker owns the whole networkbrbrBoth very unlikely, but I'd rather stay with option 1! Comment from : @prula |
You lost me at “gold in Fort Knox” Comment from : @NWCRYPTOADVISOR |
Good morning all and thank you Matthew! Nothing better to hear, while all the Fud on BTC is circulating, that keeps me firm on my position Comment from : @richg657 |
Another informative video, thank you! When do you estimate your bitcoin course on trader U website will be ready? Comment from : @shtcoinmaxi1367 |
Matthew, would love to hear your thoughts on how to start a bitcoin mining business or at least a business plan Comment from : @TonyThompson |
Hi Matthew, how are you? I sent a question to your e-mail, I really hope you can read it, your opinion means a lot to me Thanks! Comment from : @DestructorEFX |
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